I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we ask You to unveil the truth about these drones. Bring transparency to our government and help them to deal with this situation.
Reading Time: 4 minutes

As drones continue to fly over the U.S., the government is finally taking action. But what is the truth behind these drones? Who is controlling them and why?

From Just the News. After weeks of saying publicly that they couldn’t explain the sudden surge of drones and other unidentified flying objects over New Jersey, New York, California and several other states, federal officials are finally preparing to deploy a high-tech drone detection system to New York State.

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The drones that comprise the detection system will ostensibly help both state and local law enforcement figure out what has been going on over the past month or so, said New York Governor Kathy Hochul on Sunday, according to the New York Post. …

Up until now, the Biden administration’s position has been that many of the objects seen are piloted aircraft, though they couldn’t explain the rest. Yet they assured the public they weren’t a threat or coming from a foreign country such as Iran.

They have been accused of either deceit for knowing what they are and where they came from but refusing to say, or of incompetence for not being able to figure it out.

From The Gateway Pundit. In a shocking revelation that has left social media ablaze and even caught the attention of podcast king Joe Rogan, John Ferguson, the CEO of Saxon Aerospace LLC, has delivered a bombshell theory on a series of mysterious drone sightings.

Ferguson, an expert in the field of unmanned aerial systems (UAS), believes these drones are not operating with nefarious intent but are likely searching for something critical on the ground.

Speaking in a now-viral TikTok video, Ferguson shared his professional insights into the growing phenomenon, speculating that these unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are part of a classified operation aimed at recovering a nuclear warhead that allegedly disappeared in Europe and could be en route to the United States. …

Back in the 1980s, Ronald Reagan had dismantled the nuclear program. With Russia, there were countless nuclear missiles that were disarmed and disposed of. Well, there were over 80, I believe. There were over 80 nuclear warheads that were in Ukraine that came up missing.

We don’t know where they are. Maybe somebody does, but nobody really knows where these are. I speak with some pretty high-level government officials on this stuff. It seems as though that is the case.

I spoke to a gentleman a few months ago who was trying to raise an alarm to the highest levels of our government, which they had their ears closed, about this one particular nuclear warhead that he physically put his hands on.

He physically touched this warhead that was left over from Ukraine. And he knew that that thing was headed towards the United States. That is a very serious deal. And everyone knows that the United States government, this administration, is pushing to get into a war with Russia. We all know that. We all feel it. We all see it.  We’ll back up a few years…

Ferguson linked these sightings to earlier reports of unidentified drones along the Interstate 70 corridor, stretching from Colorado to Missouri. At the time, it was believed those drones were searching for missing radioactive materials within the United States.

The CEO further explained that the specific use of drones at night, equipped with advanced sensing technologies, suggests that they are being used for specialized tasks such as intelligence surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR).

Ferguson dismissed the idea that these drones are used for ordinary tasks like mapping or agricultural work, which are typically conducted during daylight. …

Ferguson: Now, drones have no reason to be in the air at night unless you’re doing some type of ISR work, intelligence surveillance reconnaissance, looking for bad guys or looking for a victim, a search and rescue victim, or law enforcement, or some type of military project. …

The only reason why you would ever fly an unmanned aircraft at night is if you’re looking for something …

We also have special sensors that can detect radioactive material. So with this gentleman that I had spoken with who was trying to raise the alarm to try to get somebody in the government to say, ‘Hey, we need to work together to go try to find this nuclear warhead.’ None of that ever happened. They knew that warhead was on its way to the United States.

That’s all that ever came of it. Nothing ever happened. This government did not do anything at all to help this gentleman raise the alarm and raise awareness that there is a very deadly weapon on its way to the United States. It’s out there.

Nobody knows where it’s at now. It left Europe, now it’s gone. My guess, my own guess, is that these drones are not nefarious in intent. If they are, they are, but I doubt it. But if they are our drones, the only reason why they would be flying, and flying that low, is because they’re trying to smell something on the ground. …

The alarming claims caught the attention of Joe Rogan, host of “The Joe Rogan Experience.”

Joe Rogan wrote, “This is the first video about these drones that has got me genuinely concerned.” (WARNING: In the embedded X video, Ferguson uses infrequent profanity)

Who is John Ferguson?

Ferguson is the CEO of Saxon Aerospace LLC, a Wichita-based company specializing in advanced UAVs for military and industrial applications. …

What do you think of the drones flying over America? Share your thoughts and prayers below.

(Excerpt from Just the News and The Gateway Pundit. Photo Credit: Ian Usher on Unsplash)

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Lynne Whelden
December 23, 2024

If they are really UFOs then they’re demonic.

December 23, 2024

Jesus, we ask and pray for unity in your church, even as we pray and turn to you. May our political ideologies and opinions be laid aside – your truth and your ways are higher and greater than anything on this earth. Regardless of the underlying cause going on related to these drones and countless other uncertainties in this world, we praise and lift you high. May we rest and abide in you, King Jesus. No other ruler or leader has any ability to bring your peace beyond understanding. Though the mountains may be thrown into the sea, we will not be shaken! Would we have hearts humble and sensitive enough to recognize your prayer and intercession for this very hour and moment? Please speak to us, that we would pray in accordance with your will, even above our own thoughts, hopes, and opinions!

December 23, 2024

They need to stop wasting their time asking Biden what’s going on. He doesn’t even know what day it is. Find out who is responsible and arrest them.

Linda Nathan
December 23, 2024

I’ve awakened twice in the middle of the night recently with deep concern to pray about the drones. Gordon Chang, an expert on China, believes the drones are mainly from China. My husband and I believe that seems very likely, especially when our government did nothing about the big balloon flyover a few years ago. Now it’s possible that, having ascertained America’s passivity, they are releasing the drones in great numbers and especially over our military bases—which again, are responding with passivity. Very concerning.

December 23, 2024

THEre is treason being perpetrated dear lord god
please stop them dead intheir tracks.
I ask In Jeus’ Name

Renee Allen
December 23, 2024

When praying over this I started seeing a large group of people staring up at the drones. While their attention was on them there were pick pockets going around in the crowd fleecing the people.
My understanding was that they were distracting from the things on the ground that really posed a problem and needed prayer.

Joseph A Lypowy
December 23, 2024

I am an FAA certified licensed drone pilot. In my opinion most of the hysteria surrounding drone usage is mostly misunderstanding of the drone industry by the public. The fact of the matter is that the FAA as of September 2023 has allowed night flight of drones, for any use including commercial and recreational. At the same time the FAA has mandated the use of RID (remote ID) transmission by all drones. Also, many of these so-called sightings consist of people misidentifying commercial, private and military planes. Along the coast of New Jersey the are many aeronautical flight paths, and it seems a lot of these sightings are along the same areas. Their are a lot of crazy false reports being made and a lot are being repeated by the media.

December 23, 2024

I feel to pray against emp, explosives attacks, terrorist attacks, and against China attack.
Lord any of these things we ask for mercy, protection against any negative activity. Save our nation and save the military. Turn the Pentagon around.

December 23, 2024

If the Word of God says,” by your words you are justified. And by your words you are condemned” then for our own sake it does no good to say things such as that about our current government. Or else we all would be in terrible trouble. That’s why the scripture says to pray for those in government so we can live a peaceful life.
Let’s not only pray for Trump but pray for the current ghovernment so God can help them. Otherwise it’s hypocritical selfishness just to pray when it for your guy. If something happens they won’t care which side
you’re on.

It’s time for the “REAL CHURCH ” to arise and be the church.
We need unity in the Body of Christ. Together we stand or divided we fall.

Kenneth C Jackson
December 23, 2024

John Ferguson has the most logical reasoning, based upon his profession and expertise in this field. It is almost a given, our government knows what’s going on here and probably involved.

December 23, 2024

I think they know what it is. I guess they feel the truth would cause wide spread panic which could lead to catastrophic results for everyone and everything.

Father God you know our beginning to the end. We ask for revelation regarding these drone sightings. Give our government the wisdom, knowledge, and understanding regarding the drones. We cancel every attack against the USA from our enemies. Reveal and dismantle every attack and bring them to nought in the mighty name of JESUS.

December 23, 2024

We saw a drone the other night here close to Gettysburg , pa . A friend , who is a police officer , saw one near his home in York county pa , what he believed was an armed drone. We need to pray for answers because the government will never reveal the truth.

Lorene A Pinkley
December 19, 2024

The NRA has an incident report about a low level missing medical radioactive waste that was shipped to NJ. The container was found damaged with nothing in it. The drones are trying to find it. The material can “theoretically” could be used in a dirty bomb.

December 19, 2024

Father God I pray that you would reveal the truth on these drones. Lord if they are looking for a weapon I ask you help it to be found and properly exposed of. I ask for your protection over America against any nuclear or other attacks in the mighty name of Jesus. Thwart all plans of the wicked one and bring your righteousness!! We thank you and we love you Lord!

December 18, 2024

Here in Bridgeton, Missouri, we have a garbage dump that has radioactive material in it that is said to be burning beneath the ground. Praying for truth revealed and lies exposed!

Michael Stephens
December 18, 2024

I think this is a situation.that further shows the incompetence of the Biden Administration. He couldn’t wipe his butt with a nice clean piece of toilet paper. Trump is going to have one hell of a mess to clean up. M.s.

    R M
    December 18, 2024

    Anything Biden, Mayorkas, Schumer, Schiff, Pelosi, and others close to Biden is automatically a lie in my opinion. That administration cannot see the forest from the trees.

    December 23, 2024

    If the Word of God says,” by your words you are justified. And by your words you are condemned” then for our own sake it does no good to say things such as that about our current government. Or else we all would be in terrible trouble. That’s why the scripture says to pray for those in government so we can live a peaceful life.
    Let’s not only pray for Trump but pray for the current government so God can help them. Otherwise it’s hypocritical selfishness just to pray when it for your guy. If something happens they won’t care which side you’re on.

December 18, 2024

LORD WHAT IS BEHIND THESE DRONES? WE PRAY ABOUT THE INVISIBLE BATTLE BEHIND THESE VISIBLE SIGNS. We do not know Lord what the sightings of drones are all about, BUT YOU DO LORD. Could they be trying to prevent a false flag event to prevent Donald Trump taking office? Are the operators of the drones trying to do something malicious? Or are those using the drones trying to detect radiation or chemical signatures are prevent an attack real, or false flag? We do not know. But we do know that these sightings have intensified in the period since the election and before January 20. Lord you know the truth behind these sightings and we pray that you intervene and thwart and confuse any involvement of our spiritual enemy who only comes to kill, destroy, steal and deceive. After watching the interview link below dated Dec 17, 2024 these are my questions and my intercessory prayer.

T Mc
December 18, 2024

Why does it matter? as they are (if they exist) not doing any harm. I know conspiracy theories fuel IFA but the real danger is from guns. America is the mass shooting centre of the world. Cannot Christians stand with the Prince of Peace and get rid of them. Moral duty, whatever the cost, was something Christians cared about – once..

    Judy Walton
    December 18, 2024

    Guns are a piece of metal, it’s the evil in the shooter’s heart and mind that kill people
    Getting rid of guns, which in many instance saved lives, is certainly not an answer to our cultures disregard for the sanctity of life

      T Mc
      December 18, 2024

      Thank you, Judy. The point is in countries such as Australia, Britain, New Zealand, Japan and Scandinavia, gun homicide is almost unknown. In the USA it is an epidemic. The mental health of other countries and their belief in ‘the sanctity of life’ is similar, but they have little gun violence. The difference is people with ‘those pieces of metal’ in America. US conservative Christians often have strong opposition to abortion – but little concern for the lives taken by guns. it is hypocritical.
      grace and peace.

        Mary Lennox
        December 24, 2024

        So in those countries you mentioned, people are murdering each other with knives and explosives! Or maybe do a cannot a crowd. If one wants to kill, he will find a way. Gun control is not the answer.

          Mary Lennox
          December 24, 2024

          I tried to type “or drive a car into a crowd”

    December 23, 2024

    Your comment shows a lack of understanding of the concept. The moral duty is owed to us as the American people to know what is truthfully going on. Further, We the People stand firmly behind 2A. Please take your belief elsewhere as this is not conducive to this prayer nor to the issue at hand.

December 17, 2024


December 17, 2024


December 17, 2024

Seems to me that the obvious concern would be unaccounted for nuclear warhead. It only takes one. The drones are not so worrisome in and of themselves. What is worrisome is that obviously they can be used to attack-, people that are using them, if they are unstable.. which has been the case to a great deal in many of world conflict situations.. that could be concerning. Unaccounted for nuclear warheads is concerning in any event

Herb Johnston
December 17, 2024

Lord, it has been said prophetically that there will be a shaking. Evangelist Ray Comfort has famously stated 2 Timothy 3:13 that things will just keep getting worse and worse. Lord we are grateful that President Trump will lead us in standing against these evils. Help us Lord to survive and even thrive in this time in any way possible Lord. Lettuce be able to bring your word for that the billion so Harvest will come in. I pray Lord also and believe in your mercy that all of these Warheads will be rendered impotent and disabled and incapable of doing anything Lord. In Jesus mighty name-,amen

December 17, 2024

Trusting that our Lord will mercifully protect this nation, and President Trump in particular. May God Almighty restrain the evil ones in this regime who are planning destruction before our elected peaceful leader is inaugurated. Be thwarted in Jesus’ name!

Mike Jewsbury
December 17, 2024

These “Drones/UAV’s” have been flying back & forth in a grid like pattern over the pacific north west for year”S with multiple colored lights flashing like different hues for photo capabilities/infrared, night vision, etc.. . . Definitely some kind of intelligence/ ISR work. However they have also become significantly more individualized/ not as much of the grid pattern all night long, but more so if any movement or sound they come investigating. So my personal thoughts on this are, they (the powers that be) are playing us all for fools & planning on the publics oblivious lifestyles to help, or down right demand the actions needed to launch our own drone surveillance nation.
The end of life we thought we were allowed to live.
I am a 50+ year old male that works all the time lives an average life, but looks at the sky all the time & have been taking photos of these UAV’s for years. in fact have GOOGLED this ubject several years ago and there were endless pages of people reporting the same thing all over the united states.
Have a great day 🙂

December 17, 2024

This is not the first incident of large drones over US territory. There were multiple drones that were seen repeatedly over Langley airforce base in VA. And other bases in the US. And the FBI turned a blind eye. There were dozens trailing a coast guard ship.
ANYTHING like this is a VERY CLEAR and present DANGER! Not to mention they are in very restricted air space. WHY have they not been shot down immediately???

And NOW there is a KNOWN Iranian mothership sitting off the east coast of America that has launched drones. WHAAAT? If the fbi knows they are there, WHY are they allowed to stay?


December 17, 2024

In Communist countries, such as Chiiina, they use UAV to monitor people and collect data.

Cassie M
December 17, 2024

Given the mindset of our current administration, isn’t it possible they are just playing mind games? They want to upset, frighten and disturb people. Nervous people make poor decisions. God is in charge. As the saying goods, “Keep calm and carry on.”

Donna Herman
December 17, 2024

[email protected]

Even though this situation leaves unanswered questions, we can still pray to expose all hidden plots. And to bind all demonic activity that creates confusion, trickery and a lying spirit. I specifically pray that no weapon formed by man is greater than the name of Jesus and for all questions to be answered so that we as a nation of many people groups May 12th in safety according to God’s word.

Darlene Estlow
December 17, 2024

Father, in all of this, may we not panic but pray boldly for leaders to reveal what they know. You are Sovereign and as we wonder about the drones, by you bring peace to our hearts, yet strength for action if needed. Praise your name.

December 17, 2024

The Bible tells us we are living in the last day and that there would be many days like this. It also tells us when we see these things, look up and rejoice for our redemption draws near God has given us a short window of opportunity to get it right and go after the lost. Let’s not waste it.
Pray without ceasing and share the good news

December 17, 2024

My Father, here’s what I seek:
Discernment, wisdom, and understanding — these gifts from You.
I seek them for myself and for all of us. We need them.
Give us also Your peace and a calm mind and stout heart. We need these. Amen.
Here I am. I wait. You are our Hope. You alone. I praise You.

December 17, 2024

So who are the greater fools: those on the hill who lie to protect their own agenda or cooperating with weather balloons or we as foolish ones groaning and lllwringing our hands in our backyard while watching the invasion.
The fools on the h9ll are squabbl8ng over trillions we hile people in my hood and Israelis are giving groceries and gas cards. Tuition and dental payments for Christmas gifts.
Merry Christmas and may all your dreams come true. Like an invasion of the Heavenly Host to permeate every quark of this Country.

Mary Beth S
December 17, 2024

YHVH, I trust that nothing outside of the scope and timing of Your divine plan and purposes for us as a nation and for us as individuals would be allowed. Just in the book of Psalm, there are about 50 verses regarding trust. I’m thankful that if we fear You, we need not fear anyone or anything else. We are free to trust You implicitly.

Psalm 115:11  You who fear YHVH, trust in YHVH! He is their help and shield. 

December 17, 2024

Dont trust anything in the controlled evil media. Look at what Gov. Hochol of NY is asking for. She wants an Act passed for stripping more of our rights from the people to control us by our evil government. These drones are not a problem from the government yet. But if the Act gets passed they will be. Our military is being used for evil. I ask God to help us. But it is hard for Him to answer our prayers as we kill our babies! As doctors and hospitals kill for money. Vaccines bring in money as do killer protocols in hospitals. I know! They killed my sister and my mother in one. Also my son was damaged by vaccines as a child. So many lives lost to greed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Father Yahweh have mercy on us. Stop our evil government from invading and murdering millions in other countries. We pray for peace in the world. Your son came to give peace to a hurting world. We are hurting and need your peace not as the world gives it but through your blood on the cross!

    R M
    December 18, 2024

    Gov Hochul and her type are evil, period. No exceptions!

December 17, 2024

About time!!! They’re doing something about this ! they (the US Government) has the duty to find out who doing this for the safety of the United States and its people

    Herb Johnston
    December 17, 2024

    I guess I have to read the article again I did not see where they are actually doing something about it.. especially if the part about nuclear warheads planted all along I-70 through the mid West part of the United States true, – however I realize that may just be more propaganda.

Tony Perone
December 17, 2024

We know, we believe, that as God spoke through Isaiah to believers who trust in the LORD our Savior that “no weapon formed against us will succeed”, that “no lying tongue of accusation will prevail against us” because You Lord are our shield and our God who covers us.
We pray that Our God will reveal and dismantle any weapon forged against us, whether it be nuclear warheads wielded by terrorists who have illegally entered our country or spiritual entities armed with satanic intentions.
In the blessed Name of Jesus we pray that the revival in America and in the world will awaken hearts and minds to receive Jesus as our King and Savior.

Lucy Courtney
December 17, 2024

Dear people these drones are our military watching those in America uo to no good. I pray in the Name of Jesus that all fear will be replaced by His courage & Grace.

Sharon Manifold
December 17, 2024

I believe that this is being used to bring fear on the USA. It is a diversion for something else they are planning. Just like the Covid scare they did. They don’t want to loose control over us.

December 17, 2024

In my opinion the biden administration along with the deep state would welcome a 9-11 type attack on US soil so to either prevent transfer of power or to blame President Trump. The fake news is always blaming President Trump. May God expose the truth of this and show our current leaders how to solve this problem. Of course they will need to repent of the evils they have been pushing and accept God’s word as the only truth. I know that is a big ask but with God all things are possible. Invite more people to pray for God’s mercies and guidance. Trust in God and His perfect plan. 🙏😇🙏❤️

Brittany Renee Havens
December 17, 2024

I’ve heard the report of police calling about it coming out of the water. Someone was like, what if they were for a side of maritime war and that’s why they’re made almost undetectable, besides seeing them & no one fully knows in America?

Brian Lynch
December 17, 2024

I think that we need to get to the bottom of this issue sooner rather than later. It is potentially a threat to our national security. If this happened under President Trump’s watch, we would have immediate answers. He has enough on the ball to get things like this taken care of, and he wouldn’t wait for several weeks to do something. Every one knows how inept the entire government is under Biden, including our adversaries.. Biden should get answers immediately, and explain to the American people why it took so long to do anything!

    Herb Johnston
    December 17, 2024

    Remember that everything done under Biden and Harris and Obama is done purposely.. it is not a matter of being incompetent or inept- it is part of their strategy weaponized against us

December 17, 2024

Fear mongering by leaders just like fear with covid to get the masses to allow evil laws they are trying to pass! Calling for Feds to over rule the States rule. I pray people dont fall for this nonsense. If it was a real threat they would have said so. What a joke. I am sick of the dumb cowards of the people of the USA

December 17, 2024

Abba, the enemy is distracting us – look here, not there. You know the root of what is wrong. Send your angels to find the missing nuclear warhead and dismantle it. What the enemy means for evil use for your glory. Protect those in our military working for our good. Give them divine insights and protection. No weapon formed against us shall prosper but every tongue that rises against us in judgment we shall condemn. We bind the spirit of confusion over these drones and missing missile. You see what is taking place behind closed doors. We bind every satanic spirit working to destroy America. We release your will, your way for our beloved country. We cry out: RESTORE, RESTORE, RESTORE! Reconstruct what the enemy has destroyed. Raise up your Cyrus’, your Nehemiahs for the rebuilding of our walls and our borders. EXPOSE! EXPOSE! EXPOSE! Bring honor and glory to your name. We humble ourselves and repent of our own evil ways – pride, apathy, rebellion, worldly distractions, strife, retaliation, judging others and not ourselves. Have mercy on us, Abba. You are our only Hope, you are the resurrection and the life. Resurrect America to one nation under God, indivisible, with justice for all! In Jesus name we pray, Amen!

December 17, 2024


Corazon Hall
December 17, 2024

We pray for our nation 🙏 to stop invasion of our enemies and God will prevail. God Almighty will never abandon his people. In Jesus name, amen

December 17, 2024

Lord we pray for our country, we pray that whoever is flying these drones into our country, that they would be stopped immediately. For who can stop the Lord Almighty ! We plead the blood of Jesus over our country. We plead the blood of Jesus against you satan.

    December 23, 2024

    God knows whats going on with these drones and he will take care of it

Joseph Blanton
December 17, 2024

Holy Father in heaven, please reveal all of the truth concerning these drones to light. In the wonderful Name of Christ our Lord and Savior we pray. Amen.

Susanna M M Mcfadden
December 17, 2024

I honestly think wherever the missing nuclear war heads r someone knows and now they could be aomehow sending signals to start the countdown for them to go off. I felt this in my spirit to say. Plz someone needs to get cerious and find rhe warheads and stop drone activity for all

SallyAnn Willson
December 17, 2024

“LORD, no enemy is stronger, more powerful or as Wise as You! Our eyes are on You; we Belong to You! We trust You to Protect us and our country! We ask that You would Personally deal with these drones and those directing them; we plead Your Blood, JESUS and ask all in Your name; ‘JESUS’!”

Dorene H.
December 17, 2024

Heavenly Father we ask for Your protection over our country. We ask You to give wisdom to authorities for whatever is going on..our trust is in You.In Jesus Name.

December 17, 2024

It is a government psyop once again. I do not know what the goal of the operation is but rest assured they are up to something.

    Herb Johnston
    December 17, 2024

    Notice how in the article the way it is worded-, saying..” IT was on its way to the United States.. and no one knows how IT got here”.. as if it moved here by itself, carefully avoiding any responsibility towards any group or Nation.
    Lord I agree with my brothers and sisters here that you would guide our military , if there is anyone who is still concerned enough for preserving our country in the military to take action to uncover this evil and expose the corruption in this area as well”.. as a sister commenter in another thread here said let your nehemiah’s come forth to build protection for us.
    In Jesus name, Amen


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