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God, we pray for cities struggling amid the border crisis. Bring national change, and help our leaders see and stop the dangers.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

As millions pour across our southern border and get bussed out to big sanctuary cities, one mayor is saying that his city can’t take it.

From The Hill. Denver Mayor Mike Johnston (D) sounded the alarm that his city is nearing a “breaking point” as it struggles to keep up with the flood of migrants.

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“I think our city is very close to its breaking point now,” Johnston said in an interview aired Wednesday on “Fox & Friends.”

“And we’ve been talking to leaders in D.C. around the country about why we need them to take action here. I think we have successfully welcomed almost 40,000 migrants in the last year and — and we know what it takes to do this successfully, we just need that help,” he continued. …

Cities across the U.S. have been attempting to welcome thousands of migrants as record numbers of people have been entering the country at the southern border. Republicans have seized on the border situation as a rallying cry, with many demanding that President Biden take action as bipartisan Senate negotiators huddle to reach a critical deal on the matter.

Democratic-led cities are also dealing with additional migrants as Republican governors, including Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R), bus migrants north. When asked if he agrees with Abbott sending the migrants to sanctuary cities, Johnston said he understands why he is doing so but that a handful of cities should not be responsible for the migrants. …

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(Excerpt from The Hill. Photo Credit: Colin Lloyd on Unsplash)

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Denise A
February 5, 2024

Father, if the breaking point will bring the breaking of the will and evil intent of the hearts of Denver’s leaders: So be it!. The unrighteous rule of our cities must be overthrown by the Holy Spirit so that the leaders can come into a ‘RIGHT’ mind. The mind of Jesus Christ. Praise be to all the believers who live and worship in Denver. Thank you for your strong protection around them. Psalm 91 prayed over them today.

February 5, 2024

Father In Heaven,
You are a God of order and justice. I pray the flood of people coming across our borders will be stopped. I pray those responsible for sending these people will be revealed. I pray the lies to these people that they are welcomed here would cease. They are coming from people trying to destroy our nation. I pray godly people will make decisions as to how to humanely send these people back to their homes and families.
I pray the children will be protected by Your Holy Angels and not sold into human trafficking!
Lord let Your Kingdom Come and Your will be done here on earth at our borders as it is in Heaven. In Jesus Mighty Name! Amen 🙏

Marybeth Dahl
February 5, 2024

Please contact your congressional representative today! Vote to impeach Mayorkas scheduled for this week. While we know the border crisis is the fault of the Biden administration and not just Mayorkas, his impeachment will send a message.

I received an email from FAIR this morning. Here is the link with information. I called David Trone’s office & left a message, then followed it with an email- my 2nd email to him on this topic in 4 days. He is liberal on this as he is on all issues, but I just keep pushing.

Your representative needs to hear from you.

February 5, 2024

Franklin Graham of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association will be hosting worldwide evangelistic crusades starting with Mexico City, Mexico on February 17-18, then in 10 U.S. border cities across the Frontera February 24-March 3. Please be in prayer for these crusades. That God would reveal Himself bringing a spirit of repentance, that multitudes would be born again, chains of darkness broken, spiritual strongholds destroyed/cast out, lives would be forever changed. Only God can fix this country, we need repentance and salvation, we have sinned greatly as a nation. Have mercy on us Father. 🙏 amen.

February 5, 2024

Why don’t these Mayors of these sanctuary cities just tell Biden to reverse his executive order and stop the migrants from flooding our nation? It is that simple. We don’t need legislation or more money to stop the border crisis. Biden just needs to do his job and protect our constitution and keep our nation sovereign. These mayors need to hold this Biden administration responsible and stand with Governor Abbott and the other Republican Governors to protect this nation. But because this is a nefarious scheme against this nation by Biden and his puppet masters, I pray let God arise and His enemies be scattered!

    Darlene Estlow
    February 5, 2024

    Father, grant repentance to our President and those who are guiding him.


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