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Father, we pray that You would bring the truth to light. Prevent the Biden administration from obstructing this investigation, Lord.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

The Biden administration continues to obstruct this investigation. Why? Let us pray that God would expose the truth that man is attempting to hide.

From The Committee on Oversight and Reform. Today, House Committee on Oversight and Reform Ranking Member James Comer (R-Ky.) and Subcommittee on National Security Ranking Member Glenn Grothman (R-Wis.) sent a letter to John Sopko, the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR), requesting all documents, communications, and information related to the Biden Administration’s ongoing obstruction of the investigation into the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan. The Republican lawmakers emphasized the critical importance of SIGAR’s oversight mission and stressed that the American people deserve to fully understand how taxpayer dollars and national security were impacted following the botched withdrawal.

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“On October 25, 2022, we wrote to you requesting a briefing on your continuing oversight efforts of the United States’ botched withdrawal from Afghanistan and any obstacles put in place by the Biden Administration. You had previously notified the Committee that the Department of State (State) and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) are obstructing the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction’s (SIGAR) work by not providing fulsome or — in some cases — any responses to your inquiries. On October 28, 2022, your staff provided the requested briefing. Based on that briefing, we are following up to request documents and information regarding the Biden Administration’s efforts to avoid oversight of its disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan,” wrote the Republican lawmakers.

At the October 28, 2022, briefing, SIGAR staff detailed how the Biden Administration is obstructing oversight of the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan. For example, a current U.S. Department of State employee had been instructed to no longer cooperate with SIGAR’s oversight mission and the Department of Treasury is refusing to provide requested information. They also confirmed reports required by Congress and the law are being obstructed by the State Department, USAID, and the Treasury Department.

“When asked if the Biden Administration’s efforts are obstructing ongoing oversight of Afghan reconstruction, SIGAR staff responded, ‘yes.’ The Biden Administration’s ongoing obstruction is unacceptable and potentially illegal,” continued the Republican lawmakers. “The Biden Administration is seeking to avoid transparency, and therefore, accountability for its deadly withdrawal from Afghanistan. SIGAR has always had an important mission. But its work is especially important now. Congress — and therefore the American people — need to understand the Administration’s decisions surrounding the withdrawal and the consequences of those decisions. SIGAR is critically important in examining the whole-of-government issues regarding U.S. engagements in Afghanistan. Historically, State and USAID have honored SIGAR’s mission. Their current lack of cooperation with SIGAR — in the wake of the United States’ deadly withdrawal from Afghanistan — is alarming. Without SIGAR’s oversight, the American people lack answers on how taxpayer dollars were and continued to be used and what impact the withdrawal has had on our national security.”

Read the letter here.

What do you think of Biden’s withdrawal from Afghanistan and his obstruction of the investigation? Share your thoughts and prayers below.

(Press Release from Committee on Oversight and Reform. Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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November 15, 2022

0 God our wonderful way maker and promise keeper we come to your thrown in agreement , let the hidden things come to the light and be exposed, you o God are a righteous God we love you and trust you ,to all praise and honor be given ,No weapon shall prosper ..Amen

November 14, 2022

A question to ask is which of America’s enemies benefited by the biden withdrawal. Then you will know why he is obstructing the investigation. FATHER GOD please expose everything about the biden administration that is against Americans and our Constitution and our laws in JESUS NAME! Amen!

Susan S.
November 14, 2022

While exposure is good, I do not know if that is enough. Many in this country have lost a sense of outrage or shame. This administration has done things that would have shocked Harding, LBJ and Nixon and maybe even Wilson. We need revival and godly leadership because without it there is little hope.

Lila Tam
November 14, 2022

I, too, pray that the Almighty Father quickly make this current administration as transparent as possible. I know my Almighty Father is watching this democratic administration destroy the goodness of what the American people have built. We know the devil is behind these transformed individuals. I pray to the Almighty Father that He will keep his children free and clear of mind with truth & compassion. Without fail, I pray to the Father that He keep his Bible-loving Christian family safe from evil tyranny and mind-altering craziness that we may unknowingly befall to. We love you dear Father. In Jesus’ loving Name. Amen.

Ken Rumbarger
November 14, 2022

I began praying for truth to be known and for truth to prevail soon after November 2, 2020. That prayer is still a long way from being answered in regard to that election, and now in this area as well. The allergy this Administration has to the truth would, if physical, call for an Epi-Pen.

Darlene DeAngelis
November 14, 2022

Father God you’re Almighty all powerful you will be done on Earth as it is in heaven continue to expose what needs to be exposed to the light


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