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Father, we ask that everything that is done in secret regarding the issues of abortion be brought into the light so that it could be dealt with openly before the American voters. Take a stand for life—CLICK HERE.

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open. (Lk 8:17)

House Republicans are gearing up for a sustained push to expose leftist Democrats in the House Democrat majority on their increasingly extreme views on abortion, Breitbart News has learned exclusively.

Specifically, Republicans–as they have demonstrated for three consecutive legislative days–intend to push for a floor vote against Democrat Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s wishes on a piece of legislation from Rep. Ann Wagner (R-MO) that would ensure babies who are born alive following an abortion attempt are given the same medical treatment and care any other newborn baby would receive.

“Protecting innocent life shouldn’t be a partisan issue and it shouldn’t be difficult. Infanticide is barbaric and the growing trend of Democrats advocating it is frightening,” House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, a California Republican, told Breitbart News. “Republicans are united in seeing that a bill protecting babies who survived an attempted abortion urgently receives a vote on the House Floor. It already passed the House with Democratic support last Congress. But so far the new Democrat majority refuse to even consider the bill. But we will ask again. And again. And again, until this body speaks up for life.”

The House Minority Whip, Steve Scalise, a Louisiana Republican, added in an emailed statement to Breitbart News that the Democrats’ extremism has been exposed and will continue to be shown to the public by the GOP’s sustained effort. Scalise said:

It’s absolutely barbaric that in this country it would be allowed to kill a baby after it’s born alive during an abortion, but that’s exactly what some elected Democrat leaders have advocated in recent weeks. Yesterday, the moral indifference of the House Democrat majority was on full display when they refused my motion to even give the Born Alive Survivors Protection Act a vote on the House Floor. Every American deserves to know if their representative stands against infanticide or not, and that’s why this week I began the discharge petition process that would force a vote on our bill. Now Democrats will have to make a choice: stand with the most radical elements of their base, or with the vast majority of Americans who are appalled at the murder of innocent life.

Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY), the chairwoman of the House Republican Conference, added in an emailed statement to Breitbart News that Republicans are fighting “pure evil” on the part of those who would kill babies after being born.

Cheney told Breitbart News:

This is about killing babies after they are born and it is the face of pure evil. We’ve seen the leadership of the Democrat Party on the Hill remain silent while elected leaders, including the Governor of Virginia, describe in very cold, clinical terms how he would facilitate the murder of a baby that has already been born. I want to say personally, as a mother of five kids, the idea that we have to describe what the Democrats are doing, is really horrific. I want to ask mothers across this country to join with us to make sure that we don’t see our maternity wards turn into killing fields, which is what the Democrats would do if we don’t stop this. House Republicans are absolutely dedicated to stopping this, and dedicated to protecting the most vulnerable among us, which is the unborn. The notion that we’re having the debate about whether or not you should be able to kill babies is absolutely horrific and evil, and we will stand up against that….

“I was proud to introduce the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act and help lead the discharge petition process to force a vote on this critical piece of legislation,” Wagner told Breitbart News. “Babies born alive deserve our protection and the proper medical care that any newborn would receive. I called for unanimous consent on the House Floor to bring this commonsense legislation up for a vote so we can protect these babies, but we were denied that vote.  My colleagues and I will keep fighting for the precious life of these babies and we will keep calling for this vote so born-alive babies can receive lifesaving medical care when they are at their most vulnerable.”

The Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, among other things, requires by law that healthcare professionals present at a live birth use their skills to preserve the life and health of a child at the same degree of care that would be offered to any child born prematurely at the same gestational age–and that after these efforts conclude, those healthcare professionals are legally responsible for the transportation and admission to a hospital. It also requires health officials to report any violations to law enforcement and penalizes intentional killing of born-alive children with various fines and up to five years in prison….

Republicans are ready to take this request for unanimous consent on this bill to the floor, leadership aides say, every day that the House is in session for months and months–even more than a hundred days–if necessary.

The effort began on Wednesday, the day after President Donald Trump’s State of the Union addres in the very same chamber, where the president asked Congress to pass legislation protecting the most innocent lives–newborn babies and the unborn. Trump also criticized recent developments in New York, which made late-term abortions legal, and in Virginia, where the Democrat Governor Ralph Northam has come under serious fire for comments supporting abortion of a child during the birth of that child.

President Trump said:

Lawmakers in New York cheered with delight upon the passage of legislation that would allow a baby to be ripped from the mother’s womb moments from birth. These are living, feeling, beautiful babies who will never get the chance to share their love and their dreams with the world. And then, we had the case of the Governor of Virginia where he stated he would execute a baby after birth. To defend the dignity of every person, I am asking Congress to pass legislation to prohibit the late-term abortion of children who can feel pain in the mother’s womb. Let us work together to build a culture that cherishes innocent life. And let us reaffirm a fundamental truth: All children — born and unborn — are made in the holy image of God….

According to a report in the Washington Post on Thursday, the GOP clearly views this as a winning issue politically–as it hands the Republicans the moral high ground on abortion, as the extremely radical view of killing a baby after he or she has been born–not when a baby is still in the womb–is so out there most of the country is aligned against it, even supporters of abortion.

Scalise is quoted in that Post story as saying the New York and Virginia developments on the life issue seem to have “woke a sleeping giant”– the movement of people across the country disgusted, outraged, and driven to action to protect human life from Democrats who could care less about it or would go so far as to pass laws stretching abortion to radical extremes.

The Northam comments hit America hard. He was making the case in favor of Virginia statehouse Delegate Kathy Tran’s bill that would allow abortion when a woman is going into labor–meaning as a baby is being born–and took it much, much further….

The scandal has rocked the Democrat Party nationally and reverberated heavily throughout Virginia, as not just Northam but both his presumed successors–next in line Democrat Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax and the number three in line to the governor’s mansion, Democrat Attorney General Mark Herring–have been consumed by scandals of their own.

Fairfax has been hit with a pair of sexual assault allegations, including one woman who accused him of raping her. He denies the allegations despite calls from national Democrats for him to resign as well. Herring has admitted he too donned blackface in his college days. Herring had previously called on Northam to resign over Northam’s admission at a press conference that he wore blackface at a different time than the photo that appeared in his yearbook….

“My Roman Catholic values are my personal values. The decisions I choose to make in my life, or in counseling my daughters, are based on my personal moral and religious beliefs,” Cuomo wrote, backing the law by saying his oath is not to his personal beliefs but to the law and the Constitution. (Excerpt from Matthew Boyle article on Breitbart)

The Informer February 14, 2019

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February 16, 2019

Dear Lord God Almighty thank You for mercy. God You have been very patient with people individually nationally and throughout the world regarding abortion. Father God You created us in Your image help us to respect You and each other. I pray for this country in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

Eileen Wright
February 15, 2019

Where do I find the list of companies to boycott because they give to the abortion mill?

February 14, 2019

I recently read an article at Natural News called, “Boycott these 60 companies that donate money to fund the systematic murder of unborn human babies.” Besides the 60 companies that support Planned Parenthood, the article listed 243 companies that support 3rd parties that fund Planned Parenthood. You will find that these companies are the ones we all use to pay most of our bills, utilities, credit card companies, clothing stores, and oil. “Wow!”, I said, “Baby murder is what makes the world go round!” I weep.

    B Shuler
    February 14, 2019

    Oh Father, we are at your mercy, the blood of millions of innocent babies is on our hands. Their blood cries to You from the ground for justice. Please help those who can do something to stop it ~ do so. Forgive the guilty and the unconcerned, help us all to fight against the murder of babies, in the name of Jesus, Amen.

      Linda Rath
      February 15, 2019

      Amen! Father God, I agree with B. Shuler – forgive us of the sin of murdering our babies – sacrificing them on the altar of Baal-Molech – for our own selfishness and convenience. Their very blood cries out to you from the land, and our land is polluted. Forgive us! Cleanse us! Show us how to fight this battle for our children, all of whom are so very precious in your sight. For those who have an abortion, who perform them, Lord, I ask you to remove the veil from their mind and hearts – let them feel the pain they afflict on the innocents, and hear YOUR voice, calling them to repent and come to You. In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

February 14, 2019

Cuomo will stand before the Lord Jesus one day and his “personal beliefs” clause will not cut it. May God change his heart and show him personally the value of life.
Father, we lift the unborn to You. Protect them and their mothers from the lies of the enemy-the excuse of inconvenience or lack of finances or the selfishness of pride & arrogance causing them to believe they have a choice/a right to commit murder lawfully. God, soften the hearts of these women, they’d spend their saving and walk a mile to save an animal, but slaughter their own offspring in a sacrifice to self. Convict these people’s hearts and bring them to a place of repentance. You are a merciful God. You are forgiving of our frailties and sins if we humble ourselves and ask.
Lead many out of this way of thinking. The cell door is open, all they have to do is walk out. Whom the Son set free is free indeed.
Please heal the mind-set of our land and forgive our traitorous ways.

Pamela Shattuck
February 14, 2019

All abortion is extreme. It must all end, no exception.
Ectopic pregnancies are not in this category.

Tom Miller
February 14, 2019

Francis Schaefer was right years ago when he predicted the tolerance culture in America would move us in the direction of infanticide. And murder of the elderly. The slide of a culture is predicted in Romans when people assume they are gods and can decide for the helpless how valuable or un-valuable their lives are. May the Lord have mercy on this country and bring those in favor of such atrocity to their senses.

February 14, 2019

Oh dear Father in Heaven, we are so sorry that we have come to this here in the United States of America. Please forgive us our sins. Thank you for Liz Cheney and the GOP that are stepping up to rule against this atrocity. Every life is from you Lord and lives are to be respected. Return respect to our schools, churches, families and our country Lord as this seems to be the reason we are heading for such a downward spiral. Have mercy on us Lord and help our elected officials to not give up until they have accomplished respect for life in our country once again. And help us as your people to be faithful in prayer. Thank you Lord for what you are going to do.

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