I Prayed have prayed
Father God, we come to you in awe of the way you work. We want to join you in what you are doing in our nation. We declare you undefeatable, all-knowing, master planner and awesome God!
Reading Time: 2 minutes

On Thursday, July 15, the Arizona Senate held a hearing to announce that in the first phase of the audit was complete. They released the initial bombshell that over 74,000 ballots that were received as mail-in votes have no evidence of even ever being mailed to a voter. But it was the tip of the iceberg, as more figures piled up proving huge discrepancies in processes, totals, and integrity. According to UncoverDC, “The independent auditors painstakingly combed through upwards of 2.1 million ballots. An audit with this level of detail has never been performed. The hearing opened with a detailed video accounting of the caution and care with which the audit was performed.” Jovan Pulitzer said “today was just an appetizer” of what will be uncovered.

Arizona State Senator Kelly Townsend directed a statement to the uncooperative Maricopa County Board of Supervisors. As the audit moves forward, she declared to them, ā€œSo, two choices. Either come forward and help us put all of this to restā€¦And if you canā€™t do that, then Iā€™m calling on all of you to resign as county supervisorsā€¦please.ā€ Townsend called ita come to Jesus moment.” She could not have been more right. Was that a prophetic statement?

Let’s back up.

There is a behind the scenes story to the Arizona audit that will blow you away. While the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors were dragging their feet and Katie Hobbs, the Democrat Arizona Secretary of State was pushing back on every request made by the auditors, there was an immense spiritual battle being waged. Inside the super-secure audit facility, there was DAILY prayer and worship happening, battling on the actual ground-zero territory. In an exclusive, IFA’s Pray with America’s Leaders webcast, interviewed IFA intercessor Cheri, who was part of the audit as a volunteer. Cheri shared within three hours of her first introduction to Doug Logan, CyberNinjas CEO, and leader of the Arizona audit project she knew he was a spirit-filled strong believer. Logan shared that the their jobĀ  as audit volunteers must be conducted with excellence, truth, integrity, and they must be beyond reproach. One step further, understanding the spiritual battle they were in, one of the key things Logan did was to create a prayer wall (as seen in the picture), and a space in the break area to pray. Cheri said she felt a strong sense of the Lord’s Presence in that place.

There is more to this story. How do an election audit, a God-recruited group of intercessors, and a dumpy coliseum all connect for a “Come to Jesus Moment” in Arizona? Download our brand new Special Report and find out. Learn about the challenges and the prayer that is the thread of them all. Ask yourself this question–is this also our nation’s Come to Jesus moment too?Ā  Click here to download, and join in the prayer!

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July 18, 2021

Voter fraud has been going on for decades, itā€™s nothing new. Phyllis schlafley wrote a book about it in 1963 called ā€œA choice not an echoā€ I recommend reading it. She referred to the deep state as the New York secret king makers. The reason we always have weak republicans is because they make sure the candidates are people they can control & manipulate. Thanks to God, all this corruption that has been going on for decades is finally coming to a head & is being exposed for everyone to see. Itā€™s all in Godā€™s time & according to His plan. Itā€™s time for us to be excited & happy that this darkness is no longer secret! Itā€™s being exposed to light

Nancy Bryda
July 17, 2021

No weapon formed against the 2020 election will prosper and the truth will come out as to what happened. I thank you God for your blueprint and plan for the Maricopa county audit and that you plans and purposes will come forth from this audit. I decree and declare the resistance against this audit is defeated and that chaos is and will continue to come to confuse the demonic entities trying to resist the truth coming forth. I decree this is the domino to set off the uncovering of the chaeating and fraud practice in the 2020 election and other states will follow. Gaslighting and the spirits of deception and lying are bound over this nation and especially over the government, media, facebook, twitter, and goggle. This is the land of the eagle with the evergreen and everlasting flag and Jesus over the United States of America.

Nancy Bryda
July 17, 2021

No weapon formed against the 2020 election will prosper and the truth will come out as to what happened. I thank you God for your blueprint and plan for the Maricopa county audit and that you plans and purposes will come forth from this audit. I decree and declare the resistance against this audit is defeated and that chaos is and will continue to come to confuse the demonic entities trying to resist the truth coming forth. I decree this is the domino to set off the uncovering of the chaeating and fraud practice in the 2020 election and other states will follow. Gaslighting and the spirits of deception and lying are bound over this nation and especially over the government, media, facebook, twitter, and goggle. This is the land of the eagle with the evergreen and everlasting flag and Jesus over the United States of America. The ekklesia is unifying and mobilizing for the plans and purposes of Almightly God.

Nancy Bryda
July 17, 2021

No weapon formed against the 2020 election will prosper and the truth will come out as to what happened. I thank you God for your blueprint and plan for the Maricopa county audit and that you plans and purposes will come forth from this audit. I decree and declare the resistance against this audit is deleated and that chaos is and will continue to come to confuse the demonic entities trying to resist the truth coming forth. I decree this is the domino to set off the uncovering of the chaeating and fraud practice in the 2020 election and other states will follow. Gaslighting and the spirits of deception and lying are bound over this nation and especially over the government, media, facebook, twitter, and goggle. Deceptions are being exposed and the spirit of truth is marching across America and especially in Miracopa County and the resistence is not above the law. Justice is and will prvail. This is the land of the eagle with the evergreen and everlasting flag and Jesus over the United States of America. The ekklesia is unifying and mobilizing for the plans and purposes of Almightly God.

John F. Newman
July 17, 2021

Praise the Lord for this good report. Many have been praying for revival to come to America as this 2020 election gets sorted out. Along this same line of encouragement is the work of Mike Lindell and his team. You may be helped in your intercession by checking out his Absolutely 9-0 video here https://home.frankspeech.com/video/mike-lindell-presents-absolutely-9-0

Also please be in prayer for his Cyber Forensic Symposium Aug. 11,12, 13 in Sioux Falls SD. Mike and his team are trusting many government leaders and media folks will be there to learn about the evidence they have and that this will contribute to God sending a revival across America.

Link for info on this symposium: https://home.frankspeech.com/tv/video/mike-lindell-announces-location-upcoming-cyber-symposium

Be strong! God is at work! Praise the Lord!

July 17, 2021

I pray that proof on a very unfair election is provided to all the world. If an audit was done on every state, county, region…nothing would match the first result. This election was rigged and full of fraud in every way possible. I always believed that the election outcome could NEVER be true. Prayers that all who are auditing the election/votes have a “JESUS moment” for now is the time. There is so much spiritual warfare, injustice, dishonesty, and no integrity in the world. Dear GOD – please give those officials in Arizona the gift of honesty and “WWJD” in this situation. Thank you for waking up some people and I pray that extreme fraud is found, proven, and shared with the world. I pray that people turn to YOU for guidance and faithfulness to YOU, our Lord and Savior.

Mary Galbally
July 17, 2021

I would like all on the Intercessors to continue to pray for AZ. We need prayers in MIchigan, also. There has been election fraud here and the people investigating the fraud have a HUGE target on their backs!

July 17, 2021

So , now that we, as Followers of Christ, have hit this defining moment in America’s History, and have found that we are living in a country that lies about voting , where do we go from here? After all this time watching America implode, where do we, as The Salt and Light of the world, left here on earth to do Christ’s work, go from here? “And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up:” (John 3:14). If we, His Body, don’t lift up Jesus, who will?

Toni Kushner
July 17, 2021

May we , the people who are His continue to STAND, WAIT, and WATCH we are seeing the Gory of God ” LORD, I have heard of Your fame; I stand in awe of Your deeds, O LORD. Renew them in our day, in our time make them known; in wrath remember mercy.” Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, but for the joy set before us. do it again.

July 17, 2021

Thank you Lord you truly are the all seeing, all knowing God we trust and love! We rejoice with You in our efforts through prayer to uncover the darkness that has enveloped our beautiful United States of America. Multiply our efforts Father as only You can! We stand as obedient servants for Your service.

Darlene Estlow
July 17, 2021

Father, give those county officials in Maricopa County the gift of repentance and salvation in Jesus. Thank you for what you are revealing and changing. Thank you that you have awakened your church to pray. May we not grow lax but be faithful.

Marsha Bashor
July 17, 2021

Thank you God for seeing the prayer wall and hearing the prayers of the godly people behind the scenes! And for answering in the nick of time!
I pray for the state of Pennsylvania to do the same!
In Jesusā€™ wonderful name.

July 17, 2021

Thank YOU Lord Jesus and all intercessors for standing with us here in AZ for truth, integrity, steadfastness, and not giving up in seeking justice in our 2020 election. The prayer wall, blessed me beyond measure. Our prayers have made a difference. Now we pray this “Come To Jesus” moment spread throughout our nation.

July 17, 2021


July 17, 2021

This is all very encouraging. God is on the move. It is painfully obvious that our November 2020 presidential Election was a total fraud- just the data collected in Georgia and Arizona alone prove this. Did the radical Democrats really think that they would get away with this? Looks like COVID was not a good enough cover to pull off this scam under. Praise God that the truth is being revealed. Praise God that other states, such as Pa., are very interested in this auditing movement. Lord, please , let the truth be revealed regarding the Nov. 2020 presidential election farce. As a result of this truth being revealed, I pray that President Trump will be reinstated as our President. The corruption being spewed at us by the radical/socialist Dems will destroy this nation. May Your will, and Your Truth, prevail in the land that we love. In Jesus’ name.

Darlene Vassall
July 17, 2021


Shirley Kufeldt
July 17, 2021

Heavenly Father and Lord Jesus, as a poll worker for ten years in a small community with fewer than 1000 ballots in a presidential election, I applaud all of Your children who are working to ensure election integrity in just one county in Arizona. I praise You, Father, for their faithfulness and stamina as they continue to praise You for victory. A Prayer and Praise Wall is definitely needed and You have blessed their souls and participation in this battlefield. We know the enemy will lie, cheat and destroy. We praise Jesus for the victory that has already been achieved. We pray that many other counties will be audited. I pray that those who drag their feet in audits will be exposed for whatever they have done that voids the honest votes of true American citizens.

And we pray that simple solutions to ensure the integrity of future elections will be implemented.

We praise and give all Glory to God, our Eternal Father!

In Jesus’ Name ~ Amen

John Robert Hanna
July 17, 2021

Shed the LIGHT on the wrongs and expose the evil. This is a very simple recipe for showing the rot and cancer that plagues our great nation/world. Pray children of God.!!

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    July 17, 2021

    Amen! Agree-let us add justice to that prayer! We have prayed a lot for things to be uncovered-letā€™s pray for justice to be served for the wrongdoing that is found.

Sherrie Sperry
July 17, 2021

praying for fair election.

Susan CC
July 17, 2021

My Utmost for His Highest is my “go to” in the morning. I saved this quote earlier….”Belief in Jesus is a miracle produced only by the effectiveness of redemption, not by impressive speech, nor by wooing and persuading, but only by the sheer unaided power of God.”

Father, thank you for this good news. I believe in the miracle of Jesus Christ and I believe in Your power. I pray all these individuals involved will continue to pray in boldness as they “conduct this audit in excellence, truth, integrity, and beyond reproach.” I also ask that You would guide all states to do likewise:
Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Lousianna, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming.
I pray in the Name of The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit. Amen

    Karen E. Kendrick
    July 17, 2021

    Thank you for naming & including all the states as I believe there was fraud in other states that has been probably going on for a long time..why some stay in office for 40 years or more..there was proven fraud in my state of Washington allowed by our sec. of state who says she is republican but allows illegals to vote…one of our governors lost & took it to our liberal court..all kinds of ballots being “magically” found in a car somewhere & stole the election..these people will stop at nothing..we may not be one of the ” battleground” states but we deserve a fair election so we keep praying for integretious electionsšŸ™šŸ™šŸ™

July 17, 2021

Wow! I’m encouraged for Pennsylvania.

Peggy Delaney
July 17, 2021

Awesome! We serve an awesome God! No matter how big “Goliath” is, he’s no match for the weapons of spiritual warfare God has given us. To God be the glory!


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