I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we pray for Your biblical truth to prevail. Let every believer read their Bible to know what You think about our nation, our culture, and our world. We pray against the left's plan to coopt our churches and pastors!
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Far-left billionaires like George Soros are funding deception and disunity in our churches, coopting churches to make Christians vote blue.

From The Stream. By now you’ve probably heard of Megan Basham’s book Shepherds for Sale, or read at least one of articles about it (here or here). We know for a fact that Democrat billionaires like George Soros and Pierre Omidyar are funding evangelical “influencers” to confuse and divide the church. (Just look at how divided the Church has become over gay marriage and in vitro fertilization!) These far-left foundations know that biblically solid Christians will vote Republican to protect both the unborn and children being indoctrinated in public schools by perverse ideology — but not if they can confuse and divide the Body of Christ first.

Join others crying out to the Lord day and night.


We believe it’s important to draw attention to these 30-pieces-of-silver transactions and the people selling the Body of Christ to the highest bidder, and so does the American Association of Evangelicals. (This is the alternative to the National Association of Evangelicals, which started going woke long before wokeness became a trend.) The group has written a letter warning pastors and citizens to resist the manipulation from the likes of Russell Moore, Michael Wear, and David French. The AAE has been watching carefully as a crucial segment of the American church sat under siege with pastors who have conformed to the world.

The New America Foundation (NAF), a think tank funded by George Soros, calls its social-change model “Rent-an-Evangelical,” which you can check out for yourself on AAE’s website; you can also sign the letter there and share it with your friends and family.

In the video, you can hear Rev. Jim Wallis of Sojourners deny taking funds from Soros; however, Soros’s own Open Society Foundation grants were discovered and made public. Wallis later replied that he simply forgot about receiving the grant money.


Read the Letter

The AAE’s letter is masterful. In speaking of these infiltrators, the group writes,

Such actors harm people and nations. They seek to redefine Christianity by cherry-picking Bible words. “Love your neighbor” is crudely used to promote abortion. The Left’s “love” is not God’s love. “Social justice” is not true justice. Their “rainbow” is not God’s rainbow. Their “sanctuary city” is not real sanctuary. “Welcome the stranger” is not the full biblical teaching on immigration, which is [the AAE’s alternative policy] “Wise Welcome.” Citizens have rights to speak up for personal convictions, as this letter shows, but dark money should be exposed by truth and sunlight.

This dangerous infiltration is also happening through a curriculum known as the “The After Party,” designed to target evangelicals in “battleground states.” The Stream previously shared how to dismantle this nonsense here.

Pastors are unaware that its leaders often malign conservative candidates and voters. Its funding? Far-Left Rockefeller and One America Movement, a pass-through for big money from Tides, Hewlett, Walton and Pritzker foundations that fund Planned Parenthood, transgenderism, LGBTQ+ for rural America and more.

The AAE asks:

What child and family would Jesus destroy? What nation would He deceive? It has our attention when once-trusted voices now align with a political party that advocates infanticide (9-month abortion), Marxism with Islam, censorship, antisemitism, and open borders with crime and death.

What have the last three years under the Biden-Harris administration given us that Kamala Harris and running mate Tim Walz seem to want to continue?

  • Democrats push open borders, welcoming criminals, and letting noncitizens vote.
  • A radical stance on abortion, harm to women, the decline of marriage and plummeting birth rates.
  • Overwhelming national debt with an unsustainable rise in social spending.
  • Threats to the rule of law and judicial system.
  • Hundreds of billions of tax dollars sent to foreign nations without accountability.
  • Pornography, sexual instruction in K-12 classrooms, and the physical mutilation of children.
  • Governmental agencies weaponized against citizens who are perceived as political opponents.
  • Billions of taxpayer dollars sent to Iran despite its stated goals to wipe both Israel and America off the map. The Biden-Harris administration also fund the terrorist groups Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in Gaza.
  • Escalating wars, a weakened military, less support for Israel, and growing antisemitism on our own shores.

Do Something!

As the AAE eloquently states,

The Gospel of Jesus and His followers are the core strength of any nation. To corrupt the Church is to stop the heart and mind of a nation. Opponents know that our weakness is their greater power. We know that many faith groups began well. We now help Christian institutions return to mission. We know that the Kingdom of God is bigger than politics, and corruption must end on every side.

Please read this letter, sign the petition, share it with friends, and pray for our nation to be protected from enemy who is seeking to steal, kill, and destroy us all.

Share your prayers against deception and division below.

Used with permission. This article was originally published at The Stream. Photo Credit: Kenny Eliason on Unsplash.

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October 27, 2024

I don’t regard Soro as a threat. Truth enables someone to stand against lies like a roaring lion. The church has greater authority than Satan.

The people who listen to Soro are those who already agree with him. He can’t put together a train of thought that could impact someone who is grounded in the Word of God. He doesn’t know it or understand what it says. He doesn’t understand a Christian’s mindset.

Be careful about giving people more power than they have and when you are afraid, that is what you do.

Mary Beth
October 26, 2024

There is Scripture about wolves not often quoted or read – Ezekiel 22. Vs. 27 – “Her leaders in it are like wolves tearing up the prey to shed blood and destroy people, in order to benefit unjustly.” Although it was written to correct the nation of Israel, the correction should be seen as “if the shoe fits, wear it!” If you read the whole chapter, you can easily see it is a description of the USA, if not many nations – and it should cause the healthy fear of the LORD to fall upon those who read it, especially the wolves! Interestingly, it ends with a call to the intercessors – “I (YHVH) sought for a man among them who could build a barricade or stand in the break to oppose Me on behalf of the land, so that I would not destroy it; but I found no one. Therefore I am pouring out my fury on them, consuming them with the fire of My rage, bringing their own ways on their own heads, says YHVH. Do we, the church, presume to take God’s promises to Israel for blessing as our own, and refuse to take the corrections given to Israel as our own?

Brandon Maddox
October 25, 2024

Thanks for bringing awareness to what this guy, George Soros, who worked with the Nazis to send his fellow Jews off to the death camps as a teenager, is doing to once again go about doing evil!

October 25, 2024

People should know just who Soros is. At age 15 in 1945 he made his first fortune as a Jew in Hungary by selling out his fellow Jews to the Nazis. That is true regardless of current attempts to cover it
up. He bragged about it in 1998 on a major network show, “60 Minutes” I believe and the transcripts have been published with no direct denial by Soros or his army of hacks. Anyone who believes in or puts their trust in such an individual is a complete fool. He would sell his own family out of the price were right. Got him it’s all about money and power and providing service to his father, the devil who has tricked him into thinking he will receive eternal rewards if that same devil can maintain control on earth. This is a false hope, however enticing, with eternal consequences. This is why he do enthusiastically supports abortion, gender confusion, perversion and criminal DAs and other politicians…to push a satanic agenda on the earth with the intent of overthrowing God’s order and God Himself. He will fail as satan will fail l but will cause untold misery on earth before it is over. Anyone siding with Soros is condemned to join him in the deepest, hottest recesses of the Lake of Fire. Think not? Don’t let wishful thinking send you there.

Mary Beth
October 24, 2024

Thank you for the info shared in the prayer call today! That encouragement to “follow the money” seems to work well in real life, just as it does in crime drama. For where our treasure is, there will our hearts be also! I would contend that a person who is truly “sold out to God”, (probably) cannot be bought with worldly rewards. So perhaps what you are revealing is the hearts of those who would compromise Biblical Truth in order to benefit from worldly gain – they are and always have been wolves, not sheep. Yeshua will say to them, “I never knew You!”
To add to this discussion, could a contributing factor in this deception be that Christians have a tendency to assume that people who take the title “pastor” are to be trusted, even though their beliefs, behavior and lifestyle do not even support that they are saved? Could it also be a tendency to not understand that “the ekklesia”, most often translated church, is not an institution/organization? It is a living organism with one Head – Yeshua. The blood of Yeshua is so precious. He did not shed His blood to form another religion or to begin an institution or organization. His blood was shed to purchase for Himself a people, and to re-establish for us the possibility of relationship and fellowship with YHVH.

    October 24, 2024

    Mary Beth: You hit the nail on the head
    once again….

      Mary Beth
      October 24, 2024

      Thank you, DC! I appreciate the encouragement. Sometimes I feel like my comments aren’t heard because of the lack of real back-and-forth dialogue with other human beings. Prayer and intercession are always heard, and for that I’m so grateful! I appreciate your comments as well, like the one just below mine. Blessings!!

        October 25, 2024

        Are you in the great state of FL?

          Mary Beth
          October 25, 2024

          No, we’re in TX, but would love to meet you!

October 24, 2024

I do not get fear mongering from this article. I get acknowledgment of false prophets, manipulation, indoctrination, wickedness and info on pass through agencies and the after party.

Adon Olam – Lord of Eternity: secret things belong to You (Deut 29:29), You know what is in the darkness as light dwells with You.

As you sent Nebuchadnezzar the dream of the collossal statue that he lost sleep over, I ask that You send/ plant Soros and those aligned with him a dream— a dream that will deteriorate their sleep yet will not fade from their being. Impress upon them the chaff which they are.

As it was for Neb, depart them from “their kingdom”, humble them until they open their eyes to heaven and give You praise and honor.

LORD, I ask that You turn this around, You authored policy, may the policies and government of this country be written and administered with the statues, tenants and precepts outlined in Your Word.

I thank You for Your victory in this election battle and all the issues/concerns of this age.

In Jesus Name. Amen

Chaplain Steven R. Closs, DDiv, MSBS, NCCA
October 24, 2024

Lord Jesus, evil is such a harsh word, and yet Your Word uses it frequently to describe the opposite of good. While we are all capable of sin, I ask Your protection against those who call good evil, and evil good. Guard us from those who scheme against righteousness and from those who twist truth into lies to accomplish their evil intents. May Your holy angels hover ever near to eradicate fear and fight against dark, spiritual forces we cannot see. Help us cast down every imagination and thought that our enemy tries to use to exalt itself against You. In Your mighty and holy Name, and by Your authority, I pray. Amen.

October 24, 2024

How wonderful it would be for Soros & his ilk to truly experience a “Damascus Road” salvation & be completely transformed like Saul… to Paul. Our Father loves them as much as He loves us & sacrificed His Son for … all… of us. Another thought: we don’t know how our current time fits into God’s big picture of history, how all of this is propelling us to the end times or how all of this is setting the stage for revival.
We must remember to do our part daily. Jesus wasn’t a pansy. He was always focused on the core of the matter, whatever that was & therefore His words addressing whatever issue did not sound so soft & mealy mouthed, if you will, which is really what people wanted to hear. We are instructed to speak the truth in love AND to be focused on the core of whatever issue, just as Jesus did.

October 24, 2024

We need to pray for Soros & others like him; for redemption or destruction. WE need to know our Father’s voice & His Word so we can divide truth from lies. Part of all this evil is happening because we have not/do not do anything. We need to put on the full Armour of GOD to stand firm against Evil each & every day. Who stands with me in full battle array?

October 24, 2024

Father, help all your leaders and people learn to trust in You as their Source, so they are not prone to financial manipulation. Help us tithe and give to true preachers so they.re not hurting financially. Help us support Godly ministries in Israel. Help us fund Missions and World Evangelism. Help us give to hurting people with Your great love. Help us to stand against Baal, the “chief of the demons, and the “ money god” of satan’s Kingdom. Thank God George Soros, the Government,etc. is Not our Source. I bless you for Your faithfulness O God, you have never failed to provide! Truly You are YHVH-Yireh, the Lord our Provider and Your Grace is sufficient, more than enough. Position your faithful and obedient children to receive substantial wealth so your purposes can be established.

Michele Baly
October 24, 2024

I do not want to see evil prevail, but only truth and righteousness in Jesus Christ.

October 24, 2024

This kind of fear mongering shuts down reasonable discussions about political platforms or questions about the character of a candidate because no one is allowed to ‘malign’ ‘conservative’ candidates.

I still have issues with Trump’s tariffs. When he placed a tariff around foreign made washing machines it increased their prices which is what it was supposed to do, but the American manufacturers just raised their prices to match the foreign products. Dryers also went up in price because they are usually brought in pairs. The total cost to Americans was in the billions. The government got 23 million but each buyer paid $650 more. 1,800 jobs were created but each job cost the American taxpayer more than $800,000.

    October 24, 2024

    I am only giving an example of an area where discussion needs to occur.

    Darlene Estlow
    October 24, 2024

    It is true there are issues to be discussed. But the most important ones are the deception of abortion and transgenderism. It is not fear mongering to reveal evil. It cannot be dealt with unless it is revealed. We need to hear and respond to these things for the sake of our nation.

      October 25, 2024

      If this country becomes involved in a nuclear confrontation because of a misstep by our leader, I guarantee that abortion and transgender issues will not be at the top of your list.

      Unfortunately, we had a moment when we could have picked a leader who was against abortion and the woke agenda but who was not under the influence of a narcissistic personality disorder and had sound judgment, understanding of military strategy, good communication skills and a level head in time of crisis.

        October 25, 2024

        I also wish to point out that a tariff agenda could crash our economy and impact the world.

        Abortion and transgender issues are important, but addressing those issues can only occur in the world that is not on fire or crashing.

Darlene Johnson
October 24, 2024

I believe the GOD is still on the throne and is in total control. We pray for America to come back to her purpose to be One Nation Under GOD.

October 24, 2024

Fear is used to control people. That is what North Korea does. It makes its citizens afraid of Westerns. I don’t really think Christians need to be afraid of Soros’s taking over your mind. My hold on Christ is far too strong. It is actually the other way around. I can talk to someone who believes a woke agenda and in speaking to them expose them to a different point of vote.

I still encourage people to seek out neutral news sources which present both sides and step back and allow you to decide. Avoid media which tries to manipulate your emotions through inflammatory language, both left and right.

    Geri Alexander
    October 24, 2024

    Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added unto you. – Matthew 6:33

    When we seek God’s Word first, then we’d know the news! We won’t be deceived but instead led if we are to watch the news or not.

    God is always ahead and He always has His people ahead.

October 24, 2024

This is alarming people for no reason and is trying to plant fear in people’s heart. Non-Christians don’t understand the mindset of someone who is a committed Christians and has a living relationship with God. It is like the Russians trying to control our elections. The results are laughable. Those that will listen to some one promoting a woke agenda are those individuals who already attend liberal minded churches.
But hidden in the midst of this is an attempt to make sure that you believe that everyone in the government and justice system is out to get you. How many of you have friends who are judges or have police men who attend your church? How many have elders who are judges or police officers? Several? Many of you? Yes, there is some corruption. There always has been some corruption. Remember the OJ trial? I know of someone who is in jail for something he didn’t do (a crime). It happens sometimes. Please keep in mind that the ruling of a lower court can be overturned by a higher court. The Colorada cake baker is a case in point. Justice did happen.

And by the way, Trump’s platform is not dealing with our national debt.

    Geri Alexander
    October 24, 2024

    Mr. Tom, you’re all over the place. Can we get focused and agree that “as goes the pulpit, so goes the nation”?

    Let’s join in prayer for the Church to be bold in righteousness, anointed in the power of God, and strengthened to stand against the wiles of the devil, in Jesus name.

    And I [Jesus] say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock [revelation] I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. – Matthew 16:18

      October 24, 2024

      The above list is a political platform. Many topics are listed. Political platforms involve topics which are not necessarily religious.

    October 24, 2024

    Many of the lower court positions are voted on. In my area most of those are filled with Christians. The higher court positions are appointed. Donald Trump appointed many more judges than did Biden. Yes, there is a division of thought especially in Democrat leaning states, but not all courts are aligned against Christians.

    Mary Beth
    October 24, 2024

    Tom, I too am unsure of what your point really is. If you are basically saying that not everything is a conspiracy, I get it – not everything in the natural realm is a conspiracy. However I would contend that our true enemy, satan and the demonic realm, are involved in a sinister and diabolical conspiracy, that Yeshua summed up as “to steal, kill and destroy”. And our enemy has found many human beings in this day who wittingly or ignorantly join him in this conspiracy. Not recognizing this fact is extremely dangerous, because the Bible makes clear that he is like a roaring lion (just like, mind you) seeking who he may devour.
    If you are saying that this article is attempting to plant fear, I strongly disagree. It is attempting to sound an alarm. But if I am in a building that is on fire, I would prefer that someone set off the fire alarm, instead of worrying about planting fear in my heart. How I respond to that fire alarm is still completely up to me, but how I choose to respond will determine the results of the action/s I choose.

      October 24, 2024

      Well said ..

      Amen and Amen….

      October 25, 2024

      A building on fire? Nuclear war and an economic crash are also issues that can bring down a nation. I think Tom is saying that we have to be levelheaded and not taken over by emotions and look at the big picture, not just a few details. Yes, there is a moral decline, but in focusing on just that, we are failing to recognize that those issues can only be addressed in a nation that is not at war or in a major economic collapse.

      October 25, 2024

      I also think that Tom is saying that these constant conspiracy theories about the election may unravel the social fabric that supports a sane world where we can gradually gain influence by the sanity of our arguments and the obvious failure of the woke agenda.

      I think everyone who is a Christian who knows the Bible is aware that the trans agenda and abortion is evil. We also need to be aware that many who once supported it are having doubts. We need to wise and not hostile and angry toward those who oppose us in order to gain any ground.

      October 25, 2024

      I don’t think the comparison to a burning building applies. The transgender issue has been on the table for 15 years and abortion for at least fifty years. Using a comparison like a burning building causes people to do foolish things like break a window in the Capital or see election fraud where there is none and charge an innocent person.

      I find it disturbing that some do not see the importance of the other issues, the possibility that tariffs could bring down the world’s economy and another issue I didn’t mention, that of World War III starting. I shouldn’t have to explain. The implication should be obvious. As is pointed out above, in the midst of a nuclear war, millions will be dying. You will be more concerned with survival than any other issue. The crash of the 1920s should give everyone a glimpse of the suffering that can happen in the midst of an economic downturn. Changing the control of the woke agenda on our society and causing people to understand the seriousness of abortion will take a society that is not on the midst of chaos.

      Now is the time to discuss these issues. Because, while it is disturbing that Trump is constantly changing his platform, it also gives us grounds for hope. If MAGA can convey to him that they want him to be careful with his tariffs and expect him to be equally careful with his international diplomacy, now is the time to get him to at least claim it a commitment.

      We need this commitment. His storing top secret documents in his bathroom and flashing miliary plans around at a country club shows a shocking level of carelessness. His claim that international crisis are ‘no problem’ and he can end them with one phone call is not reassuring. People keep saying but his first time in office, he did ok, but in saying that they don’t seem to be aware that during that first term, he was surrounded by experienced people, or, at least, most of it. This time around, he wants only ‘yes’ people around him.

        October 25, 2024

        And, yes, I agree with Megan. The assumption that the court system is out to get us when there are many conservative judges in place and claims of election fraud where there is none, could unravel our social fabric.

Brian Lynch
October 24, 2024

Lord Jesus, in your mighty name, I drop the Sword of the Spirit upon the head of George Soros and his associates. Pleas, by Your grace, cause these evil practices to fail miserably. Please, cause the New World order to fail in their attempts to do sata’n’s bidding in our nation. Thank You Jesus.

    October 24, 2024

    Lord, we are swimming in a sea of deception, powerful delusion, hypnotism, mass formation psychosis, and social dementia, that will deceive even the elect if that were possible.
    Send an outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon, in, and through your church, so that we may have Spirit of wisdom and understanding so that we may know you better and will be able to test and approve what is Your good, pleasing and perfect will, and so that we will be able to discern what is best.
    The things described in this article are spiritually discerned and we are not capable of knowing what is true without You.
    O Lord, open the hearts of your people, give us the mind of Christ, and come quickly to help us for we are in desperate need!

Linda T
October 24, 2024

Father God, it is not surprising that there are very real agents who seek to destroy your church and all it stands for. When we fail to study your Word and what it says, we can be easily deceived. Help us to crave your Word, to study and meditate on it so we can stand against these efforts. We ask that no weapon formed against your church will prosper and we give you glory for every effort defeated. Give us the courage to stand up against this and not become lukewarm just to “get along.” Father, we desperately need your church to stand strong in the face of these assaults. Give us wisdom and courage in this fight. In the precious name of Jesus we pray.


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