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Lord God, we ask You to move in Chicago and all across the U.S. to end the spirit of violence that has gained ground. Protect our cities! Give Chicago's police department wisdom in how to reorganize their force to reduce crime. Amen.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Chicago is grieving.

The city saw 105 murders in July and has 445 this year, more than any other major city in the country. One 29-year-old police officer is dead after she was shot while conducting a traffic stop on Saturday. Chicago hasn’t experienced anything like the murder surge of the last year and a half since the 1990s, when the demolition of major public-housing projects precipitated turf wars among displaced gang members.

So what is happening here?

Some reasons for the spike will be familiar to residents of other big cities that have recently experienced a violent-crime surge. These include the isolation and economic carnage of the COVID-19 pandemic, alienated young people, and demoralized police. Some point to root causes such as generational poverty and discrimination against communities of color. These, too, are not unique to Chicago…

Sadly, the city’s political leadership has taken its eye off both goals…

After the McDonald murder and a subsequent investigation by the Department of Justice, the Chicago Police Department entered into a consent decree with the state of Illinois overseen by a federal court. The decree called for a laundry list of changes that would make it possible for the department to live within constitutional boundaries. Some of the changes are shockingly basic — reforms such as maintaining records of officer-performance reviews and creating a process to evaluate whether officer training is effective. But the department has continuously failed to meet even the simplest of its obligations under the consent decree. In March, an independent watchdog report revealed that the city had missed 40 percent of the consent decree’s deadlines for implementing reforms last year…

This summer, Lightfoot and the city council created a new police-commission system that could charitably be described as convoluted and will operate alongside the CPB and COPA rather than supplanting them. Chicagoans will now elect three commissioners in each of the city’s 22 police districts. Of these 66 elected officials, one per district will nominate candidates to a sitting, seven-member commission with little power beyond the ability to call hearings and request documents. The mayor will retain final say over the commissioners’ nominations.

It should tell you something that Chicago’s murder problem has persisted despite the existence of two, and now three, police-oversight bodies: The problem is not a lack of civilian oversight. For that matter, it’s not a lack of resources, either: Chicago spends roughly the same amount of money on policing as Los Angeles does, but the latter’s homicide rate is a fraction of the former’s.

No, the problem is profound misgovernance — a system that incentivizes the politicization of policing, rather than professional management.

The previous mayor fired one police chief to deflect political pressure from his office in the wake of the McDonald scandal. He and the city council at the time suspended rules governing the chief’s replacement in order to hire someone who didn’t even apply for the job. Then, the chosen successor was fired after officers found him sleeping behind his steering wheel at a stop sign near his home…

Criticizing, fault-finding, grandstanding, and dispersing civilian responsibility for the problem to yet another oversight body — this is politics rather than governance, and it won’t get the city any closer to meeting its obligations under the consent decree…

So, the missing elements are earned public trust and proper governance. What do you think is the root of Chicago’s crime problem? Share your prayer for Chicago, below.

(Excerpted from The National Review. Article by Ed Bachrach and Austin Berg. Photo Credit: Scott Olson/Getty Images).

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August 13, 2021

Lightfoot is a terrible and incompetent mayor. She couldn’t even get the name right of the officer that was murdered and that is inexcusable.

August 13, 2021

It is beyond comprehension that adult people would vote for corrupt politicians, Democrats, in particular, who they have to KNOW are crooked. In Chicago, they have done that continuously, for years!! They HAVE to know what they are voting for. Any person, in any state or city, that allows that continuously year after year, must be completely deluded! My prayer is that the Lord protect the innocent children and people who are unable to move and get out of there. Open the door and send a mighty revival! For You are their only hope.

Jack Phifer
August 13, 2021

Many people are hypnotized by the music they listen to. Not realizing they are acting out the words of the songs . Video games are also desensitizing us to murder, in most video games you are rewarded and go to the next level after murdering so many. You can’t spend hours upon hours listening and playing and not be affected.

Steve P
August 13, 2021

What’s missing that keeps the Chicago murder rate growing is the SIN NATURE inherent in all humans. This cannot be remedied by “constitutional policies” or “community policies.” You cannot legislate morality. What’s missing is the proclamation of the gospel of Jesus Christ!

The Bible says murder is sin. The Bible says all men have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. The wages of sin is death, BUT THE GIFT OF GOD IS ETERNAL LIFE through CHRIST JESUS. God showed His love toward us , in that , while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. The Bible says that whoever calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved. God loves all people and showed it by sending His only son to pay the price for our sins. It is not something we do but by the grace of God.

This is what needs to be proclaimed in not only Chicago, but the rest of the world! That’s what’s missing and we as Christians are called to be bold and not ashamed to proclaim it. Pray that we be more diligent in this duty!

August 12, 2021

The problem in Chicago is that the States Attorney thinks it’s racist to hold offenders of color so she lets everyone go. That and the police are not allowed to police anymore. Just look at the no foot-chase policy. If you just got robbed by someone with a gun, and the police were there, they would not be allowed to chase th offender because he had a gun and could get hurt. The criminals in Chicago, especially those under 18years of age, know that nothing will happen to them if they get caught.

August 12, 2021

I realize that this article was written more or less from a “practical governing” viewpoint but I’m sure many of us understand the stronghold(s) that engulfs and binds Chicago politics as well as citizens. It goes back to the days of Capone. Compromised officials acting out of corrupted desire & trying to please both sides of the aisle won’t cut it. Officials who have no room for God, no belief in Him and who live compromised personal lives that often dictate their ideology about how to run a city.
To this day, I cannot even fathom how someone like Lightfoot got the job but politics in Chicago is basically a criminal enterprise in and of itself. Her previous position on the police board was, to many, a tip off of her ideology – which she took great pains to always “hide under PC language”. She’s still doing that today. Always worrying about getting reelected. Always trying to look good even though every statistic proves you are failing. One has to wonder if voting citizens will ever learn to read between the lines of power hungry politicians.
I’m not going to endorse less police intervention or that police must follow this criteria of a hundred things of “what not to do”. Police have a hard enough job without self-righteous, know it all, egotist politicians telling them what they can or can’t do. My experience says that the more leeway and less repercussions you give criminal actions from people, the more crime always follows. The more activist judges rely on their own self supremacy instead of God’s commands and ways, continue to handslap criminal actions, then more repeat and increased crime will follow. This isn’t rocket science.
Getting rid of political leaders who want to continually play monopoly games with their city and the people is NECESSARY and we must faithfully pray for that to happen. It’s our duty and we must be faithful. Lightfoot isn’t the person to guide Chicago the right direction. Neither was Rahm. And until someone can lead Chicago… someone who believes in no nonsense, tough leadership and respect for God’s law and enforces the existing laws – not much will change.
God will change those who are willing to call on Him but Chicago is in dire need of waves of God filled revival.

August 12, 2021

It does break your heart that a lot of people, especially children, have been caught in the crossfire. Totally agree.
Unless they hold these people accountable who are allowing this to happen the crisis will only continue, unfortunately. Very sad.

August 12, 2021

What I can’t understand is, this problem would probably change if they would stop voting these liberals in. If they could start voting for different leadership in the city, there might be a big change. Seems as though Chicago keeps voting in these liberals and far-left politicians. This is a horrible problem and breaks my heart that so many people, including children, are getting in the crossfire.

Michael B Woelfel Sr.
August 12, 2021

The bible is clear, this earth will grow toward God’s judgement. Chicago may be just the start of worldwide violence. As believers, any change we make to our personal Christian doctrines and beliefs- should be done as did the Bereans. We must search the scriptures and have our understanding settled firmly within God’s Word alone. After all, eternity will never-ever end… nor provide us with a do-over. With that gravity and circumspect example in mind, consider this brief study of a prophecy Jesus gave in Matthew, chapter 24.
The bible declares, God’s judgement is coming, not just to America, but to the whole world… Think about this ghastly fact, millions of gallons of precious innocent baby’s blood has been shed into the world’s sewer systems- over many decades. God has always punished murder, from Cane on. Almighty God is the same yesterday, today and forever…
We are now in the brief quiet before the world’s worst storm. The earth is positioned speechless and trembling, drenched in guilt before it’s Holy Righteous Creator. Mercifully, in Matthew 24:13 Jesus said, “He that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved” (KJV)
So, what tipped the three wisemen to pack up and travel as they did to see Jesus’ first coming? Was it an angelic visit, the star alone, a combination, or maybe something else? Contrasting their zeal for God, to Christians today, are we as sensitive and eager to respond to biblical signs of Jesus’ second coming event? Beloved, we may soon find out…
Israel became a nation in May of 1948. In Mathew 24 (read the complete chapter at this point, before continuing), Jesus said, this generation- which sees the fig tree bud, meaning Israel bud as a nation… will not pass away until all the tribulation events occur. A generation is 70 or if by strength it could be 80 years long- Ps. 90:10. So, if we add 70 years to May of 1948 we come to May of 2018. Does anyone see a way that this is not the start of the 7 year period of trial? It would mean the timing of the great tribulation will begin 3.5 years later which is in November of 2021.
If these verses are correctly applied, we will begin to experience the greatest confirmation of prophetic fulfillment, perhaps since Jesus rose from the dead. The nature of the season (we cannot know the exact day or hour vs. 36) begins with antichrist standing in the temple vs.15, and global violence and bloodshed.
Luke 21:35, “For as a snare shall it come on ALL them that dwell on the face of the whole earth.” Sans a pre-tribulation rapture… in fact, who but expectant Christians, waiting for a pretrib early-out, but then recognize that the GT trauma has started, would quote the mortified confusion of this prophecy… “where is the promise of his coming?” It would not be Muslims, Budhists, etc., this statement is from mistaken believers! And Christians would only say this because they see confirmation that their expectant sequence of Jesus coming was wrong! Tragically, a “falling away” we are told will then occur. It may be of people you and I know now to be solid Christians.
Bible believers must prepare, but not with gold or silver. Food storage is what we are told (vs. 42-47). Remember, Revelation says it will take a day’s wage for a loaf of bread- true fact. A primary characteristic of the global season is starvation. The Word of God is clear. Jesus meant what he said. Who will believe it and compassionately share this information…?
Heavenly Father, strengthen your people to “watch” as you’ve commanded, and prepare for their family, so as to avoid the mark of the beast, even at ALL necessary costs.

August 12, 2021

After reading the policy of Lapd police force you would think every city would follow this successful template. But the politics get in the way. The pride of some politicians get in way. The personal feelings get in the way of politicians. So my advice is GET OUT OF THE WAY, the politicians of Chicago and other corrupt cities and states. Why try and reinvent the wheel when there is proved successful policy out there. PRIDE which is sin. And absolute power which is corrupt. Amen Lord Jesus. Thank you for bringing this to light. Praise your holy name Lord.

August 12, 2021

Father God,
Please have mercy on the city of Chicago. I ask You to send a great revival there which will turn hearts and minds to You. Please cause transformation of lives by the power of Your Holy Spirit. I ask that You raise up godly mature Christian leaders for that city in their families, churches, government, schools, businesses, news media, and arts. Create a culture of life that honors You. May the fear of the LORD bring repentance and deliverance from violence and crime.
May this all be done in the Name of Jesus Christ that is above every name, Who has been given all authority in Heaven and on Earth, the Lord of lords and the King of kings. Hallelujah!!! Amen.

    Darlene Estlow
    August 12, 2021

    Amen. We need godly mature Christians who will come forward and lead. May God bring these people forward and give them favor as they work for you!

    August 12, 2021

    Amen. Repentance and revival and a return to God must be #1 in order for Chicago to turn the city around.


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