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God, please expose the truth about these satellite offices. Restore transparency to our government, and forbid any overreach!
Reading Time: 2 minutes

What reasons could the U.S. Capitol Police possibly have for operating outside the Capitol? Is any of this necessary?

From Breanna’s Newsletter. After January 6, 2021, United States Capitol Police opened 2 satellite offices outside of Washington D.C.. One of those offices was opened in former Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s area and another was opened in Tampa, Florida. …

Who is praying on the wall?


USCP claims they’re opening these offices because the threats against members of Congress have increased throughout the years. I personally reached out to USCP and asked them to supply me with the supporting data regarding these so-called threats and they refused to do so.

Earlier this year, USCP announced their plans to open three more satellite offices. These offices are opening/opened in Texas, Milwaukee and Boston. …


When a member of Congress or their staff are threatened, USCP gather all the information and evidence. Those details are then provided to the FBI. The FBI makes the arrests. So if the FBI is the agency responding to these threats, why would USCP need to open offices? …

Why would the USCP be operating outside of Washington D.C.? GREAT QUESTION—so glad you asked. USCP does not have to comply with FOIA requests. Meaning, I cannot request internal emails, memos and information regarding their work or spending. They operate without transparency. …

Ultimately this issue falls at the hands of the Speaker of the House. Nancy Pelosi started it, and Kevin McCarthy allowed it to continue. …

So will Speaker Mike Johnson do what’s right and shut this down? I hope so. …

The U.S. Capitol Police are operating without transparency, creating the potential for unchecked corruption. Share this article to encourage others to pray for God’s guidance!

(Excerpt from Breanna’s Newsletter. Photo Credit: Pgiam/Getty Images Signature via Canva Pro)

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December 29, 2023

Too Many People lean on a shovel and pray for drainage as their house floods .
Of Course , ‘ God ‘ and Prayer are Most Important , but they are Not Replacements for Action !

December 29, 2023

Your mighty hand on this Jesus, You are truth and bbn power!!!

Andrea LS
December 28, 2023

Father, Please give us good government officials again, we are praying for them. We know nothing can stand against You God. We place our faith and trust in You alone. This is not weakness as this world thinks. You are God and there is none else! We will see in the near future that nothing will be able to stop You from having your will done. This is the test of wills, whose will is the most important? Well, they will all know that You are the Lord when You have done what Your word says and none can stop it.
“I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things. Isa.45:7
“Woe unto him that striveth with his Maker! (first part) Isa.45:9

The people whose minds are not open to God think that they are the ones in charge because of a job position they have. When the final days draw near, only then will they know Who is really in charge. They will be held accountable for what they have done that is wrong, and for what was not done that was right!

We pray Father for You to show them now before the time when there is no more repentance received by You. Please make them understand, dream dreams if needs be, and warn them that they need to turn from the evil they are doing right now before it is too late,
In Jesus name

Grant Windholz
December 28, 2023

Lord God this country has broken down trust levels everywhere you look and of course the Capital police force plays into the same thing working behind the scenes which gratifies them and citizens loose out. Evil agendas!!!

December 28, 2023

WHERE is the petition to send Mike Johnson to close this down??

Victoria Z
December 28, 2023

Father expose and catch evil doer officials in the act, let there be no where to hide. Expose entire rings and chains of evil . The reason we have government and political corruption is it doesnt get found out and punshined in a timely matter or at all sometimes. Please change that Lord. Thank you for hearing and answering our prayers.

Betsy Miner
December 28, 2023

Lord Jesus, I pray for truth & justice to reign supreme in our Country. We have been turning from you as the priority in our government for many years. I pray the whole of government turns back to you. Our Country was founded on Christian principles. Our government cannot rule without God. I pray your Holy Spirit to appear to all politicians and remind them it is is their job to follow the law.

December 28, 2023

Can we trust anything Gov. does today?
Lord turn Government against those who would use it for evil

Sandra Hogue
December 28, 2023

Oh Lord of Heaven’s Armies, would you bring truth to full public view, and indictments from your Word, against every attempt of any “rouge government” entity or plot to disregard the Constitution of the United States of America; dismantle, disrupt, and destroy every weapon of the enemy designed to destroy the freedoms the people of America hold under our Constitution. Cause elected officials who take part in these shady plots to be removed from positions of power that is used against the people instead of for them. See to it that freedom loving, patriots with a calling to serve the people are properly elected to fill representative positions in every state in the Union. Break every stronghold that is rooted in evil throughout America. Our faith is only in the One God of the Bible….there is no other. Amen

December 28, 2023

Thank you. I am for this article spotlighting this issue. We ask You, Lord , to bring the necessary pressure on Mike Johnson, we ask You to move him to take action to stop this method of spreading tyranny. Give him the courage to do it, give him the support that will steel his courage. Lord there are people who are able to stop this. Please see to it that they do.
Rescue us from evil, Lord.

    December 29, 2023

    Praying with you Joey !!
    We will see Speaker Johnson’s true heart as he deals with this or not . In Jesus name may he have the courage to do so !!

Gloria Green
December 28, 2023

Thanks so much for all the helpful information you send us to pray more effectively. It is very much appreciated.

December 28, 2023

In answer to the question, a nationalized police force.

December 28, 2023

MTG has been victim to “SWATTING” 8x, eight times. Most recently on Christmas day!

DCCOPS were evolved in J6;
*Baltimore, BLM Antifa Buses.
*Killed two women (shot one and beat another to death)
¿ WHO OPENED CAPITAL DOORS AND ALLOWED ENTRY? & Took down perimeter fencing?
DC is totally corrupt…


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