I Prayed have prayed
Lord Jesus, in Your mighty name, we pray against the work of witchcraft in our nation and against us and President Trump. Defeat this evil, in Jesus' name, amen.
Reading Time: 4 minutes

With America’s rising tide of paganism, including self-proclaimed witches and first-time spellcasters, evil is becoming more palpable. This year, spellcasters are openly performing “magical binding” rituals against former President Donald Trump and “all those who abet him” during the last waning crescent moon on August 3 at 10:10 p.m. EST.

During the previous moon cycle, the very last crescent moon fell on July 4, 2024.

The “Bind Trump” Facebook group is a 6,200-member online community that uses witchcraft to promote progressive politics and social change. Members conducted “magical bindings” during the last waning crescent moon of each moon cycle throughout Trump’s presidency in 2017-2021. These bindings occurred at 11:59 p.m.

Spellcasters considered Trump’s 2017-2021 presidency a “dark time” and cast magical spells as a way to “take back power” from an “out-of-control” administration. This year, Trump’s candidacy ignited spellcasters with a renewed interest in the rituals, which include calling upon a preferred spirit or deity to bind Trump, and repeating “you’re fired” three times while burning an unflattering photo of the former president. “Raucous, mocking laughter” is included throughout the ritual.

Next Ritual Dates for 2024

August 3
September 1
October 1
October 31 (Halloween)
November 30
December 29

What is a “magical binding?”

The Bind Trump group leader, Michael M. Hughes, author of Magic for the Resistance: Rituals and Spells for Change, says that binding spells are not meant to harm Trump, but to stop him from harming others. Hughes distinguishes binding from cursing and hexing in that it is not intended to harm the target.

A secondary purpose of the binding spells is to erase internal tension as a form of “self-exorcism” and to serve as a calming, energizing, motivational mechanism for the community. One practitioner, Matthew Gault, explained, “Anger brings people together in ways sometimes hope can’t.”

How can we pray and think biblically about “Bind Trump”?

  1. Pray that the LORD would guard Trump from harming others (as well as from being harmed).

The Bible strongly warns against occult practices (Exod. 22:18, Lev. 19:26). Spellcasters are “an abomination” to the LORD, according to Deuteronomy 18:10-12. Additionally, the angry, mocking attitude behind the Bind Trump rituals is sinful too. (Ps. 1:1, Eph. 5:4) That said, the spellcasters’ concern that Trump may harm others is a valid concern.

As Christians, we can pray that the Holy Spirit would keep Trump from evil. We can seek the Lord on Trump’s behalf so that he would not be a stumbling block or cause any harm to others–even with his mouth. (James 3:2) Intercession is a protective shield for attacks from the devil. By interceding, we fortify Trump against these attacks, helping him to stay strong.

An IFA article by Board Member Larry Tomczak emphasized the importance of civility, referencing the phrase “with malice toward none” in Abraham Lincoln’s Second Inaugural address. In this same vein, we can pray that God would guard Trump’s mind and heart from any malice as he navigates this precarious election season. Pray according to Isaiah 55:6-7 for Trump: “Seek the Lord while He may be found; call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way and the unrighteous man his thoughts.”

  1. Pray for HOPE to replace the spirit of unrighteous anger.

Suggested Prayer: Father God, we pray for those in the occult arts who are consumed by the spirit of unrighteous anger. We ask for conviction as it pertains to the spirit of anger operating in their lives. We ask that you would bind the spirit of anger in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. We know that they are separate from Christ and “strangers to the covenants of promise;” therefore, they have no hope. (Eph. 2:12) But we pray that they would encounter You, the “God of Hope” (Rom. 5:5, 15:13), and that their anger would vanish as they realize that You alone offer hope as the anchor for the soul (Heb. 6:19). Bind our nation’s wounds. Amen.

  1. Pray that spellcasters and Christ-followers alike would correctly identify our true enemy.

We know Satan is our true adversary and he is ultimately the one who will be supernaturally bound by God. (1 Pet. 5:8, Rev. 20:1-3) The need for discernment amid rage-filled rhetoric is crucial. Pray that the emotions of Americans would be aligned to God’s emotions–that what angers/grieves Him would anger/grieve us. Pray that our nation would handle anger in healthy ways. “Be angry yet do not sin.” (Eph. 4:26) Pray, too, that the Body of Christ would not be a community of mockers. May we be salt and light because we refuse to mock our opponents. (Ps. 1:1)

  1. Praise God that there is no darkness too dark where His Presence cannot illuminate. (Ps. 139)

The waning crescent moon phase of the moon cycle is closest to the next new moon, a time of pitch darkness. For those in the occult arts, the crescent moon connects with the concept of releasing and banishing negative energy, offering “permission” to embrace darkness and signifying decay, destruction and renewal. As those who walk in the light, we as the Church can pray that what Satan intends to steal, kill and destroy will instead be turned into an opportunity for Jesus Christ to bring light and life. (John 10:10, Eph. 5:8)

As you pray, battle with victory:

  • Enter His Presence with Praise! (Judg. 10:18)
  • Confess known and unknown sin, and any fear. (John 13:10; 2 Tim. 1:7).
  • Don spiritual armor and garments of the High Priest (Eph. 6: 10-12; Ex. 28).
  • Forgive all those who knowingly or unknowingly promote witchcraft now and even in the long-ago.
  • Pray for the Lord’s angels to protect the prayer time. (Matt. 8:28-34).
  • Ask the Lord to reveal the spirits to battle. (Prov. 21:31)
  • In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, bind [name the spirits the Lord reveals] and ask the Holy Spirit to fill the spaces vacated by these evil spirits. (Matt. 12:29; Mark 5:1-20, Mark 9:25; 2 Kings 1: 9-16).
  • Ask God to remove anything blinding the people of the Lord. (Eccl. 4:12).
  • Decree Job 22:28, You will also declare a thing, and it will be established for you; so light will shine on your ways.
  • Close with praise to the Lord.

Photo by Douglas P. DeFelice/Getty Images.

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Kathleen Palmer
July 27, 2024

The Bible says Satan can appear as an angel of light- He also is a counterfeiter. These people believe Trump will do harm so to them their cause may seem right. They also are using what we have been told to do is bind and loose in the name of Jesus but that is not the name they use. The deception is that they are using the name of the Father of Lies and may be or may be not conscious of that choice. Satan doesn’t care, they are doing his bidding. May Jesus, Who is the Way, the Truth and the Life break through their blindness and enter their hearts ‼️

July 27, 2024


July 27, 2024

I will be praying for the people of this country, for President Trump, and against all evil towards the people of this country and against the USA. Praying that God will ruin the plans of the evil against us and the country.

July 27, 2024

I totally agree with Robbin. The author got it wrong with agreeing with the Satanists that Trump would do no harm. This presumption is deceptive. We need to focus on praying that God will thwart the plans of the enemy. Let’s not agree with the enemy’s prayers!

July 27, 2024

First of all I will say absolutely we need to use our Authority to come against and bind and break the power of all demonic assignments against President Trump. BUT I have to explain something that the writer did and obviously did not realizing it.
Please don’t condemn me for what I’m going to say. I will explain. This is truth.
The very first thing the writer of this article did was to COME INTO AGREEMENT WITH the “stated purpose” of this group. And that was to pray that “Trump does no harm to anyone.” Obviously I understand that this person meant it differently than the group did. But it does not matter what the intention of meaning was. The spirit realm takes everything literal! satan can only work by agreement. And that’s is by our words. By saying the SAME THING as those binding Trump YOU ARE ADDING YOUR AGREEMENT to that. This is only empowering satan in the original intent of what THEY said to enable it to happen. We do not need to pray “that he do no harm to anyone.” This is a trap of the enemy. It sounds good on the surface but God is on Trump’s side. Therefore we know He will guide him.
PLEASE understand the power of your words Prov 18:21

ONLY pray AGAINST what they are praying NOT IN AGREEMENT with it.

If you don’t believe this then ask God yourself. He’s the one who taught me the truth of this.

Marta Gallegos
July 27, 2024


Brian Lynch
July 27, 2024

Greater is He that is in us, than he who is in the world. Thank you, Jesus. you spared Donald Trump’s life for a reason. No witchcraft spell can hinder Him in the fulfillment of Your purposes. Thank you, Jesus.

Shauna Beye
July 27, 2024

Can someone give more details on the ‘ritual dates’?

Cheryl SpottedBear
July 27, 2024

Pray for Trump Jr protection.

Ardis Thomas
July 27, 2024

God taught me this prayer when the Satan church came after me while setting people free from their church. This works and is the exact prayer. “I bind all curses to those persons and forbid any effect on me in Jesus name” I was in my forties and now 86 years old. They had been successful in killing many and were openly proud of it.

July 27, 2024

As Believers we fight not against flesh & blood but against the dark forces of the evil one who has caused man’s kingdom to manifest these evil forces.

However remember & NEVER FORGET…Our Savior Jesus Christ …YAHSHUA…is GREATER! WE overcome because of HIM, HIS BLOOD, HIS WORD, HIS POWER & HIS NAME! The devil is ALREADY defeated! Those who are against CHRIST are already defeated.

Pray fervently for “a Divine Hedge of Angelic Protection around Trump & Vance plus their families” using Psalm 91! Pray for those “lost & dead” in their beliefs of witchcraft & fallenness to be radically changed by THE WORD & TRUTH of JESUS CHRIST ALONE! Pray for the EXPOSURE of all evil schemes, politicians & powers that be to THE DISINFECTING & TRANSFORMATIVE LIGHT of The GOSPEL LIGHT!

Remember…only GOD’S triune POWER will CHANGE OUR World…PROTECT TRUMP & VANCE & promote AMERICA’S Greatness! NO human can do what ONLY GOD (Yahweh) can do!

Stand in AWE…Reverent FEAR & MARVEL at what our FATHER will do for a NATION under HIS BANNER…HIS NAME & HIS GRACE! America will be GREAT Again…by GOD (YAHWEH) ALONE & HE will use the political man or women who “will obey HIS VOICE, Proclaim HIS TRUTH & Walk according to HIS WORD! Build a platform on HIS PLATFORM…HIS WORD & see HIM WORK for AMERICA’S GOOD!
Amen & Amen

Terri Shikany
July 27, 2024

I am praying for our nation and for protection for President Trump.
I have faced a demon and know that the only thing that can cast it out and rebuke it is the Blood of Jesus.
We are powerless without it and we must dress everyone in the whole armor of God.
Marking my calendar to pray on the dates listed and daily.
Thank you for your ministry
May God protect you all too🙏

July 27, 2024

Lord, I pray 🙏 you will bind the evil that is spreading like a cancer in our Nation, and you will put a hedge of protection around PresidentTrump. I pray 🙏 you will guard his speech & his tone. I pray 🙏 you will be glorified as we look to you for a new leader for America. Have mercy on us, Oh, Lord. In Jesus Name….

Claire Taylor
July 27, 2024

No weapon formed against President Donald Trump shall prosper & every tongue which rises against him in judgment, we shall condemn. This is the heritage of this servant of the Lord & his righteousness is from Me, says the Lord.

We pray Christ’s hedge of protection around President Trump & every member of his family & all his belongings. We speak life & good health into him mentally, physically & spiritually through the Blood of Jesus our & his Lord & Savior. We praise You Jesus in advance for a complete total victory in November for President Trump!

Virginia Roberson
July 27, 2024

Thank you for this prayer resource.

Shellie M
July 27, 2024

I declare and decree it out from your word JESUS CHRIST “NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST THEE SHALL PROSPER; EVERY TONGUE THAT RISES AGAINST THEE SHALL BE CONDEMNED” THIS IS THE HERITAGE OF THE SAINTS!!!!! We are only a saint by placing our total trust,, and Faith, in what you LORD JESUS CHRIST, of Nazareth, of the Holy Bible, did at the cross!!! This protection is for President Trump too! I speak it out over him, Isaiah 54:17, Psalm 91; Psalm 23. LORD do what only YOU can do, because man can’t do what you GOD do!
No one knows President Trump’s heart but you, Father GOD.
President Trump is a man that GOD created with a purpose.
LORD GOD, we, your people, know that you love him just like you love all of your creation. Please protect him from anyone and anything that would seek to cause harm to him or to his family or to his presidency. May everything that the wicked plan fall to the ground! May their speeches be confused and confounded! May every lie that is being concealed in this late hour come forth to the light! May the light extinguish any darkness that abounds. LORD GOD, PLEASE REMOVE the wickedness from the White House, and throughout all of our government. I pray that America WILL repent and come back to you JESUS CHRIST, as a whole nation that was built and founded UNDER GOD.
LORD JESUS, I pray America will never ever turn against Israel. We need you so much LORD. Where it looks so bleak, we know you LORD GOD, are still very much in control, because you are GOD, who is sovereign over the wicked as well as the righteous! That’s a huge peace to my own heart! Take care LORD JESUS CHRIST of what you already know that we can’t. Put the devil and his minions back in their place. Have your way LORD GOD! Let your Kingdom come, and be here on earth just EXACTLY as it is in Heaven!!!!! GREATER IS HE that he(aka Satan) who is in the world! This IS GOD’S battle right here! We WIN with GOD!!!!!!!!!!
Pray saints everyday for President Trump! This is how we WILL combat what we cannot physically see nor do anything about! But prayers absolutely do what we cannot!!!! Thank you LORD for hearing my prayers always. I know that even if all that I can say is “JESUS, please help me” it is indeed a prayer that you not only have heard it but you answer it!!!!!!!! KEEP PRAYING!!! We shall see GOD’S WILL!

Christie Olafusi
July 27, 2024

Father in Yeshua’s Mighty name, I pray that You will continue to protect President DJT. The same way you sent Your angels to deliver him in 7/13/24 attempt, You will continue to deliver him for all other assassination attempts that the enemy is bringing.. I pray Father, that no weapon fashioned against in shall prosper and every tongue that rise against him shall be condemned in Jesus name. Your Word also says, “He that digs a pit shall fall there in and he who rolls a stone it shall fall on him. Let every plan of witchcraft, satanism, warlock and other devices of the enemies fall on their own heads. Give Your angels in charge of President Trump, his families and all people around him and keep them safe from danger in Jesus name.

Linda Jackson
July 27, 2024

If GOD be for President Trump , he is more than the world can be against him. President Trump sits in a HIGHER place with Christ our Lord , this make President Trump higher in position than the witches and their spells and NO weapons form against President Trump shall prosper. GOD has already shown US this . Their spells are WEAK & will NOT prosper against President Trump . GOD IS HIS SHIELD.please pray for his family , USA & pray AGAINST OUR enemies that their evil acts / spells will be destroyed by GOD .

Carol Ann
July 27, 2024

I pray to our Lord and Savior Jesus have mercy on us in America. Forgive us an our sins and as we forgive others,I pray that no weapon formed against President Trump and JD Vance and their families would prosper. We look to you Lord first give us grace and mercy and revival in these end times we pray for the people who wish President Trump harm we pray for their salvation and deliverance.and protection from them We Pray that President Trump and JD Vance and their families are covered in the blood of Jesus, hide them under the shelter of your wings.We Pray psalm 91 over America and all the body of Christ that’s praying and interceding, we confess we all need Jesus ,Holy Spirit and your angels and strength and wisdom to Keep standing as warriors in Christ looking to the Holy Lord not to men in Jesus holy name I pray amen. Amen.

July 27, 2024

I BIND the spirit of witchcraft over President Trump and every person who advises him , in Jesus Name!! Amen

D. K.
July 27, 2024

I plead the blood of JESUS CHRIST over President Donald Trump and every member of his family also J D Vance family in Jesus Holy Name. Amen

July 27, 2024

It is better for us when we guard our tongues against speaking bad about others . What we speak can boomerang back on us the speaker . God sees. What’s in our hearts . Forgive one another & let God deal with the evil doer.. pray for the one that hurts you .

Kathlene Evans
July 27, 2024

1 Kings, Chapter 18…
Very similar battles..
Wisdom to pray strategically ✨


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