At some point the Biden White House will have to confront evidence of the president’s involvement in his son Hunter’s shady overseas business dealings.
Joe Biden insists he never knew a thing about Hunter’s lucrative deals in countries where he wielded influence as vice president.
But evidence abounds on Hunter’s abandoned laptop of Joe’s involvement.
For instance, Joe invited Hunter’s foreign associates to breakfast meetings at his vice presidential residence and to his office in the White House, the laptop shows. He took his son on Air Force Two to countries where Hunter was doing deals, and on at least one occasion, included one of Hunter’s business partners on the trip.
Among more than 100 events scheduled in Hunter’s diary at the VP’s residence at the Naval Observatory in Washington, DC, there are meetings which appear to overlap with Hunter’s business interests.
“Breakfast with Dad — NavObs” is one such meeting recorded for 8:30 a.m. on Nov. 19, 2015. Five photographs date-stamped on that day and taken at 10:03 a.m. and 10:04 a.m. appear on the laptop, showing Joe posing with four of Hunter’s business associates, including Mexican billionaires Carlos Slim and Miguel Alemán Velasco.
One photo also features Velasco’s son Miguel Aleman Magnani, the founder of budget airline Interjet, at whose Acapulco mansion Hunter and wife Kathleen had stayed that March. Jeff Cooper, a longtime Biden family benefactor, who ran one of the largest asbestos litigation firms in the country, Illinois-based SimmonsCooper, also appears along with Hunter. . . .
Cooper and Hunter had been working on energy deals in Mexico and elsewhere in Latin America. A 2013 email from Cooper demonstrates their high expectations of the association with the Aleman dynasty. . . .
At the time, President Enrique Peña Nieto was reforming Mexico’s energy market to allow private capital investment in state-owned oil and gas monopoly Petroleos Mexicanos (Pemex).
Cooper’s association with the Bidens began in 2005 when he started filing multimillion-dollar lawsuits in Delaware in association with Joe’s late son Beau Biden’s firm Bifferato, Gentilotti & Biden. He would make a lot of money from the $30 billion asbestos compensation business, helped by Joe, as leader of the powerful Judiciary Committee, blocking asbestos litigation reform when a bill reached the Senate floor, as Paul Sperry from Real Clear Investigations has reported.
When Joe became vice president, Cooper put Hunter on the board of his venture capital firm Eudora Global, and gave him shares in the business, which netted Hunter around $80,000 a year, documents on the laptop show. In 2015, Hunter also received a “one-time payment” of $300,000 from Eudora.
SimmonsCooper also put up $1 million in investment capital for Hunter and his uncle Jim Biden’s abortive attempt to run a hedge fund in 2009. When the venture ended, the Bidens returned the money.
Cooper joined the VP’s entourage on Air Force Two to Mexico in 2016, when he and Hunter were trying to negotiate an ill-fated petroleum deal with Aleman Magnani.
At 6 p.m. on Feb. 24, 2016, about an hour after “wheels up” from Joint Base Andrews on the five-hour flight to Mexico City, Hunter wrote a plaintive email to Aleman Magnani using Air Force Two’s secure, high-speed satellite communications channel. He blind-copied Cooper.
“We are arriving late tonight on Air Force 2 to Mx City. I’m attending meeting w/ President N [Peña Nieto] and dad. Would love to see you but you never respond. I am really upset by it . . . I want you at the plane when the VP lands with your Mom and Dad and you completely ignore me. . . .
Crucially for a Mexican airline owner wanting to spread his wings, Hunter also set up two meetings for Aleman Magnani with Secretary of Transportation Anthony Foxx, on March 17, 2014, and Jan. 23, 2015, and a separate meeting with the administrator of the Federal Aviation Authority, emails on the laptop show.
When Cooper asked if he would go to the first Foxx meeting, Hunter replied: “No, but I am calling Sec. Foxx to let him know we are buddies.”
Before the second meeting, Hunter emailed Foxx’s director of scheduling and advance, Laura De Castro: “Miguel Aleman (Interjet Chairman) is a close family friend but I have no business with the company.”
Burisma, the corrupt Ukrainian energy company that was paying Hunter $83,333 to sit on its board, also got involved in his Mexican ventures.
In a 2014 email, Cooper wrote to Hunter: “I met with Miguel [Aleman Magnani] last night. He has set up mtgs with the Secty of Energy and the CEO of Pemex for Jan 12. Is there any chance that anyone from Burisma could attend?”
Hunter later asked Aleman Magnani to intervene with the Mexican government to “smooth out” a visa problem for Burisma’s owner, Nikolai Zlochevskyi. Aleman Magnani does not appear to have assisted.
As a result, Zlochevskyi could not fly to Mexico to finalize a deal Cooper had brokered with Pemex, thus jeopardizing one of Hunter’s most profitable side hustles.
“Going to have to do some serious back pedaling with Burisma,” Hunter emailed Cooper on Feb. 16, 2015. “Most likely jeopardizes my board position.”
“I am shocked Miguel didn’t come through at crunch time,” replied Cooper. “. . . they clearly value the relationship with your family AND they know they could sustain serious damage here by making enemies with you . . . Maybe a call from you or your dad to his dad? Maybe that shakes things loose. Whaddya think?”
No reply can be found on the laptop, but Hunter knows that his arrival with his dad on Air Force Two the following year will demonstrate his clout to prospective Mexican business partners.
Nothing “shakes things lose” abroad quite so profitably as jetting in on the White House bird.
Do you think there is something going on with President Biden being involved in these calls? Let us know your thoughts and prayers for America in the comments below!
(Excerpt from New York Post. Article written by Miranda Devine. Photo by David McNew/Getty Images)
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Joe Biden and family members are basically laughing at Americans. He is in the top 5 of the most corrupt and compromised politicians in our history. They laugh at the attempts to bring them down and continually expose what they are tied to. They truly believe they are untouchable and that they have everything in place to protect them from prosecution.
Biden and family don’t realize that God is watching and weighing every step they make. When anyone loses their reverent fear of a holy God, as is so evident with this president, his family and members of his administration, then accountability to God isn’t far away. Joe Biden is convinced his “public display for show & verbal expression of Catholicism” will exonerate his heinous compromises and continuous lies. It won’t. God isn’t amused or pleased with his actions or his family’s. While our God is rich in love and deep in mercy, He isn’t the least bit pleased when those who have been entrusted and are supposed to lead the people of our nation are instead “used” by them for pure selfish gains.
Hunter is and always has been knee deep in questionable / illegal activities. He doesn’t care because he has enjoyed “protection”.
“BUT GOD” knows all – sees all and will answer our prayers. As frustrated as I am watching these people walk free, I will continue to pray that God will intervene, bring justice and mercy to this brazen and ugly display of law breaking. I will continue to ask God to raise up Godly leaders and replace the ungodly or godless.
Sovereign Lord, You said in Your word, “Behold! How good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity.” The actions of this ‘administration’ have been divisive from the start. The corruption of Hunter Biden and others involved in this is not surprising, but it is alarming. Thomas Jefferson and other Founders warned us about ‘Entangling alliances, as opposed to honest friendships’ This looks like a bribe to keep corruption going, and to give benefits to countries and people who have not earned them. Remove the corrupt from office and restore justice.
Oh God, are we just playing games in life where lies are tossed about like nothing?! Father God< please stop lying lips and unblind our eyes that do not see and ears that do not hear the truth. Have mercy on us,Lord. We look to you for true justice and righteosness.
We humbly bow before you, knowing that you hear our cries and believing that NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE WITH YOU!