The Senate confirmation hearing of Judge Amy Coney Barrett begins Monday morning, October 12, 2020. IFA has made a prayer guide for you to download, print, and use for each day of the hearing.
Have you spent much time reading the comments on articles at We think that our commenters are some of the most insightful, caring, thoughtful, and certainly prayerful believers around. The prayers for the hearing prayer guide were all taken from comments on IFA articles and they cover all aspects of the hearing and praying for Judge Barrett, who is a strong Christian.
Would you like a “no spin” place to watch the hearings? Use this link below for C-SPAN and let the only opinion you hear be the Lord’s as He speaks to you while you pray!
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Lord God, it is not by power, nor by might, but by my Holy Spirit! Zechariah 4:6
We lift ACB and her family up to you and pray in the name of Jesus that all evil and weapons formed against her will be exposed. Please speak through her and give her supernatural wisdom and guidance.
Lord, we pray that not only every republican vote in favor of ACB but that there will be democrats who do so as well. Please convict any senator who is waffling to vote affirmatively. In Jesus’ name we pray.
I am praying that God would deliver Amy Barrett and her family and the judicial committee from the evil one and all of his schemes and attacks. That God would put within her mouth and the mouths of those speaking the words He wants to be said. I believe this is a battle in the heavenly realm and we are not only fighting flesh and blood in this confirmation. Gods power through the Lord Jesus Christ who died to ādestroy all the works of the devilā and the Holy Spirit is needed in this battle and all the battles we are facing. And may our mouths be filled with praise to our God who has all power as we trust in Him!
Father, I see that you have already before the foundation of the world knew who Judge Barrett is and her cause and her purpose for such a time as this. You have already ushered her into the Destiny of her calling. I see her like Jesus placed in the fine comb examination of the Pharisees and the Sadducees and He answered with the wisdom from above and confounded them and shut their mouths. You have said being in Christ means that we are as Christ so I thank you that the Spirit of God is in her as it was in Jesus when He was on earth and the very same workmanship that Holy Spirit has done in Him and through Him to accomplish your plans of salvation for mankind so be it in Judge Barrett to do the same. I call wisdom from above to dominate within her a council of righteousness and answers that only come from you through her mouth as if youāre speaking. I declare the same boldness that was in Deborah and the same boldness that was in Esther to address an answer. You oh Lord, will yourself come before the court to declare a decision that will bring your will and your plans in your heartās desire for this nation in motion. It is clear that you have prepared her to be yours and your representative of what the courts in heaven have decided for this nation. Now it is time to manifest it here on earth through these hearing. So be it that your will be done your kingdom come in these days ahead. We praise you and thank you for your faithfulness to your own will. Yes Lord all this is in your hands and we trust in you whole heartedly. Thank you oh thank you Lord for your sovereignty. You are God and we are not. In Jesus Name Amen
Father God we stand in unity as the body of Christ and forbid every activity of darkness to hinder your Will and Purposes in this hearing process and we declare your angels are release right now to the East, West, North, South, Top and Bottom to minister and to war against interference from the pit of hell. We welcome you the King of glory and ask that your Glory will saturate that atmosphere. We dedicate every mouth and voice to speak under the influence of the Holy Spirit. Thank you Lord Jesus for supernatural protection.
Because the Sovereign LORD helps me, I will not be disgraced. Therefore have I set my face like flint, and I know I will not be put to shame. Isaiah 50:7
Lord, I pray for Judge Barrett to set her face like flint during the hearings. I pray for her soft answers to turn away wrath. I pray she will press on to take hold of the purpose that Christ Jesus desires for her. He who began a good work in her will be faithful to complete it. May she trust in you always. She was created in Christ Jesus to do good works which you prepared in advance for her to do. I pray against every obstacle to these good works. The law of the Lord is perfect reviving the soul so I pray she will abide in your Word daily so that she will be refreshed and ready for the hearings each day. In Jesus Name. Amen.
By God’s grace, Judge Barrett will be conformed. If she is slandered and smeared out of contention, a lost world will have miseed a blessing from God. Ultimately our great country will pay the price of great value her service would have brought.
lease help us Lord.
Lord God and Father in Heaven
Please protect Judge Amy Coney Barrett during these confirmation hearings. Give her grace and strength to endure, and place her on the Supreme Court if it be Your will. Cause any lies against her to be exposed and put down. Thy will be done. Use her for Your purposes. In Jesus I pray amen.
Our prayer for Amy Coney Barrett….Ephesians 6:10-17 ** Finally, (Amy Barrett or as this prayer will refer to her going forward as A.B.) we claim that you Will Be strong in the Lord & in HIS mighty power. (AB) will daily put on the full armor of God, so that you (she) WILL BE ABLE to take your stand against the devil’s scheming plots {and against those who are willingly being used by Satan}. For our (AB) struggle is Not against flesh and blood but against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms (which seek to disrupt AB and God’s perfect purpose). Therefore (AB) WILL have on the full armor of God {starting today and going forward throughout all 24 hours of the next upcoming daily hearings} so that when the day(s) of evil come, you (AB) will be able to stand your ground (against deceit, accusations & lies) and after you have done everything, TO STAND {And give Glory to God Almighty!!} (AB) – you WILL stand firm then and you WILL have the belt of Truth buckled around your waist… you WILL have the breastplate of righteousness in place and your feet WILL BE fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace!! In addition to all of this, (AB) will have taken up the shield of faith and (AB) WILL EXTINGUISH “All” the flaming arrows of the evil one (or from those working for or being used by Satan). (AB) will and has put on helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God.**
— Thank you Lord for preparing Amy Barrett for battle. Help her in the midst of the battle to see You in it’s fiercest moments and allow her to glimpse the future where YOU will allow her to help bring about much needed change in our nation. We pray that those fighting against her confirmation will be surrounded by an ever present cloud of confusion [regardless of how well prepared they are trying to be] . We pray that they will see your spirit God and be dumbfounded in your presence. Withhold your favor and your blessing from those who seek to attack and disqualify Amy Barrett. We also pray your witness will shine through Any Barrett in such a way that it will convert those who intend to vote against her and cause them to vote FOR HER CONFIRMATION. We ask all these things in your Holy and powerful name Lord God – amen. (PLEASE feel free to copy, share and circulate this prayer with many others as you feel led to)
Abba Father,we believe You have the Ultimate authority. You ARE the Ultimate authority. We believe you are returning to he Court of this Nation back to a righteous standard. We pray the same for the Congress and Executive Branches. Let theses hearings be respectful, healing and quick. We proclaim the strongest shield in Spirit around Amy and her family, their minds, hearts, homes. Highest order angels be released to purvey Your Glory and atmosphere in those chambers ALL FOUR DAYS.
Lord, we pray for Judge Amy Coney Barrett to be confirmed swiftly. We also pray against all schemes to defame her, and pray that the Democrat’s refusal to admit whether or not they would ‘pack the court’ if they win the presidential election would cause those Democrats who oppose court packing to vote against Biden/Harris.
āāThe LORD bless you and keep you; The LORD make His face shine upon you, And be gracious to you; The LORD lift up His countenance upon you, And give you peace.ā āā
āāNumbersā¬ ā6:24-26ā¬ āNKJVā¬ā¬
1 Samuel 17:47
David said to the Philistine: “…the whole world will know that there is a God in Israel. All those gathered here will know that it is not by sword or spear that the LORD saves; for the battle is the LORD’s, and He will give all of you into our hands.”
Philipians 4:6
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God…
Dear Father in Heaven,
May Your light shine on Amy and Your Truth be seen, heard and believed as she is being reviewed for confirmation. Lord, we ask that Your light shine in the hearts of each one who is voting for her confirmation. Reveal to each that this is a vote for life or death. May each sift their own hearts as they listen to Amy’s responses to their questions, and bow their hearts before You. Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven during this entire process. May the Truth be seen, heard and received, and may hearts be turned to You during this confirmation hearing. We praise You and lift Your Name high over Washington DC. Thank You for Your divine intervention in bringing the hearts in the USA back to You in this confirmation hearing. In Jesus Name and through His blood. Amen.
Father, I pray you twist the tongues of the wicked that will try and use lies and deceit to paint a false picture during the confirmation hearings. Lord convict those from using deceit to slander her. Protect her and strengthen her from the onslaught against her. Dear Father I pray You prepare her for these hearings. May she not be caught off guard by the treachery the enemy will throw at her. Go before her to prepare the way for her enemies to be humiliated for all to see. May the traps set for her, ensnare the perpetrators and bring them down to destruction. May the American people see and hear the hypocrisy of the those using falsehoods to rig the system. May the people understand the motives behind those hungry for power eat all costs. Lord I pray for your will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. My our Supreme Court reflect the courts of Heaven, I pray this be in Jesus name.
Dear Father, We ask for the continual cleansing power of the Word of God to go forth over the nation’s capital and the hearing. Wash our nation, purify it, settle it in line with your Word as we pray your scripture over the next days and weeks. May we not back down in lifting up our nation to you, may it become a habit that exists until You return. May the prayers pave the way for a righteous Supreme Court, to continually give it strength and diligence is parsing and applying the Truth. And now I lift up Amy Coney Barrett to give her strength and wisdom in this hour. Thank you for preparing her for this hour. May she look to You in this time of a high profile hearing. We come against any source of weariness, I ask that the hearing will be relatively short, and I ask that you give her calmness and discernment and just the right words in her replies. In Your Name we Pray, Your will be done! I Thessalonians 2:5-6, Ephesians 5:25-27
I pray in agreement.
I pray in agreement!
Father you have predestined this Debra to your court, We cover her under the blood, thank you she will be quickly seated.
We will have life in this nation. Thank you Father what you have ordained. In jesus name
Precious Father may your will and agenda be up held. May your person sit in a place of judgement. One who will rule with your heart and essence. Lord only you can change the heart of a nation. So I cry out to you oh LORD have mercy up on us and heal our land. Put into goverment those who want to hear your voice and walk in your ways. Remove the pride and allow all to surrender into your authority. May your will be done, may your kingdom come so that we will be once again one nation under God.
Yes, Lord. Do have mercy on this nation and heal our land. Restore our courts to seats of honesty and integrity. Place in office men and women who honor you with their heart and mind. and lead this nation to repentance that as a nation we rejoice in repealing those national laws that violate your Holy Word
Father I cover Amy under the shadow of your wings, we hide her in the cleft of the rock, Father I pray the evil ones would be silenced in the name of Jesus. She will be quickly installed on the Supreme Court. Your plans cannot be stopped by man. Thank you Jesus for this great woman of Faith. Psalm 91 protection over the Senate and Judge Amys family. We cover under the blood of Jesus!
Lord our God, we give thanks that You listen to us as we cry out to You with our voices. In this our day of trouble we seek You. We remember Your mighty works for Your people in days past, and we boldly declare You are God Almighty who still does wonders on behalf of Your people. We confess we have been a stubborn and rebellious nation that has failed to honor You, failed to seek truth, failed to protect the innocent, failed to obey Your law. Lord, we come before You in repentance and humbly seek Your mercy, lovingkindness and grace for each of us, your children and for our nation. As we come into these days of confirmation hearings for Judge Amy Coney Barrett, we pray Your strong hand will deliver her from the trap set by Your enemies. Speak through her with Your saving Truth and cause Your enemies to bow down before Truth. Confuse any words the enemy would speak against Your servant. Just as You closed the mouths of the lions for Daniel, we come boldly before our God and King and ask the mouths of any lions in the confirmation hearings be closed. Let Judge Amy Coney Barrett speak Truth humbly yet boldly and let Your Words spoken through her be received. We ask for every stall tactic and attempt to delay confirmation be cast down and destroyed. Lord we ask this in the Mighty, Holy name of our LORD JESUS CHRIST, AMEN
Amen and Amen!
Amen! I pray in agreement with you for God to take control and grant Amy Coney Barrett’s confirmation!
Father, the times are perilous for our nation and we are deeply divided. The left rage against the Trump administration and everything he does. But you Lord are not surprised or dismayed. We humbly ask you to have mercy on us, forgive us our many sins and preserve this nation as a beacon of hope for your namesake. We need justices on the bench who will rule in righteousness. Let everything be done according to your will this week, in the name of Jesus Christ.
Thank you for the link. It will be so powerful to be able to pray, live,as the hearings go on.
Thank You, Lord God, for equipping Judge Barrett with Your Full Armor. It is encompassing her as a steel protector in every area of her life. She has the helmet of salvation firmly placed on her head and protects her mind from any lies of the enemy and has the mind of Christ! She is robed in the breastplate of righteousness and the shield of faith which extinguishes every flaming arrow of the evil one and is ricocheted back on the one that sent it for evil and God thwarts those plans and turns it back for His glory! She could be mentioned in Hebrews 11 as a woman of faith who conquers kingdoms, administers justice and gains what has been promised to end abortion; who shuts the mouth of lions, quenches the fury of flames, escapes the edge of the sword; whose weakness is turned to strength; and who becomes powerful in battle and routs foreign armies. Women received back their dead, raised to life again. (Hebrews 11:32-35) Her sword of the Spirit is the Word of God and āno weapon formed against her will prosper!ā She girds her waist with the belt of truth tightly secured as Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life and the Only Way to God our Father. She has her war boots readied on the Gospel of Peace. āThe peace that surpasses all understanding and guards her heart and mind in Christ Jesus.ā She is fully covered and ready for battle āfor such a time as this!ā
Thank You sweet Jesus for sending her to rescue this nation back to liberty and justice for all! In Your mighty and powerful name. Amen!
Thank you, I join readily with this prayer.
Father, we need many more godly judges like Amy Coney Barrett. I have been praying and continue to pray for her to have a seat on SCOTUS. May You bless us with her approval by giving her a seat on the Supreme Court and by continuing to give her the wisdom that is needed so badly by the court. In Jesus’ all-powerful name, Amen.
I plead the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ over Amy Coney Barrett, and over the room where Judicial Committee will meet and over the airwaves and connections where ZOOM calls will take place or other remote connections. I exalt the Lord Jesus Christ over these hearings and pray TRUTH be spoken and lies be silenced. I pray that this righteous choice for Supreme Court Justice will shine brighter than the sun, that those against her cannot refute her qualifications and that any personal attacks fall flat. Let the efforts of evil be known, be exposed and thwarted. May those advancing evil efforts be confounded and embarrassed. Cause Judge Barrett to be strong, decisive, have clarity of mind, and be unequivocal in her answers. May Judge Barrett have favor with the Judiciary Committee as no other candidate has had. May she be passed out of committee with astounding speed and be confirmed immediately!
My daughter, dear child Call to Me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things, fenced in and hidden, which you do not know (do not distinguish and recognize, have knowledge of and understand).Jeremiah 33:3
I raise a hallelujah, in the presence of my enemies
I raise a hallelujah, louder than the unbelief
I raise a hallelujah, my weapon is a melody
I raise a hallelujah, Heaven comes to fight for me
Iām gonna sing, in the middle of the storm
Louder and louder, youāre gonna hear my praises roar
Up from the ashes, hope will arise
Death is defeated, the King is alive
10 Fear not [there is nothing to fear], for I am with you; do not look around you in terror and be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen and harden you to difficulties, yes, I will help you; yes, I will hold you up and retain you with My [victorious] right hand of rightness and justice.
11 Behold, all they who are enraged and inflamed against you shall be put to shame and confounded; they who strive against you shall be as nothing and shall perish.
12 You shall seek those who contend with you but shall not find them; they who war against you shall be as nothing, as nothing at all.
13 For I the Lord your God hold your right hand; I am the Lord, Who says to you, Fear not; I will help you!
Amplified Bible, Classic Edition
Every weapon formed against you will not prosper.
From Isaiah 41
May this process be quick, just and according to Godās perfect will, in Jesusā mighty name!
May God truly bless this process and give all involved the wisdom to do Gods will!!! In Jesus name I pray!!