In nearly every sector of society—media, education, medicine, public policy, even sports—children are now subjects of social experimentation. As fundamental realities of life such as sex, marriage, and parenting are reimagined, we say to ourselves, “Oh, the kids will be fine.” Overwhelming evidence suggests they aren’t.
At the same time, too many churches and too many Christians, often jaded by Christian activism either poorly done or poorly received (or both), have moved to the sidelines. At times, this move has been away from the social implications of the Gospel, focusing instead on individual transformation and privatized faith. Other times, this move has been simple compromise on moral issues, often out of a misplaced attempt to be inclusive and “welcoming.”
This indifference to our culture’s widespread exploitation of children, places these churches and these Christians firmly outside the priorities of Church history. . . .
One of the great missionary heroes of Church history is a clear example. Amy Carmichael was born in 1867 to devout parents in Ireland. By 1895, after already serving as a missionary in Japan and Ceylon, Carmichael devoted herself to bringing the Gospel to South India.
Immediately, Carmichael started wrestling through the idea of contextualization, how best to present the Gospel in that cultural setting. . . .
She travelled with a group of Indian women converts known as the Starry Cluster and would tell anyone, regardless of caste,(another cultural reality) about God’s love. Many women fleeing slavery and prostitution in Indian temples came to Christ because of her teaching.
One day, a young girl named Preena, who had been sold as a temple slave by her widowed mother and literally branded when she tried to run away, listened as Amy Carmichael told of God’s love. Preena ran away again, this time to Amy’s house.
Amy knew that if she took Preena in, she could be charged with kidnapping. . . .
Driven by the truth of the gospel, Amy welcomed Preena into her home.
This led Amy to begin studying the caste system in more detail. She learned that children were often dedicated to the gods and left at temples to be slaves and child prostitutes. Horrified, she dedicated the rest of her life to fighting these abuses. . . .
Soon, Amy was looking after almost 50 people. So, she moved all of them to the city of Dohnavor and established the Dohnavor Fellowship, a home for former child prostitutes.
In 1901, Amy was taken to court by infuriated Hindu priests. Still, Amy continued to provide a home for any child who came to her for help, and the priests’ lawsuit was ultimately dismissed. In 1918, she added a home for boys, many former temple prostitutes. . . .
In 1948, largely because of Amy’s work, child prostitution was outlawed in India. Three years later, Amy died at the age of 83. . . .
The parallels between what children faced in that pagan culture and what children face in our pagan culture is obvious. In both contexts, children are sacrificed to sexual ideologies, and forced to serve the desires of adults. In both contexts, anyone who resists faces significant social pressures, even political penalties. One difference is that Carmichael didn’t think that standing for children would be an impediment to telling people about the love of God. On the contrary, she believed it was an essential part of serving Christ in that pagan culture.
Today, you can join Carmichael and others from Christian history by making a Promise to America’s Children, pledging to protect the minds, bodies, and the most important relationships of children. And then, learn all the ways children are being victimized and how the church can help, by reading Them Before Us: Why We Need a Global Children’s Rights Movement, a vital new book by Katy Faust. Them Before Us is the featured resource from the Colson Center this month. . . .
How were you encouraged or challenged by this article? Let us know in the comments below. . .
(Excerpt from Christian Headlines. Article by Jone Stonestreet. Photo Credit: Unsplash.)
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I grew up with the Catholic church as a sideline in my life since that is what my Best Friend was involved in. The one philosophy I recall as predominant in that church was, “give me a child until they are seen and they are ours forever.”
At that time I thought it significant and now knowing all the other ways our children are influenced, it’s even more important to be involved in schools,legislation even who your children’s peers are to assure that God is centered squarely in the middle of it all.
May we have eyes to see and ears to hear as we go over in this Passover era.
Thank you for this story about Amy Carmichael. May God help us stand against evil and show us how to engage in the battle against it. May we cease to be afraid of acting and look to you.
I remember when Bill Clinton became president. His daughter wasn’t exactly the most attractive child and cruel people made fun of her often. One person decided to do something about that and had posters printed that read….. “ leave Chelsea alone”. All the nasty comments stopped. Maybe we need to start a campaign like that. print posters that read… “ leave the children alone!!!!” and post them everywhere. Father, we have to do something to stop the crimes committed against children. Please remove all mention of men like Alfred Kinsey who committed atrocities against children in the Kinsey institute in Indiana and spread deceit throughout this country. He was exposed but now his name is being mentioned again. His research harmed many children and those lies are still with us. Help us to fight for children everywhere who become the victims of lust. In Jesus Holy name. Amen