I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we thank You for Dr. Haim's courage. We pray that You would continue to protect him, and that You would raise up more people like him to speak out against the trans agenda.
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Dr. Ethan Haim is a whistleblower in the Texas medical fraud case. Facing prison, he’s trusting in God as he stands against transgenderism.

From The Christian Post. A Texas surgeon, who is potentially facing 10 years in prison for having leaked information exposing Texas Children’s Hospital for allegedly continuing to perform trans procedures on minors despite claiming otherwise, said his ordeal has convinced him of God’s providence.

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Dr. Eithan Haim, 34, told The Christian Post that he feels God is with him in his battle against the U.S. Department of Justice, which slapped him earlier this month with four felony counts after he “obtained personal information including patient names, treatment codes and the attending physician from Texas Children’s Hospital’s (TCH) electronic system without authorization,” according to a DOJ press release.

Haim reportedly leaked such records to journalist Christopher Rufo last year because the hospital told the public it had paused such procedures after Texas Gov. Greg Abbott labeled them child abuse, though Haim uncovered documents that showed otherwise.

The six-page indictment released by U.S. Attorney Alamdar Hamdani alleges that Haim went to the press instead of the appropriate authorities within the hospital.

Haim went on a media blitz last week, giving interviews about his situation to prominent people such as Fox News host Laura Ingraham, Steve Bannon, Glenn Beck and Jordan B. Peterson.

Haim, who conceded he finds his potential prison sentence “terrifying,” told CP that his obligation to the future generation has become more pressing now that his wife is six months pregnant with their first daughter.

“What kind of world will we live in if we don’t stand up for these kids who are being harmed or against the government that’s going after people who are telling the truth?” he asked. “And if we think things are bad now, how much worse is it going to be in 10 years?”

“And that’s the world we would deliver our children into, and especially with my wife being 24 weeks pregnant now, that’s not theoretical anymore, but that’s real,” he continued. “If we really love our children, we’re willing to sacrifice for their future. So if that means I need to take on the most powerful federal Leviathan in human history, that’s what it’s going to take.”

Haim believes the trans movement is driven primarily by ideology but that it is further enabled by people who reap the rewards of enabling it.

“These are the people who are the true believers, who have never grown up with any type of moral tradition,” he said of those propelling the movement. “And because of that, there’s no way for them to make sense of life’s suffering. Because they have no way to make sense of it, they have to latch on to something that can provide them with some form of meaning. But when that happens, they can latch on to anything, and the transgender ideology is what they’ve chosen. So these are the most radical people who are driving it.”

Haim believes every major institution in the U.S. has been “captured by this ideology” that endeavors to elevate narcissistic, selfish desires above objective reality and that anyone attempting to expose such things risks being attacked.

“So if someone within those institutions is willing to tell the truth, it shines a light on their own degradation, which is why they try so hard to destroy those people,” he said. “Because if they can destroy the one person who’s telling the truth, who’s shining the light, then they can reestablish the balance where everyone’s degraded. But once you have one person who’s going to speak the truth, who’s willing to stand up, it will inevitably inspire others to do the same thing, too. And the process becomes exponential.”

Haim, whose legal defense fund has raised over $868,000 of its $1 million goal as of Thursday morning, told CP that he feels swept up in a spiritual war but feels God is protecting and providing for him. He said he has been inundated with support from Christians and Jews, which he described as “a miracle.”

“After everything that’s happened, there’s no denying it: these things happen for a reason,” he said. “I think more people are coming to realize that, too. When you live by these things that we preach on Saturday or Sunday, we learn that God protects His own.”

“Never in a million years did I ever think so many people would join us in this way,” he said, adding that he and his family had “sacrificed everything we’ve ever saved” to take a stand but that the donations flooding in have restored what they have lost.

“That was done with a faith that if we did that, maybe other people would put their faith in us, and that’s come true,” he said. “It’s amazing.”

Haim hopes his case can help set a precedent that will embolden other whistleblowing doctors who want to uphold their oath to “do no harm.”

“You can’t just stand by in silence and let these hospitals lie to the people they take care of and harm these children,” he said. He hopes other potential whistleblowers will see his example and be encouraged not to be afraid.

“The thing they should be more afraid of is their own submission,” he added. “Because they’re going to lose their dignity, and they’ll have to live with that for the rest of their lives.”

On Tuesday, Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, sent a letter to Hamdani demanding answers regarding Haim’s prosecution, which he maintained is politically motivated and par for the course under President Joe Biden’s DOJ.

“I have had longstanding concerns with the impartiality of the Department of Justice under the leadership of Attorney General Merrick Garland,” Cruz wrote. “As such, while the present prosecution of Dr. Haim is troubling, it is also not surprising. Political prosecution of whistleblowers not only undermines the integrity of the Department of Justice, but also sets a dangerous precedent for intimidating others from exposing wrongdoing.”

“It has no place in our system of justice,” Cruz added.

Share your prayers for Dr. Ethan Haim in the comments.

This article was originally published at The Christian Post. Photo Credit: Screenshot/CBN News.

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Nan Johnson
June 30, 2024

Good for you, strong man of God !! May we all be of good courage and strong faith and pray and speak out as God chooses us to act in similar ways. This is how the devil and his followers are defeated. Rise up, oh church ⛪️ of God !! Have done with lesser things. Rise up oh church of God to serve the King of Kings!! Thank you, Dr. Ethan Haim, for your beautiful example of prayer and faith!! This is true intersession, quite pleasing to our beloved Savior Jesus.

June 30, 2024

I pray for Dr. Haim to be exonerated from this case. May millions of ppl be praying for this man who has told the truth. He is a high quality doctor whom we should be proud of and support. God be with him and bless him and his family and remove all fear. We trust in You Lord to free this man from these charges against him. Thank you dear Lord.

Ann NMN Shaw
June 30, 2024

Almighty Father and Savior grant us wisdom and courage to obey you and walk in your truth and and your presence. Obedience often requires sacrifice. I have found that God honors sacrifice which is the best payment for sacrifice.
In Jesus’s name Amen

June 29, 2024

God bless you for your stand against these atrocities against children! “No weapon formed against you will prosper and every tongue that rises against you will be condemned.” In Jesus name!
I pray that this evil will cease and that those who perform these acts will be brought to justice quickly. I pray you will be exonerated of all charges against you quickly! And, that God will do as he promised and work all things together for good for those who love Him and are the called according to His purpose.
In Jesus name!

Q Quesinberry
June 29, 2024

Thank you …Standing & Praying, for Truth to be Exposed!

Linda Stegenga
June 29, 2024

Heavenly Father, when each child is born, You decided their gender, You are their Maker! Please provide the parents with Your wisdom to raise their children in Your image Father, not made up images of peoples’ choices. Prevent the government from changing the lives of His children. In the Name of Jesus, Amen!

Diana Costello
June 29, 2024

They have meant this for evil, but God obviously means it for good! Standing with you in prayer and assurance in our Great Lord and Savior to bring about a victory, changed hearts and policies and honor you for standing up in moral courage and personal intergrity!

Elizabeth Cagle
June 29, 2024

Dear God! Thank you for such people standing up for TRUTH!
Please show yourself MIGHTY on his behalf and the behalf of all others who are standing against this atrocity!!! I pray for him and his family and all under his jurisdiction to be covered with the blood of Jesus Christ which was shed that these works of the enemy would be defeated and brought to nought!!! Thank you for the story of Job where you put a hedge around him and pray for a similar hedge around this man and his family! In Jesus name! Amen

June 29, 2024

In obedience to the Lord Jesus Christ, we stand in agreement as the Body of Christ
in this world created and sustained by Almighty God, to RESIST YOU, SATAN, in this
matter and in the whole plan of evil intent as regards these children. You are defeated
in the name of Jesus and prevented from achieving your goals of evil intent by the Blood
of Jesus shed for all mankind.
We praise and exalt You, O Lord, for Your love and compassion which far exceeds all evil.
We stand on Your Holy Word and are made strong and bold in the knowledge and trust of You.
We praise You, Lord, that Your will is accomplished for these children and for this godly man
that represents You and Your will in this matter. Thank You, Lord for glorifying Your Name!
Help us to continue praying in faith and trust of Your will being accomplished.
In Jesus Name, Amen.

Tammy Freeburg
June 29, 2024

Luke 10:19 says, “Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall hurt you”.

June 29, 2024

Thank You, LORD, for this man beibg8ng to light what is being done in secret concerning the treatment of children concerned about their gender in hospital. Lord., give Your strength., wisdom and courage to more if us to be willing to take a stand to proclaim Your truth concerning our children – that You created male and female without need for any “help” from us, that what was created by You was good, and NOT to be changed by ma !

June 29, 2024


June 29, 2024


June 29, 2024

Lord, we thank you for the courage and convictions of this dedicated doctor. We pray for him as he goes through this valley. We pray, Father, that other medical personnel would follow suit and speak out against this evil, this betrayal in our government. We pray for your protection around Dr. Haim and those defending him and for your people to stand in the gap. We pray for victory.
The time is now. Praise your name. Amen

Carmen Rots
June 29, 2024

Lord, we pray for Dr Haim’s. You are his protector, defender and vindicator. You are above all these corrupted judges and your gavel will shake them off their position, and justice will be served. You are the LORD strong and mighty, the LORD mighty in battle. What the enemy meant for evil, you will turn it around. Encourage Dr Haim’s, strengthen him and his wife with peace that surpasses all understanding. Lord you make a way where there is no way. Thank you Lord that the Best is yet to come , in Jesus name.

Lori Meed
June 29, 2024

Father, we ask You to vindicate Your son. May his courage and boldness bring him before ‘kings and those in authority’ that TRUTH will be proclaimed as a clarion call to awaken leaders! Be a wall of fire around this man and the lifter of his head. In Yeshua’s name! Amen.

June 29, 2024

None of this is surprising that it is all demonic. After all who is Satan, but half human half goat, half man, half woman. Why do you think he goes after people for their image because we are made in the image of God and who does he hate more than anything, but God and how can he hurt him the most by destroying his creation

It’s also not surprising that get the “they them” ridiculousness is also correlated to the name Legion and we all know who that is.

Michael Norris
June 29, 2024

Lord, thank you for people like Dr. Haim and his wife. Please keep a hedge of protection around them. Protect them physically, mentally, spiritually, and financially. We need more people like them.

June 29, 2024

Dear Savior: We ask for your protection for this doctor who is standing up against the devil and this wickedness. We ask that you strengthen him and his family that you don’t allow them to imprison him for telling the truth. I am astonished how the government is prosecuting people for telling the truth, or for doing the right things rather than persecuting those that are doing the illegal things and lying. We saw this same thing take place in the Trump trials as they punished the one being blackmailed, rather than the one doing the blackmailing which is why there was hush money to begin with. I know that none of this is your way and that you see our government and this world calling evil good and good evil. I know you are a faithful Father and I trust you will not let this continue. Again, please let them find this man not guilty of any crime for exposing the wrong others were doing. Let Governor Abbott stand with him and even exonerate him if they do succeed. Open the doors of the prisons for all those being wrongfully accused including those sitting in jail for protesting abortions like you did for Paul and Silas. In your Mighty Mighty Name we pray. Amen

Anita Malaro
June 29, 2024

Praise God Whose mercy never fails His beloved son’s & daughters! Bless Dr Haim with Your Truth & Your Justice. That the wickedness is exposed & Your righteousness shines on Dr. Haim. The enemy’s plans are severed & Dr Haim will not serve any jail or injustice, as he stands on Your Word. In Jesus Name, Amen!

June 29, 2024

Praise God for this stand for righteousness. Please, God, wipe out this whole horrible transgender movement!

Ted Bjorem
June 29, 2024

O praising You Lord always praising You
You are forgetting all whistle blowers in my Bible; the Prophets the Apostles and most of their followers WERE KILLED
In Luke 9.23-26 JESUS said unless you are willing to suffer and die you are not mine
In John 15.7 God promises to answer yes to all prayers from a PURE HEART and IN OBEDIENCE
….we must have FREE WILL to Repent and Obey
..did not Jesus come to “save EVERYONE who believe..”
John 3.16
Praying NOW for increased courage
O praising You Lord in all things because You always inhabit our praises

June 29, 2024

Thank you Lord for this man and his wife. Thank you that they have decided to be bold and courageous. Please protect them financially, physically, and spiritually.


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