When Interceding for Israel, Let’s Not Lean on Our Own Understanding
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When Interceding for Israel, Let’s Not Lean on Our Own Understanding
As we approach God for Israel, are we approaching Him in His wisdom and understanding? Shortly after I began to intercede on Israel’s behalf a few years ago, this prompting from God began informing the ways I do that. “Be certain that your prayers for Israel are based upon your love for Yeshua and love for Israel, and not upon a religious exercise.” Recently, the Lord has revealed more in relation to our intercession for Israel which is paramount that we consider. That’s how subtly our human understanding can infiltrate our understanding about Israel and cause us to pray things that are other than His will. In that way, leaning to our own understanding regarding what is occurring in Israel may cause us to unknowingly contend against God’s plans for her complete restoration and victory over Satan.
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So, today I am sharing that same prompting with you and encouraging us all to spend time at God’s feet if you are called to intercede on Israel’s behalf or for the massive awakening of the sons of Ishmael. We must be certain that our prayers for Israel are from the heart of God toward His chosen people — and not a mere religious exercise.
Some of the questions I have considered during my quiet time:
- Would I be as dedicated to prayer and support for Israel if not for the expected blessings of Genesis 12:3 to Abram: “I will bless those who bless you, but I will curse those who curse you. And through you, all the nations shall be blessed.”
- Has my prayerful support for Israel morphed into a dogmatic unwillingness to recognize and address those things Israel has done that grieve God’s heart? In other words, do I have an attitude that the Israeli government is right about everything, all of the time, and do I therefore fail to intercede for the Israelis’ correction and repentance?
- Today, if there is need to provide shelter and safety for my Jewish American neighbors, will I do so, or will I turn my head for fear that their attackers might harm me and my family? Will I be a Bonhoeffer, or a Judas; a true brother, or a fair-weather friend?
- Following Hamas’ most recent demonic attacks on Oct. 7, are we still willing to pray God’s will — that Israel would be brought to repentance for continuing to reject Yeshua? Or are we seeking to “control” God’s eternal plans by praying with human understanding?
Wherever we are after we’ve considered the aforementioned or similar questions, remember that Yeshua already knows our hearts, and there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ. Also remember that if we earnestly ask, the Holy Spirit will purify and refine us and lead us into all truth — giving us God’s own heart for Israel, for its neighbors, and for those things that must happen so that all Israel is saved according to Romans 11:25–29. We can trust Him.
May we take courage from the beautifully familiar Psalm 139:23–24: Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. We can absolutely trust Him to answer, particularly as it relates to Israel and to the reconciliation of His family: Jew, Greek, Persian, and Arab.
Let us also not forget that our Enemy operates in stealth. He knows that to present himself openly to us as the breeder of hatred toward Israel isn’t going to fly. He’d rather get us into the habit of praying empty prayers by neglecting time to seek God for His heart regarding how to intercede for and bless Israel. Let’s resist the devil, so that he must flee! Hallelujah!
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Mavourene Robinson began in full-time ministry in 2014, campaigning for the Howard County Public Schools’ Board of Education in 2017–2018, and for the Maryland Senate in 2022. A lifelong learner about the intersections of faith with international relations and domestic policy, Mavourene is actively engaged in intercession for family, government, education, and religion. She releases prophetic insight at Judgment Begins in the House. Photo Credit: Abid Katib/Getty Images.
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Blessing and Peace for Israel: “ We decree God’s peace and blessing rests upon Israel and Jerusalem. We declare peace to her borders and that all enemy fire shall cease. We ask for angelic reinforcements to bring protection to the walls of Israel and that its places of government shall stay safe. We break the powers of all the dread, fear, and terror among the people. We say they shall not fear attacks, bombings, missiilies and foreign invasion. We prophesy that their homes, streets, business, and historical sites shall be protected. We declare Israel’s land shall be able to enact agreements or accords that take their land away. We say that Jerusalem belongs to God. We speak strength to the state of Israel. We prophesy a prosperity from the Lord rests upon them and the Jewish people. We declare the Gospel of Jesus Christ shall shine in Israel and many come to the way of Salvation. May the United States of America never break its alliances with Israel. We bind every effort by the government to detach from Israel. God as we pray and declare that America shall always defend Israel and seek its good! We receive divine prosperity according to God’s promise for loving Jerusalem, and we say nothing shall interfere with our alliance. We decree Israel is blessed and Jerusalem is covered in peace in Jesus name. “ Psalms 122-6-9 “ 6 Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: BK
“May those who love you be secure.
7 May there be peace within your walls
and security within your citadels.”
8 For the sake of my family and friends,
I will say, “Peace be within you.”
9 For the sake of the house of the Lord our God,” In Genesis 12-2-3 “ The nation of Israel as we know it was birthed from offspring of Abraham through Issac. God has kept Israel the apple of His eye. It’s been understood that America aligns with Israel not because of the blessings Israel gets from God, it’s because we have such depth of Love for our Savior who gives us eternal life, plus we love Gods children and have great compassion and humanitarian assistance that always comes forth. It is an understood matter that America aligns with Israel. God we always want our prayers to be strong in declaring that our alliance will never be broken. We love God and the people who love Israel, we will always defend her sovereignty and borders. God has promised that when we help Israel and seek protection and peace for Israel , we will be blessed. John 14-7 “ Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.“ Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures, and that he appeared to Cephas, then to the twelve. … Christ wants His children to be saved, it’s easy Take Him as Your personal Savior, ask forgiveness, then lead the life that He died on the Cross for us all -so we could live eternally. Not in a place where the devil resides. It’s real and dark, but heaven has the love and glory of God. “ Hallelujah! Salvation and glory and power belong to our God, for his judgments are true and just! “ He forgives us of many sins If we ASK! 🧎♀️🧎♀️🧎♀️🧎♀️🇺🇸🇮🇱 Gods words are simple if we read and apply it to our lives. Satan is pure evilness look at the state we are in, I choose Life with God! ☝️
It is horrifying that many Christians have no understanding of biblical Israel, confusing it with national Israel! Lord, have mercy on the ignorance of your people! If you believe in Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed and heir of the promise (Galatians 3:26-29). If you don’t believe in Christ (like many in Israel today), then you’re not Abraham’s seed, period! That promise given to Abraham in Genesis 12:3, was fulfilled in Jesus as Paul explains in Galatians 3:16. It is not a promise to national Israel, people! Lord, give us teachers to teach Your people!
Yes Lord I pray that their eyes are opened and they turn to you in their time of dire need, and I pray that they know that you will save them and be yours forever. Amen
Excellent article. I would ad if we aren’t moved by what God feels for Israel as was evidenced in His weeping over Jerusalem, let us draw ever closer to Him and pray to feel what he feels and to receive, His wisdom which is given liberally, in order that our prayers are from a position of fellowship with Him and indeed ascend as a pleasing incense.
Thank you so much for this supernaturally cogent and convicting article. Sometimes it is too easy to return to rote prayers anchored in past, inaccurate “understanding” or interpretation of a situation. The key, as you state, is sitting still and listening to the Father’s instruction, knowing that His plans are higher and often vastly wider and different than ours. Again, thank you for sharing your insight.
I have been to Israel twice. The second time God spoke to me and said, ” I Am going to meet you there. I was so excited! He met me there alright, three times! I fell more deeply in love with my Savior. He also gave me a deep compassion for His people. I will always pray for Israel and all of the middle east. Israel shall be saved!
Lord, I thank You that what the enemy meant for evil, You are turning it for good. Thank You for the salvation that have been taking place during this horrible situation. I pray for a great harvest of souls to occur on this earth. I pray that it will begin as a result of this situation., and will not be limited to the Middle East. There are so many people who need to come to salvation. Please make a way for this to happen. In Jesus’ mighty name.
Amen and amen sister in Christ.
Loving Father, as You accelerate Your Aliyah and move hearts to ache to return to Israel whether or not they were born there increase the yearning for prayer that aligns with Your plan and desire. In Your name, for Your fame, for Your glory in Jesus’ name. Amein.
God please forgive me, for not knowing how to pray, so many things I wasn’t aware of & or didn’t understand, sure didn’t hear any of this in the Church, oh please forgive me Father.
I pray for the peace of Israel, the peace of Jerusalem and for the Messianic Jewish movement to be prosperous. In the Holy Name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.☦🙏
I support Michelle Bachman.
Yes and amen, Mavourine! May the body of Christ be delivered from all religious spirits that keep her from operating in Holy Spirit revelation, wisdom, and empowerment in prayer and lifestyle.
Indeed Mavourene !! Won’t it be exciting when Jesus sweeps that land and the body of Christ is the majority!! We MUST pray without ceasing !!
Months ago as I was praying, I felt Lord Yeshua come close with a deeply burdened heart. As I enquired, I understood that His people (Israel) would come under attack soon and suffer greatly. It would be impossible for me to convey the magnitude of tenderness our Lord has for Israel. I am reminded that Christ is now high priest who intercedes for us all in the heavenly places.