I Prayed have prayed
Father, we thank You for the life of Pope Benedict. As he stands now fully in your presence, we pray that You would comfort his mourners and bring peace to the Catholic Church.
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Pope Benedict XVI was a humble man of God who served faithfully throughout his life. We mourn his death, but we rejoice now that he is with the Lord.

From The Wall Street Journal. The body of Pope Benedict XVI lay before the main altar of St. Peter’s Basilica on Monday, his head resting on a pair of velvet cushions, his face waxy and ashen, with rosary beads entwined through his folded hands. The twisting baroque columns of Gian Lorenzo Bernini’s altar canopy towered behind.

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The late pope, who retired in 2013, wore a bishop’s miter but, unlike his predecessor, St. John Paul II, when he lay in state, not the woolen cloak around his neck signifying papal office.

A handful of mourners with special permission from the Vatican sat or knelt in prayer on either side of the body. Those walking past moved at a brisk pace as ushers repeatedly urged them on. Some visitors prayed while others consulted travel guides. Many took photos or videos with their phones. …

The Catholic Church is observing a period of muted mourning for Pope Benedict XVI, who died on Saturday after a decade in retirement.

Thousands have filed past his body lying in state in St. Peter’s Basilica. …

The Vatican on Monday said that 65,000 people had viewed the late pope’s body over 10 hours.

“I came to thank God for the gift of Benedict,” said the Rev. Carlos Augusto da Silva of Rio de Janeiro, a doctoral student in Rome who paid his respects to the late pope at St. Peter’s on Monday.

“He made his life a gift to others, like a candle that has burned out,” Father da Silva said. “It’s like saying farewell to a grandfather.”

Benedict will be buried in the Vatican Grottoes under the basilica, alongside dozens of other popes and in the same tomb where John Paul’s remains lay, before being moved to the main church in 2011.

The spot was requested by Benedict, whose first public words as pontiff were a reference to his more charismatic predecessor: “After the great Pope John Paul II, the cardinals have elected me, a simple, humble worker in the Lord’s vineyard.”

What did you think of the life of Pope Benedict XVI? Share your thoughts and prayers below.

(Excerpt from The Wall Street Journal. Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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Molly Francis
January 5, 2023

I would like to thank IFA for posting this article. Based on some comments I feel some people misunderstand and feel the Catholic Church is somehow not based in Jesus. Please be aware we are the church that has existed since Jesus walked the earth and your Protestant faith came from ours as all of it came from Christ and the Jewish faith. We are all grafted in & brothers and sisters in Christ. May Jesus bless Pope Benedict and us all. Amen

Molly Francis
January 5, 2023

I just wanted to say we Catholics entwine our souls with Jesus in Baptism and in all the sacraments of the church. And Jesus will as you say know that when we meet.

January 5, 2023

Heavenly Father, I thank you for giving this Pope a long life. Only you know whether he has given his life for Jesus as his personal Savior or not. Every person including all of the popes really should give their lives to Jesus as they are all human. I am so thankful that you have sent your Son, Jesus died for my sin and for all peoples for their sins. In Jesus name I pray Amen

Teresa Kilby
January 4, 2023

Heavenly Father, I thank you for giving this man, Pope Benedict a long life. Only you know what it is in his heart whether he really accept Jesus as his Savior. In your word, the Bible says that no religion can save him and also religion cannot save anyone, but Jesus is the only way for salvation. In Jesus’ name I pray Amen

Jack Crew
January 4, 2023

Lord, please give us discernment to adhere to the only true gospel of salvation by Your grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone. Keep us from lumping this together with false gospels that add to or take from it. In Jesus’name, amen.

    Teresa Kilby
    January 4, 2023

    Hi Jack, thanks so much for this wonderful prayer! I agree with you that Jesus is the only way for true salvation. May God always bless you and your families!

Ken Budz
January 4, 2023

Lord I hope the previous Pope Benedict will be alright in the afterlife. I hope Pope Francis will be an effective Leader for the church. Lord please help the Christian church get closer to You and please help the Christian church get closer to You. Amen.


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