I Prayed have prayed
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Pray that California will receive all the necessary aid that they need. Pray for those who have lost loved ones in these fires.

The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? (Ps Ā 27:1)

Northern California is presently besieged by a giant wildfire, complete with “firenados,” a blaze that is being counted as among the 10 worst fires in California’s history.

The Carr fire, which began in Shasta county near Redding last week, has consumed more than 103,000 acres of land and has continued to grow as the land is tinderbox dry. Reports indicate that residents have never seen anything like this and are describing the scene as “apocalyptic.”

At least 723 homes have been destroyed, six people have reportedly died and others remain missing.

The home of Redding residents Judah and Krystal Gowan was completely burned to the ground, and they were caught off guard by the fire’s rapid movement.

On Thursday, they spoke to the fire crew in their neighborhood near Keswick dam, and were told that their house should be safe. But around two hours later, they received a call from a family member in the area saying they had to get out immediately or they would be unable to escape at all.

“I was petrified,” Krystal Gowan said in a Monday interview with The Christian Post.

“I have two toddlers, my parents live with me, plus cats and dogs. Within the span of five minutes we grabbed exactly that list, shoved everyone in the car, and we ran. As we drove out of our gated community the fire trucks were entering and using loudspeakers for us to exit.”

As they left, they saw several homes on fire and the blaze was surrounding the whole community. Gowan heard later that others were taken out of the neighborhood via helicopter. She told CP she took her first shower last night and expected the ash she felt she was covered in to pour into the drain, but noted the water was remarkably clear.

“And I thought, ‘this is God saying He’s got us, He’s already taken care of this,'” Gowan recounted.

“We are a bit frozen as a family. Everyone is in the same position, and we are such a close community. We all want to help each other,” she said.

Relief efforts are underway and prayers are being sent from around the world.

Here are five things to know about the Carr fire, including what leaders at Bethel Church, an influential charismatic church located in Redding, are saying.

The Carr fire began one week ago when a vehicle suffered a mechanical failure and set the ground ablaze and spread rapidly, according to local officials. The blaze occurred at the intersection of Highway 299 and Carr Powerhouse Road in Whiskeytown, just outside of Redding, near Whiskeytown National Park.

Ultra hot conditions have worsened the situation as strong gusts of wind escalated the fire, causing it to double in size. The conditions have been so severe that a localized weather system has been created; though they are not tornados, what appear to be “firenados” have been spotted across the region, swirling with intensity. Unlike the strong winds typical in other California wildfires, the winds in Redding are of a different varietyā€¦.

Evacuation orders remain in effect for thousands of people.

Local and national reports indicate that around 40,000 residents have evacuated.

Sources who evacuated said so much ash was in the air that driving at night was like driving during a snowstorm. Good cooperation among residents is happening though some looting is also reportedly occurring.

Redding is home to Bethel Church, a charismatic Christian congregation with thousands of members and a sizable reach overseas through its presence on Bethel TV and its alumni who have graduated from its school of ministry.

Bill Johnson, senior leader of the church, emphasized on Sunday the importance of grieving with those who have suffered losses but said he is confident his city will be renewed.

“For several days now, we’ve heard and seen the voice of the Devourer,” Johnson said of the fire. “You’re about to hear the voice of the Restorer.

“This [fire] will last for days, that [restoration] will last for years. And it’s going to capture the attention of the region because the Lord will demonstrate Himself strong.”ā€¦

Ray and Kathryn Leight’s house was also reduced to nothing but ashes.

The Leights had been on vacation and had just flown into Sacramento Wednesday and checked into a hotel, planning on making the more than two-hour drive north to Redding the next day. They did not even know about the fires until they woke up Thursday and realized they had missed a call from their son, who had gotten out just prior to the mandatory evacuation. They soon found out their home had burned completely.

“We had so many people reach out to us with messages, calls, and texts but I was unable to talk to anybody right away,” Ray Leight said in an email to CP Monday afternoonā€¦.

The recovery process is “unpredictable,” he noted, as each day brings new challenges and other things trigger the grief afresh, such as the loss of family heirlooms. The Leights ended up returning to Sacramento.

“When we first left Redding it was odd to get to Sacramento and see that people are just living their lives as if nothing is wrong. The apocalyptic feel of the devastation in Redding was so intense, it seemed like everyone should know,” he said.

“At this point we are just doing our best to love each other well as we are going through this process together, and appreciate what we do have.” (Excerpts from Brandon Showalter’s article on Christian Post)

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Carol L. Baird
August 12, 2018

I’m praying that God would all the rain we are getting, but no longer need and send this much-needed rain to California as they need it more we do at this time.

August 11, 2018

Satan is a thief, a killer and a destroyer but in the of Our Lord in Heaven is able to Descartes it. He has Power and Authority to stop it.

August 7, 2018

Oh my God,I am too ashamed and disgraced to lift up my face to you, my God, because our sins are higher than our heads and our guilt has reached to the heavens. Your WORD says that if we confess our sins you are faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to clense us from all unrighteousness. We all have sinned against you and you only. We have done much evil in your sight. I join with my brothers and sisters around the world to repent – Father have mercy on us according to your unfailing love, according to your great compassion blot our our transgressions. Turn wayward hearts back , wake up the sleeping, refresh the weary & hopeless. In Jesus name. Amen Amen

August 7, 2018

Father God, thank you for pouring all your wrath upon Jesus. Thank You that Jesus said, “It is finished. Thank You for the favor we walk in. Thank You that these horrific fires and the devastation caused by them, are not from You. You are a loving Daddy, provider, Abundant One…You will guide us into restoration and renewal and fullness of joy…

August 7, 2018

Father, we pray that Californians will connect the dots and see all that happens is not by coincidence or chance. You are a mercifiul God, but also a holy and jealous God. Before things can be turned around, we need to reckon with You and see how far we have come from your glory. Cleanse us and wash us from all that is not from you. As we seek Your Face. we ask You for Your mercy to heal our land. Amen.

Joan Arpin
August 7, 2018

Old testament stories of the wrath coming down on the people and the prophets standing before You Almighty interceeding in their behalf to have mercy have mercy and stop the destruction. Lord God,we stand, kneel before You asking for your mercy, for us all to turn from our wicked ways and invite You into our lives as a country as well as personally. Please turn back the edges of the fires upon themselves and run out of fuel, suck the winds back up to the skies far away to disappait, give strength, rest and stamina to the fire fighters. Only You can create a miracle from chaos. V

August 7, 2018

Father God, I declare that the intensity of these fires are nothing compared to the fire of God w/in the belly of the Ekklesia that is manifesting! As I look at pictures I think Father, how can that be? Nothing is impossible to Him! What the enemy meant for evil will demonstrate the goodness of the Lord in California! I declare grace grace grace to the mountains w/n each affected family as they journey up & out of their devastating pain and anguish into His glorious restoration of all things! In Jesus name!

LInda D
August 7, 2018

I fully agree with each prayer in Jesus name. Have mercy Lord!

Matthew 18:19 ā€œAgain, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven

August 7, 2018

Heavenly Father, thank you for your new mercies for us. We pray for California that your will be done. In Jesus name. amen

August 6, 2018

Father God, I ask for faith to rise up among your people in California. Cause them to look to You in the midst of all this loss, and trust that You will deliver them and restore them. Unite them together as the body of Christ, that great strength and purpose can come from this fiery trial. Comfort them Sweet Holy Ghost, bring peace to their hearts. Thank You for sending the answers before we even ask.
Be glorified in Jesus Name we Pray!!!

Evett Estevez
August 6, 2018

Proverbs 18:10 The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run into it and are safe. Father God protect and be with the pooplt who are in the wave of this fire, Lord Jesus we put our faith and trust in you that whoever calls upon the name of the Lord they shall be saved. Lord Jesus move this fire release a rain of your glory over Redding California may the unity of the people come together and pray for this whirlwind of tornadoes that has been set upon the land of California be dispersed may the Lord be with the families who lost their lives I pray for a hedge of protection around them Lord I pray for peace and no fear in Christ Jesus name amen.

August 6, 2018

Father we ask in Jesus Name for the Holy Spirit to consume the fires and put them out so quickly the whole world will be in awe of You! We ask that Your Grace and Peace fill and overflow each person affected, sustaining them though the coming days in Jesus Mighty Name!

Mrs PD
August 6, 2018

Beloved Father, Restorer of the breach, Healer of the Nations and Friend to the Lost, i set myself in agreement with Anita and thank You that You are bringing Your Church throughout the nations together to consciously set itself against the destroyer. We worship You for the ways You are able to take the most devastating of circumstances and bring something beautiful out of the ashes. Just as You call us to walk in justice and mercy, we call forth Your merciful intervention in the flames and justice against all that the thief has attempted to steal. You, alone, have the power and the WILL to end this fire and to begin the restoration, first in peoples’ hearts and emotions that will bring new focus and new understanding of the reality of Your goodness into peoples’ lives.

We thank You, Father, that Your restoration begins at the foundational level and is thorough. There will be no ember of despair, perplexity, bitterness nor hopelessness. For those in the Church, we call you forth in the power of Holy Spirit to take this occasion to walk in the fruit of the Spirit, knowing that GOD is good and faithful. We call you to be a light to the world that may not be able at this time to see beyond the charred remains. Encourage one another, receive the grace that flows as you continue to reach out to others. Let our prayers and our material efforts sustain you, encourage you and strengthen you. Despite what may appear as apathy in other parts of California, we believe that everyone will see a different reality as GOD makes HIS Presence known beginning in Redding. Father, we thank You for the closeness of the Bethel family and the hearts that each one has to bring Your Love into the lives of others. Bring great blessing to the lives of others through them and help each to see the Hand of Your marvelous provision continually. We continue to speak to the fire and command it to die out immediately. In JESUS’ Holy Name we pray. Amen.

taechin kim
August 6, 2018


Carol Pignatelli
August 6, 2018

As you go through this incredible fiery trial, my prayer is for all to triumph in the power and strength of the Holy Spirit! May all have the fire of the Holy Spirit, He will bring healing
and comfort to all who know and love Him, you will share to the ones who do not acknowledge Him Yet!!!! Praise and glory to you oh Lord!

August 6, 2018

Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for hearing our prayers for the victims of this fire. We ask for comfort and strength to get through this disaster. Send your healing presence and the drawing of the Holy Spirit to eternal things that cannot be destroyed. Stir up people to come and be your hands and feet to those hurting and grieving. Lord we claim you as a refuge for the fire fighters and everyone involved in this fire.
In Jesus name!

August 6, 2018

Father God,
You Are a Good Abba Daddy. We lift up to Your throne of grace each person affected by these fires. We speak Your peace in the midst of this firestorm. As Jesus calmed the storms, we speak Your calming and protecting presence over each one. Thank You that Your Name is above all of the other names. Thank You that You Are The Restorer of all things. Thank You for sending Your healing rains to put out each fire. Thank You for the strong witness Your children are to one another. Thank You for Your many, many provisions for each one. You are with them, and are working through them. For Your glory, honor, and praises; and for each one’s blessings we ask this. In Jesus Name, amen and amen.

Mary Frame
August 6, 2018

Creator of the heavens and the earth, please have mercy and send rain without lightning to quench the ferocious fires of devastation and to encourage the hearts of faith to always trust in your redeeming, resurrecting power. Speak to the world through the lives that remain of the hope that believing in Jesus alone is the gift from heaven for our eternal salvation. “For God so loved the world, that He gave His one and only Son…that whomever believes in Him will NOT PERISH (in the eternal fire of hell), but have EVERLASTING LIFE.” Our prayers continue with you dear friends.

Thomas McClellan
August 6, 2018

Abba Father, I praise You for I know You will bring about good through this, for You will use this to glorify Your Son Yeshua. I am saddened by these fires, but I am mostly saddened that this is just the beginning of woes for California. As I live and work in the Sacramento region, I am reminded of (Matthew 24:7, Luke 21:11) how people never saw the signs, they just went about their daily tasks. This is just what I see all around me. People aren’t concerned about the fires, instead they are just annoyed with the smoke and ash.

Abba Father, the earthquakes will come and many lives will be lost, but I pay that this will shake California to repent. The churches here will unite, they will be the vessels that the Ruach Hakodesh will pour out His power of us here. Then we will humble ourselves, pray, seek Your face, and then You will use California to lead this Great Nation to revival and be missionaries to the world.

I ask all these things with hope that surpasses all understanding by the authority of Yeshua the Name of all names….so be it by the power of Ruach.

Rolanda Shrader
August 6, 2018

I am so sorry for your loss. The Lord God give you strength to persevere and endure and fight the good fight of faith. He is with you through it all. In all your ways acknowledge HIM.

You are in my prayers

Katherine Petersen
August 6, 2018

Mighty God, ruler of all things, I praise you for showing yourself strong through the restoration of the physical and spiritual damage caused by all of these fires. With your mighty re-creation make yourself known to the nations that see you working, giving a crown of beauty for ashes, a joyous blessing instead of mourning, festive praise instead of despair. Revival!!!!

Melissa Rightmire
August 6, 2018

Lord have mercy on California and those who are affected by the fires. May everyone see the hand of the Restorer as He is revealed through His people in the days, weeks, months and years to come!

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