I Prayed have prayed
God, we pray that You would keep books like Gender Queer out of our schools and our libraries. Protect our children from this perversion and confusion, Father!
Reading Time: 2 minutes

As controversy continues to rage across the country surrounding pornographic books in libraries, a teachers union is aiming to put one of the most controversial LGBTQ books in the hands of students this summer.

From Fox News. The National Education Association (NEA) on Monday recommended that teachers include the controversial book “Gender Queer” on their summer reading lists. …

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“Gender Queer” has as courted major controversy among America parents for being in public school libraries throughout the U.S. and has been challenged for its depictions and descriptions of oral sex as well as discussions on masturbation.

Fox News Digital previously reported on Gender Queer’s author, Maia Kobabe, defending the sexually explicit graphic images in the memoir during an interview with NPR in January. …

“The topic of gender touches on identity… and it touches on sexuality,” Kobabe continued. “And it’s hard to fully explain I think what like how a gender identity can impact every facet of life as an adult without touching at least a little bit on sexuality. And I wanted to at least not to like shy away from that.” …

This list of books comes after the president of the National Education Association declared that racial and social justice is a “pillar” of the NEA’s efforts. …

How are you praying about Gender Queer and other perverted books? Share this article to encourage others to pray.

(Excerpt from Fox News. Photo Credit: Redd on Unsplash)

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Carolyn Jenkins
July 13, 2023

Even the remarks are in terribly poor English before we turn to the inappropriate content for anyone, and youth in particular. I am personally baffled at the desire to destroy innocence!

Betty Beardsley
July 9, 2023

Heavenly Father,, According to Matthew 18:6, ‘If anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and be drowned in the depths of the sea.” We know you love all the children and say “…. woe to the man through whom they (the sinful things) come.” Matthew 18;7 As Your children we know that in Matthew 18: 18 You have given us authority to bind things on earth and they will be bound in heaven & we have authority to loose things on earth and they will be loosed in heaven. We bind this lying deceiving spirit of the transgender agenda that is trying to steal, kill and destroy our children. Father, we loose the Holy Spirit and Your angels to bring TRUTH and protection to our children, our nation and the world. We are tired of the lies and deception. Thises things we pray in the Mighty Nmae of Jesus. Amen

Grant Windholz
July 8, 2023

Lord God bring protection against this hideous, satanic influence of our American culture 🙏! Satan has always wanted to influence our young people because he hates humanity so much. We are all creations of God. We belong to Him, not Satan!!

Priscilla Meyenburg
July 7, 2023

We decree that all attacks from the forces of darkness are being halted right now, in the Name of Jesus. We declare every demonic spirit bringing an assault against our children is bound, because no weapon formed against us can prosper. We say every tongue raised up against us is being silenced by the power of God. We break the power of these books of lies, sexually explicit graphic images in the memoir during an interview with NPR . We prophesy that these words bear no fruit and will be not permitted into the library’s based upon the perversion evil agenda to destroy the children. We say that every enemy and attacker is halted, in Jesus name! Father God I pray that the Momma Bears rise up with other supporters to stop the threats that the teachers Union will be putting a book called Gender Queer in libraries recommendation of NEA. God we are praying our need for a devised plan to stop this darkness of demonic spirits they are trying to feed evilness to the children. The Bible promises that if our ways please God, He will deal with our adversaries. Enough, is enough these children are Gods many of them are so in fear, God- Psalms 91 – says “ Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High
will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
I will say of the Lord, ‘He is my refuge and my fortress,
my God, in whom I trust.’” Thank you Jesus for saving the children. 🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️👶👱🏽‍♂️👱‍♀️👩

    Marjorie McElwain
    July 7, 2023

    Amen in Jesus name 🙏 our children are being protected in multiple ways. May the angels of the lord surround our precious children and protect them.

July 6, 2023

These teachers are a bunch of lunatics and assholes! Peanut brains!

Christina Rethwill
July 6, 2023

Oh Father God, our hearts are broken over what is being taught to our children in the schools. Their innocence are being ripped away from their eyes and hearts with the filth and demonic books. Videos and teachings. Please destroy the evil agendas satan had against our children. You and only You can accomplish this. We praise you for answering our prayers.

Linda Stater
July 6, 2023

The parents working in the media who have children need to remember that this recommendation by the NEA (National Education Association) to release this book into the schools will affect their children also. We must not allow such evil into children’s lives and I hope that parent’s rise up along with others to stop this in its tracks as this war on our kids will not end unless we ALL stand for our children and protect them!

Marsha Bashor
July 6, 2023

Dear Lord I would like to pray for the NEA, and the authority it has to dictate what to do in the schools, I ask that the NEA be cleansed of its wrongdoing and impure thoughts. I pray that you Oh Lord would put a stop on this perverse book they want to put into the schools, I pray once again for the protection of the children’s minds and hearts and that they would not be exposed to this agenda, I pray against the attempted ruination of our childrens thoughts and beliefs, that the children would be taught Christian values so they can fight against this terrible enemy trying to infiltrate their minds and hearts! I pray for your will to be done regarding this book and others like it. In Jesus’ name🙏

    Nancy Berkey
    July 6, 2023

    Marsha, I agree with you in this prayer for the school I work at. The Library had these awful books last year. I pray for all involved in this to see the true light of Christ and to be convicted of their sin of polluting the children’s minds. In the Holy Name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen ☦️🙏

Allena Jordan
July 6, 2023

Father, I ask You to destroy this book, take it off shelves, and remove it from public view. Place it out of view of any and every child. Instead, place children’s eyes on You, Your Kingdom, on Jesus, and on all things good and right and wholesome. Protect the children, Lord. Amen.

July 6, 2023

I saw graphic and horrific images of sexual acts actually shown in that book that made me throw up in my mouth, knowing innocence was being robbed from these precious and oh so vulnerable children! Oh Dear God it’s awful. Between satanic child ritual sacrifices and deviant sexual grooming of the most vulnerable, I’d say we better start uniting world wide in prayer! Time to start a Holy Spiritual War plan Christian soldiers! It’s deep, dark and really ugly what’s coming to light! It’s the children thee most mailable and precious the enemy is destroying, but raising up for the next generation. I’m broken hearted for their pain and suffering! Some really dark things starting to be exposed. I guess this is what Yeshua meant when he said “pray without ceasing” Good God help the little ones!🙏


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