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Father, we thank You for this bold proclamation of faith. Encourage us with this and help it to move us to be bold in our faith, as well.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Daily Caller News Foundation’s Mary Margaret Olohan asked McEnany about her deliberate statement of wearing a cross at a time when many Americans are fearful to display their Christian faith.

“I always see that you visibly wear a cross, and that’s not something that all Americans do. A lot of Americans feel a little awkward about wearing a cross in public and maybe don’t want to talk about their faith,” Olohan asked McEnany in a DCNF interview the week before Christmas. “Can you explain a little bit why you wear a cross so visibly every day on national television?” . . .

“Because faith is the reason I’m here,” McEnany answered, according to DCNF. . . .

“I’ll never forget watching Dana Perino give her press briefing, never thinking that I would one day be behind that podium,” McEnany insisted. “It never was my goal, I always wanted to be in politics and media, but never really set out for that position.” . . .

She credited God for placing her at her high-visibility position today.

“I always wanted to be in politics and media, but never really set out for that position – but it all fit together like a woven web because God had a path lined up for me, as He does for each and every person on Earth,” McEnany added. “All you have to do is trust Him, and follow the path, and pray, and He makes all the dots fit together. The very least I can do is wear the cross – the symbol of the very instrument He died on to save humanity, Jesus Christ.” . . .

“No matter what Republican administration it is, Republican women are just treated differently by virtue of their party ideology,” McEnany expressed. “It’s unfortunate, but if you are a Republican, male or female, you will be attacked particularly in the Trump administration because the media always is keen to demonstrate their innately liberal bias.” . . .

“God put me in this place for a purpose,” McEnany said several months ago when asked about her faith and work, according to The Christian Post.

She does not only live out and practice her faith at home and church, but while at work, as well.

“[McEnany] brings prayer, biblical values and the confidence of true faith to her job,” CP noted. “Even in the midst of the pandemic, she has found the time to run a weekly virtual Bible study with members of the Trump campaign and the GOP.”

(Excerpt from NE News Now. Article by Michael F. Haverluck. Photo Credit: .)

Are you encouraged by Sec. McEnany’s faith? Shar in the comments!

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Felicia Sanjurjo
January 4, 2021

I love you for standing up for The Lord Jesus Christ! We all aren’t afraid to show love in public for our savior!

January 4, 2021

Miss McEnany’s faith and trust in God will reward her.I believe she will rise in Godly Government and America will be blessed by her work.We will see her in years to come governing in Christ,and by Christ.

Janice Mauroschadt
January 3, 2021

Jesus said that if we deny Him before men, He would deny us before You. These are sobering words. Father, give us the courage to boldly proclaim our faith at all times, as Sec. McEnany has faithfully demonstrated. Lord, please set a hedge about her and may her testimony inspire others in places of influence to hail you as Lord in public as well. Raise up more godly men and women to represent our nation and it’s God-centered roots. We want YOU, Lord God to rule this nation once again.
In Jesus’ name,

Rich S.
January 3, 2021

Praise the Lord! Praying for more people in key positions to stand up for the Lord!

Janice Pruitt
January 3, 2021

Dear Heavenly Father God, Thank you for the gift and blessing of McEnany’s witness and faith. May she always be strong in the Lord by the power of your Holy Spirit. Continue to bless her with wisdom, strength and sustaining courage. Amen.

January 3, 2021

Father God,

Thank you for bringing Christians who love you and the nation to high offices in the government. They are the true patriots because they are loyal to their family, to the nation and to your kingdom.

In this most tumultuous time in America, this nation needs all these patriots to uphold truth and justice. Our nation depends on them to continue to stand firm as a city on the hill. But we need you to bind the evil forces behind the enemies in the natural realm.

Father God, I ask you to save America from falling into depravity, give us a victory in this battle against election frauds so we can see your glory and greatness.

I pray this in the precious name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and saviour. Amen.

January 3, 2021

I love to watch McEnany respond to the main stream media! She is well prepared, knows how to answer..to the point…bold yet very composed! She does a great job of protecting the President and I love how she answers back to some of their stupid questions! She is definately anointed by God for this position!

I pray God’s continous protection over her and her family. I pray for the Holy Spirit’s wisdom, understanding and guidance as she carries this very important post as Press Secretary.
I am sure she is admired for her very apt answers! God bless her!

Martha Hopper
January 3, 2021

yes,she is an inspiration

carol adams
January 3, 2021

I am inspired! she’s brilliant with the light of Jesus in her job for our country.

more like her in DC please Father….

Janis Hackman
January 3, 2021

The press secretary reminds me of Daniel in the Old Testament. He was never afraid of standing up for his faith no matter who was in office. He served under four administrations and they all knew where he stood and they still came to him for advice. We need more people like her who will not be intimidated by the opposition. She definitely has the Joshua anointing-be strong and courageous. Do not tremble nor be afraid for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. Kudos to her.

January 3, 2021

God said,
My GLORY, I will share with NO ONE….


BELONGS.. ONLY to Jesus.

So let us praise

for living HIS life through her.

January 3, 2021

Praise You, Lord for McEneny’s example of strength, courage, and obedience to You! Hallelujah!

Vicki Olson
January 3, 2021

And, what an excellent job she does, a strong woman and witness to her faith in Jesus Christ!

Beverly Patterson
January 3, 2021

Thank you Father God for placing such a wonderful young woman as Mrs.McEnany who is so bold, and unashamed of the Gospel, I pray your protection for her and family, Lord use her to touch many lives, I ask in Jesus name amen.

Janet Gardner
January 3, 2021

I was inspired by her faith when I heard a CBN reporter interview her months ago. Since then I’ve been praying for her and her family. She’s a wise, courageous women of faith! I pray the Lord continues to use her greatly!

Grace Strong
January 3, 2021

Oh that we may all have the boldness to share our faith and Gods righteousness publicly. ❤️🙏❤️🙏

Sally Ann House
January 3, 2021

PTL He is raising up Christians to stand for righteousness at a time where anything is accepted as right regardless of how black it is. We are being called to make sure we know beyond a shadow of a doubt where we stand spiritually. We are one day closer to the Lord’s return. May we run the race with perseverance that is set out before us. Praying for the Christians on the front lines who are engaging the attacks and standing firsm for the Lord.

January 3, 2021

God bless McEnany’s and her profession of faith. We all need to do that more and more. She is a inspiration to all of us. She is so right about the liberals and always attacking republican’s and their faith. God is the ultimate judge and unless they repent well I wouldn’t want to be them. God Bless Kayleigh and God Bless the United States of America. Let’s stand and stand strong for our faith in our God.

Cynthia Buhs
January 3, 2021

She is so very inspiring to me since a lot of people in politics that reach an influential position tend to hide their faith or use it as a way to gain influence with people.

January 3, 2021

Father the sin and lukewarmness in the church and even our own failings can contribute toward us shying away from sharing our faith publicly. Father i pray a hedge of protection around those who do step out of the shadows to share and affirm their faith publicly that you would give them discernment, truth in their inner man, wisdom and and might to walk the walk effectively WITH you not alone, staying in constant communion with you, hearing your voice and obeying it. In Jesus name.

Tom McNally
January 3, 2021

Very encouraged by Sec. Enany’s faith! I will include her in my prayers of protection for our Country’s leadership… thank you for sharing this article and awakening another “Warrior” in this battle.

January 3, 2021

I am thankful that God has placed you in this strategic place for “such a times as this.” I believe that your faith in God has been used to encourage many through these difficult days. Our President and his family could not weather these storms without God on his side. I can’t help but think that you and your faith in The Almighty have been used by God to help in the fight from day to day. It is truly amazing how powerful the little cross around your neck is. Thank you for serving this nation. Thank you for not being ashamed of The One who place you in this place. May God continue to use you each day. You never know what little girl you are influencing for the days to come. God bless you and your family.

January 3, 2021

“Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid or tremble in dread before them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not fail you or abandon you.”
Deuteronomy 31:6 AMP

Father God,
Continue to give Kayleigh McEnany the resolve to continue in this battle. Many times I have watched her in action and am amazed not only because of her courage but at the wisdom with which she displays it. May she continue to be strong in You. May Your perfect love cast out fear and may Your Word continue to sanctify her. May Your righteousness protect her. May Your Presence bring her fullness of joy and may Your joy be her strength by the power of the Holy Spirit and in the mighty name of Jesus. AMEN

Laura Dominick
January 3, 2021

I thank God for surrounding President Trump with people like Kayleigh, Mike Pompeo, and all others who are seeking God’s will and what is right. May the Lord give them wisdom, strength, protection and boldness to carry out His perfect will as they support President Trump for the next four years! I also ask You, Lord, to please replace the wicked in our government with those who seek Your will for our nation. Amen!

Linda Sansone
January 3, 2021

“Because faith is the reason I’m here,” McEnany answered

If only there would be more women and men who are not afraid to express their faith, trust and love for God. Praying for our spiritual America; for Our Father to “revive” America, so we can rejoice in HIM.

January 3, 2021

I believe God placed Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany in the White House for such a time as this. She is a strong woman of God, with strength. She credits God for placing her in a high-visibility position today. Though she was once a critic of Donald Trump, she is now a defender of President Trump. God does work in mysterious ways. 😄


Pamela Johnson
January 3, 2021

Yes, I am encouraged. She is a wonderful role model for all women today, and especially for young women. May God protect her as she continues to fight for truth to prevail.

January 3, 2021

Yes to see a Republican woman stand for Christ in the midst of the battle for truth reminds me of the women of the Bible Ruth, Mary,Esther and many more
God bless her


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