I Prayed have prayed
Father, we pray against radical Islam and Islamism in America. We ask You to protect us who wish us harm, and tear down the hate-filled lies of this false religion.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

This Imam serves his community as a dentist and likely teaches children in some form at the school connected to his mosque. How many people is he infecting with his hate-filled beliefs?

From Breitbart. Following antisemitic comments made by an Islamic prayer leader who called Jews “brothers of apes and pigs,” while calling for their annihilation at a Miami mosque associated with a private Muslim school, Florida education officials are demanding the institution disclose its staff list or face losing taxpayer-funded state vouchers.

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On Thursday, the Florida Department of Education gave Northeast Miami-Dade’s Reviver Academy one week to provide a list of its administrators, staff, and personnel, in addition to explaining its ties to Imam Dr. Fadi Kablawi, a cleric at the on-site Golden Glades mosque.

“In Florida, we will not tolerate calls for genocide. This is especially true where they are made in the presence of students,” wrote Deputy Executive Director of the School Choice Office at Florida Department of Education Cathy Russell in correspondence to the school, adding that failure to provide the information requested could result in losing voucher eligibility.

During a sermon at the North Miami Islamic Center, Florida, late last month, Kablawi called for Allah to support “our oppressed brothers” in Palestine, as well as for the total annihilation of Jews, who he referred to as “apes and pigs” — a phrase which has historically been used by radical Islamists to describe Jews. …

A clip of the sermon, which was originally streamed live on the mosque’s Facebook page and later published by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), had garnered nearly 150,000 views within a week.

In it, the North Miami Imam can also be seen accusing the Israeli army of being “worse than Nazis,” attributing wild and baseless allegations of soldiers stealing Palestinian skin and other organs. …

According to the Florida imam and dental practitioner, the barbarism of the Jews can be attributed to the fact that “there is no God for these people.” …

He has previously called the establishment of Shari’a law as “freedom for Mankind” and that the United States does not belong to Americans but to Allah alone.

In response, Florida State Representative Randy Fine, Chairman of the House Health and Human Services Committee, was one of many who expressed outrage over the radical rhetoric being espoused on American soil, penning a letter calling on the Florida Board of Dentistry to immediately suspend Kablawia’s dental license for “openly advocating for violence against his Jewish patients.” …

On Friday, Fine commended the Florida Department of Education for having “taken action and opened an investigation into Reviver Academy!” …

The matter comes as more and more sermons and lectures containing radical rhetoric from Islamic leaders in America and the West come to light. …

It also comes as more and more Western youth are reportedly turning to the Quran, often adopting radicalized views in the process. …

Share your prayers about Islam and this Imam below.

(Excerpt from Breitbart. Photo Credit: Rachid Oucharia on Unsplash)

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Dean A Yoder
May 22, 2024

May I state clearly that Islam is not radical in the sense you are talking about in these articles. Islam is a religion for Muslims. More that 60% of Islamic writings including the Qoran and the Sunnah have to do with dealing with non Muslims . We who are not Muslims are called kaffirs. A Kaffir is the lowest human being there is per Islam’s teachings. A Muslim can do anything he wants to a kaffir simply because he is not Muslim. This clearly explains why Hamas did what they did to the Israelis on October 6. If you look at who and what Mohammed did during his lifetime, this is why practicing Muslims understand that if Mohammed did they can do the same.
We as Christians are really warring a spirit of anti christ. We must unite in prayer to successfully fight the spirit. We must educate ourselves as what Muslims teach and believe. Obviously, not all Muslims are fundamentalists, but when there is over one billion Muslims and as little as 10% are fundamentalists we are up against a huge number. Please get educated as to the truth of Islamic teachings.

Darlene Estlow
May 21, 2024

Father, I ask that you would stop this calling for the destruction of Israel. May these people be stopped from spreading such hatred and lies. Bring these people to repentance and faith; remove them from their pedestals of hatred that subvert young minds to evil. Protect those around them and our nation from their evil and hatred. May your truth cover us.

Don Johnson
May 21, 2024

I don’t know why this venomous satanically inspired “cleric” would call anyone “worse than Nazis” since his ideological counterparts were negotiating with Nazi Germany to set up concentration camps for Jews in the Mideast during World War II. Very strange use of terms.
Hatred for the Jews is actually easy to understand. As Jesus said “salvation is of the Jews”. If a person loves God, that person is pro-Israel. If a person hates God and loves satan (in the form of Shiva, Allah, secularist religion or whatever), that person also hates God’s plan of human redemption and hates all who are pro-Israel since Israel is basic to God’s plan. Without understanding these spiritual realities, anti-semitism cannot be understood.

May 21, 2024

Why on earth is anyone supporting this evil? They should have never been able to benefit one cent. Florida needs to follow through and take away all support to make this evil an example to all who support it.

The United States is in the condition it is because we are too nice. Nice guy finishes last.

May 21, 2024

Being silent on this issue is condoning this behavior. We as believers need to speak out more and more! We need to pray against these evil people who are harming our children! We need to pray protection over those speaking out against this!

May 21, 2024

Thank you to those that are taking a stand and action against this evil. I stand with Israel and with America and I pray for the young in our nation to no longer be filled with the vitriol and lies of Islam.


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