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I Prayed have prayed
Father, help our law enforcement officials find who is attacking our infrastructure, and protect us from attack, Lord. We need Your help!
Reading Time: 2 minutes

We need to get to the bottom of this. Let’s pray that what is in the dark will be brought to the light.

From CNN. With no suspects or motive announced, the FBI is joining the investigation into power outages in a North Carolina county believed to have been caused by “intentional” and “targeted” attacks on substations that left around 40,000 customers in the dark Saturday night, prompting a curfew and emergency declaration.

Who is praying on the wall?


The mass outage in Moore County turned into a criminal investigation when responding utility crews found signs of potential vandalism of equipment at different sites – including two substations that had been damaged by gunfire, according to the Moore County Sheriff’s Office.

The person, or persons, who did this knew exactly what they were doing,” Moore County Sheriff Ronnie Fields said during a Sunday news conference. “We don’t have a clue why Moore County.”

Fields said multiple rounds were fired at the two substations. “It was targeted, it wasn’t random,” he said.

The sheriff would not say whether the criminal activity was domestic terrorism but noted “no group has stepped up to acknowledge or accept they’re the ones who (did) it.”

Authorities announced a mandatory curfew from 9 p.m. until 5 a.m., starting Sunday night, with Fields saying the decision was made to protect residents and businesses.

In addition to the FBI, the North Carolina State Bureau of Investigation has joined the investigation, officials said. …

All schools in the county are closed Monday and authorities have opened a shelter running on a generator.

Traffic lights are also out, and while a few stores with generators were able to open their doors, several businesses and churches in Moore County were closed Sunday, CNN affiliate WRAL reported. …

Moore County is in central North Carolina, about 50 miles northwest of Fayetteville. …

The estimated cost of the substation damage is in the millions, the sheriff said Sunday.

The damage has been significant and rerouting power isn’t an option. …

In addition to the gunfire damage at the substations, a gate at one of the locations appears to have been taken off its hinges, Asst. Chief Mike Cameron of the Southern Pines Fire and Rescue Department told CNN. …

What do you think motivated this attack? Please share in the comments.

(Excerpt from CNN. Photo by Alexander Schimmeck on Unsplash.)

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Judy E
December 10, 2022

It sounds like someone or some group is having a practice run.

Pat M
December 7, 2022

Jesus, Your eye is on the sparrow and every evil deed is known to You. We seek justice and righteousness for this attack on our utility system and trust that whatever the intention was it will be exposed. May truth come to light and justice be meted out. Whatever was intended we ask for it to have backfired and boomerang on the perpetrators.

    Ella Gbokede
    December 7, 2022

    Je prie et demande que les entrepreneurs défavorisés soient pris en compte pour la réussite de leur projet. Amen Je pris pour vos projets propres afin que le Seigneur se révèle à vous pour leur réussite également

December 7, 2022

Does this surprise you? We are under siege in this country, especially Christians of all denominations. We have turned our backs to God and if we don’t right the ship, it’s going to get much, much worse. We are ruled by evil people and they mean to do us in. Our Government cannot be trusted and is fomenting evil amongst our society. We had better be prepared for it is upon us.

brother Don
December 6, 2022

Just more deep state domestic enemies’ handiwork. May God’s mercy be on a nation under judgement.

Zoe Ella
December 6, 2022

Yes, those perpetrating such attacks must be found and brought to justice. Even more important is that adequate attention and resources be given to our antiquated electric grid. It is highly vulnerable to anyone who wishes to attack it, including hackers foreign and domestic. This is in part due to its ancient structure and in part due to antiquated equipment that is hard to repair or replace. Reference: LIGHTS OUT by Ted Koppel. This attack is a warning. Let us heed it and renew our grid to be less vulnerable.

Linda Oleson
December 6, 2022

This should come as no surprise. Just another move by whoever to be dependent on the government and move more and more to socialism. The Light of JESUS vs the dark of satan.

Melissa Ann DeSerio
December 6, 2022

Clearly, the enemy trying to kill destroy and divide. We rebuke the devourer in the name of Jesus!
Psalm 91
Thank you Lord for sending angels to help all in Jesus precious name!
We plead the blood!
Jesus reigns!

Jack Brake
December 6, 2022

Sadly, my first thought was a “preview” of what the evil ones will do as more light shines upon their deception. Lord, once again say, “Let there be Light”, let evil utterly fail. Amen.

    December 6, 2022

    Yes! Isaiah 54:17 No weapon formed against you (us) will succeed in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!

Kruppa Andrea
December 6, 2022

Not what, who. George Soros is my guess. I pray that the Lord will prevent any future attempts like this elsewhere.

Allena Jordan
December 6, 2022

Father, in hearing this, I believe this to be a “test” to see what can be done. Father, I ask that every substation would ramp up protective measures against this type of terrorism. Lord, with our borders open as they are, our citizens are so very vulnerable to various kinds of terrorist attacks, this being one of them. Show us citizens what we can do to assist the authorities in this matter. Also, show us how we can help authorities to take measures to protect the electric grid and substations. And, Father, help those in North Carolina to find the perpetrators. Give extra help to repair this substation quickly. Provide the means by which to do so. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

December 6, 2022

Pray that the culprits will be exposed Lord.

David Leising
December 6, 2022

What motivated the attack you ask.? Men who hate God. What motivated the attack? Men who love darkness rather than light. God is light and in him there is no darkness. We know the agenda of satin and any one who opposes God does the Will of satin the Father of lies Jesus called satin. Global warming is how satin creates new world order fear and global warming socialist continue to cause lawlessness in our society. May God footstool every ism and skism by prayer and petition. May every cock roach come out of its hiding place with the brilliance of Christ righteousness. My prayer that men every everywhere would repent and turn or other wise be foot stooled either way we rejoice. Hallelujah Amen

December 6, 2022

If the FBI is involved in the investigation the same amount of concern about the blatant crimes of antifa, blm and pro killing of the unborn will be done. The FBI no longer exists. It was only recently that the light exposed them ignoring warnings from two of their own regional offices about people taking flying lessons having little English wanting to learn how to fly planes but not how to land. How much did CNN pay the FBI to raid Roger Stone’s house at 3 a.m. with agents with sub machine guns ? How much does the ex-FBI director expect in return for his $100,00 ”gift’ for the current fraud’s grandchildren ? Who ordered the FBI to put Peter Navarro in leg and hand cuffs and remove him from a plane days after he went public with the accusations that Jezebel should be jailed for insider trading ? The list is never ending. Policemen and women in many cities are no longer allowed to protect their flock and the FBI has abandoned it’s main duty to protect God’s children. Send their higher ups to China to live and spread their poison there, not in One Nation Under God.

    December 6, 2022

    I had some of the same thoughts, but I have to trust in Him and keep praying light wins over darkness. Our Deliverer is coming. God is not surprised. Let His faithful remnant ramp up our prayers, our decrees and declarations of His goodness and His plan for our nation. America shall see revival and reformation.

December 6, 2022

I believe the terrorist group is just using this for practice looking for ways to further weaken the power grids. It has to be more than 2 persons. I pray that law enforvement catches them ( terrorists) and that they turn their lives around from evil to following Christ.

Joseph Blanton
December 6, 2022

Could be a ruse to give the gov’t a reason to implement changes and assert greater control. Holy Father in heaven, please bring the truth into the light and please punish the perpetrators. In Christ’s Name, Amen.


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