
State Prayer Call:
Saturdays at 9:00 AM MDT
(605) 313-4192
Access Code: 2641190
State Leader(s): Amethyst Johnson
Contact Email: [email protected]
Governor: Spencer Cox
Capital: Salt Lake City
State Motto:

Post Your Prayers For Utah

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Submitted Prayers For Utah

Shelly Dobbins
October 30, 2024

Dear Lord,
Look down on Utah & appoint leaders who have wisdom to guide their citizens in righteousness. Deliver them from evil, & lead them not into temptation. Amen.

Ektrine Alexandres
August 5, 2023

Mighty Father God, Son the Christ and Holy Spirit! We love you, I love you! May Your glory and majesty prevail in the state of Utah in every level of society! May every body of Christ, the true Messiah be cleaned and sanctified by Thee and may each one of your beloved be filled with the Thy Holy Spirit! Holy Spirit you are welcome in the state of Utah to do all work that has to be done in all your churches and in the world of Utah, in all areas, religious movements, education, economy, outdoors, tourism, transportation, recreation , please please send out your ministering angels and guardian agents so Thy Kingdom Thy perfect will be done in Utah and everyone living and even passing through Utah. Thank you for so many blessings you given us here and for helping us going through the fire, and storms. May You be the stronghold of the state of Utah, and each state in the America — Your Miracle, Oh Lord, the One Who was, Who is, and is to come! Amin.

D Thompson
April 6, 2023

Thank You Father that thru Your Son’s sacrificial gift of His Life we are able to come before You with our prayers and petitions.. Thank You for the prayer warriors fighting for Holy Spirit break thru. You created ALL things and have the ultimate say over everything. We thank You for the Holy Bible that both instructs us and warns us against evil and the wages of sin. I declare and decree through the authority You have given us (Luke 10) for spiritual breakthrough in the darkness. Your promises do not have an expiration date. The person of the Holy Spirit is powerful and present over Heaven and 🌏. May our many prayers be weapon of Light into the darkness. May these prayers be as a single match spreading into a mighty Holy Spirit revival not only in our local towns but throughout…… (Matthew 19:26) You are mighty in power and haven’t given up on this Nation. Remind us Father of Your promise in Galatians 6:9 to “not grow weary” but to persevere in our prayers In Jesus name. Amen

March 25, 2023

Father God,
We thank You that we can come before You because of Your Son’s blood sacrifice for our sins. In the mighty name of JESUS we declare the veil is being lifted off the eyes of those being blinded by the enemy and Your truth is shining through the darkness. We decree protection over our children and wisdom and discernment for their parents. Help them Father to seek Your face. In the powerful name of JESUS. Amen

March 8, 2023

Heavenly Father we thank You for Governor Cox hiand his family. We ask You Father to provide wisdom and guidance in everything he does. Provide Your Truth and show Governor Cox Your Glory. Teach Him Father through Your Holy Word the way he should go so that he may find and follow You. In Jesus name. Amen

March 8, 2023

Thank You Father for IFA. Thank You for the internet that allows us to connect online to other Believers and churches that believe Your promises written in the Bible. We pray for the precious people of Utah and others that are searching for Truth. Help us Father to be a Light wherever we go and to put on the full armor of God everyday. We ❤️ You Father and thank You for the many blessings. In the mighty name of Jesus. Amen

Pamela Burgess
February 21, 2023

Father I pray for revival in the state of Utah. God we bind every hindrance to what you want to do in this state, every stronghold we cast down in Jesus name. Remove every leader that stands in opposition to you and replace them with godly leaders willing to put your agenda above their own. In Jesus name Amen

Sharlyn Briggs
February 4, 2023

I pray that all positions of the devil is shut down in Jesus Christ name. Amen!

Katina Louise
January 21, 2023

My prayer is that I would like to be more connected with IFA pray Utah, but there’s no way for me to share my information with them. How exactly are your prayer teams organized and why is it so difficult to belong when there are so few of us? Dear Jesus, may some prayer warrior reach out to me. Because I’m a prayer warrior praying alone surrounded by Mormons and with no one for encouragement. Amen.

    Pamela Burgess
    February 21, 2023

    Katina Louise reach out to me. I’m also a prayer warrior believing for a move of God not only in Utah but across our nation and the world.

    Pamela Burgess
    February 23, 2023

    I’m praying with you for Utah and in my local town. Reach out to me if you want to.


Pray For Utah Leaders

Mike Lee (R)
Senator (Utah)
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Spencer Cox (R)
Governor (Utah)
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Deidre Henderson (R)
Lt. Governor (Utah)
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Sean Reyes (R)
Attorney General (Utah)
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John Curtis (R)
Senator (Utah)
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