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Father, we lift up President Trump's plans for Greenland before You. We pray for Your will to be done.
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President Trump’s idea of annexing Greenland has garnered a variety of reactions. Why is he so interested in Greenland, and what would its annexation or purchase mean for our nation?

From The New York Post. President-elect Donald Trump revealed Tuesday that he would not rule out using military forceĀ to annex Greenland, leaving many Americans asking: ā€œBut why?ā€

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In fact, the ice-covered Danish territory, the largest island in the world, has long been a hot topic among strategists in Washington and elsewhere ā€” despite Copenhagenā€™s insistence it is not for sale ā€” due to its location along vital shipping routes and the presence of key raw materials that are rarely found anywhere else.

ā€œWhy? A few critical reasons,ā€ a source close to the Trump transition efforts told The Post on Tuesday when asked about the president-electā€™s goal. ā€œSending a strong, deliberate message to Beijing. Not just talk. Action. Making America Ambitious Again. …

ā€œThere are two main reasons [to annex Greenland]. The first is the large deposits of rare earth elements needed for critical defense and electronics manufacturing,ā€ Atlantic Council nonresident fellow Alex Plitsas told The Post.

ā€œSecond, Greenland has a legitimately large claim to the Arctic and that would provide the US with a stronger position as competition there heats up for navigation and resources.ā€

Arctic access and resources

The US has been in a quiet contest with China and Russia over access to the Arctic for years, deploying military ice-breaker ships to the region on missions to explore the resource-rich frozen tundra.

Washington has traditionally been over-reliant on China for rare earth minerals, which are most frequently found in the Arctic in addition to Asia ā€” and used in everything from cell phones to weapons of mass destruction.

According to Plitsas, this dependency on Beijing is ā€œnot sustainable given geopolitical realities.ā€ …

ā€œ[Rare earth minerals] go into most forms of national defense, technologies, missiles, tanks, satellites, warships, fighter jets, and so as a result, securing them becomes a national security imperative,ā€ explained Center for Strategic and International Studies critical minerals security program director Gracelin Baskaran. …

The competition over the Arctic has grown more fierce in recent years due to climate change, which has led to melting of the ice caps that previously made resources nearly impossible to reach. …

But the Americans so far have been outpaced by their adversaries, in part due to the USā€™ limited access to the region and relatively small number of ice-breaker ships. …

Additional icebreakers and the acquisition of Greenland are particularly attractive prospects now that the United States is constructing more rare earth mineral processing plants ā€” part of the recent American push to lessen its reliance on China.

But with the US home to just 1.3% of the worldā€™s rare earth minerals ā€” compared to Chinaā€™s up to 70% ā€” ā€œnow we need to source those rare earths from somewhere to process at home ā€¦ which does give Greenland some appeal, because it could be a source of rare earth minerals,ā€ Baskaran said.

ā€˜Not for saleā€™

Trumpā€™s ambition has not been well received in Denmark, where Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen reiterated Tuesday that the territory is ā€œnot for sale.ā€ …

The island only gained full autonomy in 2009, and since then its territorial government has been working to achieve sovereignty, Greenland parliament member Kuno FenckerĀ told CNN on Tuesday. …

The transition source said Trump, 78, may be willing to discuss alternate arrangements with Greenland officials short of full annexation. …

What do you think of President Trump’s plans for Greenland? Share your thoughts and prayers below.

(Excerpt from The New York Post. Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ, United States of America – Donald Trump, CC BY-SA 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=157318336)

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January 14, 2025

I think trying to work with Greenland over minerals and defense issues would be much wiser vs. acting like Putin. This would malign us when we, the free world, should be trying to work together.

James Randall
January 13, 2025

There was some opposition to Richard Nixon opening trade with China, and now we have way too much opposition from China. We could easily see how China could go beyond the present 80% mineral resources by doing what President-elect Trump is proposing to go well over 95%. I am in favor of giving the USA the military/defense and economic advantages, in a time when history brings us one decade closer to closing the doors on the USA, unless God intervenes and gives us/US a new chance to represent Him to a lost and dying world with a righteous leadership and God-conscious/fearing nation. I don’t see Denmark having the where-withal to manage in ways our country needs it should war break out between US and any major country.

Prayer: Lord / Father God,
We come to intercede for our country and the leaders of our country, especially Donald Trump (family and administration), to come together in a peaceful and meaningful way to arrive at the best solution for all. As You know, much of the globalist leadership elevates the elitist world view, which goes against a national sovereignty which I believe is Your plan. Only You know the intricacies of international negotiations and arrangements that would successfully arrive at the most effective agreement for mankind.

Fred Rivenburg
January 11, 2025

I pray the God would give President Elect Trump and his staff great wisdom in dealing this this potential annexation. I understand that annexation would prevent other countries from invading Greenland and provide resources and security that we need. I am sure that we can provide them with enough incentive and the promise to not mess with their culture. I also pray for a good resolution with the Panama Canal issue. I know China won’t be happy with anything we do, but I am more concerned with the USA and our need for survival. It is sad to see that so many of our government leaders have let it get so bad. I pray that the new administration would be filled with righteous and wise leaders that will focus on what is best for the USA first and the rest of the world.

January 10, 2025

I pray Trump might work on international relations with Greenland and if they want to increase the presence of the United States but for them to become part of the United States would be bad for the island and the lifestyle they are accustomed too. We should leave Greenland to Greenland. We have no business taking them through force or payment.

Maria Silva
January 10, 2025

President Trump is always strategically thinking of what is good for our country. If Greenland could recognize the opportunity, it would be great for both countries. Their economy critically depends on the support from the Danish government and the export of their fish and shrimp. It could improve the quality of life for Greenlanders and secure more resources and secure our defense in that area. I think this is a God Idea!

January 10, 2025

Greenland should make an offer for the USA – it would be just as sensible. Past dictators have wanted empires it goes with the disease of narcissism.

January 9, 2025

President Trump never does anything without a good reason. I feel both parties would benefit from the opportunity. If they became the 51st state we both benefit. I realize our military has bases there. It makes an ideal forward operating base and it would give us additional opportunities for expansion in to the artic.

January 9, 2025

Father, I pray that President Trump would truly seek and that You would grant him a heart of wisdom and control over his words, so that he would not give the rulers of this world reason to despise both him and the United States. Please give him the heart and character of a statesman. I pray this in the holy Name of Jesus!

Ralph Armstrong
January 9, 2025

It seems to me that for all of the reasons listed, Trump should make every reasonable effort to purchase Greenland from Denmark,

K Murph
January 9, 2025

IF he is the little horn with the blasphemous mouth we should expect him to uproot three other horns.

January 9, 2025

I believe you are confusing him up with Biden. Biden has opened border to crimes, terrorists, etc. Love or hate Trump, he has to deal with the disaster Biden left. We’re all entitled to our opinion, but facts are facts and the disaster you wrote of is due to Biden.

Rob Stark
January 9, 2025

Pres. Trump is a business man. He should make deals for the rights to mine much of the minerals/elements. If anyone can do that, he can.

e e
January 9, 2025

i’m totally against it. if Greenland is so important, then we, as a country, should be working to build diplomatic relationships with Greenland NOT annexing it. we have MUCH MORE important issues to deal with as a country. his time should be spent on these issues NOT trying to expand our borders. the federal gov’t can’t properly govern the 50 states that we DO have let alone adding to our mess!!

    January 14, 2025

    Once I learned that the Amish deem voting as worldly and part of the kingdom of darkness, I permanently removed myself from the voting rolls.
    As far as Greenlandā€™s concerned, they want the minerals to further their Green Agenda namely electric vehicles and these EVā€™s donā€™t start during bitter cold temps as my next-door neighbor found out and had to take an Uber to work three times last winter here in Upstate, NY.

      e e
      January 14, 2025

      Nic, “Once I learned that the Amish deem voting as worldly and part of the kingdom of darkness, I permanently removed myself from the voting rolls. …”

      FWIW, i live in a large Amish community and for the record, a large number of them got permission from their elders to vote in the 2024 election because they saw the importance of making sure that camel harris (pun intended) did not get voted in. i guess the big change in attitude about voting in this election was due to the strong unAmerican evil that harris portrayed and they felt like their religious freedoms would end if she became president.

Phil C
January 9, 2025

I think China is much further along with dangerous plans against America and the deep-st ate de vil has sold us out in major ways. Very shocking and very dangerous,
President Trump sees how dangerous it is and knows he must act quickly and boldly.
We pray God gives great favor to President Trump and wisdom to know what to do and how to do it, and for protection from deceivers, infiltrators and the bizarre wall of media deep-st.ate hate.

Tamara Lamb
January 9, 2025

Father, thank you for leading and guiding us into ALL truth surrounding Greenland and the USA.

Mary Beth S
January 9, 2025

Being dependent on China, or other evil regimes for anything is unwise – be it rare earth minerals, oil, medications, etc. Being in debt to them is equally unwise. I entrust this situation to You, Lord. Please lead and guide those in authority in Greenland, Denmark and the USA, to align with Your Sovereign and perfect will.

January 9, 2025

I pray if itā€™s the Lordā€™s will that Greenland be a part of the United States, may your will be done, Lord. Amen

January 9, 2025

We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps. Proverbs 16:9

Linda Rice
January 9, 2025

It’s a wrong idea. Leave Greenland alone.

Jerusalem DeSion
January 9, 2025

Give it to his father

Judy L Gray
January 9, 2025

I believe President Trump has a legitimate reason and our Chinese reliance for resources is dangerous.

Brother Amartey
January 9, 2025

Leave Greenland alone! You already messed up America with illegals and homeless people, and crimes, corruption, greed and what have you. Leave Greenland alone!

Karen Ellard
January 9, 2025

PRESIDENT TRUMP is way ahead of us. He truly has an anointing to lead and he is seeing into the future what shouldā€™ve been seen years ago. I thank God for his keen insight and bold courage and tenacity. He really does love America and he really does have an annoying to lead.


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