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Lord, we thank You for Sen. JD Vance's faith in You. We pray that He would be sensitive to Your voice and Your will so that he may fulfil the plans and purposes you have for him.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Trump’s VP pick is a New York Times best selling author, the subject of a major film, and an Ohio Senator. But what about his faith?

From Religion News Service. On the first day of the Republican National Convention, former President Donald Trump has announced Ohio Sen. J.D. Vance will be his running mate as he seeks reelection. …

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Vance, an adult convert to Catholicism and married to a Hindu woman, has a complicated relationship with religion and, after his recent support for keeping mifepristone, an abortion pill, legal, with the GOP’s religious base. Here are five faith facts about Vance:

Vance is an adult convert to Catholicism

Vance converted to Catholicism in August of 2019, when he was baptized and confirmed at St. Gertrude Priory in Cincinnati, Ohio, by the Rev. Henry Stephan, a Dominican friar. …

Vance told [columnist Rod] Dreher that he’d converted because he “became persuaded over time that Catholicism was true” and had observed that the people who meant the most to him were Catholic. …

Vance is tied to ‘Catholic integralism,’ an ideology that seeks Christian influence over society

Vance is tied to an ideology known as “Catholic integralism,” an intellectual movement that, experts say, prefers a “soft power” approach to exerting Christian influence over society. Thinkers in the movement herald the importance of a Christian “strategic adviser” to people in power. …

Vance’s wife, Usha, is not Christian and was raised in a Hindu household

According to a recent interview with Fox and Friends, Usha Chilukuri Vance, J.D. Vance’s wife, is “not Christian.” The two met in Yale Law School and married shortly after graduation. Usha, a native Californian, was raised by Indian immigrants in a Hindu household but has said she was very supportive of Vance’s conversion to Catholicism. …

Vance thinks Christianity is an ‘answer’ to existential questions about American identity

During a 2023 talk hosted by American Moment, Vance brought up Christian nationalism, which he dismissed as a term “meant to be very scary.” But he went on to explain how he envisions Christianity informing American life — and, particularly, American identity.

“We’re a country that is majority Christian, nominally, but not nearly majority Christian in terms of practice,” he said. “We’re a multicultural, multi-ethnic, multi-religious democracy that’s heavily exposed to the economic forces of globalization, and I think that we have not yet figured out how to harmonize that with some basic sense of what it means to be an American in the 21st century. I happen to think that the Christian faith is a good way of helping provide an answer to that question.” …

His statements about abortion and immigration may trigger blowback from some Catholics

On July 7, Vance told NBC’s “Meet the Press” that he supported mifepristone “being accessible.” Mifepristone is used alongside misoprostol in abortions before 10 weeks of pregnancy. …

In a campaign fundraising message on July 8, Vance called for mass deportations of immigrants without legal status, a promise also present in the Republican Party platform. “We need to deport every single person who invaded our country illegally.”

The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops has called for a pathway to legal status and citizenship for the approximately 11 million immigrants who live in the U.S. without legal authorization, emphasizing the obligation in the Catholic Catechism to “welcome the foreigner.”

What do you think of Sen. JD Vance? Share your prayers and scriptures for him below.

(Excerpt from Religion News Service. Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ, United States of America – J. D. Vance, CC BY-SA 2.0,

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July 18, 2024

I am a little concerned by J.D Vance being the VP pick. I will not judge but instead continue to lift up ALL people in a position of power (political and otherwise) so that God’s Will be done on earth as it is in heaven! Amen!

Lisa Foti
July 18, 2024

Pray, pray, pray, and keep praying for these God selected men and women in positions of power to be clay in the hands of a magnificent God, King of Kings, and Leader of tge Heavenly Host!

July 18, 2024

I never heard of Vance before but if you believe Trump gave his life to God and God is protecting him and raising him up then you need to have faith God has a plan for Vance. End times are here. So stay in prayer and keep your eyes on the Lord amen

Linda Rice
July 18, 2024

Another poor choice by Trump.

Melissa Hooper
July 18, 2024

Father, I pray that JD Vance would be a man who encounters a demonstration of your power and majesty in a personal way that dramatically changes him from the inside out. Lord, I ask that all religion would bow its knee to the Lordship of Jesus Christ in his home and in our nation. I pray that JD Vance would become radical for you, and that his heart would burn with a deep desire to please you and that his entire household would be saved and that he would lead his own home in truth and godliness as you prepare him for a role of leadership in this nation. May your perfect will be established in his life. May you draw his heart to holiness in every decision that he makes. May he hear your voice clearly and another not follow. Father, thank you that you have a good plan for this nation. Thank you for hearing the prayers of your people, and inclining your ear to our repentance for the innocent bloodshed in this nation. Change the hearts of our leadership to remove all compromise with evil. . Continue to expose and remove the darkness in our land.. Reveal to JD Vance, the precise mission that you have called him to in this hour. Let him not be deceived. Fill him with your Holy Spirit in a new and fresh way that he never imagined was possible. I asked that you would visit him in dreams and visions, and that he would be blessed and protected. Thank you for bringing salvation and deliverance to the Vance family and to America. in Jesus name. Amen.

July 18, 2024

Father, I pray that JD will hear your voice and be drawn by Holy Spirit into your Word. I pray your healing to his inner man, that he not be a yes man, swayed by the man in power but that he will be your voice of compassion and truth, next to a humbled President, whose past behaviors alienated many people in our nation. Help Pres. Trump to come to you, Father God. Bind those forces that affect the powerful and loose the spirit of Christ into their hearts and over their minds, wills, and emotions, daily. Please continue to anoint godly counselors and advisors to speak truth in love, to our leaders who say they are Christians. Lord, have mercy on this nation. Have mercy on us, your family on Earth, who, ourselves, need grace daily to persevere in learning of you, Jesus. You came as a meek and lowly human but grew in stature and favor and became our Savior King. Lord, teach us to war as you would have us, to stand in the gap, to live in you and abide in your love and life. Help us walk in humility, compassion, generosity, mercy etc. in the opposite spirit of pride, lust, graft, and every other evil force. Lord, take over the airwaves and media, using them to bring gospel good news to a broken world. We love you, Lord.

Catherine Pappas
July 18, 2024

I was impressed with the address he gave at the RNC – and overall concern for the people especially those in poverty – JD is a young man who has had a troubled past and seems to have overcome his experiences through the love of his grandmother & catholic faith -Praying for him – his wife /family to find a personal relationship with Jesus – as this is vital to his eternal life as well as his ability to make good decisions for the country –

Tammy Medica
July 18, 2024

Lord, we thank You for Sen. JD Vance’s faith in You. We pray that He would be sensitive to Your voice and Your will so that he may fulfil the plans and purposes you have for him.
Heavenly Father, you know all what is coming and what we need most, Lord please grant us such strength and protection, to support us in all danger, and carry us through.
Lord Jesus, You are the highest authority, and there is no spiritual power above You. We come to you to be our safe shelter. I pray that VP Vance and President Trump will be confident in submitting to You, and that no evil will ever be able to conquer them. That is in Your name, we pray and trust You to send Your messengers and protect VP Vance and President Trump wherever they may go.
In Jesus Christ name we pray, Amen.

Bonny B Dyer
July 18, 2024

We are in the end times. Apostasy will take over. Catholicism and Hinduism are false religions. True Christians will be persecuted. Jesus is soon to come! Watch and pray!

Patricia Noble
July 18, 2024

Praying Sen Vance will be “Fathered” by God, nurtured in His word, love his Saviour, and be filled & guided by the Holy Spirit.

Shelia Williams
July 18, 2024

Relationship with Jesus is the key to true Christianity! We can only be saved thru Jesus, not thru Mary or a priest! Read the Word of God and get in a private place and pray everyday and draw closer to God!!!!!!!!!!! Let Jesus lead and guide in your everyday life and let help you with the things you say and do! He will show things and tell you things you don’t know. If you do these things you will go far, if not it may be disappointing! Praying for you and Trump, GO WITH GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chrissy Lee
July 18, 2024

The truth is Vance believes in “Interfaithism ” along with each state to make its choice on abortion. These are both very dangerous and very stances to make.
I pray for him and Trump.
Our country needs to repentance. I feel unless Vance becomes “born again” along with Trump we could be in trouble.
With our Heavenly Father all things are possible. Our Father knows all these things.
Our job is to pray get on our knees, be strong and bold in the power of His Might. We are at war with the Devil.
May America turn back to our Heavenly Father before it is to late. I believe it can happen. I stand steadfast in prayer. Exposing the truth must be done like this article. Thank you for sharing the truth.
Truth is Vance’s soul like America needs the truth. Truth is what will set us free! The Word!
We live in exciting times. Our Heavenly Father is continuing to do some exciting things on His Beloved’s half.
We are living in the last days. We need to remember Satan has the world deceived. But our Father in Heaven already has the victory! So does His remnant! Revival cometh to our land and in our hearts. Yeshua’s Name.

July 18, 2024

I am encouraged by Senator Vance’s desire to serve God and bring back biblical principles to our country, but I pray that he will seek to know what it means to be a Christian.
I am asking God to send a strong Christian to mentor and pray for him and his wife, that they may become true believers in Jesus as their Savior and Lord.

July 18, 2024

Lord Jesus, thank you for your mercy and your many blessings! Thank you for looking over Donald Trump these last few years. Forgive us our sins. I pray for JD Vance’s protection from all evil forces that may surround him and his family. I know you had a hand in his VP pick!
Lord, I pray that you will turn evil hearts to good and I pray for Biden and his family. I pray for an honest election in the 11th month of this year. May Your Will be my Will and your Grace and Love be mine also! I love you Lord Jesus and I trust only you! I pray for all our prayer warriors and their families also! I pray for the lost and the sick and all innocent children who may be abused. I pray your mighty Angels take every child from sex trafficking and any kind of abuse!
In your name I pray Lord Jesus and I thank you for hearing our prayers! Thank you Lord! In your precious name I pray always and forever, Amen! I can’t wait to see you again!

    Patricia Owens
    July 18, 2024

    Pamela! Thank you … the reference to the election as ‘the 11th month!’ How many times have we heard, read references to being rescued, saved, best idea ever as ‘at the 11th hour?’ May we remember this, continue saturating the ground with prayers for a firm foundation, that not only encompasses America, but also those nations whose outlook is to brutalize their citizens in ways we Americans would never understand. ..the 11th hour …the 11th month. Thank you, Pamela!

July 18, 2024

I have been praying that the Lord would knit President Trump and Vice President Vance hearts together like he did Jonathan and Absalom. Thank you for the insight into his faith because I had no idea what it was only that he did believe. The Lord is putting them in position that he would feel them anoint them by His Holy Spirit.

    July 18, 2024

    Correction, the hearts of David & Jonathan were knit together, not Jonathan & Absalom.

Buddy Eoc
July 18, 2024

This is an exciting time in our nation’s history. We need to PERSEVERE in prayer, to be absolutely certain that those who support the culture of death and yes, I mean abortion, those who support a one world order instead of a Free democratic Republic, those who support Socialism, Communism, and are Anti- Christiana are voted out of office.
This may be our last opportunity to act on our core values.
If not now, When, If not us, then who?
Don’t miss this opportunity our Lord has put in front of us

Bryan Tetzloff
July 18, 2024

[Without Life, All Other Human Rights] (become irrelevant)!

That Being Written…

You Must Discriminate [(Everything)] Then Discern [(Everything)] You Just Discriminated.

[Good] vs. (evil) Are Two Kinds Of [B](b)ehaviors Occuring Every Moment Of Every Person’s Life.

[MESY] Is A 3D Conceptual Concept
M Moral Liberty Leviticus 25:10
E Ethical Freedom 2 Corinthians 3:17
S Self Sovereignty Psalms 33:12
Y You: Your Declaration Romans 10:9

Bryan A CAPS
C Christian
A American
P Patriot
S Soldier

July 18, 2024

Lord Jesus, we pray for JD Vance. Thank you that he has recognized a need for you in his life. Thank you that you grow us and mature us as Christians. You change our hearts. We don’t have to be perfect to come to you. Instead, you do that work in us. So while he is in power as the next VP of the United States, I pray that he & his family will experience you, your power & your miracles like never before. I ask that his entire family would come to you and seek your Word in every aspect of their lives. Thank you, Lord God, for the mighty miracles you are going to do. We ask all of this in the name of Jesus.

July 18, 2024

Senator Vance convert to Catholicism from what? What was his previous beliefs/religion/creed???

July 18, 2024

Im encouraged in the Lord… not confused or surprised.

Psa 75:5  Lift not up your horn on high: speak not with a stiff neck.
Psa 75:6  For promotion cometh neither from the east, nor from the west, nor from the south.
Psa 75:7  But God is the judge: he putteth down one, and setteth up another.

Only the Lord knows the future. I trust Him. I pray that His will be done. I pray His salvation shines throughout the world. I pray for all of our leaders.

Isa 12:2  Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid: for the LORD JEHOVAH is my strength and my song; he also is become my salvation.

Salvation is Hebrew Yeshua. Jesus.

July 18, 2024

I believe the Lord has anointed DJT and declared he is the one to lead USA back to His will. We should refuse to be alarmed by who DJT has chosen, for just this act will help UNIFY more the the populace. “He who is not against us is for us.” Jesus. Mark 9:40

Kathy Johnson
July 18, 2024

In this report, Lord, we see seeds of faith in you and are grateful that JD Vance is willing and actively seeking Christianity. Yet, there are confusing and complex aspects that are discomforting. Life is God-given and abortion drugs are takers of precious and innocent life. So we pause to pray in gratitude for seeds of faith and ask our Lord Jesus to guide, protect, and nourish. We ask that the heart and mind of JD Vance be fertile ground for growth. We would pray that these seeds would not fall to the wayside, on stony ground, or among thorns. We ask for growth, nourishment, light, and good counsel for JD Vance and an extra measure for his wife, Usha.
Matthew 13:8 (NKJV)
8 But others fell on good ground and yielded a crop: some a hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty.

    July 18, 2024

    Very true Ms Kathy !! Praying with you that the seeds of our Faith in Jesus Christ will abound and the seeds from Satan and the world will fall by the wayside! Father may he realize the power of the blood of your Lamb, Jesus ! Hallelujah

July 18, 2024

Abortion is killing a person, whom God created. There is no place for abortion in humanity. I like a lot of what I have read about Vance, but if he were the presidential nominee, I would not support him. Many Catholics I know, say one thing but vote the opposite.

    July 18, 2024

    You are absolutely correct that abortion is the taking of an innocent life. Sadly, we live in a post Christian culture. We must constantly be pressing the culture toward morality through our discourse , prayers and the way we treat others. When Jesus lived on the earth, He knew that many in the world would reject His message, he continued in love to show them the way. He didn’t mandate that those around him live the way that He wanted. We must start where we are to unravel years of horrific and ungodly laws and practices. Taking too firm an approach ,although it is a just cause, will once again turn this back to the devil and give the radicals something to coalesce around which will set us even further back. We saw it happen in Ohio. We have to take the win that the Supreme court has given this issue back to the states, then work within our own community and state to express our godly desires . I’m
    Not saying to ignore your conscience, but in the hour we are living in, we have to stop idealizing what we want the world to look like and begin to open our eyes to what it is, how do we take steps to get where we eventually want to be. 🙏

    Patricia Owens
    July 18, 2024

    I have heard that only the perfect can condemn an imperfect. Only Christ can redeem that imperfect. Can He use the imperfect to advance His goals? I prefer to think, Yes, and I personally, for me, myself and I, thank Him for that. (A non-existent vote is a vote for the opposite.)

July 18, 2024

Dear God, we are trusting that You have everything under control and know what is best for America. I ask that You infuse both President Trump and Vice Presidential pick Vance with Your guidance and Your wisdom that they may know how to serve in Your will for America. I love what our country is to stand for and ask that you will heal our land, restore us to the God loving nation we were founded as, and that You will be glorified in all that we do. In the precious, and powerful name of Jesus I pray, Amen.

Allison Nicol
July 18, 2024

I am not sure what to think after reading your report re his faith. Our Heavenly Father certainly doesn’t support abortion, however it is carried out.
I think some Catholics need to remember it isn’t a name tag that gets you eternal life but faith in Jesus Christ as the Messiah, for all who accept Him as their Lord and Savior. Praise God, His word states very clearly Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. NO ONE comes to the Father except through Me. Jesus

July 18, 2024

God Bless America God Bless POTUS Trump God Bless VPOTUS Vance


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