I Prayed have prayed
God, we pray that You would get rid of the woke ideology in our schools. Put parents back in education, Father, and prevent our children from being indoctrinated!
Reading Time: 2 minutes

As antibiblical ideologies continue to be pushed in schools, many are simply fed up. Let’s pray for guidance and wisdom for the schools in Texas.

From Fox News. A group of Texas state representatives signed a letter urging every school board to leave the Texas Association of School Boards (TASB), alleging the group is promoting a “harmful woke ideology.” …

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The letter began by mentioning how state representatives were “shocked” that the TASB took a year to leave the National School Boards Association (NSBA) after they had compared parents speaking up at school board meetings to domestic terrorists. …

The state lawmakers highlighted the TASB new transgender guidelines. …

TASB released a 13-page document of updated legal guidance for public schools to surrounding transgender students, which included sports participation, student records, and bathroom policies. The document also suggested that a school proceed with caution when a parent isn’t supportive of their child’s gender identity but to look for a solution that would satisfy all parties. …

The state lawmakers insisted that considering all the information they provided, local school boards must leave the TASB.

TASB is a state lobbying group for school boards that provides information and guidance to local school boards and help organize and lobby on their behalf at the state house. According to their website, all 1,024 Texas school boards are TASB members and have been for 30 continuous years. …

What do you think of the TASB? Share your thoughts and prayers below.

(Excerpt from Fox News. Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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Pamela Littlepage
February 3, 2023

All Texas schools need to get out of TASB immediately. The future of our children and their parents depends on it.

Pamela Hommel
February 3, 2023

The policies and regulations that the TASB are trying to infiltrate our schools are evil. The government has no place in our children’s education. We need to pray that God will protect our children and block TASB from being involved with them.

Priscilla Meyenburg
February 3, 2023

Ephesians —4–27 “ and do not give the devil a foothold. Per Gods word when a person or a nation has “given place to” the devil has exceeded his foot hold on America. Through perversion, one of his moves was shedding innocent blood, our breaking of Covenant, taking God out of schools, no reading scripture, removing pledge of allegiance, No prayer, America Leaders, parents allowed this. The word Place means location, as in a piece of land.; this verse figuratively means “opportunity “. This verse means we gave ground to Satan, a legal opportunity to steal, kill, destroy.” P. 281- GH15– Through our sins we have given place to the devil and his demons” they took over our school boards, took over our schools, took over a lot of our children (transgenders), took over a lot of the teachers, our principle’s -Etc . Baal is ruler-over all demons- Matt.-12-24- as you read These verses you discover in v. 29 he is the strongman of the darkness over America. “ He is a violent spirit through history he has required human sacrifice “ mostly our babies, our children. As I read about TASB “ the 30 years being a member” hit me for Texas being a member of all these years coincides about the time our swords were removed. This application is not only for Texas it also applies for other states and schools, because the lies to structure began in late 80’s early 90’s. As I researched another source that was written by Ken/ Gloria C. Same scripture Ephesians-4-27 from the Amplified Bible “ Leave no such room or foothold for the devil ( give No opportunity to him)” If you give the devil place he will take it. We must learn to stand against the devil strategies, First we must build our Faith by what God says “ Romans 10:17 “ Faith comes by hearing, and hearing the word of God,” then you must decide to live by the love of God, because Faith works by love. “ Without love your faith will not function, without the word, you cannot have Faith” It was suggested to say these words and I agree “ pray “ In the name of Jesus, I commit myself from this day forward to live by the word of Go, to live by Faith, and to live by the love of God.” John-17-7,12 says “ 7 If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. 8 This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.”

9 “As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love. 10 If you keep my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commands and remain in his love. “ 11 I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete. 12 My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.” Shocking it took one year for the TASB to address the school board- per the state representatives. TASB is a lobby group, My Question is why are they lobbying for school boards and schools??? Why are the involved in schools?? I am amazed at the strategy they took a year to get out “ The state lawmakers highlighted the TASB new transgender guidelines. …

“ TASB released a 13-page document of updated legal guidance for public schools to surrounding transgender students, which included sports participation, student records, and bathroom policies. The document also suggested that a school proceed with caution when a parent isn’t supportive of their child’s gender identity but to look for a solution that would satisfy all parties. “ Satan uses people all the time to move his agenda forward as he did here. In reality it took Satan a long time to bring all of these struggles to fruition, he is not the smartest example on the block, he uses cunning, lying strategy and his evil demons to try and stop God and his love for us. He used innocent children, with abortion, then he hit the schools using liberal teacher, school boards, and parents. Parents both busy working two jobs, kids short changed of discipline and time to be involved in school activities. So Satan stepped in used liberals to be on school boards, used liberal teachers teaching the children. Now the exposure is shocking us. God has made a way— Do not allow the devil to put one over you(us). God is giving us a chance as Christian believers to defeat the Giants. God gave us a secret weapon, that weapon is a blood covenant with our almighty God. There are two convents a old one and a new one that Jesus bought with his blood. What we must do to fight these Giants is believe it to receive it. Deuteronomy—16-68 “ Follow the Lord’s Commands

“ 16 The Lord your God commands you this day to follow these decrees and laws; carefully observe them with all your heart and with all your soul. 17 You have declared this day that the Lord is your God and that you will walk in obedience to him, that you will keep his decrees, commands and laws—that you will listen to him” God has given us tools to exercise the Authority he gave us , the words to use against all diabolical things the devil is using to try and destroy you(us). Jesus as I read and studied my prayers and decrees and declarations – my prayer is many will get on board with your God given words to defeat the Giants that are over our schools, school boards, homes, work places, Churches, pastors, government, children, parents, family etc. I pray the Holy Spirit will speak to the army of prayer warriors and the ones who say I do not know how to pray will be filled with the words of God in the Bible, then using the Authority he left with us to use to Take America back on every level. “ We the body of the church are Gods governing body on the earth,; We have been legal power and Authority from Heaven; Through the power of God , we are His world influencers; Because of our covenant with God, we are Equipped and delegated by Him to destroy every attempted advance of the Enemy; Declarations: “We declare we take as we stand against wokeness, the occult, and every attempt against our nation; We declare we take back influences at the local level in our communities; We decree that evil Carrie’s No Power, Authority or rights in our land nor over our people.” I thank you God for these words that were written and given out to speak over us our families in belief that-“ That we will operate in Unity, going beyond denominationL lines in order to accomplish the purposes of God for our nation. We decree that America shall be Saved!!!! Jesus I thank you for your presence and the time I spent with you and your words of guidance and wisdom. I love you for the Sacrifice you paid for my sins. We honor the one true God, the True God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob. Christian Army let us go to work to pull down the Giants of deception. Be blessed 🧎‍♀️

Grant Windholz
February 2, 2023

It’s been far too long that children have been forced into learning false American ideological information. Parents have got to stand up and fight against these evil WOKE school boards throughout this country!

February 2, 2023

First, the lobbying of school boards should be outlawed. Lobbying opens up a can of worms that goes far beyond educational purposes….as we have found out with the TASB.
There is a great fight within TX to slowly slide education….into the abyss controlled by liberals and leftists. Please wake up in the great state of TX. There must be sacrifice in order to accomplish taking back our schools. Parents and all taxpayers – it falls on us to do the work. You can pray till your blue in the face with blood coming out of your pores but you still HAVE TO GET INVOLVED. There are no shortcuts. There are no “I’ll go a couple times and that will help”. Our founders were very clear that in order to keep freedom in our republic, common people like you and I have to stay involved in the “not so glorious work” of everyday functions. That includes our local public school districts.

February 2, 2023

Lord, our prayer is that you would plant seeds of revival and awakening in parents across our nation in every school district that exists in each state. Place a fire in both the saved and unsaved. Bring them together in unity to fight for their children & against woke school boards who have fallen asleep in their responsibilities or those who are purposely perverting education for their agendas. Place a righteous anger within parents that will stand firm and courageous against such school boards. Allow those parents to unearth all the deception going on when it exists. Help parents and citizens to work with the school board in correcting policies and curriculum – if those school boards are willing to work with the taxpayers. Otherwise Lord, help parents and citizens to begin the process of removal for various school board members. Give parents and citizens patience but give them the warrior spirit to fight as needed.
Lord, you are the mighty warrior – go before them to prepare them properly for battle. Give each parent and citizen perseverance and fortitude with the knowledge that the goals you want us to accomplish are not completed overnight.
In Jesus name – amen.

Sue Tracy
February 2, 2023

Heavenly Father,
You are The One True God, we ask that You would protect the innocent children from the school boards that want CRT taught. Father these lies confuse and lead our children to question who they really are, your unique creation. Lord we don’t know how to pray properly so we ask you to intercede on their behalf and pray for a correction where it is so desperately needed.

February 2, 2023

Lord, God almighty open the eyes, minds, and hearts of all people in communities and school districts, whether they are children, parents, relatives, or just taxpayers to the indoctrination of our youth. Help them see that traditional education in reading, writing, math, history and other necessary knowledge skills and experiences for living have been replaced with a so-called social justice (i.e., woke) curriculum that grooms the young into ungodly beliefs and actions. Please, Lord, bring a great awakening to the world so that it brings all glory to You who has made us in Your image.
In Jesus name, amen.

February 2, 2023

TASB and organizations like it are from the pits of hell. These organizations need to be incinerated through their very roots! Hopefully, this incineration will come as a result of the leaders and participants getting a “come to Jesus” and repenting, leaving these horrible ideologies and following Him.

Mildred Hall
February 2, 2023

Oh that such a movement would come here to Vermont! Parents brought hundreds of petitions in request to be allowed to attend a school board meeting but were denied permission. Therefore I am volunteering to help some to home school.

    February 2, 2023

    So I don’t understand, are you saying that parents aren’t allowed in school board meetings? UNBELIEVABLE!!!

February 2, 2023

Lord Jesus, please give these schools districts Kingdom wisdom in this decision. Give them eyes to see the Truth, and ears to hear Your Voice in this crucial decision. Father God, we know that You are generational and this is why we give You our children, touch their hearts and awaken them to the reality of Your Love and Wholeness! Let these children have a chance to pass down a Kingdom inheritance to their children and their children’s children. We praise You, and thank You for it in advance, In Jesus’s Mighty Name, amen!

Omowunmi Olajide
February 2, 2023

Father, we thank you for exposing the evil agenda of the TASB. And we thank you for enabling our representatives to take action to put a stop to these evil. We pray Oh Lord, that you will continue to expose their agenda that do not align with your will for families and the nation and raise your army of policy makers that will be bold and courageous to stamp out all such evil and their perpetrators. I plead the blood of Jesus over families and our nations and I decree and declare only Your will shall stand in Jesus’ name I pray. Amen! Amen!! Amen!!!

Allena Jordan
February 2, 2023

It’s past time to take back the control of our schools. Because schools accept federal money, they are then bound by federal law. God can make a way for schools to survive and thrive when we look to Him for solutions at the local level.

raleigh b Robertson
February 2, 2023

the TSAB should be disbanded and all members be prayed for as their goal is to push children away from God through their woke policies


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