I Prayed have prayed
Father God, we ask for election results that will foster righteous laws and good government, at every level.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

As we pray for the results of the elections, there are many elections to pray about, not just the presidential election. There are two U.S. Senate Races that may prove vital–Doug Jones in Alabama and Susan Collins in Maine. Here’s why . . .

The one Republican Senator who is not expected to vote for Judge Barrett’s confirmation is Senator Susan Collins of Maine. Now she’s a rather liberal Republican. She’s the very last liberal Republican of her type still left in the United States Senate. Right now, she is considered to be the underdog in her race for re-election to another term in the United States Senate from Maine. And it has to do with the fact that there is a huge demographic and political shift going on in the United States.

Right now, as of today, Senator Collins is the last major Republican office holder in all of New England. When you’re talking about the representatives and senators sent from those New England, Northeastern States to the United States Senate and the house, and when the election day comes next week, at least as the polling indicates, it is unlikely that Senator Collins will be returned to the Senate.

That will have massive ramifications if it turns out that way, because even as Senator Collins has not always voted with her Republican Party, and even though on many issues, she’s considerably to the left of most of her Republican colleagues in the Senate, she has nonetheless voted as a member of the Republican caucus, and that has everything to do with whether or not the Republican Party is in the majority or minority position in the United States Senate.

So that’s to say that conservatives in the Republican Party and in the United States have a very awkward situation here. And it’s also faced by Democrats in a certain sense when there are more conservative Democrats who are essential to their math, and that would include someone else who’s extremely endangered, if anything, even more endangered than Republican Senator Susan Collins in Maine. And that will be Democratic Senator Doug Jones in Alabama, running against the Republican nominee, former Auburn coach, Tommy Tuberville. It is extremely unlikely that the very red state of Alabama is going to send Doug Jones to a full term in the Senate.

But the math comes down to a simple number in two columns, the number in the Republican column and the number in the Democratic column. Democrats are clearly hoping to regain control of the Senate. And that means that there would be more than 50 in that Democratic column, by their hopes. Republicans are hoping to hold on to majority status in the Senate, having already lost control of the United States House of Representatives.

Conservatives looking at the situation related to Susan Collins recognized that even as she was more liberal than her conservative colleagues, her vote actually made possible some of the Conservative victories, just the fact that she was a member of the Republican caucus and thus Republicans were in control of the chamber and were able to control legislation.

So there’s the irony. Susan Collins was more liberal, but she was actually, by her identification as a Republican in the Senate, at least a part of what became very genuine conservative victories. There’s the irony again, it’s one of the awkward realities of American electoral politics when it comes to both the house and the Senate, the votes matter, of course, the party identification matters hugely because whichever party is in the majority in either house gets to set the rules of the game.

Excerpt from The Briefing by Albert Mohler.

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November 1, 2020

Thank you for posting this important topic. New to politics and would have said I was a Democrat most of my life. Just having been born again 2 years ago, I now have claimed myself as a Republican. I’ve been praying for presidential race only. But just this week, became awake to importance of Senate, keeping a Republican majority. Didn’t realize until I researched that Dems need only 4 seats to flip into majority and 10 of the currently Rep held seats are up for re-election/could flip.

Lord Jesus, I pray in Your Name that we uphold biblically based values in our governance of America, not only the President but the Senate and House of Reps as well. As Glenn Beck recently posted, this is a battle with Satan, not the Democrats. It reminds me to focus that we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against powers of the darkness of this age/wickedness in heavenly places (paraphrase Ephes 6:12). With Your intervention, we can prevail against the enemy and win the battle this week in political leadership. May we glorify Your name and authority, Almight Father, in the name of Jesus Christ I pray. Amen.

October 29, 2020

Change Senator Collin’s heart for the the Godly choice in the authority of Jesus!

October 28, 2020

During this election season, the Lord has drawn me many times to the battle between the servants of baal and His prophet Elijah (1 Kings 18) and shown how similar this battle is. Baal worship involved the sacrifice of children, sexual immorality and more…..Father, remove the ungodly from their positions of authority in the Senate and Congress and appoint men and women who follow after Your heart…those who desire to serve and not subvert, that righteous laws will be passed and that we will use the time You give us wisely and for Your Kingdom. Blessed be Your Glorious Name and may It be exalted above all blessing and praise!!! (Nehemiah 9:5-6)

Anne Hirsh
October 28, 2020

Our God,who sees all things & U know the importance of government, since U are head over all. I ask that U give U.S. real righteous leaders this election period, particularly in the House & Senate to solidify what the government should be. I pray in Jesus holy name

Toni Kushner
October 27, 2020

I lift my eyes to the hills, where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord the Maker of heaven and earth. [Psl. 121] Father in our hour of distress we call the Name of Our God, may You watch over all concerning this election with a watchful eye and hear the cry of our hearts for mercy and favor in our senate races. You and You alone know the needs that are before us and we trust the outcome and will continue to praise Your Name forever.

October 27, 2020

Holy Spirit we thank you for the victory of Judge Barrett’s confirmation! We call into remembrance your faithfulness and pray for yet another victory . We declare in Jesus Name majority seats will be filled by the Republicans in the Senate. Lord work out all the details and I remind you of Your Word..Is anything too difficult for the Most High God of the Universe. Just as you raised Lazarus from the dead so raise the Senate numbers to reflect the Republicans. You are a God of Miracles! Thank you God for answered prayer in Jesus Name Amen

    October 27, 2020

    Father God, you are the Creator of the universe and all things in it.
    You are the creator of our nation and of our government. You know all things. We give you all the glory Father God Adonai, for you alone are sovereign.

    We thank you and praise for raising Pres Trump for such a time as this. I pray for him multiple times each day for the strength, courage, faith and wisdom he needs to carry on. We know he was anointed and appointed by you Father, because no human could survive the daily relentless onslaught and attacks from the enemy that our president has endured for over 4 years.

    Father we pray that you will continue to bless our president, His family and his administration. We pray that he will have a Senate and Congress that will support him,Father, through your servants elected to serve You and our nation. We declare and decree that demonic forces attempting to disrupt our elections will be silenced and banished. We pray that pres Trump and conservative candidates will have a clean sweep so that President Trump will be given authority to do Your Will.

    We pray your mighty hedge of protection over the WH, Pres Trump, his family and administration. We pray for revival in our land and that the blood of Jesus Christ our King, would wash your people clean to be your servants to clean our nation from all evil against the Word, our Father Adonai.
    Praise be to God. Amen

      Donna Martin
      October 27, 2020

      Maureen – Amen and Amen!! I stand in complete agreement with your prayer.
      Ephesians 3:14-21 For this reason I bow my knees to the Father of our Master יהושע Messiah, from whom all fatherhood in the heavens and earth is named,
      in order that He might give you, according to the riches of His esteem by power, to be strengthened in the inner man, through His Spirit, that the Messiah might dwell in your hearts through belief – having become rooted and grounded in love, in order that you might be strengthened to firmly grasp, with all the set-apart ones, what is the width and length and depth and height, to know the love of Messiah which surpasses knowledge, in order that you might be filled to all the completeness of Elohim. And to Him who is able to do exceedingly above what we ask or think, according to the power that is working in us, to Him be esteem in the assembly by Messiah יהושע unto all generations, for ever and ever. Amen.
      Deuteronomy10:14 Look around you: Everything you see is GOD’s–the heavens above and beyond, the Earth, and everything on it.

October 27, 2020


I pray for these who serve this nation, for they ultimately serve You.

There is no authority except from God, and these gathered here, whether they realize it or not, are Your ministers for the good of the people of the United States of America.

I pray for the men and women in this room and those who will soon fill these seats. Help them to acknowledge You, come to faith in You, look to You and live in the fear of God and not the fear of men.

Embolden them to make good godly decisions that You deem right, based on the authority of Your Holy, inspired Word.

I especially pray for the many representatives who are Your true children by faith in Jesus Christ. Grant them Your favor and blessing and
raise them up.
Give them supernatural strength for the work
that they do.
Give them great wisdom
for the decisions they make and the direction in which they lead this nation.
God, purify their motives,
protect them from pride,
help them bow lest they break and
may they never forget your promise
“He who honors Me I will honor”.

In Jesus’ name, the only name by which we have access to heaven, I pray.


Judy Hankins
October 27, 2020

I pray for all leaders that the Lord has allowed to be in authority I pray that he touched the hearts of every man and woman that he is allowed to be in authority in this country God is not Democrat or Republican he is God all by himself.

Judy Bailey
October 27, 2020

Guide us, Father, to make wise decisions based on your Word and reflect the Constitution our forefathers sought Your divine help in writing.
We look no place for help in this time of great need other than You. Your Word is true and will not return void.
Forgive our complacency. We are to be salt and light.
Thank you for challenging days when we can see You at work and loving us by testing and refining Your people.
We are so grateful for Justice Barrett. We ask that You place those in leadership in the Congress of Your choosing and direct us as we exercise the privilege You gave us by voting.
We ask this in Your strong name, Jesus. Amen

October 27, 2020

How wonderful Father that YOU know all things and YOU know the needs before we even ask. Would you go before us Lord and put the House and Senate numbers in order according to YOUR perfect plan. We trust YOU Lord. In the Mighty name of Jesus we pray, Amen,


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