I Prayed have prayed
Lord God, help us to work to see peace and prosperity in our cities. We pray that You protect and strengthen our cities and its legislatures.
Reading Time: 5 minutes

God is hearing our prayers for this nation and our leaders. Be encouraged! I share this story in hopes to motivate you to action. With everything this current administration has done and is doing in an attempt to undermine and do away with our godly foundation, personal freedoms, and national security, I am always thankful when I read praise reports from Intercessors for America.Ā 

I was recently invited by the Texas District 23 Representative, Congressman Tony Gonzales, to participate in a town hall teleconference. This was an open forum where constituents were able to listen in, ask questions, share suggestions, and even take a survey. I live in San Antonio, Texas, where the population is about 1,500,000. District 23 covers San Antonio but also covers El Paso and Del Rio, just to name a few. It covers about 119 cities and 29 counties. I’m just a tiny fish in an enormous pond. So I was surprised and beyond thankful to receive the invitation. With excitement, I gladly accepted.Ā 

In case you’re wondering how I was invited, I credit Intercessors for America. I have sent countless prayers to my Senators, Governor, and Representatives about potentially harmful and very concerning bills. I believe it got their attention.

The teleconference was about a serious issue at the heart of this nation…the border. I was able to hear what Congressman Gonzales thinks. He is not sitting idly by. He is taking action and working for the people. He is also working with fellow Republicans and Democrats to secure and bring a solution to the crisis at our borders. He addressed many questions concerning security for people who are being personally affected. He also gracefully received people who challenged his views and answered their questions with integrity and honesty.

I left the teleconference with hope and a better idea of how to intercede. If you have been reluctant or fearful in doing so, here are some reasons I pray will help you reconsider clicking the take action button, if you haven’t already.

1. You are making your voice heard.

If you have never been able to go to a town meeting in your city or state, this is a way to let it be known where you stand on critical issues. IFA works hard to connect us to local and state leadership. They make it as simple as clicking a button. We as a nation are blessed to have this opportunity that many nations do not have.

2. You need to be informed to intercede.

During this teleconference, I found out that Congressman Gonzales has authored several bills concerning our borders and much more, because what is happening at our borders doesn’t just affect Texas, California, or the border states. This is affecting us as a nation. The teleconference gave me specific prayer points on how to pray for him, our state, nation, and the crisis itself.

3. Everyone has a part.

My pastor has a phrase that has stuck with me through the years, “We can’t do everything, but we can all do something.” Whether you agree with the leadership of your state or not, praying and taking action is your part. Our sphere of influence affects not only the Church, but also every other sphere, including government. This is your time to shine, Intercessor!

4. Our leaders need our prayers and input.

If the leader of your city/state does not stand for biblical values or fight for our freedoms, I would say they need our prayers even more. Take action and let them know you are praying for them. It’s the heart of what Intercessors for America stands for, not to mention it’s a biblical mandate as well.

I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all peopleā€”for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. (1 Tim 2:1-2)

I was completely humbled and joyful to receive a message from Congressman Gonzalesā€™ Communications Director thanking us for praying for him.

Whether you send a personally crafted prayer, scripture, or the pre-typed message, when you click the “take action” button, or even call your state’s offices to share your views on an issue, you are taking a stand and being counted. Don’t ever think that it’s meaningless. If you have ever wondered, “Does it really matter or make a difference when I take action?” Yes it does!

Your action joins the action of many others and there is strength in numbers. In just the last week alone, IFA intercessors sent more than 100,000 messages to lawmakers! Action also opens the door to relationship, just as I experienced with Congressman Gonzales. But more than both of these things, our prayers and actions are part of something larger and greater.

Prayers affect the unseen realm. When you take action you are affecting the natural realm. In layman’s terms, when you pray you are being heard by God. When you take action, you are being heard by man. We have a big fight and great needs before us. We desperately need the partnership of both prayer and action.

I pray that we are able to hear more testimonies like this about how taking action will lead to open doors, informed intercession, and opportunities to be more actively involved in what’s happening in America.

Lord, we thank You for the freedom we have to be able to voice our concerns about bills being written that are not in this nation’s best interests. We thank You for the technology that allows us to send prayers to our nation’s leaders as well. We thank You for this platform that connects us to one another and gives us opportunities to pray and act to bring about change.Ā We thank you for Congressmen like Mr. Gonzales who are fighting for the nation, our security, and standing for godly values. I pray that you would protect him and his family. Cover him with a hedge of protection as he and his colleagues travel to dangerous areas to assess what is happening at our borders and facilities. We ask for favor over him and the bills he has authored, and for both Democrats and Republicans to vote on what is best for America. Remove the veil of deception over many who refuse to acknowledge this situation for what it truly is…a crisis. We pray that many more leaders would take a stand for truth, justice, and righteousness. In Jesusā€™ name, amen.

“And work for the peace and prosperity of the city where I sent you into exile. Pray to the LORD for it, for its welfare will determine your welfare. ” (Jer 29:7)

Author Gloria Robles is a passionate intercessor with a prophetic voice for today. For more from Gloria, go to Spotify or Anchor to listen to her podcast Something To Share. (Photo Credit: Canva.)

How are you taking action? Encourage one another in the comments below! And here are some issues you can immediately act on–just click the titles:

A New Strategy to pass the Born-Alive Protection Act

No Court Packing on the Supreme Court

D.C. Statehood is Unconstitutional

I’m praying for our citiesĀ 

The Election Audits are Important

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Marty T. Robinson Robinson
April 26, 2021

Thank the Lord for people like this Congressman and for people like Gloria.
Your privilege of attending this teleconference was a gift from the Lord.
I agree in prayer with you as you offer up this prayer to the Lord.
It is very encouraging to know that our efforts to voice our righteous stands
on such matters is not in vain. But, I never think that when I pray to the
Creator and Sustainer of the Universe that it is ever in vain. I may not know
all the inner workings of worldly matters, but it is sufficient to me for me to
realize and believe faithfully that HE does! Faith is the engine that drives the work!
Faith without works is dead, truly; but to me there is no separation there.
God approves of faith; He is attentive to our faith; Faith pleases Him! and that is what
I want – to please Him!
Thank You, Lord for Your mercy and grace and Your guiding hand in worldly matters.
Amen in Jesus’ mighty name.

Nancy Rife
April 26, 2021

such an encouraging article! there IS more we can do besides pray! Help me to take these action steps, Lord!

April 25, 2021

The word of reminds us that HE HAS THE KEYS will open doors that no man shutteth, and that no man can OPENETH he was sent to John Rev 3 verse 7 to them him who had the keys, no mistake here we know who hold the keys. This verse is in my mouth.

The Angel refers to Jesus Christ. He has the keys. But he also gave us those keys Mathew 18 18.

Last year it was PRESiDENT TRUMP that had the keys that brought this Nations people together, we were people separated from our leaders and our presidents but it is very clear that he bridged the gap between us and our leaders this was the begin of nationals stepping up that our voices can
be heard

IFA is another šŸ” they re getting our voices out there to our political parties, both Republicans and Democrats must know that we are voting for and against their liberal dangerous policies, can we bring a shift to the equilibrium that give them their confidence. IFA is a key to reaching politicians and putting our concerns on their desks

CAN WE GO FURTHER can be the group that make the difference between balance of power, and government take -over.
Could we be the group that hold the parties accountable, that we can be involved in decision making and passing of bill. Don’t let our voices go so far, but let it go all the way.

The Angel points us to he who hold the keys, Jesus Christ, and he waiting for us to use those keys IFA has paved the way for my voice to be heard and many other will follow people that know their God shall be strong and do great exploits Dan 11-32 as the right people continue to take IFA seriously IFA is making a great difference, they re putting the opportunity before us, it still remain our choices, what will we do with those door that are opening for us in politics. Because of I FA I have access to the white house, I can voice my concern to white as they deliberate in their decision making and pray.

I will end by speaking to those that have the prophetic anointing and call on their lives Jeh: 1-10 see that I have set thee this day over Nations and kingdoms to root out, and to pull down and to destroy and throw down. to build and to plant.


Ellen H
April 24, 2021

Lord, You are not shocked, surprised or sitting around doing nothing. You are always at work, doing more underneath than we can see on the surface. Thank you for the reminder that I am not alone. I have felt as though my prayers were bouncing back when I hear from my representatives in the opposite of Your will. They sound so sure, polished and like they have it under control. This is satan. I pray that their veneer would Crack from the truth and Your will for their true salvation will come to fruit. You said Your will is that none should perish, but all should come to everlasting life! What a change that would be!!

You also brought me a message this morning- that some of Your people are praying now because they want our world to go back to where it was before. So there would be no need of prayer or sacrifice. This is the wrong motive. You are not going to change our government for our convenience. We should never be happy with the status quo. Wake us all up to the richness of life in Jesus, that we would never want to go back.

Dianna Miller
April 24, 2021

Thank you for this article. I have been signing every “take action” that comes to me but I always wonder if these are affective. I don’t alway know what to say in my own response except to take them to task for the bad they are doing. The “take action” seemed to be the best way for me to respond so I continue to do that. I know they are reaching the person in my district because I get a response letter every time. Thanks for making it known that these do work and are worth everyone’s time to click on and hit send. No stamp, no thinking about what to say and you get a response letting you know they have received it. This really works for me and I share them on social media in hopes others will do the same.

Toni Kushner
April 24, 2021

For many years the strongest call in my life has been to pray, I’m very thankful for the IFA ministry that God has used to help me to broaden my intercession and to pray with vision and understanding. the easy form of using their prewritten concerns to congressional leadership has been a blessing. In my church I find the Lord has me in the area of encouraging, teaching others to grow in relationship with Our Personnel God and setting up prayer days. I’m motivated with God’s exhortation “that five of you will chase hundred and a hundred of you will chase ten thousand, and your enemies will fall by the sword before you.”[Lev.26:8] the enemies of God’s people are many, but our eyes must be upon Him. The Lord has encouraged me to organize a prayer observance for our National Day of Prayer the last four years in our church. Prayer is the only thing that I have offered, but over the years I have learned it takes dedication, discipline, a willingness to set aside ones plans for the day and to separate from a busy, self centered world and focus on those things that are on God’s heart. The old saying Prayer changes things and most importantly prayer changes us still holds true. be encouraged to allow the Holy Spirit to teach us “to pray without ceasing”. God bless

April 24, 2021

Thank you for reminding us that we can’t do everything, but we can all do something! Prayer is our greatest weapon against evil and too many people pray as an afterthought instead of going to God in prayer first. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in everything; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” Amen!


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IFA President
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