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Father, give our leaders wisdom as they consider and vote on this bill. Help them to secure our border — once and for all.
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The Senate’s border bill has already faced its fair share of controversy, but is it as bad as many on the right claim? What do you think?

From Just the News. The Senate on Sunday night released the text of its long-awaited border security bill.

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The $118 billion package includes provisions to reduce record-high crossings at the southern U.S. border and tighten the country’s asylum system, according to NBC News.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said he would like to vote on the package this week. …

The legislation’s asylum reform would mandate the expulsion of illegal immigrants if the number of illegal border crossings reaches above 5,000 daily for a five-day average. If the number reaches 4,000, a president would have the option to invoke the expulsion authority.

That provision drew immediate howls in the House, where Republicans said it normalized a flow of illegal aliens. …

Sen. James Lankford, R-Okla., one of the negotiators, insisted the provision is misunderstood.

“The emergency authority is not designed to let 5,000 people in, it is designed to close the border and turn 5,000 people around,” he said on X.  “The Border Emergency Authority only lasts 3 yrs to force this Admin to shut down the border & to give time for the next POTUS to hire more agents & more officers. After three years, the emergency authority expires because we should have regained full control of our border by then.” …

The bill also include a requests for aid to Israel, Ukraine and Taiwan. …

Share your thoughts about this bill below, and especially your prayers or some helpful scriptures.

(Excerpt from Just the News. Photo Credit: Louis Velazquez on Unsplash)

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February 14, 2024

We sent Ukraine an insane amount of money to close & control its borders; while ours go wide open?
We need to stop pushing Israel to a 2 part state; no one wants that of the parties concerned. May we keep praying for God to bless leaders with His wisdom & for His kids to be ready for His coming or for persecution. May God’s will be done.

Grant Windholz
February 10, 2024

Lord God Almighty, we as Americans pray for southern boarder security 🙏, once and for all! Bring leaders Godly wisdom and bring an end to this illegal alien chaos that Biden and his Administration obviously can’t solve. Only through the power of Christ and His wisdom!

Patsy Morgan
February 7, 2024

We should have a law to vote on one thing at a time!!!!

February 7, 2024

Let keep our boarders in focus and let’s stop giving our dollars away to foreign governments.
Our boarders are broken. Fix them first then give to others.
Can’t fix someone else fence until your own fence is fixed.

Darlene Estlow
February 7, 2024

We do not need this bill. If President Biden would really close the border, that would be the end of the problem. We have a lot more than 5000 illegal aliens entering every day; 5000 is an miniscule amount. I do not understand Senator Lankford’s explanation. It doesn’t sound to me like they are closing the border. Let’s have the border patrol keeping people out rather than helping them in like they do now.

February 6, 2024

Father God, as You know the poorly written bill passed. I pray for border control on both the southern and the northern borders; both are being invaded. Dear God May your will be done. No one but You is all knowing and all wise and all powerful and full of supernatural LOVE for all people. Let whatever happens next be your perfectly GOOD will. We pray that YOU will reveal your perfect plan in this matter and that we will obey if YOU give us something to say or do. Father God, YOUR GOOD PLAN is perfect 🤩 !!!AMEN.

February 6, 2024

Would any country cede a part or all of their country to a foreign power. I think not -but that is the equivalent of having open borders – letting in enemies, terrorists, drug cartels, and lethal drugs such as fentanyl.

February 6, 2024

We can regain control of our borders tomorrow! Shut it down, deport, and refuse entry. This is in our constitution and law right now. Unless and until we get a real president, this evil will continue.

Walter R
February 6, 2024

Absolutely NOT!!! We must continually say NO until we see the TRUTH!!!

February 6, 2024

Say NO to the bill!
Please don’t hesitate to stand strong for America!!

Sheri Vogel
February 6, 2024

Numbers 20:17 let us pass, I pray thee, through the country. We will not pass through the fields, or through the vineyards, neither will we drink the water of the Wells; we will go by the kings highway, we will not turn to the right hand, nor to the left, until we have passed thy borders.

Meaning permission was necessary to pass through and then you could only pass though. You were not able to devour and consume land that wasn’t your territory.

I pray the fear of the Lord would sweep through the nations.

Flora Vela
February 6, 2024

It’s a horrible bill all together! One of the main thing on this bill, which no one is discussing, is limiting Presidenial pardon authority. The demos don’t want President Trump (when elected) to pardon all of the January 6th prisioners! The demos don’t want to give more power to President Trump. That and giving more money to Ukraine. I pray God will give Speaker Johnson the wisdom and knowledge to kill the bill!

Sharon Hesler
February 6, 2024

This is not a bill for the American people. If our senators really wanted to stand up for the American people, they would close that border. Cities are already running out of money to take care of the illegals. We need to close the border.

February 6, 2024

The border needs to be shutdown entirely! REMEMBER HOW MANY MILLIONS HAVE ALREADY BEEN ALLOWED THROUGH?!?!! If you want to become American, come in the right way!

Terri B
February 6, 2024

I can’t be more mad than I am now! These corrupt politicians in congress have got to go. They wheel and deal, not for us the people’s benefit, but for their own political ambitions. These corrupt politicians want to be in power forever to the demise of the USA, thus the open borders!

Thank You Lord for this exposure of the evil one’s plans. Hear Your people’s cries and Heal our Land! Heal us Dear Lord and we shall be healed, save us and we shall be saved, for You are our Praise!

February 6, 2024

If McConnell is for it, I have my serious doubts.

February 6, 2024

4000 a day is still almost 1.5 million a year. Remember that.

Tina McGee
February 6, 2024

This is just another way to let more into our country. It should close the border all together. Biden does not need authority to close the border he already has it.
I was shocked at the small amount being given to Isreal. What does it entail? We have given so much to Ukraine, what does it entail? Is what we give Ukraine weapons or money. If money who gets it and how is it spent?
We know who Isreal is and we as a country better be supporting them in every way we can.
Many are sending money to support Isreal, it may be that the Christians as a whole will be the bigger support.

February 6, 2024




Donald Hooker
February 6, 2024

This bill is designed to end democracy in America. This bill will give Biden the power to let 5000 people a day in. That is more than are coming in now. It encourages more people to come in. Our country cannot continue to exist if this is allowed. And we are spending billions of dollars that we do not have. The bill must be defeated if we want to continue as a nation. The border must be closed.

Linda Oleson
February 6, 2024

The border needs to be closed period. Our nation is in ruins over the last 3 1/2 years. If there is a border bill to be proposed, it should stand alone…not be included with aid for other countries and other topics.

February 6, 2024

If Chuck Schumer is for it I’m praying against it !!!

February 6, 2024

The Senate border bill MUST be dead on arrival at the House of Representatives. The Senate bill is the work of heathens like Schumer, Pelosi, and the like. Mike Johnson must stand tall and shut down the US government if necessary to get the border closed and guarded. Speaker Newt Gingrich used government shut downs in 1994 to force President Clinton to cooperate with Congress; shut downs are urgently needed now. The “stacked” federal courts are hostile to the truth because the judges pursue a political agenda (i.e. Engoron, Chutkan, etc) instead of being neutral; those judges need to be removed from the bench and disbarred from ever practicing law (including ambulance chasing) in a courtroom again.

Katherine Skovira
February 6, 2024

Isn’t it already illegal to cross the boarder without proper authorization? Like all other concessions on illegal behavior this is wrong.

February 6, 2024

I agree with the Republicans that oppose this Bill.
It is time to. Close the Border . This Bill is designed to not allow the next President to close the Border and the liberal party stay in control. I’m not against people coming into our country , but legally with intentions of being a good citizen of the USA.

February 6, 2024

Please just close the border. Has everyone forgotten that Mexico said they would take back the U.S. from within?

February 6, 2024

Please keep our money at home let them fend for themselves we have our own veterans and homeless that don’t want to work begging for money

February 6, 2024

This bill is a complete deception just like this administration. Nothing should be passed except the continued building of the God ordained wall. Lord we ask you to stop this thing in its tracks. Enough is enough

    R M
    February 6, 2024

    Diane, HEATHENS wrote the border bill. What do you expect from the corrupt Senate?

Heather Dhes
February 6, 2024


Allena Jordan
February 6, 2024

Lord, I ask for a change in how bills are constructed. Bills should be plain and simple, not 300/600 or more pages long. This bill is loaded with other parameters. Father, I ask that this bill be stopped in its tracks. Raise up people in both the house and the senate who wish to simplify bills, reduce spending, and stop the “porking” of bills. Give these people the courage and strength needed to change directions and do what’s right “for the general welfare” of every legal citizen in this nation. Thank You! Amen.

Arlene Smith
February 6, 2024

Close the border and address the illegal people here already. Do not allow them to vote

Brian lynch
February 6, 2024

On the surface it sounds like needed improvement. Sending aid to Israel and funding the war in Ukraine are separate issues and shouldn’t be part of this border legislation. Lord Jesus, please give our elected officials wisdom. give them ears to hear the still, small voice of Holy Spirit. Thank you, Lord.

Jennifer Poole
February 6, 2024

Doesn’t it make more sense to address each of the issues separately looking for ways to deal with the border in one bill, funding for Israel in another and finally stopping the flow of money to the war machine in Ukraine.?

Stella Ardire
February 6, 2024

According to talk radio hosts I heard today who have read the whole bill it, does not do anything to stop the hordes of people invading our southern border! The 5,000 limit is only for those coming from Mexico and Canada. It provides more money for services to those who come across, like food, water, clothing, phones and bus or plane tickets to where they want to go in the US. NGO’s are getting much of this money to handle the above needs of the illegals. There is no mention of telling all the many countries that the US can not handle anymore people trying to come here, so don’t come! Nor is there is any mention of going back to the policies of President Trump that allowed for more control of the border, like waiting in Mexico or applying in their origin countries for asylum or completing the wall.
The bulk of the bill is providing money to Ukraine, Israel and The Palestinians (i.e.Hamas will steal it!) By the way some of the money that has been going to Ukraine has been to pay for the government’s salaries and pensions! ( The Biden administration has been so slow in providing the equipment and machinery needed to efficiently fight this war that it keeps dragging on! (How long did it take to agree to provide fighter planes and then to train their pilots!!) Of course the US needs to help Ukraine, Israel and the Palestinians and to stop the attacks on the cargo ships. So what targets did the Biden Administration recently hit?? The terrorists are still attaching the cargo ships!!??

Michael Sears
February 6, 2024

The bill was created by the blind for the blind. End results = lot more federal govt employees. I will pray and share Jesus with this great mission field which has been brought to the land. Many of these people are replacements for the 63 million murdered babies that this country has on its hands.


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