I Prayed have prayed
Father, we pray that You would end this transgender nightmare in our state and the nation, and bring clarity of mind, truth and restoration to all those caught up in this delusion. In Jesus Name, Amen.
Reading Time: 7 minutes

After a five-hour meeting featuring drag queens, children, and trans-allied pastors, the City Council of Worcester, Massachusetts voted 9-2 to declare their city a “sanctuary city for transgender and gender-diverse people.”

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In addition to declaring itself a sanctuary city, the resolution bars out-of-state agencies from accessing data from local healthcare clinics regarding gender-transition treatments and surgeries, and clearly states that the city will not cooperate with Federal and State policies they say “endanger” the rights of transgenders.

An Evening of Hysteria

In an event trans activists called “Queer Ball at City Hall,” the shrieking hysteria was off-the scale. Over 200 people crowded into city hall, many dressed in drag, some in glitter, waving trans flags, and for hours demanded protection from President Trump and “transphobia.”

Their anger, hatred, threats and the lies of Satan were on full display. It was shocking to see how far and deep the trans delusion has taken over their hearts and minds. Scripture warns “He [Satan] will use every kind of evil deception to fool those on their way to destruction, because they refuse to love and accept the truth that would save them.” (2 Thessalonians 2:10 NLT)

One trans person claimed their life was in danger and asked the Council, “how many of my friends have to die, before you do something?” To many of these poor trans souls, being called the “wrong” pronoun is a threat to their life and existence.

Another trans speaker threatened the Council saying, “if you say you’re afraid of Trump and that’s why you don’t want the city to be a safe space for trans people, then you better be prepared for trans people to make this [the city of Worcester] a very unsafe space.”

Perhaps the most heartbreaking scene was a seven-year old boy, paraded to the microphones, who demanded the Council not recognize any “anti-trans federal policies” while pleading for a yes vote. “There are a lot of queer people that I love. The kids are watching and we’re ready to vote you out,” this poor, misguided boy concluded.

One of the councilors who voted against the resolution was Jewish, a son of Holocaust survivors, yet a trans activist called him a fascist while making pig noises.

Worcester joins four other American cities, San Francisco, Sacramento, Pittsburgh and Ithica, NY, who have declared themselves to be trans sanctuary cities. But Worcester is the first city to pass a resolution in response to Donald Trump’s Executive Orders declaring the U.S. will only recognize two genders – male and female – and ending federal funding to Medicare/Medicaid and any hospital or clinic that continues with trans treatments.

But worse than the drag queens, trans allies, and little children, the most appalling were so-called “pastors” uttering woke blasphemy.

An Evening of Blasphemy

In Massachusetts, only 22% of the population attends church regularly, according to Pew Research. That places Massachusetts tied for last with New Hampshire in the country for church attendance. Sadly, I suspect that a large segment of that 22% attend churches with the rainbow flag proudly waving out front.

So it was no surprise to see two radical self-identifying ‘Christian’ voices taking the opportunity to grab a public megaphone to tout their blasphemous religiosity. The rise of these rogue peddlers of a twisted gospel coupled with almost every mainline denominational pastor touting the secular morality of most every cultural issue should alarm us all.

One of the speakers, a woman dressed in clerical collar and claiming to be a pastor, spoke in support of the measure, saying…

“Using the language of my faith, let me tell you this: the Jesus that I know would be right here in this gallery standing in solidarity with the brave people here. The Jesus I know would be dressed in full drag, or handsome as a trans man, or wrapped in the garb of a nonbinary person who knows one gender is way too small to capture their gloriousness.”

A man who identified himself as a ‘local clergy leader’ named Rev. Dr. Ciaran Osborne, who claimed to be a ‘deeply religious person,’ urged LGBTQ people to “pick up their bricks’ to make their case,” – a not-so-subtle incitement of violence.

For a community that does not know the Scriptures, does not attend church, or worse, attends apostate churches, the people may easily believe the blasphemy of these false teachers and pastors who are slandering God’s name and His holy Word. These so-called pastors are leading those who don’t know God, who are confused, or who have no use for God, down a path of destruction that leads to judgement and death.

It’s clear these apostate pastors are ashamed of the gospel. They don’t believe in the power of God to bring salvation and healing to everyone who believes, including the gender-confused. To them, Christianity is to affirm every sinful lifestyle choice as part of God’s plan. They do horrible damage to God’s Kingdom by leading the sheep astray.

It’s time for the faithful remnant to speak up. I don’t believe there was a single speaker at Worcester’s five-hour council meeting who spoke biblical truth against this resolution. Granted, it would have been an unbearably hostile reception if anyone did so. The two council members voting no did not vote against it as a matter of faith, but rather out of concern Worcester would lose federal funds if the resolution was passed.

I know Massachusetts is a deep blue state, but red states are not immune. Just take a look at a typical church service at the Cathedral of Hope, a United Church of Christ church in red-state Texas, whose “pastor” declares, “sometimes we forget how queer we are.”

On Monday evening, IFA Massachusetts Intercessors prayed mightily for Worcester, for all the communities of Massachusetts to reject trans sanctuary status, for pastors to preach the gospel truth on God’s creative covenant, and for God to root out this evil in our country.

I urge every intercessor to be vigilant and pray as this trans sanctuary nonsense is coming to your state. Heed God’s call to “Watch, stand fast in the faith, be brave, be strong. Let all that you do be done with love.” (1 Corinthians 16:13)

The True Meaning of Sanctuary

The word sanctuary comes from the Latin word Sanctus, meaning holy, peaceful and quiet. A sanctuary is a peaceful place that brings us closer to God. Sanctuary is also described in Scripture as a place where God dwells.

“And let them make Me a sanctuary, that I may dwell in their midst” (Exodus 25:8).

“You shall keep my Sabbaths and reverence my sanctuary: I am the Lord” (Leviticus 19:30).

“Let us go to the sanctuary of the LORD; let us worship at the footstool of his throne” (Psalm 132:7 NLT).

So let us not give over to the worldly meaning of sanctuary but let us pray into the Word of God in the mighty name of Jesus.

Let Us Pray!

*These prayers were offered during Massachusetts Intercessors 2/17/25 Prayer Call and adapted for you.

Pray that God’s people in Worcester, in your community, and in every community will make for God a sanctuary and invite Him to dwell in the midst of them and of their city.

Pray for a complete transformation of the spiritual atmosphere over Worcester, your community, and every community, so that instead of glorifying sin, pride and all manner of idolatry they will glorify the one true King and Lord of all – Jesus!

Pray that the God of the impossible will reveal himself and His glory to the inhabitants of Worcester, your community, and every community, and they will “Exalt the Lord our God and worship at his holy mountain… for the LORD our God is holy” (Psalm 99:9 NLT).

Pray the people in Worcester, your community, and every community make Jesus Christ Lord of their hearts and lives and cry out “Be exalted, O God, above the heavens! Let your glory be over all the earth” (Psalm 57:11).

Pray, that Worcester, MA, your community, and every community will be a holy place, a place of sanctuary where you are worshipped, honored and glorified in a way that pleases and glorifies you and that this will spread across our state and the nation in powerful and wonderful ways.

Pray for the false pastors and teachers, who are lovers of themselves – lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God and His true Word. They masquerade a form of godliness but deny God’s power. May they seek God’s face in repentance, ask for His forgiveness, and be restored to His sheepfold. Pray that God will deal with them according to His power and will.

Pray for the pastors who have chosen to walk the narrow path with God and are committed to preach the Word, both in season and out of season, to correct, rebuke and encourage – with great patience and careful instruction of the Gospel. May these faithful pastors, in everything, guide and teach the Body of Christ entrusted to them.

Pray for all who are suffering from the trans delusion that God will make a way for them to come to know Him, trust Him and experience God’s healing power as He promises in Jeremiah 30:17: “I will give you back your health and heal your wounds.”

Pray that God will give back complete health and heal all their wounds, both mental and physical, and that they will break free from the bondage of Satan and his demonic deceptions.

Pray that true Christians will stand up and go before their local elected representatives to speak against any sanctuary status being declared in their community. Pray they will share the truth of God and science against the deception, damage, and delusion spoken by trans activists. May the love of Christ shine through every Christian with the courage to speak as boldly as the Holy Spirit did for Peter on Pentecost. Pray that everyone who hears will understand and believe the heavenly truth of what is being said.

We pray all this in Jesus’ Almighty Name, Amen.

Add your own prayers in the comments below.

Belinda Brewster analyzes cultural, political, and world events from a biblical worldview. Belinda’s passion is to equip, support, and encourage parents and grandparents who are courageously battling against the spiritual and cultural forces impacting children and grandchildren. Photo Credit: Mercedes Mehling on Unsplash.

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Rev Susan
February 20, 2025

As a retired pastor of one of the rare, Gospel-centered churches in Massachusetts, I ask my fellow IFA intercessors to pray for this state. As Belinda noted in her article, Massachusetts is dead last in church attendance of Christians. Only 22% according to the Pew Research study regularly attend worship. That may be weekly or it may be monthly, it wasn’t specified. That means the 78% of people in the state never enter a church. So when they attend a council meeting like the one in Worcester or look at the many videos that have been circulating even around the globe of this abomination, and they see two people representing themselves as clergy, many of them are going to think this is the church. And, the church bears great responsibility for the very sorry condition of the spirit is in this state. Please pray for believing pastors to preach the truth of the Gospel from their pulpits and to model Christ in their lives. Please pray for the church members who hear the word to live out the call to the Great Commission boldly, despite the hostility to the gospel in this day.
As a pastor, who served the Lord in Plymouth, the place where he chose to plant his church in this nation, I and many of my fellow Gospel devoted Pastors, see that this ground is ready for the groundswell of the mighty revival. And we also apprehend that the enemy of Christ is working overtime to keep his clutches on the heart of the state. We ask for your prayers that Christ will be Victorious in sweeping evil out in a flood of revival. I thank you, my brothers and sisters in Christ, on behalf of the Faithful Remnant in Massachusetts, for your earnest prayers. In the name, and for the glory of, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

    Mary Beth S
    February 20, 2025

    Thankful to hear your voice, Susan, as part of the faithful remnant. YHVH, You see the faithful remnant in Massachusetts – grant them the boldness that the church of Acts cried out for:
    Acts 4:29-31  “So now, Lord, take note of their threats; and enable your slaves to speak your message with boldness!  Stretch out your hand to heal and to do signs and miracles through the name of your holy servant Yeshua!”  While they were still praying, the place where they were gathered was shaken. They were all filled with the Ruach HaKodesh, and they spoke God’s message with boldness.
    We pray for an outpouring of Holy Spirit upon them to enable them to spark revival and awakening in Massachusetts. Do sweep out the evil in the ensuing flood.

February 20, 2025


February 20, 2025

God you know the hearts of everyone and those with hearts of stone that will not yield to Your will remove them to where they can no longer lead astray Your servants. Empower Your servants who are faithful to be emboldened by the Holy Spirit to speak loudly against this evil. Without God we are lost, but with God we can accomplish anything. God hp and guide us in this battle with satan. 🙏😇🙏

Mary Beth S
February 20, 2025

YHVH, proclaim Your righteous judgments over Worcester, MA and like communities and over those who promote ungodliness – all the while extending mercy to those who will repent. Forgive us as Your church for not teaching the whole counsel of Your Word, for it is clear what You define as sexual immorality in Torah, and in Rev. 21:8 that the sexually immoral are destined only for the second death, the lake of fire. Yeshua, You died not to leave us as we are in our sin, but to save and deliver us from it and transform us. Those who refuse to repent of their sin, will be defined by it – eg. the sexually immoral. Those who repent of (180 degree turn from) their sin, will receive the righteousness of YHVH in Yeshua and life everlasting.

February 20, 2025

my credit card number has changed. How do I update it?

    February 21, 2025

    Gail – This is probably not the right place for banking advice. May I suggest you first contact your bank who issued your card, as they will have the necessary details including your established usage details.
    Best wishes.

    Mary Beth S
    February 21, 2025

    Gail, if you are a regular contributor to IFA, and you need to inform them about a change in the credit card number you want used for an automatic withdrawal, you can call them or log in to their website for an e-mail address they use for regular contacts. There is a login up at the top of this page.

Ron Glenn Deere
February 20, 2025

Satan and his minions may shot, vote, yell, and hate all they want to, but God’s word still stands saying that there are TWO genders (and have been for every century until this one). The mutilation of countless bodies to “change genders” is heinous and foolish. If they were REALLY trying to change genders, then they would have to change every cell in a person’s body AND change the person’s history until the point of change.

February 20, 2025

I live near Worcester and this clown show was something to behold. It proves that not only do people go insane, but cultures can also. And cultural insanity is one of the final steps before destruction. The cowards on the city council who voted for this mindless “proclamation” or whatever it was better not complain when these people come after their kids and grandkids, as they most certainly will. They are simply getting what they voted for. Perverts used to lurk in bus station bathrooms to lure their victims. Now apparently they show up at City Hall and demand their rights which yes, include rights ho engage in child molestation and recruitment. Worcester…Sodom on the hills. Yes…God could intervene. He would have even spared Sodom for the sake of ten righteous men. Unfortunately for Sodom they did not exist. I hope the City Council has taken note.

Donna Strout
February 20, 2025

Father in the name of Jesus, according to your word, I stand in agreement with others gathered here, asking in Jesus’ name to bind the Spirit of death and destruction operating in the hearts and minds of the residents of Worcester Mass. and instead to loose the Spirit of Life and Hope. Your word says what is bound on earth is bound in heaven and what is loosed on earth is loosed in heaven (Matt 18:18-20). May Your hedge of protection surround those praying Your Words in Jesus Name in the midst of this City. Satan you are cast out. Your foothold is gone and your schemes have been found out. Release the city of Worcester. We proclaim the Christ, the son of the living God and upon this rock His church is built and the gates of hell will not prevail! Thank you for equipping us with the keys to heaven to bind and loose according to the authority you have given us ( matt 16:16-20). We claim Worcester Massachusetts for Jesus and the gates of hell will not prevail!!

Adzoa Konou
February 20, 2025

Dear God, we thank you for all you have done, all you are doing and all you are yet to do. We pray Jesus in your name to restore righteousness and godliness in our country. We bound the spirits of lawlessness and sexual perversion and cast them out in our nation and around the world. Father have mercy on us and restore our nation to fit your desire. We ask for God strength, wisdom and discernment for president Trump and his team. Blood of Jesus, protect and defend our country from natural disasters and all threat from inside out. We thank you for your faithfulness.

Sheila Dun
February 20, 2025

I pray that the transgender population will know that in the eyesight of Almighty God, it is only males and females and those who claim to be Pastors and speak lies to be saved. The Pastor who said the Jesus she knows would be in drag doesn’t know Jesus. Her words tell me she doesn’t know Jesus.
Jesus loves everybody, but He also stands by the truth that it is only male and female as it was in the beginning. I pray for the light of God’s word to prevail in the mouths of his real children as we speak the truth in love.

February 20, 2025

Fools give full vent to their rage, but the wise bring calm in the end. Proverbs 29:11

Leslie Schaub
February 20, 2025

Father, Let those apostate pastors, who say that they believe the Scriptures, let them read it.

February 20, 2025

Thank you Belinda !!! I would like to repeat the verse you used which so accurately describes what is going on here. 2 Thessalonians 2:10+, He will use every kind of evil deception to fool those on their way to destruction, because they refuse to love and accept the truth that would
Save them.
Remember !! Paul is teaching about living in the light of Christs return. All this is indeed occurring right now!!! Satan is gathering his forces and attacking anyone who will “give him an inch “ We MUST gather and intercede to reclaim these strongholds of his. With the TRUE believers of these cities we unite to reclaim this land.
Father, in the mighty name of your beloved Son Jesus we all unite. We boldly stand, arrayed in the full armor of God, covered and protected by the Blood of Jesus. We remind Satan that his defeat is occurring and is complete because of JESUS on which we stand !!! HALLELUJAH !!

Mildred Hall
February 20, 2025

God have mercy! Turn them from darkness to light and the power of Satan to God.

February 20, 2025

Lord we asking to have mercy of Massachusetts. Bring a revival to this State, for you nothing is impossible we asking to protect our kids and give spirit of clarity to fight for our values. Take away this evil government that is going against your will. I asking in Jesus Name. Amen.

    February 21, 2025

    Lord, You know full well the hearts and minds of both the righteous and the damned. I beg You to Keep Safe the righteous and their chuilrdren, and as for those who deny Your Word – the damned – bring enlightenment into their hearts and minds and peace to their souls – Amen


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