State Prayer Call:
Mondays at 7:00 pm CT
(605) 313-5945
Access Code: 5281794
State Leader(s): Elisa Bowlet
Contact Email: [email protected]
Governor: Sarah Huckabee Sanders
Capital: Little Rock
State Motto:
Regnat populus[, translated "The people rule"

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Father in heaven, we ask that we can return to a righteous nation; please use the current administration to return us to that state. May you be with the courageous and heroic leaders who are attempting to return us to a moral country with common sense and constitutional living. Please direct and guide our AR Leaders as they attempt to be a part of the above. May evil be exposed and removed; the people have spoken, Lord, we desire to return to a nation that pleases you, please give us the desires of our heart to be a sovereign nation, in God we trust.
In Jesus name, amen
Dear Father in Heaven,
Look down on Arkansas & give your wisdom as we vote for our leaders. Place those in office who are honest, trustworthy, & accountable to you. Lead them not into temptation, & deliver them from evil. Ferret out any evil strongholds that have been established.
May your will be done on earth as in heaven. Amen.
Our state district 6 representative Harlan Breaux gave a Gideon presentation at our church service this am. How wonderful to have a rep who loves Jesus & distributes Bibles !
I continue to pray for God to raise believers to positions of authority and influence in all walks of government.
Lord , your word is true you are loving and faithful. We stand on your promises. You are destroying the wicked and bringing truth and light into the darkness. I praise You Lord for the work you have done through those servants you have lifted up in the state of Arkansas. Continue to pour out your spirit and bring blessings on the people in 2024. Give strength and victory to the leadership in the high places that you have appointed them to. Do not let them slip. Place a hedge of protection around them as they walk in your path. Wisdom, Power and strength to run the race. All praise to the Father through Jesus our Savior. Amen.
Thank You Father God, that we live in Arkansas under the good grace of Your complete sovereignty. May Holy Spirit move through hearts and bring Wisdom through our elected officials to establish Your designs for our community, state, and nation; for the Glory of God Almighty through Jesus Christ our loving and eternal Lord. Amen
That they know God and love God with all their heart, mind and soul. That they love God. That they stand strong for God in their lives, personal and for the people they represent. May they pray daily that God’s will be done here on earth as it is in heaven above. That they present themselves and whatever they do for God’s glory, not their own. That they understand that they will be hated but not let that hate turn them aside from the things that God has put in front of them to do. May their words be the words that God would have them speak. In Jesus name I pray, amen.
I lift up Congressman Steve Womack 3rd district and pray that his long stay in Washington DC has not corrupted his vow to represent the heart of his constituents. May his voting record reflect Your will for the people of Arkansas.
Thank you Father for the courage and vision of Gov Sarah Huckabee Sanders, especially her faith and confidence in You. Protect her, and our elected state officials from the attack from woke ideologies and evil intentions that seek to destroy our wonderful state.
Father, I pray that You’re awakening AR in the way unique way You have always wanted to. Our legislators have not represented us in the ways we believed they would. However, I have hope concerning Sarah Sanders. Please undergird her and help her to be the best Governor AR has ever had. Help her seek You and find You first and foremost. Father, please have mercy on Arkansas. Please forgive us where we’ve failed You. Amen.
Father, I ask that you watch over our state, its leaders and people; grant our leaders, in the state and representing us in D.C., the wisdom and strength they need to do the right thing, always the good of their constituents, state and country in mind. Father, I ask also that you give the people of this state and country the wisdom to know when it’s time to remind the federal govt. who is meant to be in charge and the courage and strength to do something about it. I ask that you grant us all the wisdom to know what steps should be taken at any time, help us not to go astray, making errors that could be irreversible.
In Jesus name I pray, Amen.
I am praying for people with mental illness. I am praying for them to get the help they need, and for God to send his angels to watch over and protect them
You have compared me to someone who does not pay for every day things! I have a written budget every year! Sarah said, I’m here!
I am not a prisoner or ever been one. I have never been hooked on drugs or cartel any substance ever. I am still attacked with statements in my area that pose me as threat. Continually bombarded with words that tell of an insecure story. I buy for normal things all the time. I don’t spend money on booz. I don’t buy things unneccessary. I live below my means. I am smoke free for eleven years. And the politicians in my area still think I am a problem instigator, both republicans and democrats. I am working on getting a car, and keeping everything below my budget, but in my city the wealth still becomes an issue the high profile prioritists that treat me like an issue. I have faith in my Arkansas LEaders! But I am still really hurt that christianity has not matured beyond this? Churches plaster Choose love in pride flag colors? Really? It is so heart breaking that my city has resulted to flags to expose their passion for God’s love. I am really disappointed in a lot of people. But I have seen more patriots rise to the occasion during this time than any other. Lord, I surrender this to your feet. I am sorry I ever thought they had authority in my life. I give that rightful place back to you in Jesus Precious name! I exchange rejection for love.
In the Name of Jesus I join arm in arm with the saints in prayer for the state of Arkansas.
I declare the leaders lead the state of Arkansas in concordance with God’s Holy word in Jesus Name. Passing law’s that are in line with God’s will. Throwing out laws that ungodly in Jesus Name. I declare the state of Arkansas is a Christian State and Jesus is Lord.
Father save our leaders if they are not led by you replace them with men and women that serve you.
I pray for revival and the Glory and Grace come to our State as we humble our selves and turn to you Holy Father. Save our land. Change our heart’s with your Grace in Jesus Name.
Lord I decree and declare Tom Cotton, John Boozman, Asa Hutchinson, Tim Griffin, Leslie Rutledge, John Thurston and all those serving this state only do and say what you are doing and saying. I decree all corrupt government officials repent or are removed from office in Jesus name.
We all need Jesus to guide our lives and the decisions we make that will put God first, then the people. It is sorely needed now in our country.