One of the early gay activist talking points was that 1 in 10 people were gay, even though the activists knew this was not true. That’s why it was significant when, in 2011, demographer Gary Gates, himself gay, “released a review of population-based surveys on the topic, estimating that 3.5% of adults in the United States identify as lesbian, gay, or bisexual, with bisexuals making up a slight majority of that figure.”
Other surveys came to similar conclusions, and even as recently as 2017, a Gallup poll put the total percentage of Americans who identify as LGBT at 4.5%. The newest Gallup poll, however, puts that number at 5.6%.
Young Adults are More Likely to Identify as LGBT than are Older Generations
More strikingly, the poll indicates that 1 out of every 6 generation Z adults (meaning over 16% of those aged 18-23) identifies as LGBT. How can this be?
More than half of LGBT adults (54.6%) identify as bisexual. About a quarter (24.5%) say they are gay, with 11.7% identifying as lesbian and 11.3% as transgender. An additional 3.3% volunteer another non-heterosexual preference or term to describe their sexual orientation, such as queer or same-gender-loving. …
Rebasing these percentages to represent their share of the U.S. adult population finds 3.1% of Americans identifying as bisexual, 1.4% as gay, 0.7% as lesbian and 0.6% as transgender.
So, looking at this evidence, it would appear that, outside of 18-23 year-olds, there is no major change in the overall population that identifies as LGBT. Why, then, such a dramatic shift among these young adults?
There are two likely explanations.
One is that, in the past, a large percentage of those who felt that they were LGBT hid their identities. Now, they feel freer to be out and proud.
The second possibility is that they are being influenced by the society around them, and so they perceive themselves to be gay or lesbian or bisexual or transgender at a much higher rate. This would suggest that LGBT identity is not simply inborn and innate. It can simply be a matter of perception.
Which explanation is correct?
Is Growing Acceptance Leading to More Widespread LGBT Behavior?
It is certainly possible that more young people are feeling free to self-identify as LGBT. But it is hard to explain why there is such a dramatic spike in a private, anonymous poll.
Not only so, but in different communities in America and around the world where there has been tremendous acceptance of LGBT identity, the percentages of those who have identified as such over the years has remained fairly steady.
That’s why this explanation, namely, that society is more open, does not seem adequate in explaining the significant jump in LGBT identification among 18 to 23-year-olds.
Instead, this spike should be seen as the result of the constant, pro-LGBT bombardment of children, beginning with the school system literally brainwashing children from their earliest days regarding LGBT identity. Put another way, do you really think that kids who were exposed to drag queens when they were toddlers might not be more inclined to wonder if they themselves might want to be drag queens too?
What Led Americans to Vastly Overestimate the Percentage of Gay and Lesbians in America?
As for the impact of gay-themed propaganda on America, classically articulated by two gay sociologists in After the Ball (published in 1990), already in 2002, Gallup found that “Americans estimated that 21% of men were gay and that 22% of women were lesbian.” By 2011, “U.S. adults, on average, estimate that 25% of Americans are gay or lesbian.”
Among those 18-29, the estimate was put at 29.9%, meaning, that this age group thought that almost 1 in 3 Americans were gay or lesbian. And where, pray tell, did they get such an idea?
Perhaps the disproportionate representation of (and celebration of) LGBT characters on TV and Hollywood and comic books, not to mention the talking points in children’s schools, contributed to this misperception?
About four years ago, at a Christian apologetics conference, I surveyed a group of highly motivated high-school students, asking them what percentage of Americans they thought were gay or lesbian. On average, they put the number at 30% or more. Where do you think they came up with that number?
Our Entertainment Portrays Far More Gay People Than Evangelical Christians
Back in 2001 — yes, 2001 — Michael Medved rightly noted, “A Martian gathering evidence about American society, simply by monitoring our television, would certainly assume that there were more gay people in America than there are evangelical Christians” (whereas evangelical Christians numbered, at that time, at least 20-30% of the population).
In stark contrast, even in the new Gallup poll, only 1.4% of men identified as gay (meaning, less than 1 out every 71 men), 0.7% as lesbian (roughly 1 out of every 143 women), and 0.6% as transgender (roughly one out of every 166 people).
Based on what we are exposed to in the media, let alone what kids are exposed to in school, who would have imagined the figures were still this low?
In the current Gallup poll, the significant percentage of LGBT adults identifying as bisexual (54.6%) is quite striking, massively higher than the “slight majority” that Gates found in 2011. In other words, they are not identifying as exclusively gay or lesbian. Rather, they are expressing potential attraction to both sexes.
But this, too, is not surprising, given the bombardment of bisexual images and relationships that they have been exposed to much of their lives, not to mention the influence of pornography, where gender boundaries are often blurred. After all, today, almost anything goes. Or will anyone dare claim that, suddenly, all these people who were “born bi” are coming out of the closet?
When it comes to transgender identity, just think of growing up with heroes like “Chaz” Bono and “Caitlyn” Jenner and Jazz Jennings, among many others. How might this affect your own self-perception?
Some Teenagers Experiencing “Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria”
Today, there is an increasing body of evidence that teenagers, especially female, are more prone to identify as transgender in a mistaken effort to get to the root of some of their own emotional and psychological issues.
We are a group of parents whose children have suddenly—seemingly out of the blue—decided they identify strongly with the opposite sex and are at various stages in transitioning. This is a new phenomenon that has only recently been identified. Researchers are calling it Rapid-Onset Gender Dysphoria (ROGD), and it is epidemic among our most vulnerable youth.
Our children are young, naïve and impressionable, many of them are experiencing emotional or social difficulties. They are strongly influenced by their peers and by the media, who are promoting the transgender lifestyle as popular, desirable and the solution to all of their problems. And they are being misled by authority figures, such as teachers, doctors and counselors, who rush to “affirm’ their chosen gender without ever questioning why.
Looking at some of the scientific data, a March 3, 2020 article from the UK’s Prospect Magazine noted, “Transsexuality is a talking point like never before, and a glance at the figures sheds some light on why. The number of children, in particular, being referred to the Tavistock and Portman Foundation Trust’s gender identity development service (Gids)—the NHS service through which all UK candidates for a sex change under 18 are funnelled—is up from 77 in 2009 to 2,590 in 2018-9.”
Thus, “alarm bells have begun to ring among a handful of psychiatric professionals about the number of teenage girls arriving at the Tavistock’s door and the nature of their treatment.”
Realizing the Deception Raging in Our Culture Should Give Us Compassion
Abigail Shrier has documented this at length in her book Irreparable Harm (a book that Amazon will not allow the publisher to advertise on their site, although they still sell the book). Ryan Anderson has addressed it as well in his book When Harry Became Sally (a book that Amazon has now banned).
So, it is no surprise that more young adults are identifying as transgender, along with gay, lesbian and bisexual. Not only so, but I could almost guarantee, based on stories and studies I have followed in years past, that a decade from now, many of these same people will no longer identify as gay or lesbian or bisexual or transgender.
When we also recognize the “cool” factor, meaning, that it’s often considered trendy and cool today to identify as something beyond (or different than) heterosexual, Gallup’s latest poll is not surprising in the least.
All the more, then, do we need to hold fast to solid, biblically-based, sexual and family values, also showing greater compassion to those whom the culture has so strongly (and wrongly) influenced.
Snapchat Is A Transgender Propaganda And Grooming Machine
According to The Federalist, “During a Thursday Senate confirmation hearing, Kentucky Republican Sen. Rand Paul pressed President Joe Biden’s transgender nominee for assistant Health and Human Services secretary, Rachel Levine.
“Do you believe that minors are capable of making such a life-changing decision as changing one’s sex?” Paul asked. Levine wouldn’t answer.
Why would it be controversial to make sure people are of consenting age before they undergo irreversible plastic surgery? Answer: the culture.
The number of transgender Gen Zers is about 10 times higher than that of their parents in Generation X. In a tweet Wednesday, The Daily Wire’s Matt Walsh pointed out that the uptick in gender-dysphoric children is not a “natural or organic development.” It is the result of popular culture and our corrupt school system “actively recruit[ing] children into the LGBT ranks.” . . .
Walsh is absolutely right, and Snapchat is the transgender lobby’s greatest ally for indoctrinating and recruiting young people. A 2020 study found Snapchat is the most popular social media among U.S. teens (TikTok is a close second).
Snapchat’s content is short-lived and always disappearing, so parents have no way of keeping tabs on what their kids are seeing. . . .
In 2015, Snapchat introduced “Discover,” a feature for publishers such as CNN, Complex, The New York Times, Mashable, People, Vice, and Vox to showcase short, ad-supported content. Snapchat also offers smaller brands and content creators a platform, such as the famous left-wing podcast “Pod Save America.” . . .
The content on Snapchat is calculated. Snapchat “news” only includes left-wing publishers. You won’t find Fox News, Newsmax, OAN, or The Federalist on Snapchat. “The Ben Shapiro Show” is the only conservative series featured on Discover, and that was a very recent addition.
Gender transitioning is a growing multibillion-dollar industry and the radical left and their corporate lobbyists want to continue capitalizing on it. . . .
Government is always two steps behind the culture. The reason Levine has been nominated and the reason it’s normal to refuse to recognize the inherent abuse in allowing children to mutilate their bodies is that the left has been rewiring Americans, especially American children, via the culture for decades. Snapchat is just one piece of the puzzle. . . .
Snapchat has undoubtedly contributed to the damaging uptick in trans children. This should concern everyone. Even the transgender advocacy organization World Professional Association for Transgender Health reports that the vast majority of gender-dysphoric children will ultimately align with their biology if allowed to go through puberty normally, without transgender treatments. Instead, grown-ups with an LGBT agenda aren’t allowing children to go through their gender-confused phase without inflicting permanent damage to their bodies. . . .
Exclusive — Ben Carson: ‘Child Abuse’ to Prey on Children’s Curiosity with Transgender Ideology
According to Breitbart, “Dr. Ben Carson, a retired pediatric neurosurgeon, described the pushing of left-wing transgender ideology upon children as “child abuse” on Friday’s edition of SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily with host Alex Marlow. . . .
Marlow recalled Thursday’s confirmation hearing for Dr. Rachel Levine, a man who describes himself as a woman.
We’re being told it’s scientific to allow children to change their genders, either with treatments or with surgeries,” Marlow said. “This is not science. It’s so far beyond it, but give me your sense of someone who’s lived his life as a scientific person.”
Carson replied, “Well, I think they have completely neglected biology. Biology tells us that there are males and there are females, and there’s a reason for that, and we also know that the human brain is an incredibly complex organ and it’s not fully developed until your mid- to late-twenties.”
“So why would you be asking a pre-adolescent about these complex issues?” Carson asked. “Why would we even be complicating their lives? Children are curious by nature, and of course they’re going to ask questions and explore things. That doesn’t mean that they want to change their sex. And to confuse them in that way, I think, is child abuse. It certainly has nothing to do with science. These radical things are actually going to ruin people’s lives long term.” . . .
On Thursday, Levine refused to reject “transgender” medical treatment for children when invited to do so by Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY). Such medical practices include drugs that obstruct puberty and sexual development and surgical mutilation of genitals.
Marlow asked about left-wing political censorship related to the left’s rejection of human biology.
“It seems like this is one [issue] where people are just not being vocal enough,” Marlow remarked, “and if you are vocal, your book gets cancelled, you get thrown off of social media, you can’t say a man is a man or a woman is a woman, or else you’re risking cancellation What are we going wrong here in terms of our activism?” . . .
He replied, “Well, you know, it’s in our national anthem and the last line of the first stanza. It says, ‘the land of the free and the home of the brave.’ You cannot be the land of the free if you’re not the home of the brave. You’ve got to be willing to stand up.”
He went on, “Maybe there are some consequences, so what? There were consequences for our Founders, but if they weren’t willing to accept those consequences, we would still be under British rule. So stop being chickens, and get out there and fight for what we believe in. If we just allow them to have a platform and to dictate everything without resistance, then they win.”
“If they win, not only does the country lose, but the world loses,” Carson concluded, “because people forget what the world was like before the United States was on the stage — a bunch of despotic leaders who just trampled on anybody that they could. It will go right back to that, I guarantee you.”
Share your prayers for the children growing up in our nation right now. . .
(Photo Credit: Unsplash.)
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How you can pray for this issue:
Father, have mercy on our nation and the children who are growing up in it. We ask that Your truth would be stronger than the lies of this world.
In addition to social pressures our food supply is also causing problems. Plastic chemicals can and do leach from plastic containers, thereby contaminating the foods and beverages they hold. BPA & phthalates being among the most hazardous. In response to consumer demand for BPA-free products, manufacturers have switched to BPS bisphenol-S. It appears to be just as toxic, if not worse.
Health hazards to these chemicals are: structural damage to the brain. CHANGES IN GENDER-SPECIFIC BEHAVIOR & ABNORMAL SEXUAL BEHAVIOR. EARLY PUBERTY…
They do this by mimicking hormones in the body.
It is so important to pray that all truth be revealed and our children be saved from this evil.
I agree, Tara. So many of our meats are injected with hormones and how much of our grains are GMO. Aluminum damages the brain and our skies are full of chemicals from the cloud seeding.
I feel sorry for your state, but it says in the bible that there are two in a marriage, the union of one man and one woman, explained by JESUS. MARK 10 : 6-9.
Regarding your request for me to take action about the say NO to the Equality Act. This is the answer I received from one my State senator.
I am very disappointed in my Senators.
March 5, 2021
It is no secret that I have been a steadfast supporter for the equal rights of LGBTQ Americans for my entire tenure in Congress. LGBTQ people in New Mexico and across the country are still vulnerable to discrimination in many aspects of their lives simply because of who they are, often with little recourse. That is why, I became an original cosponsor of the Equality Act, introduced by Senator Jeff Merkley (OR). Importantly, protecting the rights of the LGBTQ community does not mean other communities lose rights; instead, this legislation ensures that the same protections we extend on the basis of characteristics like race and religion are equally available to LGBTQ people.
While we may not agree on this legislation, I hope you will keep me informed about other issues important to you and your family.
Sign-up to receive email updates for the latest news on issues important to you.
According to the Word, I bind every evil force and scheme that is set up to take control and destroy the youth of our nation. I loose Holy Spirit to invade our education system, from elementary schools to colleges and universities. I break the power of all distorted and ungodly curriculum that is set up to control and brainwash innocent children. I declare the Heavens are open over these institutions and the atmosphere is filled with Your presence and Holy Spirit. I break the curse that is over our children and declare they are free from any unknown agreements the have made with the enemy. Holy Spirit, invade the minds and souls of every student, teacher, administrator and parent. Open their hearts and eyes to Godly truths and cause a great hunger and thirst for righteousness. Remove all confusion. Clarify and cause our children to embrace identity with their God given gender. Lord, forgive us for not being a stronger voice in the past. Give us Your wisdom and courage to combat these ungodly issues as we partner with You. O, Lord it’s Your Kingdom here on earth that we cry out for. We confidently declare that You reign and Your promises are yes and amen. All hope is in You.
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A President’s First 100 Days are critical. President Trump has come out like a rocket with tremendous actions, EOs, and position statements. For the next 100 Days, we will be undergirding the Trump administration in targeted unified prayer. Join in as we pray for 10 minutes EACH DAY at noon ET.
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In addition to social pressures our food supply is also causing problems. Plastic chemicals can and do leach from plastic containers, thereby contaminating the foods and beverages they hold. BPA & phthalates being among the most hazardous. In response to consumer demand for BPA-free products, manufacturers have switched to BPS bisphenol-S. It appears to be just as toxic, if not worse.
Health hazards to these chemicals are: structural damage to the brain. CHANGES IN GENDER-SPECIFIC BEHAVIOR & ABNORMAL SEXUAL BEHAVIOR. EARLY PUBERTY…
They do this by mimicking hormones in the body.
It is so important to pray that all truth be revealed and our children be saved from this evil.
I agree, Tara. So many of our meats are injected with hormones and how much of our grains are GMO. Aluminum damages the brain and our skies are full of chemicals from the cloud seeding.
I feel sorry for your state, but it says in the bible that there are two in a marriage, the union of one man and one woman, explained by JESUS. MARK 10 : 6-9.
Regarding your request for me to take action about the say NO to the Equality Act. This is the answer I received from one my State senator.
I am very disappointed in my Senators.
March 5, 2021
It is no secret that I have been a steadfast supporter for the equal rights of LGBTQ Americans for my entire tenure in Congress. LGBTQ people in New Mexico and across the country are still vulnerable to discrimination in many aspects of their lives simply because of who they are, often with little recourse. That is why, I became an original cosponsor of the Equality Act, introduced by Senator Jeff Merkley (OR). Importantly, protecting the rights of the LGBTQ community does not mean other communities lose rights; instead, this legislation ensures that the same protections we extend on the basis of characteristics like race and religion are equally available to LGBTQ people.
While we may not agree on this legislation, I hope you will keep me informed about other issues important to you and your family.
Sign-up to receive email updates for the latest news on issues important to you.
United States Senator
According to the Word, I bind every evil force and scheme that is set up to take control and destroy the youth of our nation. I loose Holy Spirit to invade our education system, from elementary schools to colleges and universities. I break the power of all distorted and ungodly curriculum that is set up to control and brainwash innocent children. I declare the Heavens are open over these institutions and the atmosphere is filled with Your presence and Holy Spirit. I break the curse that is over our children and declare they are free from any unknown agreements the have made with the enemy. Holy Spirit, invade the minds and souls of every student, teacher, administrator and parent. Open their hearts and eyes to Godly truths and cause a great hunger and thirst for righteousness. Remove all confusion. Clarify and cause our children to embrace identity with their God given gender. Lord, forgive us for not being a stronger voice in the past. Give us Your wisdom and courage to combat these ungodly issues as we partner with You. O, Lord it’s Your Kingdom here on earth that we cry out for. We confidently declare that You reign and Your promises are yes and amen. All hope is in You.