A Biblical Response to Threats
A Biblical Response to Threats
The initial attack on Israel was full of what the Bible calls murderous threats. Then the founder of Hamas called for a day of rage — more murderous threats.
The Bible teaches us how to respond to these. First, we bring you this beautiful teaching by Chaim Malespin, managing director of the Aliyah Return Center, and, as you can see, an active soldier in the IDF.
Please share his wonderful teaching on Facebook or whatever social media/email platform you use.
Second, let’s take a look at Acts 3–4. It started when Peter and John were going to the temple to pray. A man who had been lame for 40 years was begging for money at the temple gate called Beautiful. Peter’s response to this man is made famous in the lines of a children’s song: “Silver and gold have I none, but such as I have I give thee; in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk!” What happened? The song tells it well: “He went walking and leaping and praising God!”
This miraculous healing led to Peter’s preaching a gospel message, and the Bible tells us that many who heard him believed, so that the number of men believing came to number 5,000. The Jewish leaders were troubled and angry, so they imprisoned Peter and John, though they then had to release them again, for political reasons. They had seen that Peter and John, uneducated men, were able to powerfully, logically, and persuasively preach. They had also seen that the lame man was clearly healed. What they then said to one another shows how shallow and faithless they were:
“… What shall we do to these men? For, indeed, that a notable miracle has been done through them is evident to all who dwell in Jerusalem, and we cannot deny it. But so that it spreads no further among the people, let us severely threaten them, that from now on they speak to no man in this name” (Acts 4:16–17).
Their strategy to stop the work of God was severe threats — very much like the strategy of Hamas today.
Peter and John went back to the believers and told them everything that had happened. Here is the remarkable response.
So when they heard that, they raised their voice to God with one accord and said: “Lord, You are God, who made heaven and earth and the sea, and all that is in them, who by the mouth of Your servant David have said:
‘Why did the nations rage,
And the people plot vain things?
The kings of the earth took their stand,
And the rulers were gathered together
Against the Lord and against His Christ.’“For truly against Your holy Servant Jesus, whom You anointed, both Herod and Pontius Pilate, with the Gentiles and the people of Israel, were gathered together to do whatever Your hand and Your purpose determined before to be done. Now, Lord, look on their threats, and grant to Your servants that with all boldness they may speak Your word, by stretching out Your hand to heal, and that signs and wonders may be done through the name of Your holy Servant Jesus.”
And when they had prayed, the place where they were assembled together was shaken; and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and they spoke the word of God with boldness (Acts 4:24–31).
Can you see the remarkable similarities to today? Religious leaders are threatening; nations rage; people are plotting.
Let’s glean some wisdom from these first-century believers.
First, the believers prayed with one accord. Friends, we need to pray for unity in the Body of Christ. It is the first thing established in this passage. And look at the incredible results! Answered prayer, healings, signs, wonders, the gospel going forth, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit. Father, unify us that we might pray in one accord about the Muslim rage and assaults on Israel.
Second, the believers didn’t respond to threats with violence or with more threats. They responded with prayer for boldness to share the gospel of Jesus Christ, prayer for healing and signs and wonders in the name of Jesus. Pause and consider that. God answered with a resounding yes! He shook the place where they had gathered, and He filled them all with the Holy Spirit! Please forgive all the exclamation points, but this is an amazing story.
As a result, these believers “spoke the word of God with boldness” despite the threats. They prayed for miraculous healings, and God did that. Not only so, but God showed up with signs and wonders that convinced thousands and thousands more that Jesus is Lord. Friends, the impact of this was the spread of the gospel throughout the Middle East!
Muslims are threatening. Will you join us in praying for boldness to speak God’s Word, so that God would stretch out His hand to miraculously heal in the name of Jesus and send signs and wonders to show the power and majesty of the One True God? May we all be shaken, filled with the Holy Spirit, and speak the Word of God with boldness.
Within minutes of finishing this article, we received this message from Jessica Renshaw, Hidden in Christ Ministries:
As I fasted and prayed with all of you against the Day of Rage and Jihad, God put in my mind vision after vision and put in my mouth prayer after prayer. They came together so thick and fast it seemed like one was cause and one was effect, but I couldn’t tell which was which.
For instance, when I prayed “Lord, may the jihadists, in the very acts of violence, have visions of Jesus, His hands outstretched–” immediately I saw a room full of enraged terrorists and their hostages.
This was a momentary flash but in that instant, I saw some captives on their knees, some blindfolded, bound or handcuffed, some being raped, some shrieking in pain or fear. Immediately, as the jihadists were in the very act of bloody violence, knives raised, I saw Jesus appear to all of them: “THE MAN IN WHITE..” (Somehow, I knew many of them had seen Him before). Instantly they dropped their weapons and fell to their knees, shaking in terror, howling, holding their heads and of course releasing their hostages, some already dead, some still alive.
As I had prayed, I saw Jesus with His hands outstretched–but SIMULTANEOUSLY, like an overlay, raised in judgment and in mercy! Palms upright, in righteous anger, His eyes fierce and burning with wrath, He seemed to be telling them, “STOP what you are doing! STOP hurting my people! You are on the wrong side of this war!”
But that same Jesus, those same hands. were at the same time extended in compassion and invitation and His eyes were tender, appealing to them as if saying to each one, “Come to Me! I love you, son of Abraham! I forgive you, my son!”
I prayed they would repent and realize that Allah whom they serve as God with all their hearts and might, even with sincerity, willing–even eager– to give their lives for him, is a sham, that the true Messiah they are really seeking is this “man in white,” who died for them. I prayed they would know that what they are doing is evil, an abomination to Him. As I prayed I could see it happening–the horror of the realization, the guilt, the shame, the turning in true repentance. (Like Paul the apostle, being knocked off his horse and onto his knees by the knowledge that it is the very God he thinks he is serving whom he is actually persecuting).
It was intense!
I want to tell you too, a vision I had while praying yesterday. I saw a room of Hamas terrorists and hostages (similar but not the same one as today). I saw one terrorist (with the same sense as I got today of a kind of overlay–that he represented others elsewhere) on one side of a room holding a cell phone, recording bloody acts as they were happening. I got the impression he was assigned to record these things to send to the families of their victims along with body parts. I found myself praying–and as I prayed, I saw it happening with this man–“Lord, as they are taking pictures, let them throw down their phones, fall to their knees vomiting and crying out, ‘I can’t do this anymore! I don’t want to do this!’ thinking of their own families.”
Then I continued to watch as this same man (again, representing others, too) grabbed a rifle, turned on his fellow jihadists–his friends, those he had trained with and committed his life to fighting alongside of–and mowed down as many as he could before they could kill him. I saw the ones he was shooting drop their weeping captives and fall dead at their captives’ feet. I saw the terrorists who were still alive turn on the “reporter” and take vengeance against this one who “betrayed” them, all turning their fury on him with whips and sticks, finally beheading him. I saw the soul of the reporter ascend instantly to the place under the altar in heaven where the Book of Revelation says beheaded Christian martyrs are waiting for their crowns. He had joined the martyrs as a believer because in his last moment he defended God’s people. And I “knew” he isn’t the only one. I sensed those already under the altar were cheering and weeping for joy.
At the end of our IFA prayer time together, I saw Israel today superimposed on the Israel of Esther’s day, with great joy and rejoicing, singing and dancing throughout the land, Jews (and Christians!) and angels, praising God and–with the Almighty Himself–declaring victory.
Please share this with a friend!
Photo credit: doidam10 for Canva Pro.
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God is not a respecter of persons:
Hamas today was created by the Israeli terrorists of yesterday,
In 2009 British Jewish Zionist MP Gerald Kaufman, in a speech given to the House of Commons, and after qualifying his Jewish Zionist credentials, equates the actions and rhetoric of the Israeli State and its State actors with the actions and rhetoric of the Nazis. He said: (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xEYz00MqCx0)
“Israel was born out of Jewish terrorism.:”
–During the 1936–1939 Arab revolt in Palestine against the Mandatory Palestine, the militant Zionist group “Irgun” carried out 60 attacks against Palestinian people and the British Army. Irgun was described as a “terrorist organization” by The New York Times, the Anglo-American Committee of Enquiry, prominent world figures such as Winston Churchill and Jewish figures such as Hannah Arendt, Albert Einstein, and many others.
The Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs describes it as “an underground organization.” The New York Times at the time cited sources in an investigative piece which linked the Haganah paramilitary group to Irgun attacks such as the King David Hotel bombingJewish terrorists hanged two British sergeants and booby-trapped their corpses.
Irgun terrroist, together with the terrorist Stern gang, “massacred”254 Palestinians in 1948 in the village of Deir Yassin. The terrorist Irgun Zvai Leumi, who organised the blowing-up of the King David hotel in Jerusalem, in which 91 victims were killed, including four Jews.
Israeli aircraft and torpedo boats attack the USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 171 deliberately staged to conceal Israel’s pending seizure of Syria’s Golan Heights, which occurred the next day. ”
Sir Gerald Kaufman, concludes, I suppose that the Jews fighting for their lives in the Warsaw ghetto could have been dismissed as militants (terrorist). (See: The Irgun Zvai Leumi: From Terrorists to Politicians)
Revisionist Zionism is still very active but the truth of GOD, is the same, yesterday, today and tomorrow. We re told to make righteous judgment: Yea, yea; Nay, nay
Lord, please let Your will be done in this situation. Make a way where there would be no way for the nation of Israel, and bring terrorism to an end. In Jesus’ name.
Lord, turn the Hamas army of Saul’s to Paul’s. Set the captives free!
Thank you so much for fasting and praying and sharing this amazing article and your visions and prayers! I have been praying that the fear of the Lord would overtake Hamas, especially those holding hostages, and that they would repent and show mercy and compassion, I just cried when I read your visions–Praise God!
Isaiah 49:24-25
24 Can the prey be taken from the mighty,
or the captives of a tyrant[a] be rescued?
25 For thus says the Lord:
“Even the captives of the mighty shall be taken,
and the prey of the tyrant be rescued,
for I will contend with those who contend with you,
and I will save your children.
Yes and amen, Judy!! Thank you for sharing the visions, too. They agree with what I can’t term visions, but my sanctified imaginations.
Abba, I do cry out to You – make us, the ekklesia, one, even as You and Yeshua are one. He cried out for our unity in His high priestly prayer before His death – John 17. May we respond in humility and obedience to accomplish the longing and desire of His heart. May all believers unite in submission to Holy Spirit’s leadership and anointing, as we draw closer to Yeshua, and thus closer to one another. But in addition, may the Ephesians 2 ‘one new man’ become a reality in this day as never before – Messianic Jews and Gentile believers together cooperating to witness to the saving, delivering, healing, restoring, powerful plan of redemption in Yeshua. I believe the ‘one new man’ – a complete expression of the ekklesia – will release the boldness to speak God’s Word with signs and wonders following. May it be so!!
We know this is Your desire, and we also know You need our partnership. As Christ’s ambassadors on earth, we bind the influence of the prince of Persia over this region of the world, and declare that the shed blood of Jesus Christ has removed his right to rule there. We stand in the gap for the people, asking for their deliverance from this spirit’s influence, for the lifting of the veil from their spiritual eyes, and for a mighty release of the powerful gospel. We ask for laborers to be sent into this harvest field, and for angels to war against the demonic activity. End this war quickly. Send revival to Israel, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Gaza, the West Bank, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Pakistan, Turkey, Egypt, and every other Muslim nation. And we ask this in the powerful name of Jesus, the Savior of the world. Amen.
Yes Lord God, these murderous threats are so very true as is predicted long ago from visions seen from apostle John. It’s ALL in the book of Revelation because the world is living it out now! Not to worry at all because our King of all Kings, Lord of all Lords has it all under control 🙏!
I pray this vision to be true. I pray all hostages will be set free as the Holy Spirit moves into the hearts of the evil ones. I pray that the Jews will know it is Jesus who saved them and his spirit will prevail to shine the light in this darkest hour of our time 🙏🙏🙏
I’ve been listening to Rees Howells every evening. I have his book memorized. This article is in the same vein.
Thank you, Judy, for sharing! This is the very best I have read and received every word. Praying with you and all our IFA family. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Thank you for this inspiring message. I have shared it with many others whom I know will pass it on. God’s Word is Life!
I saw a lasso coming from the sky , whirling and capturing demonic spirits and putting them in a heap. Angels surrounded the pile of hissing, enraged spirits but they were unable to move and were now powerless.