Some of the most powerful people in America have been gathering weekly to learn more about God’s Word, and this Trump Cabinet Bible study is making history.Ā They’ve been called the most evangelical Cabinet members in historyāmen and women who don’t mince words when it comes to where they stand on God and the Bible.
Ralph Drollinger ofĀ Capitol MinistriesĀ told CBN News, “These are godly individuals that God has risen to a position of prominence in our culture.”Ā They’re all handpicked by President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence.Ā “I don’t think Donald Trump has figured out that he chained himself to the Apostle Paul,” Drollinger laughed.
Drollinger is a former NBA-playing giant of a man with an even bigger calling. He founded Capitol Ministries with the idea that if you change the hearts of lawmakers, then their Christian worldview will guide them to make good policies.Ā He’s started Bible studies in 40 state capitols, a number of foreign capitols, teaches weekly studies in the U.S. House and Senate and now leads about a dozen members of President Trump’s Cabinet in weekly studies of the Scriptures.
Health Secretary Tom Price, Energy Secretary Rick Perry, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, Agriculture Secretary Sunny Perdue and CIA Director Mike Pompeo are just a few of the regulars.Ā “It’s the best Bible study that I’ve ever taught in my life. They are so teachable; they’re so noble; they’re so learned,” Drollinger said.Ā It’s groundbreaking, since he doesn’t think a formal Bible study among executive Cabinet members has been done in at least 100 years.
America’s top cop, Attorney General Jeff Sessions, also attends the study.Ā “He’ll (Jeff Sessions) go out the same day I teach him something and I’ll see him do it on camera and I just think, ‘Wow, these guys are faithful, available and teachable and they’re at Bible study every week they’re in town,'” Drollinger said.
President Trump is invited to attend the Bible studies, too. Each week he receives a copy of Drollinger’s teaching.Ā And Vice President Pence is also planning to join the study as his schedule permits. He also serves as a sponsor.Ā In Pence, Drollinger sees many similarities to biblical figures like Joseph, Mordecai and Danielāall men who rose to the No. 2 position in governments at different times in history.Ā “Mike Pence has respect for the office. He dresses rightālike it says Joseph cleaned himself up before he went to stand before the Pharaoh,” Drollinger told CBN News.Ā “Mike Pence has uncompromising biblical tenacity, and he has a loving tone about him that’s not just a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal,” he continued. “And then fourthly, he brings real value to the head of the nation.”
Like others, Drollinger often compares President Trump to biblical strongman Samson.Ā “I just praise God for them,” he said. “And I praise God for Mike Pence, who I think with Donald Trump chose great people to lead our nation.”
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Lord, bless the United States of America, our leaders, President Trump, Vice President Pence and all of the members of his godly Cabinet. Like our Founding Fathers were, they are strong in the Christian faith.
Deliver us, Oh Lord, from the enemy that has infiltrated schools, universities, the media, entertainment industries and even Washington. Tear down their strongholds and let our people be free from their pagan influence.
Let a revival of our Christian faith be felt throughout the land restoring our Judeo/Christian roots once again!
In Jesus name we pray!
I think we should all pray for this nation and it’s leader. Please Lord protect us all and also report when Don and Mike join the prayer circle. Amen.
Never though I would see this, God is Amazing He is telling us I AM in control, I AM Lord!
To Him be all Glory and Honor for ever and ever Amen.
When you put Jesus as your leader and follow his laws He blesses you beyond anything you ask Him
God blessed his followers when they were faithful to Him and He does the same today to those who love Him.
Thank you x’s 100 dear Lord God, this is sooo very encouraging, to those of us who felt ravaged under the former Administration. Continue to bless all those who attend, and cause them to KNOW the purposes you have for them in the key places of government you raised them up to. We ask that all pieces of the Constitution that has been eradicated would be put back in place by these leaders, that their hearts would be knit together in your love, that they would have the fear of the Lord which is the begining of wisdom so that they might do their jobs well before you. In Jesus mighty name, Amen
Thank You, Father, for these people in government who long to be your light in a world so in need of it. Give them courage as they study your Word. Let them stand up for right even when opposition seems too tall. You are their sure defense and the lifter of their heads. Let them be encouraged that many are praying for this country and them in particular. O God, let this nation turn to you and repent from wrong. You are who You say You are. You can do what you say you can do. These men and women are who You say they are and can do all things through Christ who strengthens them. Your Word is alive and active in them and we are believing You, O God, that Your will will be done. In Jesus Name, Amen
I am over flowing with gratitude to God Almighty for raising up Ralph Drollinger to unify the awesome leaders that He, God, has put in positions of authority across these United States and at the helm. This Bible study in the White House itself has huge potential for influencing leaders to “walk worthy of the calling with which [they] were called, with all lowliness and meekness, with long suffering, forbearing one another in love; endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.” (Eph 4:1-3) As we look to and obey Him, He is fighting for us for His Name’s sake. (Dan 9) Praise Him!
Our nation is now blessed to have the wonderful leadership of this present Administration which now has God and Country as a first priority. I am pleased that our National Leaders also take Biblical Teachings seriously since every nation should thank God for the Blessings that it has graciously received. Hopefully the great example of this Administration will influence many secular nations which have abandoned their traditional beliefs to now reconsider how grateful they should be to God.
Praise God for the wonderful reports of this Bible study. May God reveal Himself and open the eyes and hearts of all men and women in authority to know Him. May our leaders seek God as they develop a new healthcare plan and consider other legislation for our country. Thank you Heavenly Father for restoring hope in the USA. Guide and teach us in Your ways that we may walk in them. These things I pray in Jesus Precious Name, Amen
There is a lot more going on in the name of Jesus Christ in Washington than ever I ever dreamed. The leadership of minister Hrollinger, an outstanding 7ft plus basketball player a winner on the court carries the same winning attitude in the battle for spiritule victory in our capital. We have new hope in our home for sure. You are there for us all.
I rejoice…and again I rejoice…and thank You Father for calling these men and women into a closer walk with You by Your word and by Your Spirit…Continue to bless them and keep them and their families…protect and provide; lead and guide…Thank You Father for all that You are doing in our nation through these people. Hallelujah!!!
This is wonderful encouraging news. We have been praying a long time for this!
I would love to post this on Facebook, but I don’t see a way to do it.
What a blessing to know that so many leaders in our government are studying God’s Word and are willing to follow it. May the Lord give them divine protection from any attack of the enemy and prosper them in all they do as they honor His will.
I am so grateful for the strength and openness of President Donald J. Trump and I am praying for his protection and the protection of his family, and the President’s cabinet and his entire administration. May God straighten out the paths of power; to make straight what has been crooked for a very long time. In Jesus’ Precious Name,
Praise the Lord that He is speaking truth into the hearts and minds of those in power in our government. May the Lord bless them as they do His work for America. Thank you President Trump and VP Pence for your faithfulness to follow the word of God as you lead us.
May this Bible study continue. May the Word of God pierce hearts and sharpen minds, so that those in government participating will increase in knowledge and understanding, and walk and lead with wisdom and sound judgment.
I read the responses above, agree with everything they say, and weep in gratitude that God is answering my prayers for revival in America and praise GOD that HE has chosen these people to lead and through them is bringing glory to HIMSELF!
Praise to You Father, how this must bless Your heart. Please place Your hand of protection around this Bible study, it’s participants and it’s teachers. Protect it from the enemy infiltrating it. May the teacher be Spirit – filled and may only Your Word be taught.
Cause the hearts and minds of the attendees to be changed and transformed into the image of Your Son. Please let it grow and may more and more people attend to learn about You and Your Word.
In Jesus name I pray.
Praise God This country is Blessed today because of Godly men who started this country unfortunately because of the Leaders we have had in the past by not putting JESUS first we have seen a decline in America BUT Thank goodness we are going back too what our forefathers instilled in America GOD first
Praise God for His Spirit working in our nation. I pray that others, at the pinnacles of power in this country, will follow suit. Our President is going about to actually ‘preach’ the gospel to the world. I listened to most of his speeches in America, in Poland and France. His speeches are liberally punctuated with the name God, and the need for the western nations to return to the God of our fathers and the need to take care of our home values. The implication is that America will become a godly hope for the nations of the world. I pray that as we were, in recent past, instruments for the propagation of ungodliness, we will now become instruments in the revival of righteousness to the nations of the world in Jesus name
Akin ige
I am so thankful for this Bible study. It the most wonderful thing happening in the White House
When Gods Word goes forth it shall not return void and accomplish much!
I pray for all the believers in position of authority in the US government Father GOD that they not lose faith in Your will for this nation and put on the whole armor of GOD daily to do what is right for this nation .
In Jesus Name