The NeverTrump movement among putatively faithful Christians is running on fumes. All the legitimate doubts we (I included) once had about President Trump’s pro-life intentions, or respect for the limits of his office? They’ve proven groundless.
There is now no honest reason for any Christian or conservative to say it would be better if Joe Biden won. Much less that he carried behind him a string of newly minted far-left U.S. senators. That would happen, of course. And then they would pack the courts, add frivolous new states like Washington, D.C. to gain more senators, and abolish the filibuster so their party could rule essentially by decree. . . .
Indeed, no Republican president has ever been so bad that he would have deserved replacement by Biden. Few Democrats have been bad enough, in fact. Maybe Woodrow Wilson. To find a major American politician whose views or character were bad enough to look even worse than Biden, you’d really have to reach back to the Confederacy.
The Worst Democrat Since the Confederacy
And not even to the mixed-bag Jefferson Davis. You’d need to fasten on Confederate Vice President Alexander Stevens. He cited proto-Darwinist pseudo-science and twisted Bible verses to claim that black people are inherently inferior, and must be forever slaves. That’s somebody I might vote for Biden to stop. Though to be honest, I’d probably just write in Kanye West. . . .
Check out my response to David French’s attacks on Eric Metaxas, to get the gist. Which conservatives are really convinced in good faith that we deserve for Trump to lose? Nobody, that’s who. Mollie Hemingway made this point nicely on Twitter:
I personally know so many people who could have written this. "I Didn't Vote For Trump In 2016, But I'd Crawl Over Broken Glass To Now" https://t.co/i7tPitlP3M
— Mollie (@MZHemingway) October 9, 2020
The only Republicans who still want to see Biden win at this point are those who value their control over the GOP more highly than they do America’s best interests. Or the lives of unborn children. Or the safety of Christians. People who saw the GOP, and the U.S. in fact, as means to an end— especially the prosecution of pointless, aggressive wars in the Middle East that leave Christians persecuted. . . .
Astroturf “Christian Grass Roots”
But the enemies of everything you and I hold dear don’t want folks to know that. They’re keen to claim there’s a vast constituency of “principled,” “pro-life,” “conservative Christian” voters who are just too darned pure to vote for Donald Trump. Michael Brown recently addressed the “Pro-Life Evangelicals for Biden,” out of exquisite courtesy assuming a) that they are in good faith and b) that they exist. . . .
It’s an Astroturf “grass roots” coalition of flunkies and nonentities, conjured out of nothing by waving the magic wand of money. I speak of “Faithful America,” a group of putative pro-life Evangelicals. Its website boasts that it waged war against Hobby Lobby, World Vision, and the Family Research Council. Just in case you were wondering what kind of “evangelical” the group claims to represent. That is, a fake one.
Faithful America claims that all its funds come from members’ donations, but in fact it asked for and got hundreds of thousands from … George Soros. That’s right, the Israel-bashing friend of terrorists, abortionists, and open-borders human trafficking allies around the world.
Rent-an-Evangelical “Mascots” for Soros
Thank God (not Putin) for Wikileaks. It exposed so many apostles eager for little bags of silver. Including these guys. The Soros staffers themselves know how much respect to grant these people, derisively calling them “mascots.” . . .
Now Newsweek reports that “Faithful America” is collecting petition signatures to stop the confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett to the U.S. Supreme Court. This front group warns that on the court, Barrett “could potentially undermine progress on a range of issues, including the Affordable Care Act, immigration rights and LGBTQ protections.” . . .
Should Soros Decide Who’s on SCOTUS?
And don’t be naïve about the ambitions of anti-American, anti-Israel, and anti-Western globalists like Soros to meddle in our politics. The prosecutor who’s persecuting the McCloskeys in St. Louis for defending their homes from a mob of rioters was elected as part of a whole slate of Soros-backed candidates, in cities across our country. I should know. My own D.A. here in Dallas is one of them.
“If you return to me, I will restore you so you can continue to serve me. If you speak good words rather than worthless ones, you will be my spokesman. You must influence them; do not let them influence you! They will fight against you like an attacking army, but I will make you as secure as a fortified wall of bronze. They will not conquer you, for I am with you to protect and rescue you.I, the LORD, have spoken! Yes, I will certainly keep you safe from these wicked men. I will rescue you from their cruel hands.” (Jeremiah 15: 19-21)
The Judiciary Committee has already taken on the role of an “attacking army”. Pray that Judge Barrett would remain steadfast in her confidence in her Heavenly Father.
(Excerpt from The Stream. Article by John Zmirak. Photo Credit: Getty Images.)
Let your senators know you don’t want Soros picking our Supreme Court justices either.
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Dear Lord, You know that there is so much corruption in our nation. I bind the attempts of the enemy and his minions to use people like George Soros. I pray that the attempts to buy elections on his part will fail miserably. I loose a strong spirit of decency, honesty, and integrity. May You pour out Holy Spirit upon those”Christians” who think that Biden is a better option than our President. Please reveal truth to them. IN Jesus’s name I pray.
Lord God, you watch over foolish people and you laugh in Your Sovereignty. Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand. (Prov.19:21). I say “Amen” to Your plan and may it be so!
Proverbs 6
There are six things the Lord hates,
seven that are detestable to him:
haughty eyes,
a lying tongue,
hands that shed innocent blood,
a heart that devises wicked schemes,
feet that are quick to rush into evil,
a false witness who pours out lies
and a person who stirs up conflict in the community. Father God, we pray that those who have these characteristics would not be given any power. That you would put into every office in our land those who are honest and who have integrity and value life. Expose those who have a heart that devises wicked schemes, whose feet are quick to rush into evil and who lie in order to gain political power. Thwart the plans of those who stir up conflict in the community. Free the violent from the Enemy, we pray. Send your Holy Spirit into meetings of evil men to convict them so that they will turn from their wicked ways. Be merciful to our nation, Lord. In Jesus Name. Amen.
Father God my heart is so heavy for our nation. Lord God I pray that anyone who claims to be a born again Christian will be convicted in their heart if they would even think about voting for a Party who wants to take You Lord out of our Nation, it is an abomination in your Word to shed innocents blood. Father God we have all failed to live according to you Word, and the people must come back to our First Love and that is you Lord, I ask for your mercy on the USA, I pray for the nomination of Amy Barrett, and reelection of President Trump. I pray in Jesus name Amen.
Amen and amen!
Thank you Lord for exposing the plans of the enemy. Thank you for sending supernatural help to defend the United States of America. I ask that the citizens of the United States of America return to you Lord. That we would all fall on our knees to repent and pray for your Devine intervention in our nation. Thank you Lord for the swift confirmation of Justice Barrett to the SCOTUS. I ask all these requests in your precious son Jesus’ name. Amen.
Lord I pray for Amy Coney Barrett and her family. Lord I place Ephesians 6:11-17 over them.
Lord I pray Psalm 94:15 over her (“For justice will prevail, and all the morally upright will be vindicated
Psalm 7:10(“The Exalted God is my shield, the one who delivers the morally upright.(NET). Psalm 97:11 (“The godly bask in the light; the morally upright experience joy.(ESV),
Psalm 5:2 Surely Lord, you bless the righteous, you surround them with your favor as with a shield.(ESV)
Lord I ask your favor over her nomination to the Supreme Court. Lord please help! In Jesus name I pray. Amen
Almighty GOD is watching:
Beware those who think they can get away with pretending to be Christians:
Acts 19:14, 16.
But the evil spirit answered them, “Jesus I know, and Paul I recognize, but who are you?” And the man in whom was the evil spirit leaped on them, mastered all of them and overpowered them, so that they fled out of that house naked and wounded.
Oh Abba, nothing is too hard for you. You control the wind and the seas; the sun, moon and stars do your bidding. You set up kings and take them down. Worthy are you, the Lamb who was slain to receive honor and glory and power! We need you in this battle for the soul of America. Let this fake group run out of steam. Stop George Soros’ influence for evil. He is not God, you are! “Trump” the enemy and we pray for an Apostle Paul conversion for George Soros and for those who are doing the devils bidding. Show them you are God and there is none beside you. America is not our utopia, Heaven is. I take my eyes off of the things of this world and put them on you. Have your way with America. Have your way with me. Change the tide of evil and bring in the winds of revival. Open the eyes of those who confess to be followers of Christ, and influence their votes for your name’s sake. Breathe your breath into me, into your people. Strengthen us up in our inner man with might. Thank you for hearing us. Thank you for who you are and for all you are doing on our behalf. We worship and adore you and pray these things in Jesus holy mighty name, Amen.
Good Morning and thank you for this article. Thank You for who You Are. Thank You for today.
Please allow the Holy Spirit to touch the heart of these Christian leaders who claimed they know You but they encourage sins of abortion, LGBTQ choice and dividing their church memberships.
Father-God, please allow Holy Spirit to open the blinders that covering these Christian leaders eye who most probably are living in sin of LGBTQ or other sins, help them to repent and know that YOU will PUNISH sin and no way around except repentance. Please Father-God have mercy and help them help them to repent and go back to You, Your teaching and die to self for each of these Christian leaders.
Let us the Church who believe in Jesus and have the Holy Spirit within them to UNITE and showing LOVE to one another and Communicate to each other instead of putting it on the news. Father-God, what happen to the old fashion way of communication between people.
But Father-God, You are bigger than all of these and You even already know what need to be done to fulfil Your purpose. In Jesus name, we pray that Your will be done in this matter. Amen.