Josh Mendelsohn, the CEO of Hawkfish — funded by Bloomberg and currently working for various pro-Biden super PACs — told Axios that his firm predicts a “red mirage” where Trump wins on election day but Biden wins the election days later when mail-in votes are counted:
The reason we talk about a red mirage is in fact because we believe that on election night, we are going to see Donald Trump in a stronger position than the reality actually is. We are sounding the alarm and saying that this is a very real possibility, that the data is going to show on election night an incredible victory for Donald Trump. That is likely to be what we see.
Mendelsohn claims it could take weeks before Trump’s election night victory is chipped away at by mail-in votes that will show Biden as the winner.
Specifically, Hawkfish’s models predict that 4-in-10 voters this year will vote by mail. Electorally, Hawkfish’s models predict Trump could win 408 electoral votes on election night to Biden’s 130 if 15 percent of total mail-in votes are counted.
After 75 percent of mail-in votes are counted, days and potentially weeks later, Hawkfish’s models predict the race may flip to put Biden in the lead. This particular model has Biden with a blowout victory of 334 electoral votes to Trump’s 204. Mendelsohn said:
When every legitimate vote is tallied and we get to that final day, which will be Sunday after election day, it will in fact show that what happened on election night was exactly that, a mirage. It looked like Donald Trump was in the lead and he fundamentally was not when every ballot gets counted.
Hawkfish’s claims come as a Democrat operative detailed large-scale mail-in voting fraud conducted for years by him and staff in states like New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and New York. Part of the operation includes rigging elections for Democrats through paying homeless voters off, taking advantage of the elderly, posing as registered voters, and printing up fake ballots. . . .
Last month, the Trump campaign filed suit against Nevada for their universal mail-in voting plans that would allow votes submitted after election day to count for the election. More than 223,000 mail-in ballots sent to registered voters in Las Vegas, Nevada, for their June primary bounced as “undeliverable” — 17 percent of the total 1,325,934 mail-in ballots that were sent out in the county. . . .
Primary elections held in crucial swing states like Wisconsin have revealed major issues with mail-in voting. Data from 11 cities in Wisconsin, published in May, shows that at least 30,000 mail-in votes were counted after election day.
Recent data has not shown a compelling public health justification for mail-in voting. In Wisconsin’s April election, only 52 of more than 400,000 voters and poll workers were confirmed to have contracted the Chinese coronavirus. None of those cases were fatal. This equals an infection rate below two-hundredths of one percent.
(Excerpt from Breitbart. Article by John Binder. Photo Credit: Getty Images.)
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Let us not take our eyes off the Lord. He alone works all things for good to the glory of His name. God knows the heart of every man. This is God’s battle. Therefore, let us get down on our knees and plead for God to arise and claim authority over this election. Jesus is victorious over the cross, so will He over this election. Let no one convince you otherwise. In God alone be all praise and glory and honor and might and blessing through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. Amen.
Dear God; please stop mail in voting! There is not earthly way it can be controlled to one vote from one person. Please Lord, In Jesus name, Stop this movement! Amen
As important as this information is, and it IS! We MUST pray against this for sure!!!!!
We also must remember Who is in ultimate control of the election, Almighty God!
As we Christians pray over this matter, and VOTE, God will do what we cannot do. Remember this:
If God says President Trump will continue to be our president for four more years, and many reputable prophets have verified that He will,then nothing will stop him from being re-elected, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! GOD IS IN CONTROL!!!!
I read about the “red mirage” and prayed against it. Instead, I pray there would be a red tsunami. The Lord led me to the story of Elijah. He prayed for a heavy rain. He kept praying until his servant said, I see a cloud as small as a man’s hand (out in the sea). I pray fervently that a small “cloud” of votes would become a red tsunami. That we would watch this take place right before our very eyes on November 3rd, 2020! Let it be so, Lord!
I can’t help but feel that the Democrats are already strategically devising a plan to swing the votes in their direction with mail in ballots. They had already planned to impeach Trump before he was even in office.
This is a great concern. Lots of room for fraud.
Room for fraud, but no room for fear. Do not fret, it only leads to evil. Ps. 34. As we pray, we trust. As we trust, we have peace. Isaiah 26 says, You will keep in perfect peace the one whose mind is stayed on thee.
Pray and stand against this evil that is trying to take over the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. OUR GOD, THE ONLY LIVING GOD, GAVE US OUR FREEDOM. STAND UP FOR WHAT YOU BELIEVE BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE. If we lose this election, we will lose our freedom.
Pray that the Kingdom of God will intervene.
Do the people who can’t vote for fear of the virus go to the store to shop for fresh vegetables?
I couldn’t agree more than to say, isn’t our Country…No isn’t GOD more important to each registered Christian voter as to put on a mask drive or find transportation to your poling site and vote in person if in any way possible ???
Is there anything we can do to prevent such fraud ?
We MUST pray against the forces of spiritual darkness. Pray with the authority given to us by the power and blood of our resurrected Lord Jesus Christ.
We will have to see what God’s will is for this election and our beloved country!
His will must be commanded down!!! Pray like you know Matthew 16:19. If we abide in His Word we can command! Every chance we get -pray- stay in the Word daily-keep scripture on mind daily. I have been praying Psalm 91 and 23 together as well as daily devotions. Praying for leaders-especially Barr to win with his phone book size list of indictments , President Trump and his cabinet and don’t forget the Judiscial system as they are battling evil’s favorite case-abortion! Pray the Scripture! Psalm 91…”We will not be afraid of the terror of the night, nor of the arrow that flies by day, nor of the pestilence that stalks in the darkness, nor of the destructon that lays waste at noon, a thousand may fall at our side and ten thousand at our hand, But danger will not come near us!”
I know we are God’s Army literally-through prayer. There is hope to see God’s will come down and His choice for the ellection to prevail, if we do not slack off. Coming up Sept. 26 should be a great day as many know thousands will be gathering at Washington! I am believing God’s will is going to prevail due to this gathering.
Just like an army showing up- to announce WE ARE HEAR and we mean business! We must say- we come to you in the name of The Lord God Almighty! Like it says also in Zechariah 4:9 Just like David knew up against Goliath. He won , Not by power no by might but by My Spirit says the Lord God Almighty! There is no other way to defeat this evil.
God keeps His promises and He told us “If my people…” When we do it publically -How can He not honor His Word? When I pray I remind God- I believe Your Word and I claim your promises!We won’t win without His Word playing out as is written. We do our part and He will do His. As we all know!Prayer calls down God’s mighty angels to fight for us. But we must not stop short! This is the ugliest battle I have witnessed! Good truly against evil. Everything darkness has come to light-as is written! Now? We cannot falter in our prayers.
We will win through prayer! Just do not slack off! Truly take the keys and jungle them at the enemy and say You cannot win! See these keys? Jesus already won and we are taking BACK our territory. As long as we are Christ followers-in The Word and living like it, we have prayer power In Jesus. Most readers hear know, but we cannot forget now. It is in the slack that the enemy takes ground.
May God’s will be done on earth as it is in heaven this election! Of course, I must repent myself of anything I have unconfessed, or it may hinder my prayers. I must plead The Blood. I plead the Blood over the election ballots and bind the voter fraud and loose truth to win! In Jesus name, I command truth to come down and claim God’s will. All for God’s Glory! And what a glorious victory it will be! The world will see that ONLY God could have won this election against the evil deep state. How else could this President have survived? Then I beleive as a result -there will come the return of many!Why else all the pandemic mess? I believe this mess will become purposeful, because God always turns what the enemy meant for evil for our good. Watching and expecting! Raising a Hallelujah for God is on the move! Amen.
Amen and Amen Tammy!
Please also pray for honesty with the workers at the city/ county offices. Workers in the area I live were allowed to count ballots from their homes during the summer primary. They were actually taking boxes home with them and justifying it by saying they needed to work from home during COVID. The workers may have been completely honest in the way they handled this from their own homes but that should not be allowed during the November elections.
In reading the prayers in response to “Mail-in voting”, I am led to say “PRAY!!! Pray without ceasing. and pray knowing that nothing is too difficult for God. Do not be double-minded, thinking that our USA is too steeped in national sin for God to show mercy. Pray, believing that God is able and that God is compassionate. Pray that individuals will confess and repent of our own role (of tolerance toward sin, apathy) in allowing behaviors that mock and ridicule God’s word to become laws of this nation. Pray that people who want peace in our nation, security in our nation and jobs in America for all Americans will vote for the candidates that promote these values, We have 60 days before Election Day to PRAY. and we have unlimited days after to PRAY for for our nation. Do not squander these days with fear or whining about what could happen. Be warriors for God’s Plan and believe in Him.
Father God, I pray for those who want to win so badly that they will cheat, lie, and steal. I pray that they would know that their worth is based on what Christ did on the cross and not on whether they win or not. I pray for balance in their lives. I pray that family and love and kindness and unity and volunteering and giving and resting and playing would be more important than winning an election. Many are absolutely desperate to win and will do anything. Before the Kavanaugh hearings, when it looked like he would be confirmed, those who hate LIFE pulled out all the stops to prevent him from being confirmed, but GLORY TO GOD, it didn’t work.We already see those who hate our dear President smearing him with lies. I pray that those who rage against him will be ashamed and disgraced, those who oppose him will be as nothing, those who wage war would be as nothing at all. That all plans of the enemy in this election would backfire. In Jesus name, Amen.
AMEN Debra, Couldn’t have said it better myself!!!! God is the God of miracles!
I believe it is incumbent upon every state to verify the mail-in ballots as to the legality of the voter (registered, living in the district, and alive). Also I feel it is necessary for the ballots to be in the office of the election boards before COB on Election Day. There are 2 months until the election, so there is no excuse for late ballots. Absentee voting has long been used in every state, and it works with controls and verification of identity. Only with those who plan to cheat is there an complaint about the voter being identified. Many apply for an absentee ballot and still go vote in person. Covid is just a convenient cause to say people are afraid to vote in person. We poll workers had to wear those blasted masks, and most voters did. Booths were spaced a minimum of 6 feet apart. People have no fear of going to Walmart, so why fear the polls?
No fear here, Joanna. I’m going to vote in person just like I go to the grocery store in person, wearing my mask. So, what’s the problem? Maybe laziness or some are still so afraid to leave the safety of their homes.
I’m voting in person, also. If every Trump supporter who is able would vote in person, we could beat this fraud.
I cannot believe that the biden platform could possibly win unless fraud is involved, and frankly
I don’t trust their platform in playing fair,
We need Almighty God to intercede and intervene with His Royal Justice and hold them accountabible.
what I mean we are talking about intregity in the Election.
I sense they will make it a smear campaign, and while they are counting, weeks out and months out
Nancy Polosi becomes acting president. How dark this will be and become
We need God to Providentially Intervene for all Americans so that we can live by faith and still have our
God given rights and liberties and Justice for all.
I guess I don’t understand how the electoral college works. Is it dependent on the general election votes? Can someone explain? Thank you.
Without the electoral college, the candidate who received the most votes would win. This would give a distinct advantage to states with larger populations so, in order to make it more fair, our Founding Fathers set up the electoral college. It was a compromise between those who wanted Congress to elect the President and those who wanted the people (popular vote) to elect the President. Each state has a certain number of Electors who vote for the Presidential candidate that received the most vote in their state.
Father, we can only look and trust you for an honest election. Uphold the rules on time for ballots to be counted. Foil the plans of the wicked. Be present in each elections office and oversee the ballot counting. May the evil not be allowed to destroy our country. We praise your name.
The Lord is in charge of the election, as He is in everything. Daniel 2:21 says it is He who raises up kings and takes them down. We must continue our prayers and trust that He is still Lord. I always prayed that He would expose the evil, and He has, but it doesn’t seem to matter! Our society is so fallen that people apparently don’t care! Still, we look to Him and we can rest in the assurance that He will bring forth the winner. I like the Psalm that says, “Let the nets they’ve hidden catch themselves; into that very destruction let them fall.”
Praying in agreement wit this prayer.
Praying in agreement!
Lord God Let TRUTH prevail and reveal the truth of evil operations that include rigging elections for through paying homeless voters off, taking advantage of the elderly, posing as registered voters, and printing up fake ballots. Bring the plans and operations of those who would deceive the citizens of the USA to chaos and confusion and let none come to fruition.
Praying in Agreement! Amen
We’re familiar with the ted tide. It happens when he water are stirred and a lot of “stuff” rises to the surface. It’s messy, smelly and takes effort to clean it up so the habitat is habitable again.
Be Prepared. The Day of the Lord is coming. We pray for eyes to see and ears to hear as this event affects the known world as we envision it. But God shows us benefits in change…we rise up with wings of eagles. However, we are included in the shelter of those wings during a storm that batters with hurricane force before the rest..
The test. Then the rest. Hallelujah..Believe
Dear Heavenly Father I come into agreement with those who are trully yours to be warring for justice and victory over this election. You know Your choice and this is what I and others who are yours wants. No abortion, no same sex marriage, freedom of worship, no socializm, freedom to produce wealth and add no sorrow to it, freedom to choose who we give to and support. Lord You have seen our tears, You have heard our crys, I/we have repented for this nation II Chronicles 7:14. We /I have forgiven those who have done all manner against us and purposely used us. However, I/We ask that You arise and let your enemies be scattered. We /I believe in the Peace of Israel. We/I stand with those who stand with Your people. I ask in the mighty matchless name of Jesus Christ to keep us and our election pure and to have Your will and Your choice in Your name and through Your blood Jesus Amen and Amen
I remember watching a video where it showed the outside of the sealed ballot having a number that included a R or D which tells what party you vote for. Most people would not be aware of it because it’s not obvious. That is one way fraud could take place and probably will, unless a great number of people switch party and don’t vote Democrat. Of course there are other ways they will try to win by deception but the mail in ballot is a sure thing.
The mail in ballots in some states are indeed marked with an “r” or a “d” but that’s only true for primary elections. For the general election mail in ballots aren’t marked with an “r” or “d” in any states. That means no one will be able to tell if a ballot is Republican or Democrat. So there goes that theory!
Dear Rita
Thank you for clearing that up. I hope the person making the video wasn’t intentionally giving misinformation, but hopefully who ever watched it will not want to mail in their ballot now.
Why do you hope that people don’t vote by mail? Since the law allows for mail in voting I think that should be up to the individual. Nothing wrong with absentee voting right? Mail in voting is only an expansion of absentee voting. I prefer to vote in person but there’s many reasons why people want to vote by mail and I’m not going to judge someone for their decision.
Not judging anyone. I don’t support using Corona virus as the reason to keep people from voting in person at the polls. This election year is quite different and sending everyone their ballot is not the same as requesting a absentee ballot. Sorry if you can’t see the difference.
Unfortunately,I live in the state of Washington, and I have no choice in the matter. Mail in voting is the only option we have here. Four years ago my family moved here from Pennsylvania, and I was shocked to find out we had to mail in our votes instead of voting in person. We are planning on praying over our ballots before putting them in the mail.
If Trump keeps discouraging his followers to vote by mail, it could actually backfire and result in less votes for him. Many elderly voters and those with preexisting conditions may be too nervous to vote in person because of the virus in addiction to following his advice not to vote by mail. This could definitely backfire on him in the end.
This mail in voting is a sham. It will only lead to more fraud. States have always allowed absentee voting and that is adequate and normal. No need for further mailings. It is a sabotoge of the election process and should be forbidden!