State Prayer Call:
Mondays at 7:00 PM AK
(605) 313-5344
Access Code: 2054970
State Leader(s): Georgianna Buhler
Contact Email: [email protected]
Governor: Mike Dunleavy
Capital: Juneau
State Motto:
North to the Future

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Dear Father in Heaven,
Look down on Alaska & give your wisdom as we vote for our leaders. Place those in office who are honest, trustworthy, & accountable to you. Lead them not into temptation, & deliver them from evil. Ferret out any evil strongholds that have been established.
May your will be done on earth as in heaven. Amen.
I pray that as Balaam, the wicked prophet was suppose to curse Israel, God spoke to him and he had to only bless instead of curse. I pray this for President Donald Trump that God will speak to the jurors, the Truth, and they will bless Donald Trump and not curse. Greater is He that is in those that believe that r standing for P.Trump that God will avenge his servant speedily.
Father, in Jesus name as an educator I pray that you give wisdom and boldness to all Christian teachers to stand for the truth in all areas of eduction. We need your guidance to follow your word which says in Matt 10:16 Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves. We bind the devil and his deceptive tactics to take over education and we pray the the light of the gospel and the love of God will break the powers of darkness in our school systems across the state. Thank you Jesus that we do not have the spirit of fear but of power, love, and a sound mind. Amen
Heavenly Father, Today I pray for Alaska and all the intercessors who serve your Kingdom from this beautiful state. Bless Candy Miller as she leads this prayer call and stands in the gap working on the piece of the wall to fortify our Nation, just as Nehemiah orchestrated so well.
We are with you in Spirit and in Truth.
My dear Father and Savior, our Alpha and Omega, our I AM and Holy of Holies, I come to You on bended knee to ask You for mercy in these times; for each one of us, for our children, for our families, for our brothers and sisters in your name, for our pastors and our missionaries, for our neighbors, for our community, for our state, for our nation and for all. Forgive our transgressions, our lazyness, our weakness and our ignorance in our daily walk. Forgive us for taking our eyes off of You and for not listening to You. Give us Your strength and Your wisdom in following You, in listening to Your Word, in loving our neighbors, in walking Your path and in setting Your example. Have mercy on us this day and each day forward. Please put Your hand on each one and lead us in Your way. My God and my Savior, please continue to lead us and to use us. In Your precious Name, always.