Have you ever looked around at the prevalence of homosexuality and transgenderism and wondered how we got here? Scripture tells us! Derek Prince explained succinctly in an excerpt from a teaching late in his ministry, Orphans, Widows, the Poor and Oppressed:
“A lot of people think they know what the real sin of Sodom was. It was homosexuality, wasn’t it? But that’s not what God charges it with. This amazed me when I discovered it. Ezekiel 16 is addressed to the city of Jerusalem, but it compares Jerusalem with Sodom. And this is what the Lord says about Sodom:
Look, this was the iniquity of your sister Sodom: She and her daughter had pride, fullness of food, and abundance of idleness; neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy. (Ezek 16:49 NKJV)
There is no mention of homosexuality. I don’t mean that God is indifferent toward homosexuality, far from it. But the basic sins of Sodom were selfishness, carnality, self-indulgence, looking after “Number One.” And do you know what I believe? This is just my opinion, but I believe that kind of culture will always produce homosexuality. That is why we have so many homosexuals in the world today, because the sins of our day are just like the sins of Sodom. Let’s read them again:
Look, this was the iniquity of your sister Sodom: She and her daughter had pride, fullness of food, and abundance of idleness; neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy.
How well does that describe our contemporary culture? Now, there are wonderful exceptions to this, but they are exceptions. We can lament the upsurge of homosexuality, but I believe that kind of culture will always produce homosexuality. Homosexuality is not the root. The root is selfishness, self-indulgence, indifference to others.” (Derek Prince, Orphans, Widows, the Poor and Oppressed)
Editor’s note: We want to clarify that this is not a statement that homosexuality is not a sin. It is. Scripture is clear on that. What Derek Prince is saying here is that other sins often come before the sin of homosexuality. And we see all of them in America today: pride, fullness of food, abundance of idleness, and homosexuality. All things God does not want us to engage in.
Would you like to do something about selfishness, self-indulgence, and indifference to others? For the full teaching on having the kind of righteousness God wants, instead of “pride, fullness of food, and abundance of idleness,” watch this video.
(Photo credit: Stavrialena Gontzou on Unsplash.)
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I believe in a social hierarchy in which I am the potato god and you are a sheep, HAVE A NICER DAY?!
I know of a young person who defines herself as BI well she also says she was born this way ??? I don’t quite understand that. ???
Because The Return simulcast ‘crashed’ due to the huge volume of folks trying to sign on (Praise the Lord for that!), I searched this web site and was led to read this topic. The video by Derek Prince is what I was supposed to watch this morning! It blessed my heart, because it confirms what our church has been doing down through the years and is actively engaged in right now: meeting the needs of the hungry, currently because of the COVID inconveniences and shut-downs. Thank you for this timely posting!
I listened to the message of Derek Prince, I am deeply convicted of my attitudes toward the riots and the lbgt. My prayer is Lord, forgive me for not seeing past the actions , to the why. Forgive me for not helping the poor. the widow, the orphan, the fatherless, the blind, the naked, the lame.
Open my eyes to see and to know where I can help and bring Your Kingdom into the lives of those who need You. Forgive me for being critical instead of prayerful and helpful to make a difference. May this message bring a change in me.
Oh Lord, my sinfulness is before U. The know i know the more i have to confess, which is no different than homosexuality in your sight. May U help us overcome our selfish desires & pride. ThankU for newness every morning & your blessed forgiveness
Yes, Generational curses, sins… It intensifies as it is passed to the next generation..
We pray to the LORD almighty against Idleness and selfishness. These are opposite of who GOD is!!
May people find their purpose, Destinies and ultimately the Love of God in their life.. God loves us all equally!!
This is a good point, but there are also the sins of fathers –abandoning their children for selfish desires, idolatry, materialism, and harsh/abusive treatment of children. Homosexual people by and large, did not hear their fathers speaking identity into their lives and reminding them who they were created to be. Many did not hear “I am so glad you are mine–you are one of us, you belong, you are seen and loved, I hear you”
This teaching is not inaccurate, but it is incomplete and it downplays the sexual sin aspect of the judgment on Sodom and Gomorrah. If you have dealt with people suffering from homosexuality, especially in deliverance ministry, then you are well aware that they are demonized and the spirits of sexual sin, especially homosexuality, are very arrogant and nasty demonic spirits. The sexual sin is not the only sin issue that manifests. Homosexual spirits also travel with a nasty set of other spirits. One of the most prevalent is pride. (Ironic that LGBTQ uses the word pride to flaunt their sin.)
When one is afflicted by such homosexual spirits or indulges them, it leads to what Paul describes in Romans 1:28, “And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased (reprobate) mind, to do those things which are not fitting.” In other words, they reach a point to where they cannot reason or think straight and can or will no longer accept the word of God, which leads them to do things that are unfit — and this does not just mean the sexual sin.
It is some of these that are mentioned in Ezekiel 16:49, “Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: “She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy.” The homosexual spirit is of course not the only one that can lead people to the sins mentioned here, but it is a root of pride that will. Pride is a serious sin companion with homosexuality (though it attaches itself to many other sins as well). Isaiah criticizing the Jews of his days says, “they “parade their sin like Sodom, they do not hide it.”(3:9). Pride and arrogance are a truly sinful pair.
When Peter is speaking of false teachers and false prophets and how the unrighteous will be held for punishment, he says, “he condemned the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah by burning them to ashes, and made them an example of what is going to happen to the ungodly,” and “This is especially true of those who follow the corrupt desire of the flesh and despise authority.” (2 Peter 2:6, 10). Here Peter makes clear that the sin was the sin of homosexuality, and also the sin of pride, which despises authority.
Jude makes it very clear when he talks about eternal punishment, “In a similar way, Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding towns gave themselves up to sexual immorality and perversion. They serve as an example of those who suffer the punishment of eternal fire.” (Jude 7). It is clear that the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah was primarily because of sexual immorality and perversion — both of which it seems lead to the sins mentioned by Ezekiel, being “arrogant, overfed and unconcerned … not help[ing] the poor and needy” (Ezekiel 16:49) because of the companion sin of pride.
This is why it can be difficult to deal with homosexuality and difficult to dislodge those spirits. There are a number of spirits that will attach themselves with the spirit of homosexuality and they must all be removed to set the person free.
Thank you.
Very helpful.
Very well written and certainly the truth!!!
this summer a guest came to our city and he revealed the root behind BLM, Antifa and LGBTQ is loss of identity. They no longer know who they are in Christ Jesus. He was black himself and said on a trip to his home country in Africa a man apologized for selling him for a gun as that is what was done. Then the young men 15-21 were marched around the tree of forgetfulness nine times to forget their name, family, culture, traditions, etc. Father we ask that as their sins are forgiven and they are blessed from the curse of lost identity that they may find and receive grace to receive what our enemy has stolen from them…we pray in Jesus’ name.
I’ve been a member of IFA since the eighties & wasn’t aware that Derick Prince was its founder. With that said, I wish to express my deep appreciation to IFA & how they have helped me with my Christian walk over these past forty years. You have such rich insightful articles by dedicated writers.
I’m a little shallow in the purse right now so I can’t respond financially like I would like to do. But I can pray, and pray I will for the fine work you all are doing there at Intercessors For America. May God’s richest blessings be upon you.
The root of all sin is defined in Isaiah 53 – each person going their own way. Judges calls this – every man doing what is right in his own eyes. Psalm 107 tells us it’s rebelling against God’s Word. And Romans 1 makes it very clear that though people know God they do not honor Him as God. Yes this is pride. So what happens when people lean onto their own vain imaginations and reject the knowledge of God (1 Cor. 10:3-5)? They sin. And according to Proverbs 3:5 they pierce their own heart and according to Romans 1 their minds become depraved. And homosexuality is listed as a clear resulting sin. We need to remember that ALL sin results in rebelling against God and His Word and ways. Pride, self-will, the flesh will always choose it’s way rather than God’s. Thank God He provided His Son Jesus Christ Who died for ALL sins that whosoever will will come to Him as Lord and Savior.
Excellent, Sandra. Thank you.
Father, In Jesus’ Name, “sin is sin”. Homosexuality was as much a problem in Sodom as selfishness, disregard for others, rebellion against our Creator forgetting the poor, etc. Huge pile of sin existed just as piles of sin exist in our world today. My assessment of sermon is no need to “split hairs”, and somewhat agree with Brent, but for this sermon believe speaker did get off the “straight and narrow path”. However, would hesitate to call him, a “Revisionist”, or a false teacher as a whole. My way in this life will never be perfect because cannot attain to perfection as any preacher, or human cannot. All Christians get off the straight and narrow path in our interpretation and understanding of scripture at times. Thank You, Lord for the act of repentance and Your forgiveness for such a sin. Lord, I do try to hate the sin, and not the sinner.
Law is important, but it must always be coated with the Gospel especially when we are dealing with Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus. A sermon on homosexuality alone, and then one on serving the poor, widows, downtrodden another sermon would seem a wiser choice for sermon topics than one that includes both subject in same sermon; however, the Pastor did not ask me, Lord. Amen
Do you know how many people that are homosexuals and perverts that give to the poor and the widows ??? Many !!!
I happen to disagree as well. This unnatural sex and perversion stems from satan. This was going on from the time of Noah when his own son went into his tent while he was drunk and had sex with him. It has been passed down from generation to geratiom to generation and so on. And it was before that I’m sure as well since it came from satan.
There are many homosexuals that do good and give to widows and the poor as well as others that have an antichrist Spirit. And many of those are not idle or selfish and many say they are Christians. I believe it’s been passed down from generational curses and that they need deliverance.
It’s all gotten out of hand and I believe because the church has done nothing about it. They need to be teaching the truth In love even if they get persecuted from doing so. We can’t be sugar coating anything. Jesus never did that. He spoke the word and He spoke truth ALL the time. He was not afraid of offending anyone. He died for that very reason he gave His life so we could have freedom from our sins
So we could spend eternity with Him in heaven and not in hell.
There are many who have been and still are idle and selfish but are not homosexuals. All of our hearts are desperately wicked says the Lord. Everyone of us could make that choice to be a homosexual and I think many heterosexuals tend to be that way becasue they do the same sex acts as homosexuals with their partners of the opposite sex. Husbands and wives do The same acts in their marriage as gays sad to say. That’s still sin as well. God never meant for that to be. how many pastors and such try think and tell others only that the marriage bed is undefiled for an excuse to still use the same sex acts in their marriages. Wrong is wrong!!! Sodomy is sodomy is sodomy. Look the word up in the dictionary it’s not right for same sex and it’s not right for heterosexuals either.
So we need to know it’s not just from pride and selfishness and idleness. It’s sin and we are all born into original sin and we have an enemy who is out to steal ,destroy, and kill.
I do believe that we should not be idle and selfish and full of pride. Those things can lead us to sin against God as well.
This is why we need to stay focused on God and live in His Word and ask Holy Spirit to guide us into all truths. Ask HIM to give us His interpretation and revelation of His word so it will change us into who He has called us to be. To be CHRIST like
Sadly this is a revisionist “kinder gentler” false gospel. Nice try but no buy.
Homosexuality is the final sign in any culture any nation that is on its way out and is ripe for judgement. See Paul in Romans 1
Preaching a different gospel that does not include condemnation of homosexuality and trying to appease a person who is actively living in homosexuality is NOT Christ honoring. It is is NOT loving to allow a sinner to think He or She is safe whilst living in sexual enslavement. Look I once lived in a very immoral lifestyle and the last thing I wanted to hear at that time was that God hated my habitual sexual sins and rebellion against a Holy God but that is EXACTLY the remedy no matter how painful or loathsome that is. Only in Christ is the remedy given for any Man or Woman caught up in sexual perversion. When other believers confronted me with my sins and said that it was displeasing to the Lord I wanted to run and hide but that is exactly what was needed to be said. We do no favors to those caught up in sin with this soft peddling of the gospel. Does the Bible condemn the sin of pride. It surely does! And the reason my friends that Sodom and Gomorrah serve as an example of Gods displeasure over the sins of Homosexuality is a warning to America. We are full beyond waist deep in sexual perversions that it is a like a sewer and honestly it ain’t gonna get better. We are in the last days and need to stand strong in prayer for individuals who are lost in sexual sins or any other sins for that matter for after all we are sinners! A Gospel that does not call people towards repentance and turning from all sin is no gospel at all. See Paul in the book of Galatians. Satans plan has ALWAYS to undermine the Gospel and to make believers think that we need a different gospel than the one that Jesus and Paul preached. Be very careful when someone has a “new” take on a passage of scripture that has always always always been right understood to condemn homosexuality. It is condemned in BOTH the Old and New Testament for a reason. It undermines the family which is Gods design for not only procreation of babies but of an orderly peaceful society. Why do you think that after the Soviet Union came to power they quickly “discovered” that it was necessary to encourage marriage and family? Because before that time they were having the same types of problems we see in America and in the Western World. So think of it the godless Communists in the Soviet Union had enough common sense to see that Homosexuality and encouraging people to get Married is a good thing but we in America are so stupid, so foolish to think otherwise? It boggles the mind.
Please read the next verse where God mentions their abominations. That is telling me that they were doing something very disgusting.
Do you deliver to Spreely or just Facebook? Though I am pretty sure I am signed up, I noticed that you no longer send me these IFA prayer points. I have recently gone over to Spreely because Facebook comes against my Christian and Republican viewpoints! Please get me back on the mailing list!
Lord, You are Welcome back into our Schools. Invade the hearts and minds of school boards, politicians. Thank You for our strong President who always submits and acknowledges You, God of the Bible.
Please return to teach our children, with the precious Word of God taught again in all classrooms and in all households. Give fathers courage to model Godliness and faith in You, to read scriptures.
Teach us all selflessness, how to do good, to seek justice according to Your Word, how to love others, to rebuke the enemy, to know Your Word, to stand on Your Word! Unashamed.
Yes, let us all submit to Your Sovereignty and ask Your Will be done. Meanwhile, Lord cause us to repent of pride and ignorance, to know and share the gospel…..and to DO something with it. In Jesus’ Beautiful Name. Amen Powerful teachings always,from Derek Prince !! Hallelujah
I think Derek Prince is right on. And sadly, organized religion, in its pride, turned their backs on those struggling with LGBT, immediately labeling them an abomination for merely having the temptation, not the sin. Where else could they go but to the LGBT community? Yes, there are those who have made it their goal in life to force their agenda on our children. That’s one reason I home schooled. But that doesn’t even guarantee they won’t struggle with their sexual identity. I speak from experience. Bill Henson with Posture Shift and Preston Sprinkle with The Center for Faith and Sexuality are great resources! I have learned so much from them! The LGBT community is a very diverse mission field. We need to be careful we don’t lump them all into the abomination category, because the homosexual act is a sin, not merely struggling with same sex attraction or gender identity. I did, and I thank God He showed me my pride and error.
Thank you. May God give us humble spirits and love for the lost.
God is definitely not indifferent to homosexuality. He calls it an abomination. Very strong word. As followers of Christ our believes should reflect His beliefs. I pray that the teaching in our public schools concerning this would be exposed and parents would clearly see the lies being systematically taught to our children. Lord, we pray for protection for our precious children and ask for divine wisdom in teaching them the truth of your word. I plead the blood of Jesus over our children and ask in Jesus’ name that you bring them into the kingdom of God! In the powerful name of Jesus Christ!! Amen!
I think this is an accurate assumption of pride, fullness of food, and abundance of idleness; neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy. Please let the people wake up to the truth. Please protect our president Donald J. Trump and his family. Do not let the planned seize of the White House happen today. God has great plans to help make America great again. Let Him do His plan and praise God!!!
How about the next verse?
Ezek. 16:50 “And they were haughty, and committed abomination before Me: therefore I took them away as I saw good.”
What’s that abomination?
Lev. 18:22 “You shall not lie with a male as with a woman. It is an abomination.”
pride/arrogance…hence the G-Y Pride flags and parade….
Proverbs 6:16-19
King James Version
16 These six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:
17 A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,
18 An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief,
19 A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.
I don’t see homosexuality listed as a specific hatred — perhaps it is an outgrowth of the seven things listed? Perhaps this is the point of the article?
Amen! You are so right. Thank you
A lying tongue and a false witness that speaks lies… Hmm. Lying is mentioned twice in abominations as the things God hates.