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I Prayed have prayed
God above, we pray that You would wake up Your church. Put a burning passion in the heart of every believer to pray for this nation You've entrusted to us!
Reading Time: 3 minutes

This post was featured on Give Him 15, a wonderful daily prayer video and devotional from Dutch Sheets.

Do you ever wonder why you should pray for America? Have you asked yourself how your prayers can possibly make any difference, if God is sovereign and does what He pleases anyway?

If that’s you, I want to encourage you today and show you why your prayers are important.

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Here’s the first passage to remember:

The heaven, even the heavens, are the LORD’s; but the earth He has given to the children of men (Psalm 115:16 NKJV).

Both heaven and earth belong to God. What’s interesting is that He has sovereignly chosen to entrust the earth to us to steward. It’s as if He has made us His middle managers over the earth. Now, the earth still belongs to Him, and so does all it contains, as we read here: The earth is the Lord’s, and all its fullness, the world and those who dwell therein (Psalm 24:1 NKJV).

But God has decided to delegate stewardship and dominion over His earth to people, His created beings who are made in His own image.

And God always respects our free will.

God didn’t make us to be robots. He made us to have free will; in fact the Bible says that wherever the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. And since the Spirit of the Lord is everywhere in heaven and on earth, He gives us freedom and liberty to make our own choices (although, of course, there are consequences if we employ our free will to choose to disobey Him).

Because God has entrusted stewardship of the earth to us, He waits to move on earth until we ask Him to do so.

God respects authority, and that includes the authority He has personally given us. So, if we want Him to move in the spheres He has entrusted to us, we have to ask Him to do that. We have to ask Him to move. And that is called “prayer.”

This is one of the reasons prayer is so important, and it’s why we must pray for America.

If we want to see God move in America, we must pray for America by asking for His help. We see everywhere that we need His divine intervention. Although God is sovereign in every way, He also allows human beings (the lost and the saved alike) to make their own choices — for good or for evil.

But God can turn the hearts of men.

The king’s heart is in the hand of the Lord, like the rivers of water; He turns it wherever He wishes (Proverbs 21:1 NKJV). God can and will move when we pray, even at the national level. He will turn the hearts of kings to do His own will, even if they don’t know Him. In the Bible,  God often used even pagan kings to do His will. He would call them, and they would come; He would scatter them, and they would leave. Although they didn’t know Him, they still found themselves yielding to His work in their hearts whenever He wanted them to do something.

And that’s why your prayers for America do matter.

Your prayers for America move heaven, and they shake the earth. Your prayers for America cause God to turn the hearts of kings toward righteousness and justice. Your prayers bring our Lord’s divine intervention into manifestation on the earth in every sphere about which you pray.

Intercessors of America was founded during times like today. Vietnam War protests and riots were occurring on campuses and elsewhere. The Vice President had resigned in disgrace and then the Watergate scandal broke open. People had no confidence in the leadership of the nation. The Supreme Court mandated legal abortion. Christians were discouraged by lawlessness, corruption, and moral depravity of the nation. For 50 years we have been praying and we have seen many miraculous answers to prayer.

So, we pray and keep praying: And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart” (Galatians 6:9 NKJV).

Let’s pray continuously and without quitting — as Jesus instructed the disciples to do in the parable of the persistent widow in Luke 18:1–8. And even when we don’t see progress yet, let’s keep praying until we do. Don’t give up. God does hear your prayers for America.

And He’ll answer.

Share this article to mobilize prayer for the United States of America!

David Kubal is President/CEO of Intercessors for America (IFA), which serves over one million praying Christians every month. David serves on the National Faith Advisory Board and the National Day of Prayer Task Force and is also frequently featured in national news outlets such as Victory Channel, CBN, and Fox News. Photo Credit: Andrew Ruiz on Unsplash.

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September 24, 2024

King James Bible
Put on the whole armour of God, ————- that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
Ephesians 6:11 KJV

Fill-In Over America

June 11, 2024

Rekha: I appreciate your post. But please include the Pentagon and the Military, all bases and all branches to your list.
Thank you.
Lord, we ask You pour out Your Spirit and the fear of the Lord over the military, all branches, soldiers and leaders. Turn their hearts back to You and give them hearts of worship of the One true God. Remove eradicate all the woke and crt completely from military policies, institutions and from men and women bound by its stronghold. Set the captives free and fill them seal them with Holy Spirit leading them into a right relationship with Jesus Christ of Nazareth to be the spiritual leaders of our country and their families. Protect them, unify them and help them to thwart the evil where they are deployed. May they do mighty exploits on Your behalf. Thank You Lord. In Jesus Name. Amen.

Lee Gunn
June 11, 2024

Thank you for your inspiration and encouragement to pray for our country, our churches, our people and Israel. For all world issues. It has been very helpful to see the scriptures written out to use for prayer. We are a small church, but we have some great intercessers. We are grateful for the encouragement and support in prayers. L. Gunn

Queen Aleta Parker
June 11, 2024

Please keep those faithful to stand in the gap for this Nation that God will put and keep righteous those righteous leaders in positions of authority: Carson, Tucker, River, DeSantis, Owens, Zelden, Noem, Scott Bongino, Stefanik, Marsha Blackburn, Tim Sheehy, Dave McCormick, B. Moreno. If there is a woke person in here, please change their heart. Tried to delete first prayer, shouldn’t rush so fast.

Queen Aleta Parker
June 11, 2024

Please keep those faithful to stand in the gap for this Nation that God will put and keep righteous those righteous leaders in positions of authority: Carson, Tucker, River, DeSantis, Owens, Zelden, Noem, Scott Bongino, Stefanik, Marsha Blackburn, Tim Sheehy, Dave McCormick, B. Moreno. If there is a woke person in here, please change their heart.

Queen Aleta Parker
June 11, 2024

Please pray for God to put righteous leaders in positions of authority: Carson, Tucker, River, DeSantis, Owens, Zelden, Noem, Scott Bongino, Stefanik, Marsha Blackburn, Tim Sheehy, Dave McCormick, B. Moreno. If there is a woke person in here, please change their heart.

June 10, 2024

Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth.
Worship the Lord with gladness;
come before him with joyful songs.

The Lord is good and His love endures forever;
His faithfulness continues through all generations.

Thank you to our King Jesus.

Chaplain Steven R. Closs, DDiv, MSBS, NCCA
June 10, 2024

Heavenly Father, In the Holy Scriptures, 2 Chronicles 7:14, You have promised: “However, if my [God] people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves, pray, search for me, and turn from their evil ways, then I will hear their prayer from heaven, forgive their sins, and heal their country.” I now pray in sincere, faithful, and fervent intercessory prayer that Your people will call upon Your mighty and holy name; that they will humble themselves before You – the Lord God; that they will pray to You and find You in their hearts, and; that they will STOP their evil ways! Then by Your merciful and compassionate promise, You will hear their prayer from heaven; forgive their sin, and; heal their country – the United States of America! In Christ Jesus’ mighty and holy name, and by His authority, I pray for the United States of America! Amen.

Linda Ross
June 10, 2024

I have been involved with Give Him 15 for 3-4 years and am in intercession always🙏🥰 would like to be a part of IFA!!

Sylvio Maheux
June 10, 2024

Praying for Israel not to bow down to America

Marty Seidel
June 10, 2024

Lord teach us how pray for America and Israel that will move your heart

June 10, 2024

Hebrews 6:17 is my new life first as I continually struggle against the Flesh and am so hopeful in the grace described in this verse

17So in the same way, God wanted to end all doubt and confirm it even more forcefully to those who would inherit his promises. His purpose was unchangeable, so God added his vow to the promise. 18So it is impossible for God to lie for we know that his promise and his vow will never change!
And now we have run into his heart to hide ourselves in his faithfulness. This is where we find his strength and comfort, for he empowers us to seize what has already been established ahead of time—an unshakable hope! 19We have this certain hope like a strong, unbreakable anchor holding our souls to God himself. Our anchor of hope is fastened to the mercy seat in the heavenly realm beyond the sacred threshold, 20and where Jesus, our forerunner, has gone in before us. He is now and forever our royal Priest like Melchizedek.

P. Leenette Banks
June 10, 2024


P. Leenette Banks
June 10, 2024

Yes very very important that we pray for America! Why? Because there is power in prayer! It is an act of Faith that will move God. There is so much that can happen with fervent Holy Spirit filled prayer!!! In the name of jesus, even curses and spells are broken! Glory! Intercessors are called. We are called to be watchman on the wall in prayer. Do not stop! When you are woken up at strange hours, arise and pray! Hallelujah!

May 28, 2024

Very encouraging. Thank you!

Santos Garcia, Jr.
May 27, 2024

Yes & AMEN! May our LORD continue to Bless and Protect America from the tyrannical Marxists seeking to destroy our Constitutional Republic… In Jesus’ Name, AMEN!

May 26, 2024

As we pray for our nation, we sometimes despair seeing the chaos around us. I was very encouraged when I read this in Our Daily Bread a few days ago – April 2 devotional.

In July 2022, Britain’s prime minister was forced to step down after what many felt were lapses in integrity (the newly appointed prime minister stepped down just months later!). The event was triggered when the country’s health minister attended an annual parliamentary prayer breakfast, felt convicted about the need for integrity in public life, and resigned. When other ministers resigned too, the prime minister realized he had to leave. It was a remarkable moment, originating from a peaceful prayer meeting.

So all is not lost for us as a nation . We as Christians are called to pray for Psalm 72 leaders for our nation, leaders who fear God and do good for the people. As it is written in 2 Chronicles 7:14

2 Chronicles 7:14 New International Version (NIV)

if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

Isaiah 61:1-3

T The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me,
because the Lord has anointed me
to proclaim good news to the poor.
He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted,
to proclaim freedom for the captives
and release from darkness for the prisoners,[a]
2 to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor
and the day of vengeance of our God,
to comfort all who mourn,
3 and provide for those who grieve in Zion—
to bestow on them a crown of beauty
instead of ashes,
the oil of joy
instead of mourning,
and a garment of praise
instead of a spirit of despair.
They will be called oaks of righteousness,
a planting of the Lord
for the display of his splendor.

I am urging you and your church to pray as it is election year in 2024 – let us join arms together in praying for strong Christian leaders not just in politics but in every sphere of life.

I am calling it the Psalm 72 movement.

Let us not be complacent as Christians anymore and take a back seat while we watch history unfold before our eyes.
We are called to be History Makers and not History Watchers as we are the royal priesthood of God (1 Peter 2:9)

Let us lift up our voices together and cry out to the Lord for good Christian leaders in every sphere of life:

1. The White House
2. The Senate – both houses
3. All bureaucrats
4. FBI, CIA ,Police Departments , DAs
5. Lawyer groups
6. Main stream media
7. Technology
8. Entertainment
9. Teachers and schools, colleges , universitie, student groups
10. LGBT groups
11. Churches and Christian leaders

Share this with as many Christians, your churches and Christian ministries that you know of . Let us make this a powerful movement sending ripples down our nation and be one strong Jesus army together.

Let us also pray for the nexus between evil doers to be destroyed,

Please also pray for strong leaders in Israel and leaders in Hamas/ Iran who will be convicted by the Holy Spirit and change their ways. As well as let us pray for good leaders on our University campuses.

Priscilla Meyenburg
May 26, 2024

GOD’S words are clear. For a nation to experience healing and blessing with His people humbling themselves in repentance for their sin. It begins with us who know the truth and who know that the way for people is to be saved is for them to turn from iniquity and complacency. We can’t expect the world to repent when we ourselves forget to ASK forgiveness when we fail and remain unrepentant. God I also see another problem and that many other Christians Declare that church or Christians should not be involved with Government Politics. God I question that statement many times. Did not Jesus give us authority and explain in-Isaiah 33-22 that the Lord is our Judge , our lawgiver, the Lord is our King. We need to release daily prayers to let Satan know we are in Authority not him. Calling out to GOD shall organically and open arise in cities, states, and regions. Even the woke media they shall say, ‘Great is our GOD! GOD is going to bring the spiritual healing that God is bringing to our land. We declare that there shall be a mass outpouring of repentance that shall descend upon the United States of America in Jesus’ Name!

May 26, 2024

Thank you, Dave!

Ann NMN Shaw
May 26, 2024

Almighty Father and Savior grant us wisdom to pray and be steadfast. God hears our prayers.

In Jesus’s name Amen

Mari Williams
May 26, 2024

How to pray for America, LORD?
This beautiful land . . . it’s mountains, rivers and streams.
Its fine buildings
Its many blessings
Its multiplicity of peoples
Its many religions
Its many problems
Its murder of the little babies
Our discouraged teens
The crime rate in our cities
Our overburdened police force
Our closed churches
Oh, GOD inspire our prayers, for we don’t even know where to begin.

    Mari Williams
    May 26, 2024

    The Lord’s answer came quickly:
    Begin by praying for every member of your own extended family . . . .
    Realizing our own sins and our family’s sins can be representative of the sins and failings of the nation.
    We could begin with pride . . . .

Maria morais
May 25, 2024

Abba Father and Lord we stand in the gap for Israel and thus may!!! We pray fir the peace of Jerusalem and Shalom within its walls as well as our nation Lord. We ask that you spare this nation for the sake of those of us who are praying daily pleading your blood over the body, thus nation and Israel and all our brethren throughout the world who are standing fir You Lord and are being persecuted. Hear our cries fir justice Lord 🙏🔥⚔️ We humbly ask and pray and believe in Yeshua’s mighty na. Amen!!!!

May 25, 2024

What do we do with Jeremiah 7:16 and 11:14? I pray for people to come to Christ. There is a remnant. But I think America is rotten to the core, and God must judge her. She (meaning government, shadow people who actually run things) is unrepentant after God being merciful for so long.

    Darlene Estlow
    May 25, 2024

    God can still change things. We do have Christians in government and we need to pray not just for them but that righteous people will be elected. God is in the business of healing and changing!

Wendy Hogan
May 25, 2024

I loved reading this and I am praying for America. Believing America shall be saved.

Johnie M Heard
May 25, 2024

I remember a few months ago having g a dream where I saw myself posting a flyer on the doors of several churches. After doing this for awhile, I stepped back to view it’s contents. This is what I read..”PASTORS, GATHER THE PEOPLE TOGETHER TO PRAY FOR AMERICA!” I woke up. The dream was so real until I could literally sense a dire warning and knew this was from the Lord! I set forth to make up many flyers with the message I read on it and went about my city in Michigan posting these flyers to the doors of as many ministries that I could. I don’t know if they gathered or not, but I’m still waiting on just one response for prayer for America. Just one. Most are still having church as usual. I wonder within myself what’s it going to take before the people of God wake up, unify and pray? Muslims gather to pray three times a day unified at their mosques
I don’t know of one church I can attend that’s open for prayer 3 times a day! Let’s start one!!! 24 hour prayer center!! 😊

Mary Beth
May 25, 2024

David, thank you for clarifying that in God’s sovereignty He has entrusted the earth realm to our authority, as we operate under His authority. Even the centurion in Matt. 8 recognized that to have legitimate authority, we must operate under authority – he said to Yeshua “For I too am a man under authority . . .” – then Yeshua was amazed and remarked, “I have not found anyone in Israel with such trust!” A misunderstanding of “sovereignty” has caused many in the church to be lulled into slumber, inaction, and resignation. His sovereignty defines the parameters within which our free will operates, but it does not define that His will is being reflected in everything sinful man chooses. That is an affront to a Holy and Righteous God.

Lord, thank you for allowing us the honor to co-labor with You to accomplish Your will and purposes in this earth realm. We truly cry out, “May Your will be done, may Your Kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven!” Wake us up!! Help us to recognize that as we act in Your delegated authority, You will accomplish this very thing. Help us to understand the parameters within which our free will must operate and honor those boundaries, so that we don’t begin to slip into ‘witchcraft prayers’ attempting to override the free will of others. Teach and instruct us, Holy Spirit. We depend upon You!

Velda Seachord
May 25, 2024

Father, in the name of Jesus, I’m praying that our town of North Platte, Nebraska would be a town of Prayer a town of interceding. Our churches would rise up and take a stand instead of hiding, and not saying a word Jesus takes the blinders off of us to worship you.

Brian lynch
May 25, 2024

Lord Jesus, I pray that your will would be done in America. May our leaders be focused upon your purposes for this nation, and be guided by Holy Spirit.. Thank you, Lord, for giving the gift of intercession to us, and I pray that You will increase our numbers greatly. Put it upon the hearts of believers to cry out to You for the United States of America. Thank you, Jesus.

May 25, 2024

Thank You Lord that You hear and answer when we pray. America will be saved and return to You as never before. Take the blinders off of our eyes and hearts, bring us back to You. Help us to stand up for righteousness and justice in America again, in Jesus name, amen 🙏

Lydia B. Miller
May 25, 2024

Lord Jesus we bless your Holy Name!!
Thank you for not giving up on this nation.
Your mercies are new every morning, we desperately need you to protect our nation from foreign adversaries, and enemies that are in our land that don t belong here.
We bind forces of darkness in Jesus name , that seek to destroy our country.
We call people into repentance, ears be opened to hear the voice of the Lord. We ask you Holy Spirit to soften people’s hearts. and for people to turn from their wicked ways.
Open the eyes of the blind.
May the winds of your spirit bring times of refreshing, we don t deserve it but you have send your spirit as Holy comforter and given us your love.
Protect this election, expose the evil . We need you Jesus to be at every polling sight to bring an end to evil!
Take out of office the men and women who have an evil agenda !! take them out , take them out. Strengthen those who who are upright and have healthy moral value. They need you, draw near to them.
Thank you Jesus for victory!

May 25, 2024

The prophet sings his song of prayer admitting the deep need of his nation. 1) “Help us Lord, as you have before [send revival] …and 2) In your anger, show mercy.“


Augustine P Biscardi
May 25, 2024

Many years ago my wife, Donna, began a project called: “Jesus Save America”. Each day she ends out a reminder (12noon EST) via text in an effort to enlist prayer for our nation. If you would like to receive these messages to pray, text: USA to 518-327-0600.
As the Body of Christ, we must be united in prayer. Jesus Save America!

Susan CC
May 25, 2024

Proverbs 19:15 Laziness brings on deep sleep, and an idle soul will suffer hunger.

Psalm 121:3-4 He will not allow your foot to slip; your Protector will not slumber. Behold, the Protector of Israel (America and all nations) will neither slumber nor sleep.

John 5:7 But Jesus answered them, “To this very day My Father is at His work, and I too am working.”

Romans 13:12-13…The hour has come for you to wake up from your slumber, for our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed….So let us lay aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light.

“Prayer does not fit us for the greater work; prayer is the greater work.” Oswald Chambers

Dear Lord and God Almighty, Your Word states that You don’t slumber or sleep, You are always at work. Wake us up Lord and as You do, fill us with the need to pray. I believe it is the greatest work and through prayer we will manage well, all that You have entrusted to us. I praise the Name of Jesus Christ over this request and every prayer offered up in response to this appeal. Amen

Ruth Flores
May 25, 2024

Our country has the most dedicated people who love the lord and desire to be bold in
seeking to follow God’s plans for this country. That’s why we are commanded to pray
for God to move his hand over this country and save us from the evil one. Satan is only
allowed to do what God permits. So we need to be diligent in asking God to remove those
from office that are not doing his will here on earth. Our country has been going through
much distress because we have through ignorance allowed our government to do what
God only allowed because we became complacent in our duties as believers in Christ.

May 25, 2024

Thank you for the reminder.

May 25, 2024

Thank you for this great ministry tool. Our country has changed dramatically and only the hand of God can realign its structure. We ask God to set the right leadership in place for such a time as this. Amen 🙏

May 25, 2024

But Isaiah 65:8 says: Thus saith the LORD, As the new wine is found in the cluster, and ONE saith, Destroy it not; for a blessing is in it: so will I do for my servants’ sakes, that I may not destroy them all.

To me that is God saying that even if one “asks” he will listen.

Dear Heavenly Father I count it an honor to talk with you which is how I view my prayers to you. So grateful to have you as my absolutely best and dearest friend. That I can come to you with anything, that you listen, that I have seen you move to answer so many prayers/needs I have entrusted you with. From the huge to even little things that others would say are insignificant but meant so much to me. I love you. I love how faithful you are and that your word means something to you. That I can stand on your promises–knowing that you mean what you say and say what you mean–in this world of most being so wishy-washy is HUGE for me. Father I ask that you give all your true intercessors and followers clearness of mind about how and what to do in this time. We need you more than ever. Help us all to return to your word and our knees for direction and to write your word on our hearts like David (Psalms 119:11) so we can stay true to you and try not to sin against you. Thank you again for the privilege to come to you in prayer. You are worthy to be praised and I will lift your name at every remembrance.

    Susan CC
    May 25, 2024

    Yours is a love letter BJP. Thank you for sharing your heart toward our Father. I feel the same and offer my “Hallelujah” as well. Your sister in Christ.

      Wendy Hogan
      May 25, 2024

      BJP, I too was touched by your heart of love to the Father, abd how you perceive prayer. It was deeply touching.

    May 26, 2024


    I am interested in knowing the definition of “true intercessor”. I am not familiar with the term.

    Thank you…

      May 26, 2024

      True. (Adj) In accordance with fact or reality.
      Intercessor (n) a person who intervenes on behalf of another, especially by prayer.

      The opposite of someone who only accesses this website in an effort to criticize someone or otherwise cause dissension. Have a blessed day DC.

Pamela C
May 25, 2024

“Because God has entrusted stewardship of the earth to us, He waits to move on earth until we ask Him to do so.“

Isaiah 65:24 indicates otherwise. At least as I read it.

    Janet Drawhorn
    May 25, 2024

    Amplified bible

    Isaiah 65:24
    And it shall be that before they call I will answer; and while they are yet speaking I will hear.
    Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask Him.

    Both imply we gotta speak.

    Mary Beth
    May 25, 2024

    Pamela, context is everything. If you look at verses 17-23, it is evident that this time has not yet come. But we can rejoice that it will.

      June 10, 2024

      I believe that you both have good points and neither one of you are completely right or wrong.. and yes context is everything. Consider that the Lord knows what we are thinking before we are thinking it and in the power of the Holy Spirit actually assist us in what we are saying.. and nothing that has been stated by a Christian has been stated without the oversight of our Lord and savior.. and he so desires that we function properly on the path of righteousness.. and is there to forgive us when we don’t.. which is not to say we are to take a license to sin.. but our loving heavenly father is ever guiding us.. even when we aren’t seeking him he is drawing us unto himself.

Partner with Us

Intercessors for America is the trusted resource for millions of people across the United States committed to praying for our nation. If you have benefited from IFA's resources and community, please consider joining us as a monthly support partner. As a 501(c)3 organization, it's through your support that all this possible.

Dave Kubal
IFA President
Become a Monthly Partner


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