I Prayed have prayed
Lord, help freedom to reign in our nation and help us to have wisdom when making the decision to get the vaccine. Guide us, Father.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

The COVID-19 vaccine has arrived, and some are applauding it.  . . .

Half of Americans say they don’t want to get the vaccine, according to a December poll. Although more recent polling shows more might be willing to get the vaccine now.   . . .

A woman attending a Trump rally in Washington said, “I think the vaccine is a great vaccine for people who are really scared about the virus and if they want to take the vaccine because they think they’re going to be safer then, by all means, do it. But me personally, I’m okay.”

A man at the rally said, “I am not worried about the coronavirus, no. As a matter of fact, I’d rather get it over with, you know. I’ve probably already had it.” . . .

Could you be forced to get a COVID-19 vaccine? That depends on your definition of “force.”

In the landmark case Jacobson v. Massachusetts in 1905, the Supreme Court ruled that the city of Cambridge, Massachusetts could fine residents who refused to receive smallpox vaccinations.

Dr. Bradley Jacob, a constitutional law expert at Regent University said, “The court did not rule that the government can hold you down on a table and force a syringe into your arm, even if you refuse. They simply said people who choose not to get the vaccine might have to pay a fine.”

But businesses and schools can require vaccinations of employees, customers, and students.  Businesses Can Force Employees to get the Vaccine – But Many Will Make It Voluntary . . .

Some of America’s largest businesses say they will only encourage employees to get the vaccine in order to respect personal beliefs and to avoid medical liability if an employee is injured by the vaccine.

International Travelers Will Need It

The airlines are testing an app called CommonPass, which would show whether a traveler has been vaccinated.  It was developed by the World Economic Forum, the same people who are pushing ‘The Great Reset.’

If You Don’t Need It for Work or Travel, Is It Worth the Risk to Take a Brand-New Vaccine?

If you don’t need the vaccine to work or to travel or you’re considered to be at low risk, some are asking if it’s wise to risk taking a new vaccine for an illness with about a 99 percent survival rate for most people, according to CDC statistics. . . .

And you won’t be able to sue Pfizer or Moderna if you’re damaged by the vaccine.  They’ve been given total immunity from liability.

Weiss wonders if this is creating a precedent for mandatory vaccinations when the next ‘pandemic’ comes along.

“People call this a once in a century pandemic, but it’s really not,” Weiss says, “It’s a once a generation event. We’ve had other pandemics, but for whatever reason society didn’t decide to shut down the world over it.”

The lockdowns have already sparked violent protests in Europe and Great Britain, and any attempt by governments to force citizens to get vaccinated will likely spark even more.

(Excerpt from CBN. Article by Dale Hurd. Photo Credit: Unsplash.)

Do you think you will be forced to get the vaccine? Let us know in the comments below!

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January 16, 2021

Why isn’t anyone talking about the use of aborted babies in vaccine ?

The covid vaccine we need more information about this and it needs to be made public
Lord please bring this into the light
And give those who refuse to get the vaccine courage and provision

January 12, 2021

My husband already suffers from an autoimmune disease, and it has been stated that the vaccine is dangerous for those with AI diseases. We have both had the virus, so should be immune for awhile. Not planning on the vaccine.

January 12, 2021

99.6 chance of surviving.
Meds that treat should we get sick.
We must demand the meds that have been kept from us. We must make our voices heard.

“cumulative deaths through July 15 are 140,000. Had we permitted HCQ use liberally, we would’ve saved half, 70,000 and it is very possible we could have saved 3/4, 105,000. “
Dr Harvey Risch, MD, PHD, Professor of Epidemiology at Yale School of Public Health and published in affiliation with the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.
Dr Risch who has 39,779 citations on Google Scholar.


Catherine Mary Skokowski
January 12, 2021

The way the country is going, they will either fine you for not getting the vaccine, or shame you into it by making you look like you are the biggest threat to other people. They are doing that with wearing the mask subtly right now.

January 12, 2021

I am deeply concerned that it may come to that, especially in this corrupt state of Pennsylvania. I would rather go to jail.

January 11, 2021

I am one of those who has a legitimate concern regarding the vaccination. The vaccination could trigger autoimmune diseases in those who have hyper-immune responses. Well, I’m about as hyper as it gets. I don’t know an antibiotic I’m not allergic to. And when I had an allergy test, I reacted to almost every environmental item, animal, food, and spice tested. Would YOU take one of these shots if you were me? But already I’m feeling bullied.

May L. Scocco
January 11, 2021

Heavenly Father, just as Paul prayed for the Ephesians to have a fuller understanding of Your power, I ask for myself today. Open the eyes of our understanding. Increase our faith. I choose to believe, as an act of my will, that flowing through me NOW is the power to glorify your kingdom and accomplish everything that concerns us. I BELIEVE!

January 11, 2021

I am trying to find the article that you had several days ago about the vaccine and the risks. That it contains a protein that could affect fertility. How can I get that article?

January 11, 2021

i will not take that vaccine. it’s made from aborted baby fetal tissue, from cancer cells that can cause several cancers, poisons, and the list goes on. they just want to control the population. bill gates said back in 2016 that these vaccines can kill 20% of the population. this vaccine has in some countries that did test the vaccine it was only the young it was tested on not the elderly. this virus has a 99.9% recovery rate why take a vaccine that may only have a 94% recovery rate. our days are numbered by the Lord and nothing will take us out of his hand. God is our healer not the government

Lori Mahaffey
January 11, 2021

I do not believe the government should force everyone to get the vaccine and if they do not they will be fined.
God is the only one who can protect us. When we put our faith in Him, and believe in Him, and practice safety measures, I believe that is what I should do.

Carole D Gabrielson
January 11, 2021

I and my entire adult family of five will refuse to take the vaccine. I pray that the law will not require it. We will have to trust the Lord in any event.

Laura K
January 11, 2021

I will not have the vaccine in spite my age.

The pandemic is the fear, not the virus and, if statistics are to be believed, more people die from ‘flu but there is no hullabaloo about that!

January 11, 2021

Mandatory vaccinations make sense for serious diseases. If COVID 19 is so contagious and virulent why is it getting so much more press than any pathogen I have witnessed in my life? Why are doctors being censored for contradicting the narrative. I have never before seen a scenario that warranted doctors speaking out so much much less being censored for it. Why did they start taking hydroxychloroquine off the shelves in October and produce fake research to bash it? COVID 19 alone provides a lot of room for suspicion as do vaccines per se. The combination of COVID 19 and vaccines sends suspicion soaring, especially with the prospect of combining the vaccine with digital ID.

January 11, 2021

I pray that it would not come down to us being forced to take the vaccine. While I feel that they may make it mandatory for people that work in high risk areas such as schools, hospitals, transportation, etc., I really think they should allow people to have a choice as to whether to do so. My husband & I would both be considered high risk because of our age & health status. I know my God has kept us through all of this. My husband may choose to get the vaccine because he has multiple health issues but if he does I pray that he would let this vaccine be tested on more people. And that’s what I call it, a test because it came out so quickly & they do not know the long term effects of it.

if there is something in the vaccine that can be considered potentially dangerous for humans I pray that it would not be concealed but that it would come to light in Jesus Name Amen.

    Catherine Mary Skokowski
    January 12, 2021

    Choice is the word, a woman has the choice to have her baby killed and pulled out of her,we should have the choice of what is put into our bodies.

    January 12, 2021

    Our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit and it dishonors Him to put harmful substances into our bodies ie aluminum, chemicals, etc. Read the ingredients on the label to research. Whenever we do not do things God’s way, we suffer the consequences maybe not right away but eventually. The main reason Christians should avoid it is the fetal tissue line used in some of them. That baby has never returned to the dust, which is also against what God intended. These are a few things I’ve thought about.


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