I Prayed have prayed
God, continue to reveal the truth surrounding Joe Biden and his family. Bring forth justice, our Father, and let Your will be done.
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What does this mean for President Biden? Let’s keep praying for truth and justice.

From Newsmax. A former Obama administration White House stenographer is blowing the whistle on former Vice President Joe Biden’s claim to have no prior awareness of Hunter Biden’s foreign business dealings with Ukraine energy company Burisma.

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“Wait a minute, Joe Biden knew that Hunter Biden was already on the board – on April 18 Joe Biden knew,” former Obama administration stenographer Mike McCormick said Wednesday night, recalling his transcription of a “senior administration official” interview – whom he identified as now-National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan – on the Biden’s famed Air Force Two flight to Kyiv, Ukraine on April 21, 2014. …

McCormick wants to testify before the Wilmington, Delaware, grand jury investigating Hunter Biden, willing to tie then-VP Joe Biden into a “kickback scheme.”

“They’ve been looking at Hunter Biden, but this ties Joe Biden and [Sullivan] into promoting a kickback scheme with Ukraine,” McCormick told New York Post. “It’s the timeline that does it.” …

McCormick then said he went to the FBI to fill out “their witness tipline” online.

“If you lie to the FBI when you’re submitting a tip like that you can go to jail,” he continued, pointing to the veracity of his whistleblowing. “I’m not lying. I’m telling the truth. Joe Biden is lying. …

“If they put me in front of the grand jury that’s right now seated in Wilmington with special prosecutor David Weiss, my testimony becomes the evidence that will put him in jail or will lead to his impeachment.” …

McCormick detailed his investigation of the Hunter Biden laptop can place his joining “Burisma on April 18, 2014,” just two days after a laptop schedule note for a 11 a.m. ET meeting “at the WH” on April 16, 2014.

“That’s the White House,” McCormick continued, noting photos dating the White House meeting with fellow Burisma board member Devon Archer.

“This was planning meeting for them to start their kickback scheme with Burisma, and there’s a lot more planned that went on ahead of it.” …

“He was conducting malfeasance in office to enrich his family,” he said of Biden. “Jake Sullivan is a conspirator in that, and there’s more. Obama officials involved in it, I believe.” …

What do you think of this new information? Share this article to keep people informed.

(Excerpt from Newsmax. Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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Daryl Gerloff
April 16, 2023

Until Donald Trump is reelected and becomes president, there is no hope of the Justice department and the Judiciary to indite, try and convict the Biden family.

The system is broken, hopefully not beyond repair. Those currently in power have no concern for the truth and are against the United State of American.

The Republicans are weak, not united, and many show signs of being corrupted.

Those Republicans which are honest and trying to get to the truth are few and outnumbered.

This must be like what Noah experienced before the flood.

April 16, 2023

Father, in the name of Jesus, please protect Mike McCormick, his testimony, and proof, and promote this in all the media, Father Joe Biden has gotten away far too long with his lies and traitorous globalist schemes against America, see to it that public justice is finally done in his life, continue to uncover the truth about him, his family, his accomplices, and the 2020 election and continue to pursue all involved to insure that divine and political justice is accomplished in all their lives and that none escape.

Elizabeth Crouse
April 15, 2023

Prayers to bind Biden family. Americans are hurting but not Biden’s.

William Manseau
April 15, 2023

It is in God’s Will, whatever happens in this administration will happen! God grant me the power of things that I can change, the Peace of things that I can’t, and the Wisdom to know the difference!

Carolyn A. Guggenheim
April 15, 2023

Lord, we pray Your words, “that which is hidden will be revealed”.
Lord, we pray Your Will.

April 15, 2023

Is there a tipping point, where all the facts, revelations & truth finally bring justice that is long overdue for a family that is corrupt beyond comprehension. Even though it seems like no new revelation or statement that indicts the Biden crime family makes a difference, as Christians we absolutely cannot give up in praying that it “will make a difference”. As Christians, it’s our responsibility to believe in God’s promises…and a portion of God’s promises are “justice for those who are unjust… those who willingly defraud a system for selfish gain….those who completely misuse their authority to overthrow the people”. Need I go on? It falls on us to pray for such measures as well as praying for their salvation.
Time & time again, I have watched God save the worst of criminals (the Biden family qualifies for that title) through God allowing brokenness & a total stripping away of wealth, ill gotten titles or perks, etc. The best attorneys in this world cannot stop God’s hand from exercising God needed justice.
Please pray continually for God’s justice upon those people & situations which need justice. Pray for His mercy upon them, even in the midst of harsh justice.
It’s NOT impossible for this hierarchy of crime & fraud to fall. Pray continually towards that end.
Pray for strength & 24/7 protection for whistleblowers who have had the courage to come forth & tell the truth.
*Lord God, surround the courageous truth tellers with Your warrior angels to protect them at all times. Amen.

    April 15, 2023

    Surely everything you said above applies to the corrupt Trump family and more. Pray for them. They’ll need it.

    April 16, 2023

    Well said, I completely agree, Father let justice be done in the Biden family and block every way of escape.

Liz Lewark
April 15, 2023

I’m praying for a hedge of protection over this young man. That he will be able to testify and no retaliation will be able to come upon him. Cover him with the Blood of Jesus.

April 15, 2023

Praying for ALL enemies of America to be exposed and saved if not too late, bless all enemies O LORD in JESUS name and for HIS sake! Let Your Kingdom come and Your will be done! So be it!

April 15, 2023

Barbara, I agree with you 100%! It is SO frustrating and so obvious the things this administration is doing. Why in the world is nothing being done?? I’m hoping it’s because Christ is returning soon and this is simply setting up things for the Tribulation period. Only God knows.

April 15, 2023

Biden needs at the very least impeached. A lier and crook has no place in our White House

    April 16, 2023

    But has not Donald J Trump nominated for President? I know he lost the popular vote twice but he seems to want to make it thrice.

Barbara Janicki
April 15, 2023

Grateful for truth to continue to come out – frustrated that people don’t seem to care and/or aren’t willing to receive these truths when they are uncovered and let this new information change their thinking and actions going forward. By the time truth comes out so much damage has been done and the media diverts our attention with something else. We are debating pronouns while our government won’t let us produce our own energy, won’t secure our southern border, disarms private citizens while arming the IRS, calls parents terrorists while letting actual terrorists into our country to do whatever, criminalizes the victims of crimes while saying the perpetrators are the victims and on and on. The Truth will set us free, that’s why the media works overtime to suppress any truth whether it be about covid, the border, j6, the shot, the 2020 election, the Chinese spy balloon, – they can only control us with their preappoved narrative if we believe their lies and don’t know the truth. Reality for most of us would suggest we are being lied to (the covid shot is an immunization/vaccine – meaning you won’t get the virus, reality showed us otherwise) Our current administration’s illicit ties to China and Ukraine are known, but people seem more outraged about pronouns. While we are debating that, China is stealing our intelligence info and making all our required solar panels and wind turbines (using coal as their energy source) – they are a huge polluter of the environment – the irony is just too much – time to bring back horse and buggies – because when the government shuts down the power grid none of our electric cars will get us to work or anywhere else. How will fire, ambulance etc. get around if they are electric when the grid is down? God, You are our only hope. It is Your truth that sets us truly free. Your church grows under persecution. It is coming, with Your help may we be found faithful. http://www.mtothe5th.wordpress.com

    April 15, 2023

    So well spoken in our current culture of deception
    Thank you God for exposing TRUTH. May Americans finally wake up.
    God we humbly ask you again to spare us as a nation and not be done with us

    April 15, 2023

    Tell it sister and yes the so called vaccine is not one because it is the fully vaccinated that are getting covid and reports are their lungs are full of glass! How ignorant our so called free countrymen are. But pray for our enemies in high places and watch what the LORD will do.

April 15, 2023

Prayers that God will open the doors for all the people who are selling our country to China be convicted before our Lord. Thank you Father for taking care of our country and the world. Amen

Greg Carter
April 15, 2023

Abba Father, You love truth! You are a just God full of grace and mercy, and we seek Your Truth to expose any and all schemes, lies, and coverups in this administration! We seek Your protection over Mike McCormick, his family, and others that may come forth to testify truth! Dismantle all manipulative narratives and confound any attempts to coverup and ignore the truth! We bless You and Glorify Your Holy Name! …And the Truth will set you free!

    April 15, 2023

    Father God, we know the truth sets us free. I pray that the truth, only the truth about corruption by the Biden’s, will be the end of all lies, fraud and power/money they have lavished in. You know, see and hear all things that have and are being spewed upon us by the Biden family. I know you want all people, called by your name to humble themselves, pray and seek your face, turn from their wicked ways and you will forgive their sins and heal this land. We need you Father and pray that our nation will become stronger and more peaceful in the days to come. We pray in the precious name of Jesus. Amen


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