Headline Prayer LIVE is streaming live Headline Prayer LIVE live at 12:15 PM ET
I Prayed have prayed
Father, we thank You that You long to bless us. Help us to hold tightly to You promises of blessing over our lives.
Reading Time: < 1 minute

What do you feel like God was saying to You through this song? Share in the comments!

(Photo Credit: Unsplash.)

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September 10, 2020

Peace is our banner over all, who come in the name of the Lord Jesus. For this is our promise, we are blessed and have received his grace and mercy over our lives. His face is always toward his beloved, always and forever. His promise is always yes and amen

September 10, 2020

A song of encouragement, a song of giving the Word of God to all you are discouraged. Yes God is in control. He never leaves us or forsakes us. He is for us not against us. No matter what God will take care of His people and that is US.

Darlene Estlow
September 9, 2020

A beautiful song. No matter what happens, God is with me, loving me even when I am faithless. Praise God name.

Ambria Kirby
September 9, 2020

This song always brings peace to my heart and makes me realize that God is with me everywhere I go and he goes before me and stands behind me thru anything this world brings on me!! I find that after reading several articles and perhaps getting stirred up emotionally that the Worship songs are a welcome “break” and it brings me back to focus on how good the Lord is. Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow. Thank you Jesus!!!

September 9, 2020

Life and blessing in the midst of the battle!

Susan Ballard
September 9, 2020

Oh ABBA Father, your heart’s desire is that the remnant of your people continue to be salt and light in these dark times. You are the a God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, we cry out to you, we can do Nothing without you! Help us to not grieve such a great salvation given to us by the blood of the lamb, Jesus, let the word of our testimony be an effective witness to this world that is dying. Let us not grieve the Holy Spirit; courage to call out the evil, and bind to God’s good, His declarations, His Word, that heals, restores brings life to dead things

Carey Head
September 9, 2020

I am grateful for these respite stops of worship among the prayer needs. They bring unity, strength, encouragement, and joy. And, YES, may His favor be upon all who call on His Name and their children to a thousand generations!


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