
State Prayer Call:
Mondays at 7:00 PM EST
(605) 313-5859
Access Code: 5566656
State Leader(s): Mike and Kate Brewer
Contact Email: [email protected]
Governor: John Carney
Capital: Dover
State Motto:
Liberty and independence

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Submitted Prayers For Delaware

Shelly Dobbins
October 30, 2024

Dear Father in Heaven,
Look down on Delaware & give your wisdom as we vote for our leaders. Place those in office who are honest, trustworthy, & accountable to you. Lead them not into temptation, & deliver them from evil. Ferret out any evil strongholds that have been established.
May your will be done on earth as in heaven. Amen.

Marie Norris
January 9, 2024

Not much new news out of this state in 2024. I lift up to you O Lord. Psalm 24:1 The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it. The world and all its people belong to him. I lift the citizens who’s souls belong to you. Provide their physical needs and put your peace in their hearts today. Those who are seeking to know you and your truth, open the eyes of their hearts so that the may find you. I asked that the wicked that mean harm will be exposed and be destroyed. Pour out your blessings Lord on Delaware today. Psalm 25:8 The lord is good and does what is right; he shows the proper path to those who go astray. I pray in the Mighty name of Jesus

Phillip Daisey
October 21, 2023

Father in Heaven, Creator of Heaven and earth we are sinful people and only through Jesus can we offer up Prayers for our states leadership. Delaware was our Nations 1st State to sign on to your workmanship of creating American as one Nation under God, where all man are created equal in Your sight. A feat No other nation in all the world has ever done.. I have prayed, watched and worked tirelessly to open the eyes of my fellow Delawareans to the declining freedoms of our once great state, into a hater of Your grace and mercy… Please Heavenly Father allow your spirit to redirect this states heinous acts against You and Your ideals. Delaware is now serving satin’s desires of abortion, homosexual rights, and socialist agendas, plus, removal of You from our educational system and all the wonders You have given to our 1st state position, from the beginnings of this Great Nation under Your Rule… Forgive them for the leaders wrongful instruction and their misguided instruction, send your Spirit upon them that they might look into their hearts and find you knocking on the door to their hearts. Fill them with the courage to open said door that You may lead them to their savior Jesus the Christ. Who will fill them with heavenly wisdom, grace, mercy and Peace!.. Allowing them to rule in Your Will and not humanities wrongful direction… We pray all this in our Lord and saviors name, the name above all names, Jesus our savior and brother Your Son..

Dottie Drake
March 23, 2023

Father God in Jesus name I declare and decree that Holy Spirit will bring great revival to Delaware. My granddgt is a sophomore in Univ of Delaware. And I Ask in Jesus name for the biggest rievival to hit UOD We pray vs push backs from enemie as this is Biden territory. We declare that all state officials will be set free from bondage of evil ones. I plead a blood bought shield of Jesus protection cover my granddgt and all my family there in delaware and all students in this Kingly revival thank you Jesus

Edward Powell
September 17, 2022

We are the first state. We are the first fruits of what God is doing in our country, we are the beginning of the great revival in our nation. We decree new wine is pouring out to heal the nation, and turn the hearts of many to the most high God.

Linda Mannoia
June 10, 2022

Lord I pray for the protection of Godly marriages and Children born and unborn in all matters
of Life, purity, holiness, family life and education. I pray for loving families to raise them with Fathers and Mothers who love you, love them and love each other in the name of Jesus and by the power of the Holy Spirit we pray.

Nathan Eckel
May 23, 2022

Father we ask and appropriate your spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of you – even over all of our elected representatives.

I ask for the eyes of their hearts to be enlightened according to your heart.
I ask for courage to call things that are righteous as righteous and for even greater courage to denounce and renounce the things which are wicked.

I pray this for my representatives below.
Chris Coons
Tom Carper
John Carney
Bethany Hall-Long
Kathy Jennings
Jeffrey Bullock
Matt Meyer – NCC Commissioner
Mike Smith – Hockessin DE State Rep

I boldly ask for your empowerment and for your comfort for all of these named above, and I ask this in the name of Jesus.


Pray For Delaware Leaders

Chris Coons (D)
Senator (Delaware)
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Kathy Jennings (D)
Attorney General (Delaware)
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Jeffrey Bullock (D)
Secretary of State (Delaware)
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Lisa Blunt Rochester (D)
Senator (Delaware)
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Matthew Meyer (D)
Governor (Delaware)
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Kyle Gay (D)
Lt. Governor (Delaware)
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