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I Prayed have prayed
God, we thank You for this decision. We pray that You would continue to put an end to antibiblical, political flags across the nation.
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A conservative city in California has voted to ban political flags. This is an answered prayer!

In the conservative enclave of Huntington Beach, California, recent voting results have ignited controversy as residents supported a measure aimed at regulating the display of flags on public property, much to the dismay of LGBT activists.

Who is praying on the wall?


Passed with a margin of approximately 58% to 42%, the measure imposes stringent restrictions, permitting only a select few flags to be flown. These include the U.S. flag, the California flag, the county flag, the city flag, the POW-MIA flag, flags representing the six Armed Forces, and during the Summer Olympic games, the Olympic flag. Notably, any other flag requires unanimous approval from the Huntington Beach City Council to be displayed.

Beyond its implications for pride flags, the measure extends its restrictions to encompass flags associated with religion, breast cancer awareness, the Confederacy, Black Lives Matter, and various other causes.

The LGBTQ Center OC, an organization serving Orange County residents, vehemently opposed the measure’s adoption. Peg Corley, the group’s president, voiced concerns to a local NBC affiliate, suggesting that the outcome of the election conveys a desire to diminish the visibility and voice of LGBTQ individuals in Huntington Beach.

This is exactly the kind of decision we’ve prayed for! Share this article to encourage your friends and family!

(Summarized from Just the News. Photo Credit: Teddy Österblom on Unsplash)

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March 14, 2024

Did you even read the article? This ban refers to PUBLIC property, not at you home.

    T Mc
    March 15, 2024

    You don’t have to read the article to express outrage – outrage is what conservative Christians do best. Just imagine how many flag poles you would need to cater for everybody’s favourite flag. Restriction is good and wise.

March 14, 2024

Another blow to freedom! What will they ban next? Reading your Bible in public? The color red? The color blue? What music you can listen to? Listen folks, don’t be so heavenly minded that you are of no earthly good! Didn’t our LORD say that the wheat and tares will grow together until the end-time harvest? I don’t believe I have ever voted for a city council to infringe upon mine or others’ freedoms! Their job is to manage what we give them to do! Coming to a city near you! Don’t rejoice too quickly! Next they may ban what you can say in public! Or maybe make you wear a “star?” Oh wait! That’s not now in America, that was in the 1930s – 40s in Nazi Germany when one group after another lost freedom until 10 million were murdered in the streets and in concentration camps! Be careful what you wish for that isn’t in the scriptures; you just might get it! FATHER GOD please order our steps and direct our path! Let us be led by HOLY SPIRIT daily! Help us to pray for those that don’t know YOU JESUS and to be an example to our communities by the love we have and show one to another as representatives of YOU in JESUS MIGHTY NAME! Amen!

    Louise Fugate
    March 14, 2024

    Praise the Lord! Cleanse us all from unrighteousness and save us, O Lord as we stand for what is right and become role models for our children.

Carol R
March 14, 2024

Another blow to our freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution! While I don’t wish to see gay flags, I don’t want to see laws that continually tries to control Americans or to steal our freedom! If a flag is on my property, it isn’t the business of the city council or even my neighbors! Unfortunately when they ban what you are happy about, eventually they will ban what you desire! If I was in that city I would sue for my Constitutional freedom over my property! FATHER GOD please let Christians get on their knees to YOU instead of going to the world when we need help with any situation in JESUS NAME! Amen!

Diane Lemyre
March 14, 2024

Lord I pray! I know the sins of the LGBTQ community are wrong in your sight. I also know that this evil that they have embraced has and DOES horribly affect our children…God I need your wisdom. I know I personally have had pride and have not obeyed you perfectly. I am left not understanding God how we can condemn through our prayers the LGBTQ community. Because, we are no better in that we sin mich. The blood of Jesus Christ has cleansed us and led us in the way of Christ. We have been made us new in Christ Jesus if we accepted you as our Lors and Savior.
Lord teach us how to pray about these things. For you are not willing that any should perish but that all would come to repentance. I know you would have me try to witness to the LGBTQ community. But Lord I am confused because if I am condemning them for their sin of pride and for the sins of their lives,,
how shall I ever witness to them. I ask you to help us all to understand your will.. I am not condoning the sin. Absolutely not! I need help to know the way, your way in Jesus name amen

March 13, 2024

Praise the Lord

Jessica Renshaw
March 13, 2024

>Are there really some people with common sense left in CA?<
Yes, thank You God that You have many people here in California who not only have common sense but love You, follow You, seek Your face and Your will. Rise up, O God, in California, remove the evil leaders and influences here that have spread depravity around the world and replace them with godly ones. Make our state the #1 sanctuary state for protecting the unborn, protecting the pregnant woman in need of love, help with her circumstances and other options to abortion, protection of legitimate refugees, and protection from lies about gender and identity. Make our state stink to the enemy so he will abandon his strongholds, flee from us and go back to the pit he came from. May Your people here set the pace and hold up the standard for the whole country in returning to God, in worship, praise, joy, revival, integrity, honesty, truth, innovation, compassion, the fruits of the Spirit, the gifts of the Spirit, humility and obedience to our Savior. Amen!

    Diane Lemyre
    March 14, 2024

    Jessica I agree with you in prayer..May the Lord answer your prayers for your state!

Susan CC
March 13, 2024

Isaiah 14:12-12 How you are fallen from heaven, O shining star, son of the morning! You have been thrown down to the earth, you who destroyed the nations of the world. For you said to yourself, ‘I will ascend to heaven and set my throne above God’s stars. I will preside on the mountain of the gods far away in the north.

Psalm 37:23 The LORD makes firm the steps of the one who delights in Him

Proverbs 16:18 Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.

Dear Father and God Almighty, the LGBT group has embraced pride as their mantra but Your word says, You make firm the steps of the one who delights in You. Pride and delight in You are diametrically opposed. Your word also tells us Lucifer’s downfall was because of pride but I believe everything You do or allow to be done serves Your ultimate purpose so I praise You over all. I praise the Name of Jesus Christ for each Huntington Beach citizen who voted for this ban. I praise The Name of Jesus Christ over similar victories that I hope are coming, to thunder throughout California, Oregon, Washington and each state in our nation. I praise The Name of Jesus Christ over each attempt to corrupt us into prideful behavior and ultimate destruction. I praise You Father, Son and Holy Spirit over the worldwide pride that is bringing havoc and suffering upon the earth. We know it will end but for today and each day until that time, I praise you Lord over Huntington Beach, Hanoi, Havana, Ho Chi Minh City, Hun, Hamburg, Helsinki, Hebron, Hyderabad, Harlem… if I remain silent, the stones will cry out…. all praise and glory are Yours. Amen

Patty DeGroot
March 13, 2024

Praise God from whom all blessings flow! What a refreshing idea! Are there really some people with common sense left in CA? I hope this idea spreads like wildfire! The “rainbbow” is God’s precious symbol that He will never destroy the world with a flood again! We’re done with God’s symbol being “hijacked” by the left! Pushing back like this is “speaking the truth in love” in my book! Honestly, in a biblically illiterate culture people have to be educated about even the most well known Bible stories! A prayer: “Father in your Word it says: Revelations 3:15-16 I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot, I wish that you were cold or hot. So because you are lukewarm (spiritually useless) and neither hot nor cold, I will vomit you out of My mouth (rejecting you with disgust). That is strong language! Father, please forgive us for being so tolerant of the things that should outrage us! Give us a passion to right this “ship”, America! This is no time to abandon the “ship”! II Chronicles 7:14 is our straight-forward guide: If my people, who are called by My name, shall humble themselves, pray, seek, crave, and require of necessity My face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land. Thank You, God, for these marching order. Please continue to raise up Your army who will stand up for truth. In Jesus precious name I pray this. Amen.”

March 13, 2024

Zephaniah 2:3 says …seek the lord all who are humble…
Father we thank you for this humble remnant of a community that is still seeking YOU. We , across the nation rejoice with them for this victory! We also stand with them that your fire will spread across that land. Instead of falling away, which leads to destruction may there be repentance and California return to you Lord. We boldly proclaim that JESUS is LORD in California !!!


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