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I Prayed have prayed
Father, guide us in our prayer and speech about the pro-life issue.
Reading Time: 9 minutes

Have you witnessed this disturbing trend? Pro-life Christians are voting for pro-choice candidates. I am compelled to respond to the many illogical arguments Christians are using to defend this and expose the lies being sold to well-intentioned, but misguided individuals.

What is the source of these erroneous assumptions and arguments flooding social media, appealing to pro-life voters? Staunch, devout pro-death advocates! Yet, and I find this shocking, this fact does not seem to cause those who are reposting these lame arguments pause. I choose to assume that the reposters are unaware that they are disseminating deception and will be responsive to hearing facts. So here are the facts. I pray that those who are truly desiring to see abortion end will read this entire article through to the end.


The data come from a nationally representative survey of nonhospital abortion patients in the United States.

The data in this chart is problematic for many reasons, but let’s start with the “nonhospital abortion patients.” Hmmm…what does mean? Simply, that means the data they are putting forth did not come from hospitals. Abortion data is NOT publicly accessible for any and all to locate and corroborate. Consequently, the only place it could come from is abortion clinics.

Is this really a reliable source of information?

Abortion providers target young women and girls

Those clinics that make money from encouraging young women and girls to brutally kill their babies are the ones we are to rely upon to give us the compelling data that is supposed to somehow justify the continuation of abortion policies? Note, they do not just push for continuing to keep abortion legal, but actively work to expand it.

And yes, I did mean to say young girls. Even according to their own data above (although I completely doubt its accuracy), 72% of the over 60 million abortions since Roe have been young women and girls in their teens and 20s. That means that over 43 million young women and girls have been victimized by the abortion industry. And the 12% they seem to throw off as nominal, or even worse 4% of minors, translates into 7.2 and 2.4 million respectively, as if we are supposed to turn a blind eye to 2.4 million underage minors having been encouraged to kill their babies. Do we look at this data and simply shrug off the trauma of 43 million young women and girls, knowing that their lives have been devastated at a time when many of them were too young to know better?

And I remind you, this so-called “compelling” data is being collected by the same moral bastions who have no issue with profiting financially from barbarically dismembering defenseless, innocent babies? Really? That is like taking compelling data from the Nazis to justify the economic benefits from the Holocaust or taking all of our data as to the benefits from the institution of slavery solely from the evil masters on the plantations. And yet, we have tons of seemingly well-intentioned people, even Christians, blindly quoting this data, as if it is objective, and worse yet, as if it is compelling.

The Guttmacher Institute Is NOT an Unbiased Nonprofit

If you want to see the heart and motives behind the Guttmacher Institute, it isn’t hard to find. It doesn’t even take a lot of digging. They tweet it out for us to read.

They are advocating that bodily autonomy trumps sanctity of life, abortion in later pregnancy shouldn’t be vilified but rather allowed after 22-weeks (which is at the end of the second trimester and entering the 6th month of pregnancy and despite the fact that it is medically documented that babies undeniably feel pain at 20 weeks), and they even call those of us who are pro-life “Abortion Opponents.”

All abortion data comes from abortion providers

Seriously, does that sound like it is coming from an unbiased and objective research-based non-profit? Calling the Guttmacher Institute a reliable source of data would be like calling the Southern Poverty Law Center an objective source of terrorism and hate crimes. And for those who say, “Well, the same data is on the CDC,” of course it is. The fact that it is the exact same data should immediately tell you from where the CDC got its data. It’s not like there is some objective pool where this type of information on the women and girls who are having abortions is kept. Those who are compiling the data are the very people who are performing the abortions. So, relying on them for factual accuracy and then disseminating it to justify policy positions is literally us being blind enough to allow the fox to guard the hen house. Do we really want to be that naive?

“Data” should not justify what is unjust

Every serious researcher knows that you can prove anything with data, the relevant questions are the controls that are put in place to verify the credibility and logical conclusion. But what should be even more obvious to those of us as Christians is it is data. Meaning, when do we ever allow unjust laws or policies to be put in place because of data? Murder is wrong. It is always wrong. Slavery is wrong. It is always wrong. Those who would attempt to make the argument that we should legalize murder in an effort to reduce the number of murders that take place and then use data to justify their argument should rightly be disregarded as misguided at best, and evil deceivers at worst.

Some Christians are advocating socialism as the most effective means of reducing abortion

And for those Christians who point to policies of advocating for government socialism as a viable means of reducing abortions rather than making them illegal, let me expose all the errors and fallacies within that argument. As Christians, we cannot advocate for government welfare and providing women’s reproductive care through taxpayer funding of Planned Parenthood. (Watch Unplanned.)

First, the Bible instructs civil government to protect the innocent. Benevolent civil government is an oxymoron. The role of civil government, according to the Bible (Romans 13), is to be the terror of the sword to those who do evil. What that means, plain and simple, is the proper role and function for the civil government is security. It is to function like a shepherd who beats off the wolves from harming the sheep so that the sheep may live their lives in peace. So, the proper roles of the civil government are national security, military, and police power. Therefore, it is completely within its proper role of jurisdiction to make laws that criminalize behavior that directly harms another human being, such as murder, theft, assault, battery, etc.

What is sad is that Christians who say they are pro-life are actively advocating for the government to NOT pass laws to protect the innocent, which in fact the Bible details civil governments should do.

Second, the Bible teaches that the Church is responsible for benevolence to the poor. It is completely unbiblical to advocate for the government to take on the responsibility for benevolence to the poor, when the Bible appoints the corporate body of Christ to be responsible as the hands and heart of Jesus.

True religion undefiled is to care for the widows and the orphans. Yet, many in the church are unashamed to punt this off to the civil government. Further, there are those who boldly try to shame those of us who want the church, not the government, to fulfill this biblical call to compassionate care, as though opposition to socialism is indicative of not being benevolent. In reality, the church in America is quite giving and has many ministries in place that are much more effective in helping with poverty and unplanned pregnancies than the government. But even if that weren’t the case, should we ever have the following response? “We know the Bible teaches us to care for others, and we know the Bible doesn’t want the civil government to do it, but since we’re not doing a good job, let’s not challenge ourselves to do better, let’s just shift the burden to the government and shame the rest of the church who wishes to actually care.” I apologize if I am stepping on any toes of those who have out of a sincere heart put forward the above argument not realizing what you were actually saying. But in light of the urgency of the current situation, I do not feel I can mince words in an effort to spare feelings.

Inherent racism in Planned Parenthood, Roe and abortion in America

Justice Ginsburg said that Roe was about population growth and particularly growth in populations that we don’t want to have too many of.” We must not allow these racially charged remarks to be brushed off as not meaning what is plainly stated.

Abortion advocates point to data of higher rates of abortion in impoverished inner-city areas as proof that poor mothers are victims of a lack of government funding. In reality, abortionists choose where they place their clinics. The disproportionately high rate of abortions within black America is proof of the selective genocide that was always intended. They target the poor and then use the higher numbers of poor abortion victims to justify the continuation of their “services.” This selective genocide is Planned Parenthood’s intended goal; it is not an unintended result of lack of funding. We should not allow PP to strategically plan the holocaust, then use the data of the holocaust to justify the continued need for its “services.” We must face the harsh reality that these poor, inner-city girls have always been the intended victims, to get rid of those “we don’t want to have too many of.”

The Supreme Court overturning Roe is all the more (not less) reason to vote pro-life

It is not true that even if the Supreme Court overturns Roe, it will not end abortion as the issue will pass to the states. Think about the fallacy of this argument. Prior to Roe v. Wade, various states had laws outlawing abortion. After Roe, no states were allowed to do so. Why? Because the Court in Roe created a constitutional right to abortion, in the absence of any specific language, but as part of an amorphous right of privacy, vaguely drawn from arguably either the 9th or 14th amendments. This ruling requires strict scrutiny of any state law that might infringe upon the alleged and concocted right of abortion, which has discouraged states from passing abortion laws. It is disingenuous to say that the Supreme Court can rule one direction and extremely limit the actions of the state, but a decision that would overrule this would not equally limit state actions.

Many people do not realize that there actually is constitutional language through the legal doctrine of incorporation by reference taken from the Declaration that directly confers an unalienable right to life at the point of creation. This constitutional legal argument is much more defensible than the subjective argument in Roe that “guarantees in the Bill of Rights have penumbras, formed by emanations from those guarantees.” This is the logic, or lack thereof, upon which Justice Blackmum, relying upon Justice Douglas, put forward in Roe to justify the existence of a right to abortion. What does that bizarre language even mean? Well, a penumbra is “the partial or imperfect shadow outside the complete shadow of an opaque body,” and an emanation is “an abstract but perceptible thing that issues or originates from a source.” So, “guarantees in the Bill of Rights have shadows beyond their complete shadow, formed by abstract things that originate from those guarantees” is the argument the Supreme Court used to concoct a fundamental right to abort innocent babies. Should the Supreme Court rightly interpret the Constitution to include an unalienable right to life, then undeniably, such a proper ruling would definitively end abortion, and the issue would not pass as a principle of federalism to the states.

The burden of caring for a baby NEVER justifies killing the baby

If we allow the argument to be made that when, due to poverty or other circumstances, the burden of caring for another human baby justifies the killing of that baby, then what principle have we embraced? Take a moment and think about what assumption is behind the argument that to effectively combat abortion we must address poverty. This assumption makes no sense in the absence of accepting the belief that children are a burden and as a burden mothers are justified in looking to abortion as a solution.

We must never accept the assumption that abortion is justified on the basis of a burden, economic or otherwise, to the parent. That we accept such an assumption is obvious if we make arguments to reduce abortion by using data at the beginning of this article showing that 75% of abortions are had by those in poverty. And that 62% of them are religious, so our faith necessarily should have no baring or impact upon our morality.

Any society that morally accepts such an underlying assumption is doomed to encounter arguments for euthanasia of older children. Why? It’s simple, at what point do we morally switch to magically giving life value such that children cease to be vulnerable to being viewed as a burden to the parent? And for those who say an argument for euthanasia would never be made out of sympathy and concern to the parent, you need to ask yourself, what would be the distinguishing factor to prevent such an argument in a society where even Christians accept as defensible that the burden to the parent that comes from having to care for a child is sufficient justification to kill that baby? I can answer that question, NOTHING. The vile devaluing of the sanctity of human life once made has no logical end. This is proof by the following statement by the Gov. of Virginia who himself is a pediatric neurologist. “The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.” So, this gruesome scene of discussing whether or not to kill your already born baby is supposed to somehow make us okay because it is being had by the mother with her all-wise, all-moral physician?

Let me make this issue as simple and as clear as it really is. Death is bad. Life is good. Satan is the one who comes to steal, KILL, and destroy. Jesus came that we may have LIFE and LIFE abundantly! Therefore, may we as the body of Christ fall on the right side of history on this issue as we cast our ballots on November 3.

May the spirit of confusion not cause us to cancel out the votes of our brothers and sisters in such a way that we as the body of Christ have no influence upon the outcome of this most-crucial election.

More about being salt and light in the culture from Cynthia Dunbar–watch this compelling video created by Cynthia and her husband Jake.



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Mel Teoh
October 26, 2020

Please help unite the church and that we all understand that WE CANNOT KILL ANYONE because that ANYONE is God’s image bearer. In Jesus name we pray. Thank You.

Please open the blinders of any women who is thinking for committing abortion so that they can get help and do the right thing. NOT TO ABORT.
Please open the blinder of any person who is thinking for sex changing so that they can get help and do the right thing. TO BE WHO GOD CREATED THEM TO BE.
Please allow those that have done either ABORT or be LGBTQ know that they can receive Your forgiveness and help to heal if they ask You. In Jesus Name. Amen

Father-God, I’m praying for the soul of Alexandria O-Cortez that she knew who YOU really ARE and what YOU want for USA so that she can put her energy, youthful for something fruitful that is for Your glory. In Jesus name. Amen.

Jane Fain
October 24, 2020

I thought the following fact should be mentioned for anyone not familiar with this fact. Fetus is Latin for baby. So these people are SO deceptive for using the word fetus. I learned this from a nurse on a Christian network years ago.

Eunice Montfort
October 24, 2020

To me, it is incomprehensible that someone who is a Christian could support pro- abortion candidates. How can a Christian deliberately support what God had forbidden? It is the same principle at play for those who claim to be Christians but support homosexuality and gay marriage.
Jesus said, “If you love me, keep my commandments”. It would be different if God had not clearly spoken about these issues, but He has spoken. Just because I stand in a garage, it does not make me a car. Just because I ‘say’ I am a Christian, does not mean that God recognizes me as one of His own. When God commands us to do certain things or not to do certain things, they are not suggestions, they are commands.
If we refuse to obey His commands when clearly we are able to, then I don’t believe we are a Christian.

October 24, 2020

Don’t KILL what God made REAL.


The “Right to Life” is in our FOUNDING DOCUMENTS…….. !!

Don’t want a baby ? DON’T MAKE one !!!

Science – Sperm + Egg = new Human Life……Do ALL Lives REALLY matter ?

October 24, 2020

Any one can CALL themselves Christian these days! Does that make them a Christian? I know someone who calls herself an agnostic Christian. Impossible! Sadly, I know another who is in church leadership who has so fallen away to pleasing everyone that she believes anything. I pray that they see truth and desire God more than the approval of man. It seems that they want God to be someone that He is not and then make their own rules. People of Romans 1. Are people such as this going to be disappointed when Jesus says that He never knew them?
Because of DNA we now know that the baby is not part of the mother, different DNA equals different person. We know that even science defines life as beginning at conception. It is clear that abortion is killing an innocent human being. Rationalizing away truth just does not work.
The unsaved simply want to make their own rules and define good as evil and evil good. Without God there is no moral law. It makes me very sad that people who CALL themselves pro-life Christians and support a pro- abortion candidate are so deceived. They cause harm to not only babies, but to the church and nation.

Mary Doris Bock
October 24, 2020

When we look upon an unborn child as a fetus instead of a baby it becomes easier to think of it as not being a human being who has the right to life. Even when Cain killed his brother, Abel, the ground cried out with his blood. We as Christians need to bind the spirit of Molech off of our land. God forgive us for supplying the finances to other nations to abort their babies. Where does the horror stop? We have all sinned by ignoring so great a sin – is the blood on our hands? The Word of God instructs us to turn from that which is sin and do it no more. If we want God to bless our nation we need to turn from sin to righteousness. There are those who want babies and cannot have them; surely their arms are open and willing to provide for these little ones. Please if you have made a mistake, let Christians help you to change – – but not by aborting the very life within you.

Joan Diane Bartruff
October 24, 2020

Heavenly FAther, In Jesus Name, thank you for Cynthia and Jake. Thank you for this informative, well written article “spelling it out” in truth. Lord, forgive me for not always having this matter on my prayer list, forgive me for my sometimes indifference, or shutting out the unpleasant. Thank You for forgiveness, Lord, and the act of repentance.

Lord, awaken all Americans to the lies and evil reasoning that supports, or justifies not supporting life from conception to old age. Protect us from those who think it is their duty to control population. Deliver our Supreme Court from those who would decide for a nation on the rationale that certain populations “we don’t want to have too many of”. Lord diminish influence and power of groups like the Guttmacher group who disperse and falsify truth for political or personal gain. I rebuke the power of those who forge ahead vehemently to encourage more abortion, justify abortion, stomp in the House of Congress for more support for abortion clinics,or more taxpayer dollars for abortion.

Lord, I pray for all who are considering abortion today. Lead them to those groups who are set up to counsel and show them a way that is loving and caring of the life living in them. Have mercy on those children in the womb who are being considered a burden. Save them from those who decide whether they will live or die in the womb or out of the womb. Lord, stop the progression and sodomy in our midst as they harvest baby parts for
scientific research. It is barbaric, Lord. Help us, Lord. Turn back this horrific matter that causes You to weep. Lord have mercy, Amen

Corinne Wartenweiler
October 24, 2020

Having been very concerned for years about the horror of international human trafficking in general, and sex trafficking in the U.S. in particular, and even more specifically, child sex trafficking in every state the U.S., I have recently made a connection in my own mind, between abortion human trafficking. Disrespect for human life creates more disrespect for human life and death attracts more death.

Heavenly Father, Forgive us for inviting so much death and destruction into our country and into individual lives! We repent and turn away from those things that we know are hurtful to you and cause you pain. They cause You pain because You know that they cause us such pain and draw us and others away from You. We know from your word that You, alone, are the author of life and that death and destruction is never satisfied. We need You desperately! Thank you that You never turn away from us and that You are not afraid of our desperate need of You. We cry out to You and ask for Your help and intervention. WE have made such a mess of everything, and of the beautiful life you have given us. Please END abortion and ABOLISH human trafficking in our day, LORD! You are mighty, and You can do it! Show us how we can cooperate with You through the Holy Spirit to accomplish these Kingdom purposes. In Jesus’ precious and powerful Name. Amen.

    Sharon S
    October 24, 2020

    And also Lord God bring more light to the LGBTQ+ agendas that are destroying the hearts and minds of those that you Lord God created in the womb. Let us not be ignorant of the lies of the enemy that his only agenda is to steal, kill and destroy Your Creation. Help us to bring healing to all of those that have been affected in abortion, human sex trafficking and the LGBTQ+ agendas. In Jesus name I pray.

Amy Owens-Koysh
October 24, 2020

Praise Jesus for articles such as this that continue to make us look within first. My heart is aching for those family & friends when we try to discuss why our vote is so important, and they argue as believers in Jesus, for pro-choice. We are praying, praying, praying for all believers to vote for their biblical values. How can any of us say we love God and then not love all people? Romans 12:10, John 14:15 & Deuteronomy 5:17 Thank you for helping us ‘see’ truth!

Karen Hardin
October 24, 2020

Cynthia, THANK YOU for this well-written call for honesty and re-assessment regarding this pivotal issue. Very well done! I’m sharing it!

Billy Bob Cox
October 24, 2020

People who claim to be pro life and vote for pro abortion candidates are liars deceiving themselves through the influence of the father of lies.

Mel Teoh
October 24, 2020

Thank You for this article. Thank YOU for who YOU ARE. You are Omnipresence Omniscience Omnipotence. Thank YOU for your love and mercy. Thank YOU that YOU ARE just God.

The disagreement between preachers is the one situation that always made me sad and wonder whether they really believe that YOU ARE real and that YOUR BIBLE is the instruction manual for humanity to live.
Please forgive Christians that said pro-life but support abortion. Please allow them to understand and believe that YOU CREATED LIFE and that BABY will not be in the womb if YOU didn’t allow it to be. Please let this people know that YOU ARE a JUST GOD and YOU punish sin. Please let this people know that is not for them to teach others but for them to believe and live it out.
In Jesus name we pray for YOUR perfect will be done in this matter. Amen.


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