I Prayed have prayed
God, we pray that You heal the women who are struggling post-abortion. Redeem them and stop groups like The Satanic Temple from preying on women like them.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Women are suffering from abortion, and The Satanic Temple is only continuing to hurt them under the guise of “religious liberty.”

From Liberty Counsel. Too often, women in their childbearing years are pressured to kill their child in the womb by their boyfriend, husband, and/or parents looking to escape the physical, emotional, financial, or other responsibilities of caring for a baby.

Visit your state page to pray.


And consider the case of one Lucien Greaves, co-founder of a group called The Satanic Temple. Greaves and The Satanic Temple recently sued Texas, arguing that the state’s ban on abortions prevented the satanists from participating in “ritual abortions.”

Meanwhile, The Satanic Temple of New Mexico is now offering FREE chemical abortions. Lest one presume that the “Satan” aspect of these “temples” is a ruse, consider this …

Social media pages for this “temple” show red and black robed anti-priests sporting blood-red pentagrams on their chests, performing “unbaptisms.” During the “unbaptism,” congregants must reject the Word of God, declare “Hail Satan,” and accept the “Satanic Rosary,” after which the anti-priest claims he has “freed” the person from “all God has placed above you.” …

The Satanic Temple website boasts chapters in nearly every state. ALL claim a right to have “abortion rituals,” as per their dark arts.

Liberty Counsel has filed briefs in multiple states defending the unborn and protecting their mothers from the long-term mental and physical consequences of abortion because the facts are clear. Abortion doesn’t just terminate the life of a child. Abortion hurts women.

Studies show that post-abortive women suffer:

  • 30-50% increase in breast cancer.
  • 81% higher risk of mental health problems.
  • 100% increase in suicidal behaviors.
  • 200% increase in marijuana abuse.
  • 37% higher rate of alcohol abuse.
  • 34% higher rate of anxiety.
  • Increased risk of uterine fibroids, womb scarring, hemorrhaging, and more.

Meanwhile, chemical abortion drugs such as RU-486, mifepristone, and misoprostol have been clinically shown to cause infertility, future miscarriage, overgrowth of uterine lining, scarred and blocked fallopian tubes, hypokalemia, vaginal hemorrhage, sepsis, blood clots, and death of the mother, just to name a few side effects.

Furthermore, studies by the Mayo Clinic show that chemical abortions cause an increased risk of premature birth and low birth weight in future pregnancies.

It is worth noting that these abortion drugs were the Chinese Communist Party’s drug of choice in enforcing its previous one-child policy. …

Share this article to encourage others to pray against abortion and The Satanic Temple.

(Excerpt from Liberty Counsel. Photo Credit: Spencer Platt/Getty Images)

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August 26, 2023

Yes, i read this article about abortion and it does affect the women i have a nice that had a abortion her adopted dad made her have and she, would tell me she wanted to commit suicide, she uses marijuana, she drinks, she also drinks alcohol it did affect her mind it don’t help her any, so i am praying for her to be delivered from that about her dad made her have

Grant Windholz
August 12, 2023

Lord God Almighty, please help all women who are experiencing post abortion issues 🙏! Don’t let Satan get the best of their souls. Help everyone of them to repent from their wicked decisions and know that your King of all Kings and Lord of all Lords! That he forgives the shame and guilt. Cleansing the hearts of millions of women by having a personal relationship with ALMIGHTY GOD for peace instead of torture AMEN 🙏!!

Ron Deere
August 10, 2023

Whatever good did Satan do for anyone?

August 7, 2023

Dear Jesus we pray that you will open the eyes and the hearts of these women that they will turn to you and repent and feel your peace take over them. May they not be deceived by evil but embrace Your Love in Jesus name amen

Ann Shaw
August 6, 2023

CCP wants to control all things so that they will have all power in their hands. We know that will never happen because God maintains all power. Satan wants all power and he lies and deceives to accomplish whatever he wants.

Our Constitution allows choice so that we the people have the power. All of those who keep putting power in the hands of the government, to the exclusion of choice of the people are heading toward toward death of the people.

Jeff Hilton
August 6, 2023

Dear Father, For the great sin of child sacrifice, forgive our country and turn us we pray. This is the main reason you cast the nations out of the Promised Land so Israel would have a homeland. God have mercy on our country.

Mary Beth
August 5, 2023

I encourage those who desire to stand for the life of the unborn, and for those men and women who are dealing with unplanned pregnancy, to find and support (as God leads) their local pregnancy crisis center. They usually offer free pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, Godly counsel, a Gospel presentation – and then, just as important parenting curriculum, resources, etc. – continued support for those who choose life. Referral to adoption agencies can be provided for those who choose that way to bless their child. They often minister to the needs of post-abortive women and the fathers, as well. This is a practical way to put feet to your prayers. I have been greatly blessed by volunteering my time and resources.

Sheila Price
August 5, 2023

Ha! For the Child of Yehovah God ,in Christ, we are seated on the Throne WITH HIM, so we are above everything… there is nothing above us because WE are above everything. But we must be humble enough to pray for those who are swallowing the lies of the princes of darkness, asking Yehovah, through The Blood of Yeshua, to give the spirit of wisdom of the revelation of The Godhead and give enlightenment to understand His ways. We must command lies to be bound on earth as they are in heaven and REPLACED with HOLY TRUTH.

August 5, 2023

They call it ritual abortions. It’s actually murdering a baby under the guise of religious liberty. This will subject the mother to possible demonic influence because of the ritual. We must continue to pray that God in Christ will change the hearts and minds of all those involved in this horrific and evil act on mother and child.

Sherry Farmer
August 5, 2023

God warns all people they will perish if they lack the knowledge needed for victory over Gods enemy. America needs freed. Psalms 124: 7

August 5, 2023

For those who need help overcoming the guilt and shame of abortion. This gal is an important resource:

Abby Johnson. She is an ex-Planned Parenthood director who has had abortions herself. She has given her life to Jesus, been healed of the guilt and shame of her decisions, and is now an extreme advocate for pro-life. Her story is an amazing testimony of God’s grace. Her website is http://www.abbyj.com.

There is hope!

    August 5, 2023

    Abby is an awesome godly woman who wants to stamp out abortion. We must pray for her in this battle.

August 5, 2023

Could someone point me to the source of the statistics above? When I mention them to my liberal friends, they scoff and say they are made up by right-wing extremists. Thanks!

jacque calkins
August 5, 2023

Father God,
In the name of Jesus I come before you and pray that our nation would return to you and stop those who are hungry for power from proceeding. It’s clear that their end goal is to end our freedom, for thought crime, for complete control. I believe America is a covenant nation and that you will save us. I pray for all those fighters on the front lines. I bind the hands of these Satanists in the name of Jesus,Lord and pray for justice in our land. May your will come quickly Father as many are losing heart. Help me to stay strong, faithful and calm during this time of attempts to turn our world upside down and may I ask that the end result would be the greatest revival we have ever had. May it be done in your precious name. Amen and Amen

Jesusita Varela
August 5, 2023

My sister had two abortions over 25 years ago and is still dealing with issues of the mind. Self condemnation; anxiety; depression, lack of confidence. Please keep Lupe in your prayers.

    August 5, 2023

    Hi Jesusita,
    I was praying for Lupe this morning that God would intervene in her life for her ultimate freedom.

    A name came to me: Abby Johnson. I don’t know if you’ve heard about her, but she is an ex-Planned Parenthood director who has had abortions herself. She has given her life to Jesus, been healed of the guilt and shame of her decisions, and is now an extreme advocate for pro-life. Her story is an amazing testimony of God’s grace. Her website is http://www.abbyj.com.

    There is hope for Lupe!

Avril Blackwood
August 5, 2023

Father protect our women from lies and deceptions. Father reveal your Love to all women faced with abortions. Let them know how much You Love them and have blessed them with a beautiful baby. Father protect our women for the evil ones. Thank You Father for your Love for all women and precious we are in Your eyes.
Father we pray for those who are deceived and believing lies that you would deliver them with the blood of Jesus Christ our Savior. I pray that they all will have a God encounter with You Father. That they will know that You Love them. That they will be revealed the Truth so they can be set free. Father we claim them for the Kingdom of God and we claim them for Life, that they will all live and not die. For Jesus Christ already died for them. Amen


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