On Tuesday, President Donald Trump ordered a 60-day hold on U.S. funding to the W.H.O., asserting the organization failed to vet information about the novel coronavirus coming out of China, and ultimately covered up the seriousness of its effects because of its friendly relationship with that nation.
The New York Post noted the funds would be redirected to charities, such as the Red Cross, and Christian organization Samaritan’s Purse, led by its president, Rev. Franklin Graham:
An administration official told The Post that efforts were underway to redirect “every single pot of money” from the WHO to other organizations. Large international relief organizations already are in many cases doing similar work, they said.
The administration official said that the White House Office of Management and Budget would send any necessary notifications to Congress when there are decisions to redirect funds, though in some cases that may be unnecessary.
In response to the pandemic, in New York City, Samaritan’s Purse set up a 14-tent, 68-bed emergency field hospital in Central Park, one that is staffed by more than 70 doctors, nurses, and other healthcare workers.
LGBTQ lobbying groups, however, launched an attack on evangelical leader Graham and his outreach organization, accusing him and his group of “putting New Yorkers’ lives on the line” by having Christians who hold to one man-one woman marriage to care for victims of the coronavirus.
Ross Murray, senior director of LGBTQ lobbyists GLAAD Media Institute, wrote on March 31:
I don’t trust Franklin Graham to help those in need in the LGBTQ community. I’ve seen far too many anti-LGBTQ activists like Graham ignore the suffering of LGBTQ people. In this instance, Graham is capitalizing upon a crisis to inflict more pain and suffering on an already marginalized population. He has stated, loudly and proudly, too many times that the LGBTQ community is a threat for me to want to place my life, or the lives of people l love and care about, in his hands.
Graham responded to the attacks on Facebook, explaining that, while Samaritan’s Purse paid staff is asked to subscribe to a statement of faith that includes belief in one man-one woman marriage, the organization has “never asked any of the millions of people we have served to subscribe to anything.”
He continued:
In other words, as a religious charity, while we lawfully hire staff who share our Christian beliefs, we do not discriminate in who we serve. We have provided billions of dollars of medical care and supplies, food and water, and emergency shelter without any conditions whatsoever. Our Christian faith compels us—like the biblical Good Samaritan—to love and serve everyone in need, regardless of their faith or background.
(Excerpt from Breitbart. Article by Dr. Susan Berry.)
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It’s difficult to hear accusations like that and not feel they need the love of Jesus to heal all their wounds more than anything else.
Dr. Graham, I trust you explicitly with these funds. You have a heart for Jesus & would like everyone to have a relationship with Him.
Praying for Franklin Graham’s ministry. Real Christian’s everywhere know that when God is in charge of a Ministry you do it the way Franklin describes. Then God blesses, empowers, and uses. We must minister the way Jesus did. Read the Beatitudes in Matthew 5, and the story of the Good Samaritan, The Prodigal Son, Jesus was our example, showing us right attitudes, actions and making sure that we understood that we His Children also have our own crosses to bear. That of letting self die so He can live through us. We must leave criticism and hatred and take up our crosses and follow Him wherever it leads us. Jesus, help us, empower us, so that You again might walk among us!!!
Thank You Lord for leadership like Franklin Graham in the christian outreach of many years – who gives as Jesus taught – unconditionally. With love.
Christians we are not always going to be loved for what He calls us to – like Jesus – but we must keep loving like Jesus does – so the Gospel continues reaching the lost.
Simple and a dying to self in the face of adversity.
Praise the LORD🙌🏻❤️🙏🏻
Thank you Rev. Graham for speaking the truth to those who would criticize your sense of duty and compassion. Yes, as Jesus reached out His hand to heal, help and restore “whosoever”, a true disciple of Jesus will do also.
Father in Heaven, Thank You for the wisdom You are giving President Trump to redirect our tax dollars to worthy organizations, such as Samaritan’s Purse. We offer praise to You for the righteous stewardship and wisdom You give our President. May the Lord bless the work of Samaritan’s Purse as they serve in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. The nation is blessed when our hard earned tax dollars go to righteous places. We pray that tax dollars going to support abortion at home or abroad would be stopped. We shudder at innocent lives lost and the blood on our hands. Please make a way for this abomination to end. Please return our nation to righteousness. Forgive us our sins, which are many. Deliver us from evil. We fervently long to return to being a nation on a hill, bearing the Light of our Savior Jesus Christ.
Well said Mimi. I wholeheartedly agree with your prayer. I am so glad that our Almighty Lord and Savior is in overall charge despite the enemies tactics.
Father I ask that you will continue to give President Trump insights on the best strategies for all decision making and give him great courage to do what is right in your sight in the face of the enormous opposition that faces him each and every day.