New Jersey

State Prayer Call:
Thursdays at 8:00 PM EST
(605) 313-5775
Access Code: 7612092
State Leader(s): Deborah Melicharek and Donna Hart
Contact Email: [email protected]
Governor: Phil Murphy
Capital: Trenton
State Motto:
Liberty and Prosperity

Post Your Prayers For New Jersey

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Submitted Prayers For New Jersey

Eleonora Ryan
January 19, 2025

Lord Jesus, I pray for Trump administration to carry out your work by bringing back religious beliefs, peace, love and safety to us all. Protect President Trump, his family and the administration to fully carry out your work for everyone. I pray for those who are lost to find hope and faith in you Lord. We need to get back to how the world should be by praising and loving you Lord Jesus. Amen.

kim torquato
November 6, 2024

Heavenly Father, we pray that you would tear down the walls of resistance in the key battleground states and open up the path of victory for President Trump. We pray for Your will to be done in the United States of America as it is in heaven. We pray for a mighty outpouring of your Holy Spirit across the land that the strongholds of the enemy would be torn down. We look for another Great Awakening in America that millions of souls here and across the nations would experience the power of your salvation. In the mighty name of Jesus, we pray!

kim torquato
November 6, 2024

Almighty God, we pray that you would tear down the walls of resistance in the key battleground states and open up the path of victory for President Trump. We pray for Your will to be done in the United States of America as it is in heaven. We pray for a mighty outpouring of your Holy Spirit across the land that the strongholds of the enemy would be torn down. We look for another Great Awakening in America that millions of souls here and across the nations would experience the power of your salvation. In the mighty name of Jesus, we pray!

Shelly Dobbins
October 31, 2024

Father God, I pray for an honest & upstanding replacement for Senator Menendez. May they have a transparent & pure heart that serves the people of New Jersey. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Shelly Dobbins
October 30, 2024

Dear Father in Heaven,
Look down on New Jersey & give us your wisdom as we vote for our leaders. Place those in office who are honest, trustworthy, & accountable to you. Lead them not into temptation, & deliver them from evil. Ferret out any evil strongholds that have been established.
May your will be done on earth as in heaven. Amen.

Xylena Ruiz
September 23, 2024

Praying for First Choice’s legal team in litigation against Attorney General’s Office.

Rosalee Dent
June 26, 2024

Dear State representatives;
I am praying for you to decide rightly when considering harmful actions regarding our children. If abortion is encouraged, we will fail as a nation, just like China and Japan will not have a future generation to bring representation in future government, much to their dismay. This is due to extremist ideas such as abortion for convenience. It seems unnatural to delete babies in the womb when they are our future. We also do not want to confuse our children about their DNA, when we know even with transition their DNA is unchanged. The drugs harm them permanently. Many European countries are now rejecting gender transitioning due to its irreparable harm. Please keep our future safe and vote for life . Let them decide as an adult whether or not to transition to a different gender.
Children are incapable of making permanent life- long decisions. With the utmost honor and respect, I present my opinion to you for your consideration
Rosalee Dent

David Locke
April 2, 2024

Oh Risen Savior and Lord of All, 4.2.24

We need You desperately for individual rescue spiritually from our lethal sinful condition, which You demonstrated so lovingly, in the Agape Way, @ Calvary and the empty tomb,


as a state and nation as well. You see everything Father God, as nothing escapes Your searching and loving, gaze. New Jersey is lethally sick as we’ve long ago abandoned Your Way, Truth and Life. How foolish and suicidal is that! Jersey requires what only You can provide. Would you extend mercy once more & grant revival again?
Send Your Mighty Holy Spirit Abba Father, a miracle we know, but that is The God You are, the same I Am that I Am, Yesterday, Today and Forever!

We love You Lord because You first loved us.

In Jesus’ Precious Name,

Kim Torquato
March 7, 2024

The NJ Senate bill 2421/Assembly bill 3446, which was originally scheduled for a vote on February 15th and then postponed, has been rescheduled for a vote on Thursday, March 14th at 11:00 am. This bill, also known as the “Freedom to Read Act,” permits librarians and teachers to distribute sexually explicit material to minor students without any threat of criminal prosecution. If passed, this law will remove control from the local Boards of Education to determine what books/material are considered sexually explicit and are not appropriate for public school students. Current NJ law (NJSA 2C:34-3) prohibits adults from showing, exhibiting, and/or promoting sexually obscene material to minors under the age of 18 but under this new law, librarians and teachers will be exempt. To title this law, the “Freedom to Read Act,” is a deliberate deception to allow pornographic material into our school libraries and classrooms.
Please pray that this bill is overwhelmingly voted down.

ACTION: Please call or email your local State Representatives to vote NO on S2421/A3446. For more contact information, please see my prayer request from February 9, 2024.

Kim Torquato
February 21, 2024

From: Working Together for New Jersey

Another Assault on Parental Rights is before the Senate Health Committee this Thursday, Feb. 22. The meeting will take place on the First Floor, Rm. 6, of the State Annex at 1:00 pm

“Two bills are on the Agenda for the Senate Health committee this Thursday in Trenton. S1970 would lower the age of consent for minors for treatment for certain physical and mental health conditions, including drugs or alcohol, and sexual assault, to the age of 13. Parental consent would only be necessary in the latter circumstance. This bill is sponsored by Sen. Joe Vitale, chair of Senate Health.

The second bill on the Agenda is S1188. It is identical to S1970, except for that the Statement (summary) references the need to address adolescent suicide, and its increase during and since the pandemic. NJ is one of five states that saw this increase, both in the absolute count and the proportion of overall suicides among adolescents. It lowers the age of consent to 14. The sponsor is Raj Mukhurji

Call the sponsors of the bills and the members of the Senate Health committee and/or attend the committee meeting. at 1:00 pm.

S1970 – Sponsor, Joe Vitale, Health Committee Chairman, website
[email protected] – (732) 855-7441
S1188 – Sponsor, Raj Mukherji, also a member of Senate Health, website
[email protected] – (201) 626-4000

Call members of the Senate Health Committee. Note that McKnight and Henry are on both the Health Committee AND the Education Committee, that heard last week’s “Right to Read Bill”. McKnight and Zwicker are also sponsors of “Right to Read”. Click on the Senator’s name to get to their website and learn more about them. This is helpful when calling or emailing. Also note that the committee currently has 8 members, so it will take 5/6 Democrats to vote to approve either bill. Also note that there are only 2 Republicans on the committee. Since S1970 and S1188 are so identical, except for the age of consent, we wonder if they will be merged in committee.

Senate Health Committee
Chairman: Sen. Joe Vitale (D) – See Sponsor S1970, above
Sen. Troy Singleton (D) – Vice-Chair – [email protected] – (856) 234-2790
Sen. Renee Burgess (D) [email protected] – (862) 231-6577 – Note Sen. Burgess is a Christian, and served for 9 years on the Irvington Bd. of Education
Sen. Owen Henry (R) – [email protected] – (732) 607-7580 – Note Sen. Henry is also on Senate Ed. Henry is a new Senator, and was most recently the mayor of Oldbridge.
Sen. Angela McKnight (D) – [email protected] – (201) 360-2502 – Sen. McKnight is also on Senate Ed, and a sponsor of the “Right to Read” Act
Sen. Mukherji (D) – Sen. Raj Mukherji is the sponsor of S1188 – see above
Sen. Holly Schepisi (R) – [email protected] – (201) 666-0881
Sen. Zwicker (D) – Sen. Zwicker is the sponsor of the Right to Read Act – [email protected] – (908) 308-8672

“Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, it would be better for him if, with a heavy millstone hung around his neck, he had been cast into the sea”. Mark 9:42

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Kim Torquato
February 14, 2024

PRAISE REPORT from Garden State Families:

S2421 has been pulled from the Senate Education Committee agenda for Thursday, February 15, 2024. The Freedom to Read Act has been removed from the agenda of the NJ Senate Education Committee. Your Advocacy Worked! We will stay vigilant and on guard to defend the natural family and all of New Jersey’s children.

Please continue to pray that this bill will not be reintroduced and that NJ will be a safe place for families again.

Kim Torquato
February 9, 2024

Please pray that NJ Senate bill 2421/Assembly bill 3446, scheduled for a vote on Thursday, February 15th at 11:00 am, dies in committee. This bill, also known as the “Freedom to Read Act,” permits librarians and teachers to distribute sexually explicit material to minor students without any threat of criminal prosecution. Current NJ law prohibits adults from showing, exhibiting, and/or promoting obscene material to minors under the age of 18.

What will this Bill actually do? (from NJ Family Policy Center):
1. It will remove control of decision making power from local school boards to determine what is considered “sexually explicit” material, transferring this authority, instead, to teachers and librarians. (Sect 4)
2. Parental rights will be suspended as they will be prohibited from expressing disagreement with the decisions made by school librarians and teachers. (Sect 7)
3. “Protected class status” will be granted to library media specialists and teaching staff members under the NJ Law Against Discrimination. This will protect local school boards from accountability for distributing obscene, sexually explicit materials to children. (Sect 14)

1. Contact your State Senator and local Assembly representative, requesting that they vote NO against Senate Bill 2421/Assembly Bill 3446.
2. Contact Senate Education Committee Members, requesting they defeat this bill in committee (see list below).
3. Attend the Senate Education Committee Meeting on Thursday, February 15th at 10:30 am to express your opposition to this bill. The meeting will be held in the Trenton State Annex, Committee Room 4.

Senate Education Committee Members:
Senator Vin Gopal (Chair): [email protected] 732-695-3371
Senator Shirley Turner (Vice Chair): [email protected] 609-323-7239
Senator Kristin Corrado: [email protected] 973-237-1360
Senator Owen Henry: [email protected] 732-607-7580
Senator Angela McKnight: [email protected] 201-360-2502

Bill 2421 Sponsors:

Senator Andrew Zwicker: NJ Legislature (; [email protected]
Senator M. Teresa Ruiz: NJ Legislature (; [email protected]

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Kim Torquato
February 9, 2024

Stand together in prayer against the passage of NJ Senate Bill 2421/ Assembly Bill 3446, scheduled for a hearing on Thursday, Feb 15 at 11:00 am
This Bill, also known as the “Freedom to Read Act,” permits teachers and librarians to distribute sexually explicit material to children without the threat of criminal prosecution. Current NJ law prohibits adults from showing, exhibiting, and promoting obscene materials to minors under the age of 18.

What else does this bill do? (from NJ Family Policy Center)
1. Removes local control by local school boards to give all decision making power to teachers and school librarians to determine what is sexually explicit material. (Sect. 4)
2. Prevents parents from expressing their disagreements regarding the decisions made by school librarians and teachers to distribute obscene materials as defined by law. (Sect 7)
3. Grant’s protective class status to library media specialists and teaching staff members under NJ Law Against Discrimination; preventing local school boards from holding them accountable for distribution of obscene, sexually explicit materials to children. (Sect 14)

1. Contact your State Senator and Assembly person requesting them to vote NO on Senate Bill 2421 and Assembly Bill 3446.
2. Contact the State Education Committee members, requesting your desire that they squash this bill in committee.
3. Attend he hearing on Thursday, February 15th at the State Annex, Committee Room 4. Please show up by 10:30 to pray and possibly share your thoughts to the committee.

Senate Education Committee Members:
Senator Vin Gopal (Chair): [email protected] 732-695-3371
Senator Shirley Turner (Vice Chair): [email protected] 609-323-7239
Senator Kristin Corrado: [email protected] 973-237-1360
Senator Owen Henry: [email protected] 732-607-7580
Senator Angela McKnight: [email protected] 201-360-2502

Bill 2421 Sponsors:
Senator Andrew Zwicker: NJ Legislature (; [email protected]
Senator M. Teresa Ruiz: NJ Legislature (; [email protected]

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Kim Torquato
January 30, 2024

LORD, God, our hearts are broken as we grieve the deaths of the 3 US soldiers and 40 injured in a drone attack on a US military base in Jordan. We pray for your comfort for the families of those who died and for the recovery of those who have been injured. We pray for the safety of all our troops who are serving in the Middle East, especially the 15,000 NJ National Guard troops.
Father, we humble ourselves in prayer and repentance before your throne of grace; heave mercy upon us. We have been like those who walk in darkness. Guide us back to the “old road” that we may walk in the Truth of your light and wisdom. Amen

Marie Norris
January 30, 2024

Psalm 92:1-2 it is good to praise the Lord and make music to your name, O Most High, to proclaim your love in the morning. I pray for the state of New Jersey today. Psalm 92:5-8 How great are your works O Lord, how profound your thoughts! The senseless man does no know fools do not understand, that though the wicked spring up like grass and evil doers flourish, they will be forever destroyed. But you O Lord, are exalted forever. I pray for your remnant in the state. Psalm 91:14 Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days. Thank you Lord for your faithfulness. Pour out your righteousness upon this state today. In the name of Jesus. Lord of all.

Kim Torquato
January 8, 2024

Tomorrow, January 9th, the new state legislators will be sworn in. Praying Ps 24:3-5 over them, “Who may ascend into the hill of the LORD, and who may stand in His holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who has not lifted up his soul to falsehood and has not sworn deceitfully. He shall receive a blessing from the LORD and righteousness from the God of His salvation.”

Deborah Melicharek
December 13, 2023

lifting up prayer regarding tomorrow’s December 14, Senate Health Committee hearing on bill A4350/S2918, radical abortion bill, that it will be stalled and stopped, will come to nothing, will be brought to naught, unable to move forward, as man proposes, but God disposes, as we say no to death and yes to life, in Jesus name!

Carol Pignatelli
November 3, 2023

Lord, I lift up all these leaders to you, they need your truth and wisdom, NOW! I wait on you alone. Your ways are higher, we need
you Lord! Convict their ways allow them to see, change all their hearts to your ways.
In Jesus precious name,

Donna Hart NJ State Co-Leader
October 30, 2023

Father we pray for our elections next week! We have been contending for righteousness to be restored to our beautiful state and for honest God honoring public servants who understand that You have graced them with their position of authority. We pray that we would see a shift in NJ to integrity, people who uphold our cherished American Judeo-Christian values protecting life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That they hold dear our Constitution and understand the times we live in. That they have wisdom and understanding of the threats to our way of life and the price paid through the centuries for this blessed life in America. That they would recognize the globalist plans to weaken America and diminish individual freedoms. Sweep them into office in NJ Lord that our children and grandchildren may be safe and have the same opportunities to pursue their dreams as we have. Thank you for hearing our prayers Father. In Jesus’Name. Amen.

Kim Torquato
October 29, 2023

Please pray that NJ-A4350/S2918, does not become law. This bill expands New Jersey’s already liberal abortion laws by using taxpayer money to create a recurring annual grant of $20 million to train and increase the number of abortion providers (including non-physician providers), and to provide “free”, tax-payer paid abortions to residents and non-residents of the State of NJ. For residents of NJ, insurance companies must pay for all medical costs incurred up to the day of delivery, even if the mother is healthy and the fetus is viable. For non-residents, NJ will become a Sanctuary State for a woman seeking an abortion, including minors. Under this bill, the State of NJ will provide for the cost of transportation, housing, and medical care for non-residents – all paid for with your tax dollars! Please pray that this Bill is never voted into law.
For more information, click on this link:

October 19, 2023

I pray God to show mercy upon the people, the leaders, the land of New Jersey. Let there be no more devastating hurricanes like Ida. I pray that people do not tempt, mock, or defy God. I pray that believers should be bold and challenge, reject, not compromise on laws that contradict God’s statutes, in Jesus’ name amen.

Donna Hart-NJ State Prayer Co-Leader
August 11, 2023






Rosalee Dent
July 24, 2023

Father God, we know your heart for your people is gracious and long-suffering, but you plan of the ages must come about in your appointed time…Father protect the government leaders from harm and resolve this conflict between ideologies, as only you can ..we pray for the Peace of Jerusalem as you have commanded us to do..We Praise you and we thank you for your mercy and goodness, and we pray this in the Mighty Name of Jesus..Amen

Nancy Jensen
May 25, 2023

Wayne, NJ is planning a drag queen festival on Sunday, June 4th, at the municipality parking lot. Let’s join in prayer for God’s intervention to protect children from this destructive agenda, along with no violence at this event. We need Jesus. Thank you

Donna Hart
April 11, 2023

Holocaust Remembrance Day *** Yom HaShoah
in commemoration of the
80th Anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising
Join us in front of the
New Jersey State House Annex
145 West State Street, Trenton, NJ
NJ Statewide Ministries are hosting a Gathering of Remembrance
followed by a March around the New Jersey State House
on Monday, April 17, 2023
12:00 noon – 1:30 p.m

Donna Hart
April 11, 2023

Source: The Center for Garden State Families has put out an alert for action. Please see the description below.
Child Mutilation Bill–The New Jersey legislature, with the help of Sen. Andrew Zwicker and 4 Assembly members have introduced bill S3592/A5180 “Establishes certain protections for persons, providing, receiving, and allowing children to receive gender-affirming health care.” From the bill statement:

“Specifically, the bill amends P.L.2004, c.187 (C.2A:34-53 et seq.), the “Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act” to stipulate that: 1) the presence of the child in this State for the purpose of receiving gender-affirming health care is sufficient for a State court to have jurisdiction to make an initial child custody determination for a child, if the child and the child’s parents, or the child and at least one parent or a person acting as a parent, have a significant connection with this State other than mere physical presence (section 13 of P.L.2004, c.147 (C.2A:34-65)); 2) a court of this State has temporary emergency jurisdiction if the child is present in this State and the child is unable to receive gender-affirming health care in the child’s home state (section 16 of P.L.2004, c.147 (C. 2A:34-68)); 3) a court of this State is the appropriate forum to exercise jurisdiction in a child custody case when the law or policy of the other state that may take jurisdiction limits the ability of a parent to obtain gender-affirming health care for a child (section 19 of P.L.2004, c.147 (C.2A:34-71)); and 4) in making a determination about whether a court in this State can decline to exercise its jurisdiction over a child custody case, the court cannot consider the taking or keeping of the child from the person who has legal or physical custody or visitation rights as a factor weighing against a petitioner in the case, if there is evidence that taking or keeping the child was so that the child could receive gender-affirming health care (section 20 of P.L.2004, c.147 (C.2A:34-72)).”

What S3592 means in operation is that the state of New Jersey can essentially become a sanctuary state for individuals, including minors, to receive gender-affirming therapy. For example, a mother wants to affirm and support the decision of her minor child born as a biological boy to become a girl. The father of the boy refuses to allow any treatment for his son’s fantasy to be something other than the male he was born. The mother decides to take her son to New Jersey for gender-affirming health care. The father goes to court in the state where he, his son and the mother of the son reside to bring the boy back. The state of New Jersey will refuse to acknowledge the court order or the custody of the father desperately trying to stop the chemical and physical mutilation of his son. These 10 pages of the proposed law will make New Jersey a sanctuary state for any individual, including a minor, to receive gender-affirming healthcare. There are numerous reports nationwide of children receiving hormone blockers as early as eight years old. Young girls having double mastectomies as early as 11 years old. Prepubescent boys receiving hormone blockers so they never mature sexually. This affects brain development, cardiovascular development, and musculoskeletal development. NO CHILD has the mental or emotional capacity to make this permanent life-altering decision. With S3592 New Jersey will become the East Coast hub of chemical and sexual mutilation of a minor child. This is legalized human trafficking. Bringing a minor child across state lines without the consent of both parents and against the law of another state.

The Center for Garden State Families 1719 Rt 10 East Suite 309
Parsippany, NJ. 07054 973-658-4310

Donna Hart
March 9, 2023

Hello New Jersey Intercessors from Donna Hart NJ State Prayer Leader
Moms in Prayer is an organization committed to prayer for children, schools and related issues and networks across the USA.
Here’s their website:

Donna Hart
March 8, 2023

Hello New Jersey Intercessors from Donna Hart NJ State Prayer Leader
Deborah and I invite you to join our call Thursdays at 8pm. We have a wonderful group calling in from all over the state and we are making a difference in our state. Come add your faith to the team!
Thanks for your posted prayers!
God bless you and God bless New Jersey again.

Donna Hart
March 8, 2023

Hello from Donna Hart- New Jersey State Prayer Leader
Please find below the website for a Parents Rights organization where you can access answers to school related issues.
God bless you.

Suzanne Bocage
February 23, 2023

Almighty God,
Thank you for the outpouring of your Holy Spirit in our youth- Generation Z. I pray for the lost in this group that your Holy Spirit hovering to call them to yourself in truth and repentance grows as a Holy Fire !!! Ignite this Generation for you. Thank you for the work you are doing in the USA and around the world . Purify your church so that we will truly represent you in this dark world . Help us to be lights and ambassadors to the lost and fill us with all the fruit of the Holy Spirit. Break the enemy’s hold on the hearts and minds of all , especially Gen Z and May they be a powerful force for turning others to you . You are beautiful. Your arms are still outstretched to mankind. There is time before you return to judge the earth . Fill us with Holy Reverent Fear as to your power.

Roselyn Brown
February 16, 2023

Heavenly Father I pray for the States of NJ and it’s surrounded in the name of Jesus. I lifted up the leadership that you have appointed for such a time like this. I prayed that they seek Godly wisdom from you to be able to do their jobs effectively. I pray that they acknowledge that you as their Lord and Savior. Father I prayer that they look to you instead of looking to mortal man who dies not have the answers. I prayed this in your son Jesus mighty name. Amen.

Carol Pignatelli
September 13, 2022

Heavenly Father, our states name liberty and prosperity is what we are suppose to be,
not dictating, we are to live well and acknowledge God as the head of our state. Make
wise decisions and not use power over people! I declare New Jersey for Jesus we will
bring Him glory, honor and praise! I cover our state with the blood of Jesus!

margie depasquale
September 10, 2022

Father, in the name of JESUS I lift up to you our Governor Philip Murphy and our state officials. Lord I pray first for their salvation. Draw them to YOU. Fill them with YOUR wisdom and guide them into YOUR truth. IN JESUS MIGHTY NAME

Carol Pignatelli
August 16, 2022

Oh God our Father, reveal your Son Jesus to our governor and state officials! They need an
awakening in you, speak to them in dreams let them see the evil attacking our children and
grandchildren. Fresh wind and fire of your Holy Spirit!

Ann Dillon
August 9, 2022

Father God, as we stand in the gap for the State of New Jersey, we are praying:
– For laws that honor the life of the unborn! No more shedding of innocent blood! We will not become an abortion sanctuary state!
– For righteous leadership in every sphere of government, education, the judicial system, the health and medicine sector, the church, families, and media.
– We are praying for the uncovering and demolishing of corruption in every sphere of society in our state.
– We are releasing the new move of God throughout our territory.
– We are decreeing the fire of the Holy Spirit to descend in every pulpit, every follower of Christ and every ministry throughout NJ!
– We are crying out for salvations, awakening, and a harvest perspective!

In the Mighty Name of Jesus we pray – Amen!

Kim Torquato
July 3, 2022

Heavenly Father, our hearts grieve with you over the decision that the NJ lawmakers have made to stand firm for abortion. Oh, LORD, while much of the nation rejoices at your great mercy to overturn Roe v Wade, NJ lawmakers raise their fist in protest and pledge to make NJ a sanctuary state for abortion. Father, we cry out to you for grace to help in time of need. We pray that these heinous bills would be overturned and that, instead, NJ would become a sanctuary state for life. Please remove the scales from the eyes of Gov. Murphy and let him see the truth about abortion; that he would become an advocate for life instead of death. We pray in the precious name of Jesus. Amen

Cheri Galbraith
June 30, 2022

Oh Father, In Jesus name I join in agreement with many others for the lives of the unborn in New Jersey. Governor Murphy has assured that abortion would remain in New Jersey. Today I claim crop failure on those words as they came from Satan thru him.
Father I pray that he and those who support and perform abortions and work in these slaughter houses would hear the unborn’s blood cry out to You. I pray that these who are involved in any way to murder the unborn would see the blood of these babies on their hands. I pray that You would soften the hearts of these people, when they sleep that they would see the babies blood and hear their voices crying out to You and when they look at their homes and possessions that they would see the babies blood and on their credit cards and all that they own. I pray for their souls that the Holy Spirit would convict and that their callouses on their hearts would be removed and that they would feel the loss of life. I pray that when they wonder why they can’t sleep and have no peace that the Holy Spirit would speak to them about the blood on their hands and they would begin to cry out to You for mercy. I pray for the politicians and all people in New Jersey who take part or support the killing of the unborn, that they would come to Jesus and repent with a Godly sorrow. I pray that today You oh Father would put iron bars around every womb and change the minds of every woman wanting to kill their babies. I pray for them to come to Jesus. I pray for those who have already murdered their babies that You oh God would bring them to Jesus and that their souls would be healed and they would be convinced outspoken voices for the unborn. Almighty Father You alone can change the many hearts in New Jersey who support this barbaric act on the innocent. Please change hearts, save souls, change laws, change lives and save the unborn from those who don’t really understand the depth of what they are doing. Please take the selfishness away from those who are involved be it mother’s, father’, politicians and people’s of all walks of life and that every excuse will be taken from them and they will stand fully aware and accountable for their thoughts and deeds. Thank you Father in Jesus name for moving in such a powerful way for the unborn, mother’s and all people that this genocide of the babies will be stopped once and for all in the state of New Jersey at any cost in Jesus Christ name. Amen and Glory to You Lord.

Robert Batters
June 22, 2022

Father, taking the authority You have given us, in Jesus Name, we command the Host of Heaven to come and cut the demonic puppet strings influencing our NJ politicians.
Thank You.

Charlette Luna
June 18, 2022

Dear Father in Heaven,
I thank you that you are awakening NJ to your truth, that you have already sent laborers to our state, ambassadors for Christ’s kingdom and the holy angels who are shredding the enemies and pulling down the strongholds. We have asked and believed that we have received according to your Holy Word. We have come boldly to your throne of grace to obtain mercy and mercy we have received according to your plan and purposes and we decree and declare it done in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen!

Megan Mieles
June 8, 2022

I’m not sure where else to post this. It’s not a prayer per se but I felt the Holy Spirit unction to set foot on all school grounds and pray for our students / faculty , administrators, school boards, and declare that our schools will once again lift the name of God on high. I have slowly been visiting schools in my area ( I’m a working, homeschooling mom of three young children) so very busy but none the less am trying to get out on every campus. Would any intercessors pray and seek Gods direction about going out onto your local school campuses and pray ? I am in central Jersey around the Bridgewater/BaskingRidge area

Victoria Zee
June 5, 2022

Father in the name of Jesus, free NJ from corrupt politicians who share globalist or evil agendas. Father expose corruption on every level, please do not let any guilty get off scott free or deceive the people looking like an upstanding public servant who wants the best for NJ and America while secretly in the pockets and under the control of the elite and those who want to destroy America’s freedom, democracy, and economy. Father thank you that your word assures us that you hear our prayers. We trust you to answer them and we thank you for all you are doing behind the scenes to bring justice to our nation.

Victoria Zee
June 5, 2022

Father in tge name of Jesus, free NJ from corrupt politicians who share globalist or evil agendas. Father expose corruptiin on every level, please do not let any guilty get off scott free or deceive the people looking like an uostanding public servant who wants the best for NJ and America while secretly in the pockets and under the control of the elite and those who want to destroy America’s freedonm, democracy, and economy. Father thank you that your word assures us tgat you hear our prayers. We trust you to answer them and we thank you for all you are doing behind tge scenes to bring justice to our nation.

Shelly Ristow
May 23, 2022

Dear God the Father, Jesus Christ the son and Holy Spirit,
When you visit us in New Jersey please bring your mercy and grace and pour it out from your abundance. Please forgive us. Help us to turn from our wicked ways, repent quickly and turn back to you. Then our land can be healed because truly it was all made by you and belongs to you. Help us to be good stewards. Amen.


Pray For New Jersey Leaders

Cory Booker (D)
Senator (New Jersey)
Submit A Prayer
63 have submitted prayers
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have prayed
Philip Murphy (D)
Governor (New Jersey)
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38 have submitted prayers
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have prayed
Tahesha Way (D)
Secretary of State (New Jersey)
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1 have submitted prayers
I Prayed
have prayed
Matt Platkin (D)
Attorney General (New Jersey)
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3 have submitted prayers
I Prayed
have prayed
Andy Kim (D)
Senator (New Jersey)
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