I Prayed have prayed
God, we pray for President Biden. As he finishes out his term, we pray that he would know and honor You. Let him use his last days in power to unify the nation, not emphasize partisanship.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

In the last few days of his administration, President Biden is awarding Presidential Medals of Freedom to some of the most hyper-partisan people in American politics.

From The Daily Wire. PresidentĀ Joe Biden announced Saturday that heā€™ll award failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and billionaire Democrat megadonor George Soros, among others, the Presidential Medal of Freedom …

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The decision to award the medal to such partisan figures falls in line with Bidenā€™s recent announcement to award J6 Select Committee leaders Liz Cheney, a former congresswoman, and Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-MS) with Presidential Citizens Medals.

In a press release, the White House cited Clintonā€™s ā€œdecades in public serviceā€ and her historic win as the first female presidential nominee for any major U.S. political party ā€” which wasĀ not without controversy.

Notably, Clinton took a loss to incoming President-elect Donald Trump during the 2016 election, andĀ bitterly protested the loss for years, blaming Russia, the FBI, and other factors. …

As for Soros, Biden cited the controversial figureā€™s philanthropy. ā€œGeorge Soros is an investor, philanthropist, and founder of the Open Society Foundations,ā€ the White House release said. ā€œThrough his network of foundations, partners and projects in more than 120 countries, Soros has focused on global initiatives that strengthen democracy, human rights, education, and social justice.ā€ …

What do you think of the President’s decision? Share your thoughts and prayers below.

(Excerpt from The Daily Wire. Photo Credit: World Economic Forum – Flickr: George Soros – World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2011, CC BY-SA 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=19552399)

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Sandra Chank
January 10, 2025

LORDā€¦.. Let our nation seek YOUR crowns of glory and NOT medals of goldā€¦. ā€œ Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and HIS righteousness ā€œ ā€¦

Frances R Blazer
January 9, 2025

AN ABOMINATION!!!!!!!!!!!!

Frances R Blazer
January 9, 2025

AN ABOMINATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

January 9, 2025

Appalling, far left person being lead by another far left activist, calling evil good and good evil. Praying for both. God can work miracles in their hearts and minds.

Deedee phillips
January 8, 2025

Unbelievable !! The two people who have deprived millions of their freedom are being rewarded . So sad for all those who truly saved the lost and hurting and the unborn!!

January 8, 2025

I think Mr. (fake) president is evil.

Be Long
January 8, 2025

Bad choice Biden, bad choice

Leslie Eddleman
January 7, 2025

Both Hilary Clinton and George Soros have long track records of every imaginable evil, including but not limited to promoting abortion, human trafficking, organ harvesting, human slavery on every level, bribery, dishonesty, manipulating election outcomes, communism, murder…..just to name a few. So while it should be surprising that anyone would give these two individuals a medal–A Presidential Medal of Freedom no less–We are not surprised that this is coming from the Biden administration, who calls every evil “good”. The Bible tells us this will happen. Lord, we forgive them, and pray for your loving mercy that leads them to conviction & repentance that overflows in their lives daily. We pray you would silence the enemy in their hearts and release them from his grip so they can hear your kindness and love flowing from the cross. Thank you Jesus

January 7, 2025

I need to go unlike the video, because can’t support a monster…. Soros…

Peg B
January 7, 2025

Heavenly Father, I know that each of these individuals were created by You in the likeness of Your image. Formed with purpose and intent. Free will was given to each along with gifts and talents to be used for YOUR glory, not theirs. You spoke this earth into existence and You choose Your words carefully and purposefully. Man/woman in our natural (fallen) state, apart from You have exploited children, denigrated the value of life, manipulated the finances of others, expelled Your name and teaching from education and medicine, exalted themselves not You and given themselves accolades and medals for it (such sin)! Please forgive us. By Your Holy Spirit draw us back to You along with this nation. Let history accurately reveal both the good and the evil according to Your scales. Many men and women have given their lives for this nation, let their sacrifice not be in vain. Restore a clean heart in this nation. Thank You. In Jesus’ mighty name. Amen.

January 7, 2025

This is sickening. Biden must be stopped. Lord, stop him.

Irene Martin
January 7, 2025

I find it particularly heinous that a man of Jewish heritage who betrayed his fellow Jews to the Nazis and then on camera (I watched the interview!) denied any feelings of regret or guilt and who then helped bring down the monetary systems of his native Hungary & other countries is rewarded and honored as some sort of hero. He has has since funded every godless/subversive cause destructive to our national fabric that he could. Pure evil!
Our God of justice is still on the throne! I have prayed for Soros from the day I was shocked by that interview and I continue to pray that like the Apostle Paul, he repents.
Hillary is not far behind. Godā€™s mercy & forgiveness is still offered freely to all of us sinners who will repent. Thank you Jesus!

Robert Johnson
January 7, 2025

The fact that Biden presents these medals to Soros and Clinton disgusts me. Soros supports the most controversial organizations in the world, ā€˜stealingā€™ grant monies to fund only the democratic evil agendas, and Hillary obtains monies through her ā€œcharitableā€ organizations which we know are illegal covers for funding monies to the Clintons to avoid tax penalties. Any funds obtained through Soros and Clinton have always been questionable.

January 7, 2025

That is the whole story? Just looking for comments? Come on, provide some substance or don’t waste our time.

Patricia Wenzel
January 7, 2025

In the name of Jesus, I declare that Joe Biden is a counterfeit President. Therefore those who he chooses to honor is also a counterfeit. I declare as a citizen of the USA and a citizen of the Kingdom of God all decisions made by Joe Biden are not legitimate and will be made null and void on heaven and earth. In Jesus name.

Miriam Ayala
January 7, 2025

May God be merciful to Mr. Biden in his divisive actions on his way out the door! God doesnā€™t like ugly!

Leonard Piro
January 7, 2025

The works of darkness and deception – they are only working the works of their father – he was a liar from the beginning and is the father of lies. May the light of Christ bring them deliverance and life. May they be delivered from the domain of darkness and translated into the kingdom of light and love.

January 7, 2025

Father please change the atmosphere over the USA. Honor those You want honored. Bring down the agenda of the enemy of darkness and Father please turn the hearts of those who are acting so wickedly before it is to late. In Jesus name Amen.

January 7, 2025

Please suspend all 10+ nonprofits owned by George Soros and ban his kids from opening up new ones. Soros has been “stealing” the USA taxpayers’ grant money since 1979. It is not his money that he funds bad people to do evil deeds against innocent people. It is the USA taxpayers’ grant money. All these years congress has allowed Soros to fund only the democrats’ agenda. That is not what our grant money is to be used for.

January 7, 2025

These are worldly rewards. They rot and tarnish and are only kept here on earth. Eternal rewards are what we seek.

January 7, 2025

Biden, Soros, Clinton, and a host of others are rewarding themselves for declaring evil to be good. I pray that they come to repentance and see the destruction they have caused and find the truth as you, God, know it to be.

Denny Brodhecker
January 7, 2025

This proves that Biden has completely lost his marbles.

Darlene Estlow
January 7, 2025

Father, you are doing great things in our country. Through Biden’s actions of unrighteousness, may you receive glory and awaken us even more. You are sovereign and you work for our good and your glory through whatever happens. We praise your name.

Nelson R
January 7, 2025

I pray that the truth will come to light and the Lordā€™s will be fulfilled on Pres Biden, Mrs Clinton and Mr. Soros as He knows the hearts of all men and women.

Jerry Kiser
January 7, 2025

So sad for the people of our nation. Evil is not good and shouldnā€™t be recognized as such by the woke Democrat party.

Scott Ewen
January 7, 2025

I think your description of hyper partizan politics is correct. They seem to want to lie to the American people then back up the lie through corrupt politicians, media, lawyers, prosecutors, etc. We should break up families, enshrine abortion persecute anyone who thinks or acts otherwise. That’s the legacy with destruction in it’s wake. I’m almost 68 years old and Joe Biden is the worst president I’ve ever seen by a large margin. Our Lord sees everything and will sort souls that really seek him and those who give lip service. I do pray American citizens can see truth through lies they seem to have voted along those lines I hope and pray they continue.

Bill Maupin
January 7, 2025

ā€œwhat sorrow for those who say that evil is good and good is evil; that dark is light and light is darkā€ Isaiah 5:20

Mary Beth S
January 7, 2025

It is a horribly sick joke to the righteous, and they are not laughing. It is possible that in honoring unrighteousness with these awards, in their self-congratulations and arrogance they may laugh now – but I know who has the “last laugh”.

Psalm 2:2-4Ā  “The earth’s kings are taking positions, leaders conspiring together, against YHVH and his anointed.Ā 
They cry, ‘Let’s break their fetters! Let’s throw off their chains!’Ā 
He who sits in heaven laughs; Adonai looks at them in derision.”

January 7, 2025

When the wicked are in authority, sin flourishes, but the godly will live to see their downfall. Prov. 29 16:26
Sin cannot win and evil rule comes to and end. Lord, may you will be done on earth as it is jn heaven! Let us stay firm and well rooted in Messiah through political storms. The wicked will not win and fall by their own doing. Amen!

January 7, 2025

It proves the wickedness of the swamp to award evil and condemn the innocent. Lord, thank you for the hope of change, but please complete Trump by clothing him and his dear family in salvation, so he does Your will and walks humbly with you as the leader of the free world. Give him protection and discernment as his job is being made harder by the day. In the mighty name of Jesus I pray!

Carolyn Perez
January 7, 2025

Father God,

Nothing takes you for a surprise!
Help us continue to FOCUS on YOU and pray for our Country.

You’ve shed your grace on AMERICA .

Thank YOU Father! I trust in YOU and YOU alone!

Brian Lynch
January 7, 2025

Lord Jesus, please, by your great mercy and grace, bring the insanity of Joe Biden’s regime to a quick halt. In every area of his attempts to disrupt our American values and way of life in the waning days of his “Presidency” cause him to think twice about his actions. Thank you Jesus.

January 7, 2025

This Obama/Biden presidency is NOT that of the party of JFK. at least as best as I remember, I believe that JFK would NEVER have rewarded sinfulness. Soros has pushed upon America District Attorneys who turn a blind eye to crime and the cities they live in have all kinds of problems because no one is held accountable. and the Clinton’s are known to be connected to crime of all sorts, including trafficking. to “reward” that kind of thing sets the young people with a terribly wrong example.

Father there is a prophetic word over Biden that he would speak before he sleeps. the indication was that he would tell all that has been going on before he passes. but he is just trying to look “presidential” and he is flubbing that greatly. Grant that he would tell all, that he would speak, before he passes.

Gretchen Zapp
January 7, 2025

It sickens me how a President can continue to do damage to this country. I pray for his heart and that he will come to know Jesus as his Lord and Savior.

Brigit Adeir
January 7, 2025

Biden has reduced the Presidential Medal of Freedom to a farce.
As was the Nobel awards years ago.

Brenda Bowman
January 7, 2025

Thank you for keeping me on your list. I am praying for our nation, especially Trump’s inauguration and his position as President.


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