Emblazoned on the front of The Great Seal of the United States of America is a majestic bald eagle with a scroll in its mouth. The scroll is inscribed with the Latin words “E Pluribus Unum,” which means “out of many – one.” Originally suggested as America’s motto in 1776, “E Pluribus Unum” referred to the unity of the original thirteen colonies to form one central government. Inspiration for this unique concept of unity among diverse populations was probably taken from an English publication called the English Gentleman or Monthly Intelligencer, which was a sort of Reader’s Digest popular from 1731 to 1922. On the title page of their annual issue, which compiled the previous twelve months, was a bouquet of flowers accompanied by the Latin phrase “E Pluribus Unum.”(1)
Envisioning a unified government, the Founding Fathers could have likened the enterprise of the United States of America to a beautiful bouquet of flowers. This arrangement was composed of many unique and different colors, fragrances, and types of flowers, just as the thirteen colonies were made up of people from various ethnic, religious, and philosophical backgrounds. Together, they would form a beautiful nation – the United States of America.
Unity of distinct peoples into a free republic was a novel idea. The process of maintaining and perfecting this unity would define our history as a nation. Investing the power of self-government in the American people was a risky endeavor, but the freedoms and opportunities generated in a democracy of, by, and for the people were worth the risk. Subsequently, the Constitution written during the Constitutional Convention in 1787 proposed that “We the people” could form a “more perfect union” by following the government structure, laws, and bill of rights outlined therein. According to David Barton, “Our national motto, E Pluribus Unum, reflects the principle of Christian union.” (2)
As the new states contributed to the well-being of each other through the central government, America would grow stronger and more unified. At least this was the concept of unity at America’s inception. Then came the Civil War. In many ways, our nation is still reeling from the bitter division of the North vs. the South and the failure of our Founding Fathers to eradicate slavery at the very beginning of our journey as a nation.
The progress of including black Americans in life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness has been a long and gradual development of equality and liberty through painful protests and passage of Civil Rights legislation. Our ethnic diversity as a nation has progressively expanded throughout many decades of immigration to the incredible level of pluralism we see represented in America today.
How can we extend this concept of unity within such a pluralistic society? Can people of various backgrounds cooperate to allow a nation to flourish?
God’s Word has the answer! Psalm 133 says, “How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity! … For there the Lord bestows His blessing, even life forevermore.” The church as the Body of Christ is to be a powerful example of unity that reflects the blessings of God to their communities. Could it be that we see so much division and disunity among people in America because the church is in disunity? Because of denominational differences, competition, and fear, many pastors and churches do not cross denominational lines to cooperate with other churches to reach their city for Jesus Christ. God forgive us!
Jesus prayed for His church in His time of anguish in the Garden of Gethsemane, “I pray also for those who will believe in Me through their [disciples’] message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as You are in Me and I am in You. May they also be in Us so that the world may believe that You have sent Me.” (John 17:20, 21) The ultimate accomplishment of unity in the Body of Christ is to demonstrate to an unbelieving, lost world the reality of God’s salvation through Jesus Christ! Could unity among churches be the catalyst for revival and world evangelization?
Ephesians 4:3 says, “Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.” The Amplified translation says, “Make every effort to keep the oneness of the Spirit in the bond of peace [each individual working together to make the whole successful].”
Let’s pray for pastors as spiritual gatekeepers of their cities to join together in unity to reach their cities with the Good News of salvation through Jesus Christ and to meet the needs of their communities through the united efforts of churches in their areas.
Pray for pastors and churches to partner with other pastors and churches across denominational, ethnic, and cultural lines so the love of God can be manifested in dark areas of their cities.
Pray for churches to unite and adopt public schools to help students achieve educational, social, and spiritual goals that they could not realize without Christian mentors.
Pray for churches of differing cultural and ethnic backgrounds to be the change in their cities and communities as they unite to create new opportunities and blessings for those who need to know Jesus.
Bind demonic principalities of witchcraft, hate, and division that keep Christian leaders and churches from cooperating in unity. (Eph. 1:17-23; 2:6; 6:10-18; Luke 10:19)
As unity in the Body of Christ and unity among churches increases, let’s expect the blessings of God to increase in our nation to replace hatred and violence with supernatural love and peace.
In 1956, Congress adopted a new motto for America: “In God We Trust.” E Pluribus Unum continues to be part of The Great Seal and the President’s Seal as well as our currency. May our unity as Americans be perfected as we trust in God and His amazing grace. May the unity in the Body of Christ be a shining example for the future unity in our country, as Americans turn to Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.
(1) http://greatseal.com/mottoes/unumflowers.html
(2) https://wallbuilders.com/chw/lessons/lesson-3-american-revolution-original/
About the author: Dr. Karyl Stanton is a medical doctor specializing in neurology. She and her husband, Dr. Paul Stanton, founded World Changer Kids, Inc. in 2001 to train and equip children to become the next generation of missionaries to the most unreached. Through children’s missions education and children’s evangelism they hope to facilitate the Body of Christ to change the world and complete the Great Commission. For more information and children’s missions resources, go to www.worldchangerkids.org .
What does E Pluribus Unum mean to you in America today? Share your thoughts . . .
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I, too, remember that song that we used to sing in church. It hits the nail on the head. I need to really sing that when I can’t get to sleep or get over wrought with worry.
Thank you.
Those who do not want to be a part of one nation under God, need to be encouraged to return to their country of origin and make it great and not try to make their diversity, multiculturalism/tribalism work in a country where that is not the goal.
The United States of America==out of many one==unity…..i.e. E PLURIBUS UNUM!!
The only problem with unity amongst denominations is that The Holy Word of God and ALL the Truth of in for everything we need for life and godliness is compromised for the sake of unity according to men. So much has been eliminated and twisted to achieve unity with people according to man’s thinking. Doing what is right in our own eyes. Eliminating obedience and fear of the Lord without which we don’t have pure hearts and cannot see God. Not teaching that we are no longer our own when our purchased by His precious blood. Romans 1,2,6,12 are not taught. No church discipline for sexual immorality in any form for those who claim to believe. 1 Cor. 5. Full on apostasy for the sake of making Christ appealing to those whose hearts want to use Jesus just miracles like we saw after the feeding of 5,000 plus !! Jesus said He would not entrust Himself to them because he knew their motives. Unity can only be through the Spirit Who is Truth! No compromise! He has so much better and more for those who desire Him to change all they are and all they think— renewed and transformed by knowledge we are new in Him and forsake sin and old ways!
May we all hunger and thirst and desire with zeal and passion to have the bond of peace by complete agreement and integrity to the whole counsel of God. ONLY HIS truth will set us free. Jesus is the Word Who became flesh, died our deserved death and for our deserved eternal separation from Him as punishment and ROSE AGAIN and ascended to the right hand of His Father! He lives and He reigns! He is worthy of all honor, glory, thanks and praise forever!
What happened to “e pluribus unum” is diversity and multiculturism. They encourage people not to melt into America’s great melting pot, but to remain separated by their culture and not blend in, to just live in America but not become an American. It encourages multi-cultures instead of one big American culture. It creates and allows separate enclaves and promotes tribalism instead of unity.
Additionally, most of the people who settled America or immigrated in previous centuries came from different countries and cultures, but were all for the most part Catholic or Christian and shared basic beliefs and faith practices and traditions. Christ was unity. Now many people who come to America are not from countries where Catholicism or Christianity prevail or come from places where paganism or other faiths prevail and bring those gods and beliefs with them. Some are even antagonistic to Christianity and Christians. This of course also does not create unity. Worse, it creates disunity because they do accept being one in Christ. America was founded as a Christian nation and without Christ at the center unity is not possible.
Thank you for your comment. What you said is so true! Only God can help us to be one nation in the face of such diversity! We can continue to believe that unity among God’s people (churches) will catalyze revival and another Great Awakening to sweep across America and unite our nation through many people of common spiritual belief in God and in Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
That is absolutely true!
I am also wondering what happened to ‘One Nation under God, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for ALL’.
There’s a song that was sung in the 1960’s and ’70s called: They will know we are Christians by our love. I’m not sure if ma ny of you will remember it.
We are one in the Spirit, we are one in the Lord
We are one in the Spirit, we are one in the Lord
And we pray that all unity may one day be restored
And they’ll know we are Christians by our love, by our love
They will know we are Christians by our love.
We will work with each other, we will work side by side
We ill work with each other, we will work side by side
And we’ll guard each one’s dignity, and save each one’s pride
And they’ll we are Christians by our love, by our love
They will know we are Christians by our love.
We will walk with each other, we will walk hand in hand
we will walk with each other, we will walk hand in hand
And together we’ll spread the news that god is in our land
And they’ll know we are Christians by our love, by our love
They will know we are Christians by our love
May it be so, soon.
I love that song! I still remember the words. Thank you for sharing this!
One problem is that many who claim to be Christians do not seem to possess Biblical knowledge but lean to their own understanding.
How else can it be that people who claim to be Christians are people who vote into office those who support abortion when Jesus Himself said, “Suffer the little children to come unto Me and forbid them not.”
As true Believers, we have to be united in CHRIST, live according to HIS word, do HIS will, and do our very best to follow HIS example.
Dear Father in Heaven, in the matchless Name of Your Son, The LORD JESUS CHRIST, we ask that You would open the eyes of all who claim You as their Savior, and help everybody to love and obey Your Word, and to be filled with Your Holy Spirit who empowers us to live lives that bring glory to Your Name.
That is what is the problem
Is— LOVE IN TRUTH! Jesus is the WAY, The Truth and the LIFE!
The church is loving people to hell. The abortion business And all the horror of the Porn industry and human trafficking. Sexual immorality is not being addressed. So if we don’t deal with sexual immorality— each one of us is to repent and NEVER practice lawlessness in any form. Most of the horrible things happening are rooted in license under grace to practice what Hod says is abominable, detestable. He says being no detestable or defiling thing into your household! Most people are so desensitized to sin because they watch Netflix and everything Satan propagates our of Hollywood, the internet, dark web for some, secret sin that gets embedded in leadership! 68% of “believers” are addicted to porn! And this is includes Pastors! We must REPENT from our wicked ways to be heard, forgiven and healed!
So well said, Susan!
May GOD bless all those who read your words who by His grace and mercy realize the error of their ways.
In Jesus Name, Amen.
God created all men women children in His image. THIS IS WHAT [OUT OF MANY MEANS] HE MEANT FOR EVERYTHING THAT He created to be good and used to bring Unity.He showed us true unity by emptying himself to the point of death. He is our example to imitate.
A Citizen of Heaven can be a citizen in America. Yet, the Unity or E. Pluribus Unim can only be appreciated first and foremost in that Standard of Oneness raised high above those Citizens of Heaven that dwell in the Land. The world will know we are His by our Love for one another. True Unity of the Bride. The Light set high in our lampstands, in the center of our lives.