State Prayer Call:
Thursdays at 7:00 p.m. PT
(605) 313-4424
Access Code: 4400172
State Leader(s): Karen Konegan
Contact Email: [email protected]
Governor: Joe Lombardo
Capital: Carson City
State Motto:
All for our country

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Lord Jesus we pray Nevada would appeal to the Supreme Court as Pennsylvania has, in order to stop late mail in ballots being counted.
We cry out for your justice to reign against voter fraud in this election.
In Jesus name and to Him be the Glory,
Lord, I am asking for your mercy on those that are lost. Please send laborers, the harvest is white. I ask that you pour out your Spirit on those that call you Lord, and they walk boldly in these days. I pray that the public square is found with Holy Spirit filled men and women, and children, that will proclaim truth and will fight for freedom. I thank you, Father, for Your sacrifice, You made a way when there was no way. I thank You for touching hearts and bringing people into Your kingdom. Lord, that these people here would repent and call upon Your name! Please strengthen the brethren that are here. Place a hedge of protection around about them. Bless their marriages and their families. Lord, comfort Your people, and give them peace. I love You, Lord Jesus. You alone are worthy. You are mighty to save. I pray this in Your Holy and precious name, Jesus Christ, King of kings and Lord of lords, amen.
Heavenly Father I come to you in prayer this morning for the state of Nevada. I praise You Lord, because You are the Light and You know what lies in darkness and the light dwells with You. Daniel 2:22. So much is happening in our country, you are exposing darkness. I praise You for your promises. Protect the needy and poor. Lift up the heads of government, be a shield around them and bestow your glory upon those walking in obedience to your law and statues. Destroy the wicked. May your glory and light shine brightly today upon Nevada. Thank you Lord God our Savior. In Jesus name. Amen
Please pray for the Clark County School Board meeting 9/28. Asking that the trustees repeal their transgender regulation 5138. We pray for the speakers to be wise and graceful, ambassadors of Christ. That the scales fall from the eyes of our board members. We pray that the this meeting softens hearts and opens eyes. We lift up our school children, ask that parents and citizens stand to protect the weak and vulnerable from being sexualized. We give it all to King Jesus. Please keep all these wonderful people stepping up to speak on behalf of our children in your prayers. Keep them safe. Bless them. Thank you for your prayers. Thank You, King Jesus for Your victory.
My King, oh how we love You!
The harvest is ripe, Lord God. Pour Your Holy Spirit out with revival fire on this city! Let the whole world see Your salvation!
Father, I pray that every broken and lost soul in this city hear the words of Your truth and coming running to Your healing and forgiveness. I pray that every backslider runs back into Your arms. I pray that Your name is sang on every street corner. Lord Jesus, heal this place. Your love and mercy and compassion change lives. Touch hearts, King Jesus. Pick up the down trodden. Send me, I pray. Lord Jesus, open my eyes that I would learn to see as You would see. Love as You love. Walk as You walk. Dear Lord, until that day You call me home, let not my brothers and sisters perish without the truth ringing in their ears!
Prayer for The City Of Las Vegas
Father, we come boldly to your throne of grace interceding for the City of Las Vegas. We thank you that your eyes are upon this city and your ears are open to our
prayers. Father, thank you for preserving this city and bringing restoration and wholeness to our communities. We pray for a spiritual awakening in the hearts of the Las Vegas residents. Restore faith and vision in this generation and ignite in them a holy fire and godly passion that will destroy every unclean influence. We decree that Jesus is Lord over Las Vegas! Every strategy that the enemy has devised against the people in this city is hindered and defeated.
In the name of Jesus we bind the strongmen that have held Las Vegas in bondage. We bind the spirits of greed, violence, murder, suicide and self destruction. We bind the spirits of hatred, abuse, anger and rage. We bind the spirits of division and racism, strife, mental oppression, depression and mind control, crime, vandalism, stealing, assault, and gang violence. We bind the spirits of lust, sexual immorality, perversion and homosexuality, rape, molestation and adultery. We bind the spirits of fornication, incest, pornography, prostitution, divorce and the destruction of marriages and families. We bind the spirits of fear, lying, idolatry, witchcraft, anti-Christ, deception, rejection, pride, jealousy, bitterness and rebellion. In the name of Jesus we bind the spirits behind organized crime, illegal firearm sales and usage, all black market activity, the illegal drug trade and usage, gambling and corruption.
We execute divine judgment against the forces of darkness and cancel every satanic operation and maneuver designed against the City of Las Vegas and its residents. We evict every demonic spirit from the neighborhoods in this city and decree that the works of the devil are destroyed. We plead the blood of Jesus over every household in this city and render every assignment of the enemy against our youth null, void, powerless and ineffective. We declare that heavenly angels have been given charge over this city to protect, guard and defend it in Jesus name.
We loose the blessing upon every individual, family, neighborhood, business and area of government in this city. We decree that every stronghold of the enemy has fallen and is no more. Father, send forth laborers into this city preaching the gospel, bringing healing to the broken hearted, deliverance to the captives and liberty and restoration to them that are bruised. Father, send forth an outpouring of the Holy Spirit, wisdom, truth, love, joy, peace, righteousness, faith, holiness and your Word to saturate this entire city.
Father, thank you that Your Word will not return void, but shall accomplish everything it is sent out to perform in the City of Las Vegas, in Jesus name. Amen!
Father we
“Pray for peace in Jerusalem. May all who love this city prosper. O Jerusalem, may there be peace within your walls and prosperity in your palaces.”
Psalms 122:6-7 NLT
Lord God come on the state of Nevada and specifically Las Vegas ,Reno all those places Lord right now as my family is there today. God make it a different place for them make it a Place full of you Lord God and just let them be drawn to yourself in a most beautiful way everywhere they go in Las Vegas keep them safe , calm Becky’s mind and her heart Lord God and Lord make Bob the husband that you want him to be to her Lord God and make her the wife you want her to be to him. Give them a real Revival in their marriage in their parenting in their kids Lord and in each other. Let them love you and each other like never before with a love that will last for all eternity,, and let this state be a leader in Revival for your honor your glory and your praise for now and. all eternity.
As Your Church,
In the midst of unprecedented turmoil and catastrophic circumstances coming at us from every side, nationally and internationally, coupled with increasing deficiencies in national leadership – we press into Your heart this day, God of world history and earth’s peoples, and glorious God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
We Refuse to Panic:
We resist captivity to dire projections or overwhelming fears. Instead we want to focus on and celebrate all that Your precious Son is, reigning right now in the face of every evil – who He is to us, and for us, over us, and within us, through us, and before us, and upon us.
We Proclaim Him before all heaven:
Christ is supreme! – He is sovereign, superior, sufficient and totally satisfying!
Christ is our glory! – He is Alpha and Omega, the consummation of all Your purposes, for all creation, for all the Ages to come! In Him our life is hidden with You, until the hour He returns in the final triumphs of grace and truth.
Christ is among us! – He is accessible to us right now, in all of His riches. He stands with us – willing, able and ready to act for us, in us, and through us to magnify ALL that He is, before us and before all nations! Therefore, despite threats and tragedies and emergencies; despite deceptions and dismay and darkness, we proclaim:
Christ is our hope! – He is the summation of all of Your promises, the source of all Your riches, and much more, for now and forever! We proclaim Him, therefore, to be the one great hope for America in this moment of overwhelming crises.
We Repent before You and before our nation:
We repent because it is the failure of the Church to properly respond to Christ as Lord that is the ultimate explanation for many of our current difficulties.
Therefore, we Your people REPENT for how we have diminished Your Son, regarding Him more as our mascot than our Monarch.
WE REPENT for how we have manipulated Your Son, coming to Him to use Him, as far as we think we need Him – that far and no more.
WE REPENT for how we have hoarded Your Son, seeking His blessings for ourselves, with little thought about bringing those blessings to others. We’ve assumed that He was there only for us. We’ve acted as if He was not Lord of neighbors and nations.
WE REPENT for how we have resisted Your Son, withholding our affections from Him because we were afraid of what it would cost us to draw near to Him – and thus we denied His lordship over all.
WE REPENT for how we’ve replaced Your Son, with creeds, and programs, and organizations, and causes performed in His name – but without the consuming passion He deserves as the Center and Circumference of everything for us and for our nation.
No wonder darkness is covering our land! No wonder confusion is on every hand! No wonder many are at a loss as to what to do! We who were to be rivers of Christ’s redemption and righteousness find ourselves to be stagnant and powerless instead, because we have failed to give Him the supremacy in everything as He deserves and desires. That is the ultimate crisis in this hour! We are brokenhearted.
We Plead for Your intervention:
As Peter said, already judgment has begun with the household of God. It is Your Church that is struggling with spiritual bankruptcy, puzzled and paralyzed.
WE, most of all, are in desperate need for a fresh revelation of the majesty and greatness of Your Son.
WE, most of all, need to be re-converted back to Christ for ALL that He is as King of the universe, Lord of the nations, Head of the Church and Master of our destinies. The only genuine hope for America at this moment is the restoration of Jesus’ glory among your own people.
WE, most of all, must be empowered to advance Your Kingdom bringing Christ’s deliverance into our communities.
Therefore, O Lamb of God, Your Church appeals to You: Confront our crisis of supremacy. Forgive us! Cleanse us! Purify us! Resurrect us! Re-convert us! Restore us! Refill us! Re-commission us! And then, O Lamb of God, use us to heal our land!
Together in hope, O God of our salvation, we cry out for our whole nation to hear: “Lord Jesus, come and conquer us! Lord Jesus, come and conquer us! Lord Jesus, come and conquer us!”
We Pray for Your awakening power:
Awaken your whole Church in America – and through us awaken an entire nation.
AWAKEN US to see ALL that the Lord Jesus is in this hour of great trial.
AWAKEN US to who He is as the majestic Son of God.
AWAKEN US to where He is leading in the Purposes of God.
AWAKEN US to how fully He imparts the resources of God.
AWAKEN US to what He rightfully must receive from the People of God.
AWAKEN US to pursue Your magnificent promises, wonderfully defined by His supremacy!
AWAKEN US to recover and spread abroad ALL the hope we are meant to have in our Sovereign Savior.
AWAKEN US to plant that Kingdom hope among our fellow citizens, now trembling in fear and despair before a multitude of overwhelming crises.
AWAKEN leaders, in all areas of our national life, who rise to exalt and serve the righteous purposes of the Lord Jesus Christ.
AWAKEN all of us to His fullness – for a deliverance of America that will bless all the peoples of the world.
Begin in this hour. Begin in this place Begin with us all.
Hallelujah! Praise Father, Son and Holy Spirit! In the name of Jesus, it shall be done! AMEN.
@ 2008, Adapted from CHRIST IS ALL! A Joyful Manifesto On the Supremacy of God’s Son by David Bryant. Presented as a tri-fold brochure by Every Home for Christ.
We pray for free and fair elections in Nevada. We pray that the cheaters and liars in our elections will be exposed and brought to justice. We pray that the cheating will end. We pray for honesty in vote counting. We thank You, Heavenly Father, for answering our prayers.
Father God, you know each and every leader in the state of Nevada. You know their hearts. You know the intent of their minds. I pray father for a powerful cleansing to remove any decisions that will cause harm to your people. Open the eyes of each leader to think beyond the moment, to realize the blinding power of greed, until they lay down their pride. May they seek you with their whole heart, submit themselves to you and do good in the land.
Guide our leaders hearts and minds by the power of your Holy Spirit Jesus. Guide them into the way, the truth and the life of Jesus! Turn them from darkness to light in Jesus name