
State Prayer Call:
1st and 3rd Monday at 7:00 PM EST and Mondays at 6:00 AM EST
Access Code: 6602020
State Leader(s): Suzie MacAskill
Contact Email: [email protected]
Contact Phone: Local IFA Massachusetts Groups: [email protected]
Governor: Maura Healey
Capital: Boston
State Motto:
Ense petit placidam sub libertate quietem, translated "By the sword we seek peace, but peace only under liberty"

Post Your Prayers For Massachusetts

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Submitted Prayers For Massachusetts

Sharon Porter
February 11, 2025

I pray for the leaders of Mass that the Lord will save them and open their eyes of understanding to do what the will of God is concerning the people in the state. I pray that they will not do harm to the people of Mass but will do the things that are needed to help the people. Pray that righteousness will come to Mass. I pray for the hearts of the people to Repent and Return to God before its too late.

November 4, 2024

Father, we pray for a flipping of this state’s politics and ideologies that are harming our children. We pray that you would bring us back to the foundations of this country which was to serve you and follow you. Please forgive those that are true believers who have become complacent and have believed the lies of the enemy and not stood for righteousness. We come against fear of man and pray for a true fear of the Lord to take hold of this government! Take the veil off of the eyes of those that are being deceived and give them clear choices of right and wrong and draw them to You as only you can do. Give the body of Christ deep discernment and wisdom. Change this state into a Godly one, once again. We ask that what the enemy means for evil you will use for good and You alone will be glorified! We come against the plan of the enemy to sabatoge this election, in the name of Jesus! We exalt you and praise you for you are King of Kings and Lord of Lords!

Shelly Dobbins
October 30, 2024

Dear Father in Heaven,
Look down on Massachusetts & give us your wisdom as we vote for our leaders. Place those in office who are honest, trustworthy, & accountable to you. Lead them not into temptation, & deliver them from evil. Ferret out any evil strongholds that have been established.
May your will be done on earth as in heaven. Amen.

Matina Leung
August 15, 2024

Dear Lord, I know you are more than able. In this deep blue state where now so many support abortions and woke ideologies, and not wanting You being the Lord in their lives, please have mercy on us! Please help us who know you and often find ourselves being the minority in this land be encouraged and comforted by Your words. I pray that you will help each one of us find support from others who also hold biblical view and have hearts to pray for the country and the state, or even the town we are in, especially the town we are in. I pray that You show us where You are working. Help the people in MA know You are where the real joy is!

Jennifer Toledo Medina
June 29, 2024

Father God,
I come before you asking for the state of Massachusetts 🙏🏼. Massachusetts needs you, from the governor’s house to our house. We ask you forgive us for our sins, that Massachusetts may come to you in a humble posture before you and you may do your will. I ask for it’s youth, for its veterans, for the homeless for the desperately in need of help for a change of life in their hearts and mind, that you may touch the cold hearted one, the selfish one, the unmerciful one and turn them to you. I ask for salvation of their lives, for I know you don’t one not one to perish. I know you’re a mighty God and merciful. You sent your son to die for us. Thank you for your love, undeserving love. I declare Massachusetts a peaceful and blessed state father God. Thank you God, Lord of Hosts, Mighty King, The Alpha and Omega. Thank you Jesus 🙏🏼. Amen

Marie Norris
January 21, 2024

Lord, I pray Psalm 70over the nation and the state of Massachusetts today. Rescue us O Lord, quickly, humiliate and put to shame our enemies. May all who live your salvation be filled with joy and gladness. May we Shout God is Great. You are our helper and savior. Do not delay. I pray in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen

Marie Norris
January 21, 2024

LORD, give wisdom to this pastor. Fill him with your holiness. May he look to the light and be guided by you alone. Give him strength to walk in the path that pleases you. In Jesus name.

Jose dasilva
January 17, 2024

I M a pastor and i need your support in prayer
I need to make a decision and i need God’s guidance to make the right choice .
Thank you

    Sharon Porter
    February 11, 2025

    Dear God,
    Learn and guide this Pastor Jose in the right decision he needs to make. God you know what the right decision is and he is struggling at this time. But father I am asking you to guide him in this decision. The word says – in all our ways to acknowledge you and you will direct our part. Father I thank you for giving the answer that he needs. in Jesus name Amen

Chaquira Osorio
November 3, 2023

Prayer for Israel to be hidden and loved by the world and for those who don’t know Jesus to come to know him!

Prayer for MA to be save and. to be a well of the gospel of Jesus!

Kenyetta Jeffries
September 10, 2023

Hi Everyone my name is Pastor Kenyetta Jeffries of
( ) located on Cape Cod.
I would like to extend an invitation to you to be part of a historic and earth-shaking moment in history.
We are joining Apostle Karla Runner of Arkansas she is the National Coordinator of this Prayer Movement and will be at her states capital.
I am part of a 50-state delegation of prayer warriors and we will be standing on every state capitol/ statehouse ground in our nation, on Saturday September 16th,2023 we will gather at 24 Beacon St, Boston, MA 02133 @ 12PM EST | Prayer Starts at 12:30 PM EST
All Are Welcome to come and Lift up your voice in Prayer for our State of Massachusetts and Nation.
Hope to see you there.

Christine Cronin
June 30, 2023

We are engaged within our community to stand up for parental rights. We are thankful for strangers who are coming together to stand and hold those elected accountable for making decisions to respect the constitution.
I pray for our families in our community and children in school right now that those places in authority will be vicien dreams and vision of what is behind this and to see the consequences so that they can implement principals of Christ. That they would see the outcomes of the agendas they are pushing and then respond in reversing the actions. I pray that families wake up and stand firm in truth and take action. It can not just be a few but together using prayer presence and Gods power we can bring truth and humility to the for front and allow God to act.
I pray for the parents right now that they would see the ground work that is being insidiously implemented and rise up to pray and speak up so that it is stopped exposed and replaced with a biblical foundation.
I pray for families that the spirit of unity love patience and forbearance be sent forth and fill their homes that the Prince of peace will hold them together no matter how far they may be stressed.
I pray for the church to equip its members how to love with truth and action in these days. I pray that our leaders would be given dreams and vision of the pathway they are leading and then restore in our land a return to biblical principles that God has established from the beginning.
I pray for the children and young adults who are following the pied piper further and further away from their families lord expose the plan that is being set for our children and allow your light to be seen and cast out those things that are not yours.
I ask that you tear down the principalities that sit over our statehouse and bring the spirit of truth and justice strongly upon them that their eyes are open and they can not I see what is happening. Move them to act with conviction against the plan of our destruction.
Finally Lord I ask you to send your spirit out and break down barriers so that each person can see that they have been given the poor to repent and turn to you.
This I pray

June 22, 2023

Our Father in Heaven,
We hang our heads in shame Lord that we dwell in such a wicked state where abortion is legal, where drugs are freely used, where gambling is encouraged, and where the fine churches built to honor You are almost empty on Sundays, and where prayer meetings which used to be held faithfully every Wednesday night in our churches, are held no more. Father, the truths of the Bible are disregarded. Only You Father GOD can awaken the people to the truth of Your Word and the awareness of their need to choose between eternity in Heaven or of being lost in Hell, Praying Father GOD for You to send revival to these shores and to save people from the sin that so easily besets us–that people would come to know Christ as Savior and Lord and turn from sin and begin to live holy lives. In Jesus Name. Amen.

Christine Cronin
May 25, 2023

Last night my husband and I spoke at our school committee in reference to parental rights and asking for parental consent prior to gender affirming and transitioning in school. There are a few children that have done this and their families like our did and does not know.
We had people praying and spoke of concerns with creating esperar secret relationships with children and excluding families and parents.
The school committee did approach us and said they will get on a policy and inform us. I am thankful for the spirit of truth that was spoken.
I am asking prayer for the school committee that they would take action and support parental rights and consent. I am praying for our children that they would see their identity in Christ. I am praying for the families involved that God would grant them peace throughout their process of healing and growing as a family.

    November 9, 2023

    Contact a new group for Massachusetts parents
    They also referred us to

Christine Cronin
April 24, 2023

Lord today I am thankful for breath, life, grace, and mercy. Thank you that while I was separated from you you loved me. Lord I know you love those who deny you, persecute you, and harbor offense. Help me to live them, and walk as you did, bringing the hope you provided in my actions, words, and deeds. Thank you for the opportunity today to live this out, strengthen me and my fellow brothers and sisters to enter into the battle and stand firm in you.
Blessing and peace

Christine Cronin
April 22, 2023

Dear lord we ask you to be our children’s shield and refuge. Our enemy is after this generation to recreate your design in your creation as defined as male and female. We agree that we were created as male and female let our children’s ears be turned away from the worship of self and return to their worship of you. I lift their tamiles as well in situation that they feel helpless and powerful that you would remind us of the awesome responsibility and authority to pray, teach, correct, and bless our children. Go forth with your power Holy Spirit and make the words that are being whispered to them turn to ask before it enters their mind, confuse the words and assignments of the enemy and cancel any goal that is set against you and your design. We ask this in your name Jesus lord of lord ancient of ancient leader of the angel army, lead us to victory and allow your glory to be seen over our land. Amen

Mari Williams
April 6, 2023

Dear Heavenly Father, Where to even begin to pray for this state with its laws allowing abortion, gambling, and with shops licensed to sell marijuana. Where one of the largest hospitals involved is involved with sex changes for youth. This is a state where churches closed for covid but not everybody closed, and where not even the trains run on time. Where to begin, Lord Jesus? At your feet, Lord Jesus, at your feet praying for the pastors of Massachusetts to be awakened to the desperate plight of people trying to raise Godly children while living among such terrible sinful conditions. This is one of the states where the pilgrims landed and where colleges were built to train pastors and leaders . . . . O, GOD, remember the Pilgrims prayers and help us to pray the prayers that this state so desperately needs to pray imploring You for Your divine intervention to rid this land of its wickedness. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Judith Powell
March 18, 2023

Heavenly Father, we have prayed for righteous leadership within our state in prayers of agreement. Therefore, we believe and thank you for what you are doing. Under the anointing blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, we call forth your continuing mercy, protection, and righteousness within and around all of those in elected as well as appointed positions of responsibility within the State of Massachusetts. We call forth, and believe, the peace our forefathers called forth over this State; that the sword stated in our motto is the sword of the Your Word, Your truth and righteousness. Unto You we give all the honor, glory and praise!

Darlene DeAngelis
March 17, 2023

Father God I lift up Massachusetts at this time I asked you to protect Massachusetts always I ask you to intercede and make it possible that many Souls will be saved April 28th to April 30th father God give us the wisdom in the words so many will be saved father God there’s so many lost souls but you father God are on the move you are Almighty all powerful All Above we are one nation under God and Satan is just a play toy to you father God you will win in the end thank you Father God protect our children our families protect our government officials give them a heart to want to do what is right I pray for the mayor of Boston that you will give her an awareness as well as knowledge and a heart for you Lord I lift up the governor of Massachusetts as well and all the constituents Democrats as well as Republicans may we never have to feel as Christians that we do not have the freedom of speech because you are Freedom Lord no one is in charge you’re the only one in charge father God thank you Father God bless Massachusetts as you always do in Jesus name I pray save many Souls through your Christian Army

    Christine Cronin
    April 24, 2023

    Praying as we get closer the Lord will reveal himself in such a personal way to those that are lost providing an escape.

barbara wessell
March 15, 2023

Most gracious Virgin Mary, thou who wouldest crush the head of the serpent, protect us from the vengeance of the evil one. May this offertory prayer be given so that demons which influence or seek to influence the peoples and politicians of this state will be bound and sent to the foot of the cross for their just punishment. Cover us with the Precious Blood of thy Son so that we may enjoy the protection which flows from His Passion and Death. Amen.

Darlene DeAngelis
February 20, 2023

Father God wake up our politicians Wake Up and Shake the earth now in our state help us to save the young people that are the Next Generation that will show the world who you are father God we need to be shaken so abruptly that we wake up father God bring us all together to pray for us state of Massachusetts as the mayor allows the satanic Gathering in her City she is to look over and watch over protect our children lord they’re taking their lives left and right that’s because none of the people in the church are getting out there talking to these young people father God wake all our Christian brothers and sisters up and give them a spirit of boldness and courage and take away the timidity that is so obvious in Massachusetts thank you Father God

Linda Hunt
February 18, 2023

I just pray that you’ll come on this Commonwealth of Massachusetts and make it a commonwealth of Mighty Revival this area where history began in America, religious freedom began in America. Bring it back bring it back in a most powerful way in every school in every government office in every leaders office let your will be done let your name be given all the honor the praise and the glory Lord God. Use Scituate Lord in a mighty way and every area of the state Lord God to bring the truth and to bring Salvation to everyone here beginning with my family. I thank you and praise you for what you are already doing and for what you are going to do. Thank you Jesus! Let it continue through your return!

Jose dasilva
February 15, 2023

for the unity the body of Christ Jesus said in John 17:23 I in them and you in me May they be bought to complete unity to let the world know that you send Me and have loved them even as you have loved me.
Hugs God bless all

Mari Williams
January 29, 2023

Our Father in Heaven, repentance needs to begin in the Churches of Massachusetts. So many pastors have been silent on the subject of abortion. We need to be reminded that to be silent when we should speak, and to do nothing to put a stop to the murder of innocent babies is to make ourselves accessories to the crime and that You, LORD, will hold us accountable for our inaction. Please, LORD, speak to the church people whose silence is not golden but rather the color of cowardice and evil indifference.

    Christine Cronin
    April 24, 2023

    When we see His holiness we are brought to our knees to see apart from Jesus we are all lost souls. May his spirit of truth convict us of our sins and provided people and churches to receive others with love that will be running to us.

Anne Mukisa
November 14, 2022

Do we have a prayer meeting tonight?

Darlene DeAngelis
November 7, 2022

Father God I lift up Massachusetts right now that people have had enough of what the evilness is doing to our state to our families to us father God I ask you to change everything totally and make people understand we need you more than ever father God father God take this schemes of the devil and destroy it the name of Jesus give the people a hot for unborn babies the right kind of teaching for the children in school to get gas and food prices down right now in the name of Jesus and realize that the votes need to change thank you Father God

Florence Montegu
November 5, 2022

Dear Lord,
I pray You touch the hearts of the people of Massachusetts.
I pray you convict them onto voting this Tuesday.
I pray you show them who to vote for.
I pray also for Geoff Diehl, his family, and his team.
I pray the truth will be exposed so people can vote wisely.
I pray for Jay mcmahon to be seen, to be heard.
Lord, have mercy on Your people and give them another chance to do Your will in Massachusetts.
I pray for wisdom for Geoff and Leah.
I pray all this in the name of Jeshua Hamashiah.

Suzie McCabe
August 15, 2022

Please join us for prayer for our State of Massachusetts tonight (Aug 15) from 7 to 7.30pm. Details above. To pray in agreement for God’s will to be done in MA. Thank you, Suzie (MA IFA State Prayer Leader).

Suzie McCabe
July 30, 2022

Please join us for prayer this Monday August 1 from 7 to 7.30pm to pray for our State of Massachusetts (see above for call in details). Thank you, Suzie. (State Leader for MA prayer).

Marie Williams
June 15, 2022

I pray with my whole heart that GOD would convict the Massachusetts government of the heinous sin of abortion and promote contraception! “Thou shalt NOT kill” is GOD’s command and HIS blessing will be withheld from all those who defy the clear teachings of scripture.


Pray For Massachusetts Leaders

Elizabeth Warren (D)
Senator (Massachusetts)
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Ed Markey (D)
Senator (Massachusetts)
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William Galvin (D)
Secretary of State (Massachusetts)
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Deb Goldberg (D)
Treasurer (Massachusetts)
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Suzanne Bump (D)
State Auditor (Massachusetts)
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Maura Healey (D)
Governor (Massachusetts)
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